Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biomass energy"" "subject:"iomass energy""
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Modelagem computacional de um reator anaeróbico fabricado em polietileno de alta densidade rotomoldado / Computational modeling of a anaerobic reactor manufaturated in polyethilene of high density rotomoldingJulio Roberto Santos Bicalho 01 June 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para avaliar o potencial de utilização de um reator anaeróbico fabricado em PEAD Polietileno de Alta Densidade, produzido pelo processo de rotomoldagem em substituição aos reatores convencionais
construídos em concreto e alvenaria, trabalhando em regime de batelada e enterrados no solo. Os estados de tensões e deformações foram avaliados utilizando o programa de Elementos Finitos ABAQUS versão 6.5 e a malha dos nós utilizando o programa MSC PATRAN 2005 formando 7329 nós e 2004 elementos, em uma malha otimizada para as regiões de maior curvatura (pontos concentradores de tensão). O carregamento é formado com uma pressão interna do biogás de 5 kPa
acrescido da carga hidrostática de biomassa de 6000 kgf em uma fundação elástica calculada pela razão tensão/recalque a partir do Módulo de Elasticidade equivalente do solo (Esolo). Comparando o estado de tensões avaliado durante o carregamento foi possível constatar que a maior tensão obtida no elemento mais crítico para a utilização mais provável do reator atingiu o valor de 7,46 MPa (não supera 40% do
menor valor de resistência à tração e ao cisalhamento do PEAD de 20 MPa) e a maior razão de deformação dR/R foi de 1.0%. O caso mais crítico avaliado foi quando o reator está enterrado, totalmente vazio, em solo com Esolo = 1,55 MPa e o
material com EPEAD = 1550 MPa e com uma sobrecarga superficial no terreno de 20kN/m2 gerando uma tensão de 17,80 MPa no elemento 1955 (atingindo 89% do menor valor de resistência à tração e ao cisalhamento do PEAD igual a 20 MPa). Os resultados obtidos comprovam que o reator produzido em PEAD substitui com vantagens os modelos fabricados em concreto ou alvenaria, suportando a pressão interna do biogás e a carga de biomassa. / The present work was developed to evaluate the potential of uses of an anaerobic reactor manufactured in HDPE High Density Polyethylene produced by the rotomolding process in substitution to the conventional reactors built in stonemasonry, working in a batch regime and buried in the soil. The state of tensions and the deformations were assessed using the program of Finite Elements ABAQUS version 6.5 and the mesh of the knots using the program MSC PATRAN 2005 forming 7329 knots and 2004 elements, in an optimized mesh for the areas of larger curvature (tension concentrator points). The loading is formed with an internal pressure of the biogas of 5kPa added of biomass hydrostatic load of 6000 kg in an elastic foundation calculated by the ratio pressure/settling starting from the Module of equivalent Elasticity of the soil (Esolo). Comparing the state of tensions assessed during the loading was possible to verify that the largest tension obtained in the most critical element goes the most probable utilization of the reactor, reached the value of 7, 46 MPa (it doesn't surpass 40% of the smallest resistance value to the traction and to the shearing strain of HDPE of 20 MPa) and the largest ratio of dR/R deformation was of 1.0%. The most critical assessed case was when the reactor is buried in soil with Esolo = 1,55 MPa and material with EPEAD = 1550 MPa, totally empty and with a superficial overload in the land of 20kN/m2 generating a tension of 17,80 MPa in the element 1955 (reaching 89% of the smallest resistance value to the traction and the shearing strain of a 20 MPa HDPE). The obtained results confirmed that the reactor produced in HDPE substitutes with advantages the models manufactured in stonemasonry, supporting the internal biogas pressure and the biomass load.
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Les énergies renouvelables dans l’agriculture de la Charente-Maritime : l’émergence en milieu rural d’un nouveau moteur du développement économique et social non dépourvu d’incidences sur l’environnement local. / Renewable energies in the agricultural field in Charente-Maritime : the rise in rural areas of new impulse in the economic and social development , with mixed impacts on local environmentJoubert-Garnaud, Carole 02 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la place nouvellement attribuée aux énergies renouvelables dans un département français encore largement rural, la Charente-Maritime, alors que commence à se poser, ici comme ailleurs, la question du changement climatique et celle de l’épuisement des énergies fossiles dans un contexte privilégiant de plus en plus la mise en place de mesures de protection de l’environnement. La thèse passe en revue les différentes énergies renouvelables d’ores et déjà produites et utilisées en Charente-Maritime ou dont la mise en œuvre est envisagée (hydroélectricité, solaire, éolien, énergie issue de la biomasse). Plusieurs exemples précis d’exploitations agricoles impliquées dans la production et la consommation de ces nouvelles énergies sont longuement présentés. La thèse s’intéresse également au potentiel de développement de ces énergies, à leurs retombées sur l’environnement et à la façon dont elles sont perçues, tant par les agriculteurs que les élus locaux, les responsables d’associations ou les habitants en général. Il apparaît clairement que la politique de développement des énergies renouvelables actuellement menée en Charente-Maritime est incitative, tout particulièrement en ce qui concerne l’énergie solaire et la biomasse énergie au profit desquelles les aides régionales et départementales sont importantes (mise en œuvre d’une filière locale bois – énergie dans le pays Saintonge Romane). Par contre, l’édification de parcs éoliens est freinée par les pouvoirs publics en raison de leur trop fort impact paysager dans un département à vocation touristique affirmée. La thèse montre, en fin de compte, que le bilan environnemental que l’on peut tirer de toutes ces innovations apparaît mitigé : le recours aux énergies renouvelables réduit un peu la dépendance des campagnes charentaises à l’égard des énergies fossiles, mais l’impact environnemental direct de ces nouvelles sources d’énergie apparaît ambigu et pour le moins contrasté. L’étude, quoique conduite dans un cadre territorial relativement restreint, est néanmoins largement représentative des transformations en cours dans les campagnes françaises, voire européennes, les particularités locales et nationales ayant été clairement soulignées. / This thesis deals with the newly role given to the renewable energies in a still rural French area, The Charente Maritime, while here and there, two issues are at stake : the question of climate change as well as the dramatic decrease of fossil energy stocks, in a period more and more turning towards the implementation of environment protection measures.Our research makes a review of the different renewable energies. Firstly the ones already produced and used in Charente Maritime, secondly the ones whose implementation is planned and eventually those which are in a state of project. (hydroelectric, solar, wind and biomass energies). The thesis is also about the potential of these energies expansion, about their consequences on environment, and in the way farmers, local representatives, association leaders and inhabitants view them.As a conclusion the thesis shows that environment results that we can draw from all these innovations is mixed : while the use of renewable energies reduce a little the dependence of Charentaises countries from fossil energies, the direct environment impact of these new energy sources appears ambiguous and especially contrasted. The study has been made in a quite little geographical area. It is all the same representative of the current changes in the French as well as the European countryside, the local and national specificities having been clearly underlined.
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Proteomická identifikace enzymů degradující rostlinnou biomasu / Proteomics based approach for identification of enzymes degrading the plant biomassRomanová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical part of work is focused on the issue of biomass which can be used for energy purposes, inparticular agricultural waste, as well as can serve as a substrate for biogas station. It also deals with proteomics, its goals and approaches, separation methods. The aim of this work was to measure each sample of enzyme activity of biomass, which are used as a raw materials for biogas plants and their proteomic identification.
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