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Early lateral preferences and mental processing trends in black preschoolers.Jansen, Carmel Patricia January 1998 (has links)
A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts,
University of the Witwatersrand
in fulfilment of the requirements
for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy / The current study adopts a developmental neuropsychological perspective, an approach
which does not imply brain dysfunction but rather the principle of understanding the general
relationship hetween brain growth and behavioural changes and the effect of environmental
factors in children. A neuropsychology of normal development would seem to be an
appropriate initial prerequisite if we are to understand the effects of brain insult or disease
in the developing child. A modest aim was to acquire a fundamental understanding of
emerging skills in black preschool children, starting with the most basic, the development of
lateral preferences. This area was selected (a) as a departure point because of its location
within the broad area of cerebrallateralization and (b) the opportunity it provided to explore
the children's mental processing skills within the same theoretical perspective.
The purpose of the present study was the longitudinal investigation of lateral preferences
in a sample of Soweto children at three and five years.and information processing skills in
the same sample at five years. Three hundred and thirty-five children, 170 girls and 165
boys, were sampled with the assistance of the Birth to Ten project.a longitudinal study of
growth, health and development of children living in the Johannesburg Metropolitan area over
a ten year period, 1990 to 2000. The children were assessed prior to starting school in
January, 1996. A descriptive approach was adopted in explaining the patterns of handedness,
footedness and eyeness. The findings showed that the patterns for handedness reflected the
expected rightward direction at both ages although the degree to which preference has oeen
established was weaker at five years than that reported in other studies with children of
similar ages. Thirty-nine percent of the sample were mixed-handed at five years,only 3%
were mixed-footed and 5% showed mixed-eyeness,
At five years Simultaneous and Sequential information processing skills were assessed
with the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC). Factor analysis revealed a two
factor solution broadly supporting the presence of the two processing styles. However the two
coding processes were differentially distributed throughout the sample showing significant
differences. More specifically.it was found that 34% of the children presented profiles of both
processing styles that were below the group mean;31 % showed profiles where one or other
coding style was below the group mean;23 % of the children portrayed processing profiles
above the group mean. Thirty-nine children (12 %) presented patterns of processing that were
above the group mean but were highly developed in one or other processing style. Each of
the profiles that emerged were grouped and considered separately.
Cognitive tasks involving verbal fluency, naming skills,draw-a person,basic perceptual
knowledge,basic literacy.plus lateral preference information such as handedness direction,
handedness consistency and handedness skills were appended to all the groups. Low scores
in processing styles were found to be associated with poor verbal skills, low mental age,poor
perceptual and basic literacy knowledge,poor hand skill performance,and greater (but nonsignificant)
numbers of mixed-handers. The lowest scoring group also contained the majority
of male left-handers. One of the highest scoring groups showed the strongest lateralizing
patterns although the numbers were small (n= 11). Girls with above average sequential skills
also scored highly on verbal fluency (p < .05) and hand skills (p < .05). Boys in this group
showed the strongest degree of right-handedness (p < .05). In the four lower performance
groups,background variables such as type of preschool experience (p <.001),the presence of
books in the home (p < .05) and mothers level of education (p <.001) were found to be
significant. A regression model which incorporated environmental, epigenetic, cognitive and
motoric factors was found to be the most viable in predicting processing skills. / Andrew Chakane 2018
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Social conflicts over African education in South Africa from the 1940's to 1976Hyslop, Jonathan January 1990 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. / Contemporary work in the Sociology of Education has been
sharply polarized between approaches which emphasize the
reproductive role of education systems and those which
emphasize the role of popular resistance and culture in
shaping the social relations of schooling. That opting for
either of these two divergent approaches poses serious
theoretical dilemmas is demonstrated particularly sharply
by attempts to analyze the South African education system
for Africans in the years between the 1940s and 1976. On
the one hand, it is widely seen as a system which
maintained relations of class and racial inequality; on the
other it produced an enormous student rebellion in 1976.
The thesis suggests that viewing education systems as part
of the state, understood as a contested field of social
relations, offers a way of investigating educational
conflict which avoids both the functionalism of
reproductionist perspectives and the voluntarist tendencies
of culturalist interpretations. It enables the valid
insights of these theories to be integrated into an
analysis without their characteristic drawbacks. On this
basis a series of analytical propositions about Bantu
Education are generated.
The thesis argues that the relationship between Bantu
Education policy and capitalism was changing and contingent
rather than fixed, as previous analyses have implied. The
state educational bureaucracy did not function as an
instrument of capital; rather, at certain times its aims
were complimentary with the needs of capital, and at other
times, largely contradictory with them, The education
system reproduced varying levels of skill in the work force
across time. Urbanization and industrialization, were central
forces moulding education policy, the introduction
of Bantu Education policy was a response to urban crisis.
The thesis argues that the way in which state education
policy was pursued was partly shaped by popular movements.
There was a battle within the education system between the
hegemonic project of government and mass resistance.
Changes in popular culture affected the nature of popular
responses to educational structures. Teachers' responses
were particularly affected by their ambiguous structural
The thesis attempt to test these arguments through a
historical investigation of the period from the 1940s to
1976. It argues that the roots of Bantu Education policy
need to be sought in the social crisis resulting fro~
urbanization and industrialization, Which affected South
African society from the 1940s. In the education sphere,
this crisis was manifested in the inability of the existing
black education system to cope with the needs of urban
youth, growing conflict within the mission schools, and
disaffection and radicalization of the African teaching
profession. In these circumstances dominant class opinion
favored state intervention and restructuring of the
education system. The implementation of Bantu Education
from 1955 was initially focused on resolving the urban
crisis, by providing for the social control of the urban
working class and reproduction of a semi-skilled work
force. A notable campaign of resistance, in the form of
school boycotts by the African National Congress, opposed
the policy in 1955-1956, but eventually broke down,
primarily because of its inability to rival the state's
capacity to provide mass schooling. other forms of
resistance to state policy, such as opposition to the
establishment of school boards, teacher activism and
student riots, were too. dispersed and limited to block it.
By the early sixties, a new, state run, cheap education
system had been established. However the grim material
conditions in that system, and its racist administration,
prevented it from exploiting Opportunities to win active
popular support. In the 19608, government, enjoying
favorable political and economic conditions, moved to a
more rigid linking of education policy to the enforcement
of territorial apartheid, especially by preventing the
expansion of urban black secondary, technical and higher
education in the urban areas. It appeared that a degree of
popular acquiescence in the education system was
developing, with the stabilization of popular participation
in the school board system and in conservativee teachers
organizations. However, the system was generating new
industry, was adversely affected by skill
shortages increased by government educational policy, in
the early 1970s industry launched a strong campaign for
change in educational policy, which resulted in a
government shift toward expansion of urban schooling. By
the mid-1970s the changing political situation outside and
inside the country, changes in youth culture, new
ideological influences, and the material problems of the
expanding schooling system were creating a new and more
politicized culture of resistance amongst urban African
youth .The implementation of a new language policy by
government produced first the disaffection of school boards
and then revolt amongst students. The conclusion argues
that the analysis developed in the thesis has justified the
claim. that the theoretical approach adopted in it goes
beyond the limitations of reproductionist and culturalist
studies. / AC 2018
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An examination of the position and role of history in black secondary schools, with particular reference to the period since the introduction of bantu education.Zwane, Isiah Erich January 1991 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education / 'Ihis research report examines the position and role of South African
history thought to pupils in Black Secondary schools between 1953 and
1988. This includes the perceptions of those who were pupils in Black
secondary schools from 1954 to 1975, and the views of teachers who
offered South African history at these schools during the period
examined. (Abbreviation abstract) / Andrew Chakane 2019
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Culture, education and development in South Africa : a general theoretical analysis with emphasis on black educationAbdi, Ali A., 1955- January 1998 (has links)
This historical and conceptual thesis examines the cultural and socio-economic situatedness of education and development in the different epochs of South African history from the arrival of the first European settlers in 1652 up to the present post-apartheid era. The project assumes that cultural domination is utilized for the creation and long-term maintenance of systems of learning that are embedded in colonial and exploitative relationships. These relationships are generally defined by the socio-economic development of the dominant group at the expense of subordinated populations. Moreover, the thesis argues that colonial, and specifically apartheid education in the South African situation were deliberately designed and implemented for the purpose of assuring and perpetuating divergent and at times "opposing" schemes of development for the colonizing Europeans vis-a-vis the colonized populations. As evident from the examination of policy objectives and the resulting economic and social situations, therefore, the development of one group, i.e., the Europeans, was achieved at the relative underdevelopment of the indigenous population and other oppressed groups. With the establishment of these observations, the body of the thesis moves to critically examine the current educational and cultural situations of what is "romantically" being called the new South Africa. The still depressing educational and development character of the post-apartheid situation confirms the immensity of the current and potential social "problematic" that may be capable of derailing the present agreed-upon political enterprise. In conclusion, the thesis critically examines the case for a genuine multicultural development education that assures or, at least demonstrably promises a more just and equitable education for all South Africans. Hence, the project's main assertion that the formulation and implementation of this type of education is essential for the development of the hitherto dis
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The sociological implications of basic educational deficiencies among black adults, and strategies to facilitate the provision of adult education in South Africa.Singh, Sundrakanthi. January 1996 (has links)
Statistics suggest that there are approximately 15 million educationally deficient adults in South Africa (Population Census, 1991). Given the widespread extent of educational deficiency among black adults, and the weak adult education base that exists currently, the study is formulated on the notion that alternative adult education provision can serve as a vehicle to transform the educational status of this sector. Methodologically the study is a theoretically based one, with a component of empirical analysis which utilizes census data and secondary analysis. The study applies radical theory to develop a historical perspective of the socio-political conditions of black schooling which were characterized by inadequate access, high drop-out rates, widespread failure, and a low quality of provision. Despite periodic expansionist and reformist strategies black educational provision remained inadequate and inferior. Four changing reformist strategies which reflect contradictory aspects are identified during the period 1953-1990, namely self-help (1953-1963), black education and the bantustan strategy (1963-1973), educational reform for economic expansion and political stability (1973-1983), and the repression of popular mobilization (1983-1990). It is in this context that the widespread extent of educational deficiency among black adults is interpreted as a consequence of poor educational provision within specific socio-political circumstances. In advancing a critical theory of schooling, the study utilizes a marxist paradigm reflecting deterministic, voluntaristic, and autonomous functions of the black education system in South African society. These changing roles of the educational system have reflected dominant theoretical positions in particular sequence, namely reproduction (1800s-1975), resistance (1976-1990), and transformation (1990 onwards). This critical theory of schooling is further contextualized to serve as a basis to transform adult education provision, so that it may effectively address the needs of the educationally deficient adult population. To achieve this, the study proposes that adult education provision must be reformulated along the lines of critical literacy and cultural power. An indepth analysis of adult education as a field of study is provided, focusing on definitions, issues relating to content, purpose, and practice, ideological debates, strategies, purposes, providers, target groups, and factors affecting participation and recruitment. The main conclusions of the study relate to the conditions of the black schooling system as a contributory factor in black adult educational deficiency, the extent of adult educational deficiency, sociological implications, and current educational provision in South Africa. The recommendations of the study focus on transforming initial basic educational provision, developing a culture of learning, and the implementation of a policy of adult education. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1996.
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Der Äthiopismus und die Auseinandersetzung um die Bildung der Afrikaner in Südafrika, 1880-1910Tembe, Bingham, January 1983 (has links)
Thesis--Cologne. / In Periodical Room.
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The lack of resources as a contributory factor to the high failure rate in Standard 10 History examinations in the Alice circuitSobahle, Wellington Mkhululi January 1988 (has links)
As the title of this thesis indicates, the researcher was concerned at the high failure rate in the Standard 10 history examinations in the Alice circuit. This problem is confined neither to history as a subject nor to a single area in the Ciskei.
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Relevante temas vir oueropvoeding in 'n swart stedelike konteksRossouw, Anista 04 September 2012 (has links)
M.Ed. / Globally parent education is on the increase. This is due to the realisation that parents play a vital role in the development of their children and children in turn play a vital role in determining a country's future. Alarming phenomena such as the increase in suicide, substance abuse, rape, violence, depression, eating disorders and other psychological problems resulted in the questioning of the appropriateness of current parenting practices. Urban black parents in South Africa experience increasing pressure. The radical changes that occur globally in almost all dimensions of life also have an impact on them. The impact of these changes on parents are further intensified by political change, crime, violence, poverty and the challenge to raise children amidst diverse cultures and rival world views. Parent education can play a preventative and curative role in these circumstances. There is however, a lack of context relevant parent education programmes for these parents. The only available programmes are western ones based on individualistic principles. This study is premised on the assumption that the meaning of a construct cannot be transferred to another context without the risk of serious distortion. Therefore the objective of this study was to generate relevant themes that should be included in a parent education programme for urban black parents as well as guidelines for the implementation thereof. A qualitative research design was chosen to gather detailed and specific information from respondents residing in black urban communities. Workbooks completed by teachers who followed a course in parent education were analysed and four focus groups were conducted. The data thus gathered were analysed, coded and organised into categories and themes. The first theme that emerged from this analysis was that parents experience a great need for training in general life skills, including knowledge about normal child development, the expectations of schools from children, and the skills to prepare children sufficiently for fulfilling these expectations. Other needs identified were knowledge and skills on discipline, communication, conflict resolution, family relations, emotions, sex education and self management. The second theme that emerged was the important and responsible role of parents as educators. They emphasised the responsibility of parents in guiding their children with regard to their physical and psychological needs. The third theme revolved around the conflicting cultural experiences of urban black parents. These conflicts emanated from traditional gender stereotyping as well as from the highly individualistic environment in schools and the workplace that often clash with their cultural historical backgrounds. This cultural mid-position between different cultures, values and world views requires a serious review and evaluation of current parenting practices. This explains the urgent need for parent education expressed by participants in this study. Based on these finding the study concluded with proposals for parent education programmes
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Beheeruitoefening as bestuursfunksie van 'n streekhoofdirekteur in die Departement van Onderwys en OpleidingUys, Petrus Franciscus Melchior 01 April 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Management) / A regional office of the Department of Education and Training (DET), is an organisation that has to be managed. The chief regional director, as the senior official in the region, is responsible for the effective management of the region in order for the DET to fulfil its mission. Like any organisation, in order to function properly, attention has to be given to the management tasks, for example, planning, organisation guidance, control, motivation, delegation, communication, etc. It is the responsibility of the chief regional director to ensure that these management tasks features at its optimum in his region. In order for the DET, however, to fulfil its mission on regional level, strategic planning has to be done and strategic objectives have to be set, which will be in line with the mission of the DET. From these objectives strategic action plans have to be drawn up which will lead to the setting of tactical plans and objectives with its accompanying tactical action plans. These tactical action plans will in turn, lead to operational plans, objectives and action plans with the consequence that the mission of the DET will eventually come to fulfilment in actions at operational level...
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Foreign labour migration to South Africa after apartheid: continuity or change?Myataza, Lutando Samuel January 1995 (has links)
Migrant labour constitutes one of the perennial problems of the political economy of the Southern African region. The movement of people between their home countries and the gold mines in South Africa is over a hundred years old. In this sense, labour migrancy predates apartheid, and is now threatening to outlive it. Migrants working in South Africa make up a sizable proportion of the total wage earning population of the neighbouring countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique and Malawi). Their entrenched dependence on migrant-based revenue has made them vulnerable to fluctuations in labour flows to the gold mines (Davies, 1992) The developments since the first quarter of 1988 have altered the terms of debate on migrant labour. With the independence of Namibia and the establishment of a new government in South Africa, to name but a few, the pattern of future regional cooperation has become a central issue. Likewise, the debate about labour migrancy has entered a new phase. Given the current political changes, and yet to take place, this study constitutes a modest attempt to contribute to the debate by examining the prospects of restructuring of labour migrancy to the gold mining industry. The central aim of this undertaking will be to establish what the future holds for the foreign component of the labour force. The focus here will be on the emerging debates in this area, policy pronouncements by major stakeholders, the Chamber of Mines and the new Government of National Unity. However, an informed forecast on the future of labour migrancy is possible only if we establish the conditions that created it in the first place; how it has been constructed overtime; and the successive moments of transformation in the system. In this regard, this study will locate the origins and development of labour migration in its proper historical context ~ before drawing conclusions about the future of the system. In this scholarly pursuit one does not pretend to break a new ground but rather to re-interpret the current literature on migration and establish whether the current pattern of labour migration will change. The research will be based mainly on secondary materials, drawing extensively on published materials, journals and articles.
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