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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrategias de prevención en el manejo del cateterismo vesical utilizadas por enfermeras de un hospital II-2 Chiclayo, 2023

Quiroz Braco, Luciana Graciela Edith Dareana January 2024 (has links)
Las infecciones urinarias asociadas al catéter vesical son un problema de salud pública que con mayor frecuencia se presentan en los servicios de emergencia, amenaza la seguridad del paciente, origina daños en el estado de salud y aumenta las probabilidades morbilidad y mortalidad. Ante ello, los profesionales de enfermería deben capacitarse en el manejo adecuado del cateterismo vesical a través de las estrategias de prevención; logrando desarrollar la inserción, mantenimiento y retiro apropiado del catéter vesical, cumpliendo con la técnica aséptica. Por esta razón, la investigación consideró como objetivo: Describir y analizar las estrategias de prevención en el manejo del cateterismo vesical utilizadas por enfermeras de un hospital II-2 Chiclayo, 2023. El tipo de investigación empleó un abordaje descriptivo y la población estuvo conformada por enfermeras que trabajan o trabajaron en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Las Mercedes Chiclayo. La muestra fue de 12 enfermeras, se estableció por saturación y redundancia, se abordó el muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los resultados demostraron que las estrategias preventivas se aplican antes, durante y después de la inserción del catéter vesical, evidenciándose en las siguientes categorías: Intervenciones de enfermería como estrategias efectivas previas al cateterismo vesical, Intervenciones de enfermería estratégicas para el mantenimiento y retiro del catéter vesical, Care bundle como estrategia para la seguridad del paciente. En conclusión, las estrategias de prevención de infecciones urinarias más relevantes fueron la higiene de manos, la higiene de la zona genital, la esterilidad del procedimiento y rotular la fecha de colocación y de cambio del catéter vesical. / Urinary infections associated with bladder catheters are a public health problem that most frequently occur in emergency services, threatening patient safety, causing damage to health status and increasing the likelihood of morbidity and mortality. Given this, nursing professionals must be trained in the proper management of bladder catheterization through prevention strategies; managing to develop the appropriate insertion, maintenance and removal of the bladder catheter, complying with aseptic technique. For this reason, the research considered the objective: To describe and analyze the prevention strategies in the management of bladder catheterization used by nurses at a hospital II-2 Chiclayo, 2023. The type of research used a descriptive approach and the population was made up of nurses who work or worked in the emergency service of the Hospital Las Mercedes Chiclayo. The sample consisted of 12 nurses, it was established by saturation and redundancy, non-probabilistic sampling was used for convenience. The results demonstrated that preventive strategies are applied before, during and after the insertion of the bladder catheter, evident in the following categories: Nursing interventions as effective strategies prior to bladder catheterization, Strategic nursing interventions for the maintenance and removal of the bladder catheter , Care bundle as a strategy for patient safety. In conclusion, the most relevant urinary infection prevention strategies were hand hygiene, hygiene of the genital area, sterility of the procedure and labeling the date of placement and change of the bladder catheter.

Problematika přijmutí kompetence ke katetrizaci močového měchýře muže sestrou specialistkou (ARIP) / The Problems of Acceptability of Competence of a Specialist Nurse (ARIC) to Male Urethral Catheterization

SOUKUPOVÁ, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The passing of the act on non-physician medical professions and the decree on activities of healthcare workers has brought numerous changes that are also linked to changes of nurse competences. Aim 1: To find out whether nurses with ARIC specialization perform male urethral catheterization. Aim 2: To find out whether nurses with ARIC specialization are interested in improvement of their knowledge of male urethral catheterization. Aim 3: To find out whether nurses with ARIC specialization have sufficient practical skills in male urethral catheterization. Aim 1: To find out what opinion physicians have on male urethral catheterization performed by a nurse specialized in ARIC. Aim 2: To find out whether physicians let nurses specialized in ARIC perform male urethral catheterization. The research part of the thesis was based on quantitative and qualitative research. The research results will be provided to head nurses in the hospital where the research was performed. The results might be useful for preparation of a specialization course focused on male urethral catheterization not only for nurses specialized in ARIC, but also for nurses that are interested in performing the procedure in the future, particularly as it is known that no such a course exists in the South Bohemia. The results might also be used as an input to further research.

Slaugytojų vaidmuo su šlapimo pūslės kateterizacija susijusių šlapimo takų infekcijų išsivystyme ir profilaktikoje / The role of the nurses in the development and prophylaxis of the catheter – associated urinary tract infections

Kilmanaitė, Oksana 17 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti slaugytojų vaidmenį su šlapimo pūslės kateterizacija susijusių šlapimo takų infekcijų išsivystyme ir profilaktikoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti slaugytojų, dirbančių reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuose, teorines žinias apie šlapimo takų infekcijas, jų rizikos veiksnius bei profilaktiką; 2. Įvertinti ar slaugytojos, dirbančios reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuose, žino kaip taisyklingai atlikti šlapimo pūslės kateterizaciją laikantis slaugos procedūrų metodikos reikalavimų; 3. Nustatyti, kokias profilaktikos priemones bei metodus taiko reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyrių slaugytojos, kad būtų išvengta šlapimo takų infekcijų; 4. Pateikti praktines rekomendacijas. Tiriamoji grupė: tyrime dalyvavo 104 slaugytojos, dirbančios KMUK, Kauno 2-osios klinikinės ligoninės, Kauno apskrities ligoninės ir Kauno Raudonojo Kryžiaus klinikinės ligoninės reanimacijos ir intensyvios terapijos skyriuose. Tyrimo metodai: anketinė apklausa ir statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2009 m. vasario – kovo mėnesiais. Apklausai naudota nestandartizuota autorinė anketa, kuri buvo sudaryta remiantis literatūros analize ir Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministro įsakymu patvirtinta higienos norma HN 47-1:2008 “Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos. Higieninės ir epidemiologinės priežiūros reikalavimai.“, ir tyrėjos paruoštas veiklos testas. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys apdoroti naudojant SPSS 13.0 versijos statistinį duomenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the research – to find out what is the role of the nurses in the development and prophylaxis of the catheter – associated urinary tract infections. Research tasks: 1. Evaluate the theoretical knowledge about the urinary tract infections and their risk’s factors and prophylaxis of the nurses working in the units of Intensive care; 2. Evaluate do the nurses working in the units of Intensive care know how to do the urinary bladder catheterization properly according to the requirements of the methodology of the care procedures; 3. Estimate what preventive measures and methods are used by the nurses of Intensive care units in order to avoid the urinary tract infections; 4. Give the practical recommendations. Investigative group: 104 nurses working in the units of intensive care in Kaunas University Hospital, the Second Kaunas Clinical Hospital, Kaunas Regional Hospital and Kaunas Red Cross Hospital took part in this research. The methods of the research: questionnaire and statistical data analyses. The research was made from January to March in the year 2009. The nonstandard authorized questionnaire which was made according to the analyses of the literature and certified hygiene norm HN 47-1:2008 „Health Care Institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological care requirements.“ affirmed by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and the test prepared by the researcher. The data received during the research chiseled using the SPSS 13.0 version of the... [to full text]

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