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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role and effect of bone morphogenetic protein-2 in liver fibrosis

Chung, Yueh-hua 27 August 2007 (has links)
Bone Morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) belong to transforming growth factor beta (TGF-£]) superfamily. They regulate cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and bone morphogenesis. Previous evidence suggests that BMP-2, as an antagonist of TGF-£], may play an inhibitory role in tissue fibrogenesis. The aim of this study is to examine the expression profile of BMP-2 in fibrotic livers and to test whether BMP-2 gene delivery could alleviate or reverse the liver fibrogenesis models in mice including bile duct ligation (BDL) or carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) model. The results showed that the AST, ALT, and bilirubin levels in sera and the expression of TGF-£], £\-smooth muscle actin, type I collagen in livers were significantly up-regulated by BDL surgery or CCl4 administration. After BDL, the hepatic BMP-2 mRNA and protein levels in mice decreased at 7 and 14 days after surgery. Similarly, the hepatic BMP-2 mRNA and protein levels in mice decreased at day 14 and 28 after CCl4 administration. BMP-2 gene delivery alleviated the inflammation and the liver injury caused by BDL or CCl4 exposure. These findings strongly suggest that BMP-2 is involved in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis. Moreover, BMP-2 supplementation may facilitate a novel strategy for treatment of liver fibrosis.

Effect of pH on polyelectrolyte multilayer formation and growth factor release

SALVI, Claire 22 April 2015 (has links)
Because of its high specific strength, durability, and biocompatibility, titanium is a widely used material for orthopedic implants. However, its insufficient binding with the surrounding bone tissue regularly leads to stress shielding, bone resorption and implant loosening. A promising solution to improve adhesion is to modify the implant surface chemistry and topography by coating it with a protein-eluting polyelectrolyte complex. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2), a potent osteoconductive growth factor, was adsorbed onto the surface of anodized titanium, and polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) coatings prepared from solutions of poly-L-histidine (PLH) and poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) were built on top of the BMP-2. The effect of solution pH during the deposition process was investigated. High levels of BMP-2 released over several months were achieved. Approximately 2 μg/cm² of BMP-2 were initially adsorbed on the anodized titanium and a pH-dependent release behavior was observed, with more stable coatings assembled at pH = 6-7. Three different diffusion regimes could be determined from the release profiles: an initial burst release, a sustained release regime and a depletion regime. Mass adsorption monitoring using quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) showed that PLH was adsorbed in greater quantities than PMAA, and that more mass was adsorbed per bilayer as the number of bilayers grew. Moreover, the pH of the water used during the rinsing step significantly impacted the composition of the multilayer. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle analysis (CAA) were used to determine the topography and surface energy of the PEMs. No visible change was observed in surface morphology as the assembly pH was varied, whereas the surface energy decreased for samples prepared at more basic pH. These variations indicate that the influence of the initial BMP-2 layer can be felt throughout the PEM and impact its surface structure.

Direkter adenoviraler Gentransfer von Bone morphogenetic protein-2 und Indian Hedgehog zur Knorpelregeneration im Kaninchenmodell / Direct adenoviral bone morphogenetic protein 2 and Indian hedgehog gene transfer for articular cartilage repair in a rabbit model

Sieker, Jakob Tobias January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Fokale Gelenkknorpeldefekte treten in der Deutschen Bevölkerung mit einer geschätzten Inzidenz von über 300 000 jährlichen Fällen auf. In der US-amerikanischen Bevölkerung wird jährlich von über 600 000 Fällen ausgegangen. Aufgrund der Insuffizienz körpereigener Heilungskapazitäten und verfügbarer Therapieverfahren, schreitet die Erkrankung regelhaft zur post-traumatischen Arthrose fort. Neben der individuellen Lebensqualitätseinschränkung besteht eine sozioökonomische Bedeutung mit geschätzten Krankheitskosten von jährlich über 10 Milliarden US Dollar in den Vereinigten Staaten. Das Versagen zellbasierter Therapieverfahren beruht unter anderem auf einer Insuffizienz der chondrogenen Differenzierung, sowie der hypertrophen Differenzierung der Chondrozyten mit nachfolgender Osteogenese analog den Vorgängen in der Wachstumsfuge. Für die Induktion der chondrogenen Differenzierung stehen insbesondere Mitglieder der TGF-β Superfamilie, wie BMP-2, zur Verfügung. Diese sind jedoch ebenso durch eine Induktion der hypertrophen Differenzierung gekennzeichnet. Zur Induktion der Chondrogenese unter Umgehung der TGF-β-Signalwege wurde IHH in-vitro als vielversprechend beschrieben. Bislang besteht jedoch kein Nachweis der in-vivo Effektivität von IHH zur Knorpelreparation. Die Schaffung eines Wachstumsfaktor-Milieus in der Gelenkknorpelläsion in-vivo stellt ebenso eine Herausforderung dar. Diesbezüglich wurde ein vereinfachtes Verfahren zum lokalisierten in-vivo Gentransfer mittels adenoviraler Vektoren und autologen Knochenmarkskoagulaten anhand von Markergenen beschrieben. Die Effektivität jenes Verfahrens zur in-vivo Knorpelreparation wurde noch nicht gezeigt. Zweck dieses kontrollierten in-vivo Experimentes ist es, mittels des oben genannten Gentransferverfahrens die Wirksamkeit von BMP-2 und IHH zur Reparation von osteochondralen Defekten in New Zealand White Rabbits nachzuweisen. Die zentrale Hypothese lautete, dass BMP2 beziehungsweise IHH Gentransfer in einer höheren langzeit-histologischen Qualität des Reparationsgewebes resultiert. Explorativ sollten dabei Unterschiede in den einzelnen Dimensionen der Gewebequalität anhand des ICRS-II Histology Scoring Systems, sowie der Grad der Typ I (als Faserknorpelmarker), Typ II (als Marker hyalinen Gelenkknorpels) und Typ X Kollagen Deposition (als Marker hypertropher Chondrozyten) beschrieben werden. Material und Methoden Als Tiermodel wurden bilaterale 3,2 mm durchmessende osteochondrale Bohrlochdefekte in der Trochlea von New Zealand White Rabbits verwendet (n=10 unabhängige Tiere, 20 Gelenke). Die Defekte wurden mit autologen Knochenmarkkoageln gefüllt, die nach vorheriger Beckenkammaspiration gewonnen wurden. In den experimentellen Gruppen wurden die Knochenmarkkoagel beladen mit jeweils 1 x 1011 infektiösen Partikeln adenoviraler Vektoren, die cDNA codierend für BMP2 (n=3 Tiere, entsprechend 6 Gelenken) oder IHH (n=4; 8) enthielten. In der Kontrollgruppe wurde das nicht-chondrogene Markergen GFP (n=3; 6) transferiert. Beide Gelenke eines Tieres wurden der gleichen Gruppe zugeordnet. Die histologische Gewebequalität wurde nach 13 Wochen anhand des ICRS-II Scoringsystems durch 3 unabhängige, verblindete Untersucher bewertet. Als primäre Outcomes wurden der ICRS-II Parameter „Generelles Assessment“, sowie die Typ II Kollagen positive Fläche designiert. Als explorative Outcomes wurden die verbleibenden ICRS-II Parameter, sowie die Typ I und Typ X Kollagen Deposition bewertet. Die Korrelation zwischen den Untersuchern wurde nach Pearson ermittelt. Zum Test auf Signifikanz der Gruppenunterschiede wurde ein lineares gemischtes Modell verwendet, welches einer mögliche Abhängigkeit beider Gelenke eines Tieres Rechnung trägt. Ergebnisse Qualitative Bewertung des Reparationsknorpels. Dreizehn Wochen nach der Intervention zeigten die meisten der BMP-2 behandelten Gelenke (4 von 6) und alle der IHH behandelten Gelenke (8 von 8) hyalin-artigen Reparationsknorpel, während alle GFP behandelten Kontrollgelenke (6 von 6) faserknorpel-artiges Reparationsgewebe zeigten. Zwei BMP-2 behandelten Gelenke zeigten eine ausgeprägte intraläsionale Knochenformation. Primäre Outcomes - ICRS-II „Generelles Assessment“ und Typ II Kollagen positive Fläche. IHH und BMP-2 behandelte Gelenke zeigten im Vergleich zu GFP höhere Punktzahlen in dem ICRS-II „Generelles Assessment“ Parameter: +33.0 (95% Konfidenzintervall: -0.4, +66.4) Punkte für IHH und +8.5 (-26.6, +43.7) Punkte für BMP-2. Beide Effekte erreichten nicht das Level statistischer Signifikanz (p=0.052 und 0.537). IHH erhöhte die Typ II Kollagen Deposition in der Defektregion, während BMP-2 Gelenke keinen Unterschied zu GFP Kontrollen zeigten: +18.7 (-4.5, +42.0) Punkte für IHH und +0.0 (-29.7, +29.8) Punkte für BMP-2. Die erhöhte Typ II Kollagendeposition erreichte nicht das konventionelle Level statistischer Signifikanz (p=0.093). Sekundäre Outcomes - ICRS-II Parameter. In dem Vergleich von BMP-2 mit GFP Kontrollen wurde in keinem der 12 untersuchten Parameter ein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt. IHH Gentransfer resultierte hingegen in höheren Punktzahlen in allen untersuchten Parametern, wobei der Unterschied in 5 der 12 Parameter das Niveau statistischer Signifikanz erreichte. Ein um 21.5 Punkte (+3.6, +39.4) erhöhter Score wurde für den Parameter „Gewebemorphologie“ beobachtet, sowie +21.0 (+6.4, +35.7) für „Chondrozytäres Clustering“, +31.2 (+0.8, +61.5) für „Formation der Tidemark“, +17.3 (+0.2, +34.5) für „Abnorme Kalzifikation/Ossifikation“ und +35.0 (+4.6, +65.2) für das „Assessment der mittleren und tiefen Zone“. Sekundäre Outcomes - Marker chondrozytärer Hypertrophie. Eine perizelluläre Deposition von Typ X Kollagen wurde in allen Gruppen beobachtet. Eine deutlich gesteigerte Deposition wurde nur in den Gelenken beobachtet, die nach BMP2 Gentransfer eine ausgeprägte intraläsionale Knochenformation zeigten. Diskussion Das hier beschriebene Experiment stellt die erste Veröffentlichung der Wirksamkeit von IHH zur Verbesserung der histologischen Knorpelqualität von in-vivo therapierten Gelenkknorpeldefekten dar [175]. Die Hypothese, dass IHH zu einer verbesserten histologischen Knorpelqualität führt wurde bestätigt, während die Hypothese zu den positiven Effekten von BMP-2 wiederlegt wurde. IHH führte zu besseren Ergebnissen in allen Untersuchten Parametern, das Niveau statistischer Signifikanz wurde dabei in den Parametern „Gewebemorphologie“, „Chondrozytäres Clustering“, „Formation der Tidemark“, „Abnorme Kalzifikation/Ossifikation“ und „Assessment der mittleren und tiefen Zone“ erreicht. Das primäre Ziel dieses Experimentes war es, den „Proof of concept“ zu liefern, dass IHH auch in-vivo ein attraktiver Faktor für die Induktion der Chondrogenese darstellt. Das langfristige Ziel ist die Induktion der Chondrogenese unter Umgehung des TGF-β Signalweges zu erzielen, um eine folgende hypertrophe Differenzierung der Chondrozyten und die folgende Ossifikation des reparierten Defektes zu verhindern. Die Limitationen der Studie umfassen die ausschließlich histologische und immunhistochemische durchgeführte Bewertung der Knorpelqualität und eine eingeschränkte statistische Power. Ob IHH es vermag die hypertrophe Differenzierung zu umgehen und somit eine langfristige hyaline Knorpelreparation zu ermöglichen, ist in weiteren präklinischen Studien mit biochemischer und molekulargenetischer Analyse der Hypertrophie-Marker zu untersuchen. In Bezug auf den klinischen Einsatz zur Knorpelreparation erscheint der Einsatz der Wachstumsfaktoren als Protein auf funktionalisierten Matrices vielversprechend. BMP-2 wird aufgrund der hier beobachteten intraläsionalen Knochenformation nach BMP2 Gentransfer als nicht geeignet zur Unterstützung der Knorpelreparation in-vivo bewertet. / Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2, encoded by BMP2) and Indian hedgehog protein (IHH, encoded by IHH) are well known regulators of chondrogenesis and chondrogenic hypertrophy. Despite being a potent chondrogenic factor BMP-2 was observed to induce chondrocyte hypertrophy in osteoarthritis (OA), growth plate cartilage and adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). IHH might induce chondrogenic differentiation through different intracellular signalling pathways without inducing subsequent chondrocyte hypertrophy. The primary objective of this study is to test the efficacy of direct BMP2 and IHH gene delivery via bone marrow coagulates to influence histological repair cartilage quality in vivo. Vector-laden autologous bone marrow coagulates with 10^11 adenoviral vector particles encoding BMP2, IHH or the Green fluorescent protein (GFP) were delivered to 3.2 mm osteochondral defects in the trochlea of rabbit knees. After 13 weeks the histological repair cartilage quality was assessed using the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) II scoring system and the type II collagen positive area. IHH treatment resulted in superior histological repair cartilage quality than GFP controls in all of the assessed parameters (with P < 0.05 in five of 14 assessed parameters). Results of BMP2 treatment varied substantially, including severe intralesional bone formation in two of six joints after 13 weeks. In conclusion, IHH gene transfer is effective to improve repair cartilage quality in vivo, whereas BMP2 treatment, carried the risk intralesional bone formation. Therefore IHH protein can be considered as an attractive alternative candidate growth factor for further preclinical research and development towards improved treatments for articular cartilage defects.

Bisphosphonate-modified nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for bone diseases

Wang, guilin 06 1900 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design nanoparticle (NP)-based drug delivery systems suitable for treatment of bone diseases. Two types of nanocarriers, (1) polymer coated bovine serum albumin (BSA) NPs and (2) lipid based NPs (micelles and liposomes) were investigated. The BSA NPs were prepared by a coacervation method and stabilized with a polymer coating approach. For bone-specific delivery of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), a copolymer polyethyleneimine-graft-poly(ethylene glycol) conjugated with 2-(3-mercaptopropylsulfanyl)-ethyl-1,1-bisphosphonic acid (PEI-PEG-thiolBP) was synthesized and used for coating the BSA NPs. The particle size and ζ-potential of the NPs could be effectively modulated by the processing parameters. All the NPs showed no or low cytotoxicity (except for a high concentration of PEI), and the NP encapsulated BMP-2 displayed full retention of its bioactivity. By encapsulating 125I-labeled BMP-2, the polymer-coated NPs were assessed for hydroxyapatite (HA) affinity; all NP-encapsulated BMP-2 showed significant affinity to HA as compared with free BMP-2 in vitro, and the PEI-PEG-thiolBP coated NPs improved the in vivo retention of BMP-2 compared with uncoated NPs. However, the biodistribution of NPs after intravenous injection in a rat model indicated no beneficial effects of thiolBP-coated NPs for bone targeting. Alternatively, micelles and liposomes were prepared with a conjugate of distearoylphosphoethanolamine-polyethyleneglycol with thiolBP (DSPE-PEG-thiolBP) to create mineral-binding nanocarriers. The thiolBP-decorated liposomes also displayed a stronger binding affinity to HA and a collagen/HA (Col/HA) scaffold and gave increased retention in the scaffold in a subcutaneous implant model in rats. Taking advantage of the high HA affinity of the BP-liposomes, a sustainable release system was developed by sequestering the liposomal drugs in the Col/HA scaffolds. Three different model drugs, carboxyfluorescein, doxorubicin and lysozyme, were used to evaluate the drug release profiles from the liposome-loaded scaffolds, and all showed a slowing effect of the BP on the release of the liposome-encapsulated drugs from the Col/HA scaffolds. This liposome-scaffold combination will provide a platform for the application of various therapeutic agents for bone regeneration. In conclusion, the BP-modified NPs showed strong mineral-binding affinity. Although the systemic bone targeting was limited by physiological barriers, these NPs are promising in local delivery and controlled release of bioactive molecules for treatment of bone diseases. / Chemical Engineering

Effects of macrophages and noggin suppression on the BMP-2-induced osteogenesis of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

Chen, Chao 06 1900 (has links)
The osteogenic effects of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) on human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are less profound than expected as compared with rodent cells, and supraphysiological dose of BMP-2 is required to achieve desired clinical outcome. The mechanism for this phenomenon is unclear. In this study, we examined the effects of macrophages and noggin suppression on the BMP-2-induced osteogenesis of human bone marrow MSCs in vitro. Our data show that macrophage conditioned medium significantly decreased the migration capacity, metabolic activity and BMP-2-induced osteogenesis of MSCs. In addition, knocking down noggin by small interfering RNA (siRNA) also significantly decreased BMP-2-induced osteogenesis and proliferation of MSCs. In summary, our studies demonstrated that macrophages and knocking down the expression of noggin decreased BMP-2-induced osteogenesis of human MSCs in vitro. In the future, manipulation on macrophage activation and noggin expression may allow us to achieve higher BMP-2-induced osteogenesis that leads to better bone healing. / Experimental Surgery

Effects of macrophages and noggin suppression on the BMP-2-induced osteogenesis of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

Chen, Chao Unknown Date
No description available.

Bisphosphonate-modified nanoparticles as drug delivery systems for bone diseases

Wang, guilin Unknown Date
No description available.

Die Rekonstruktion des Unterkiefers bei Knochendefekten mit einer Kombination aus rhBMP-2, einer synthetischen Polyethylenglycol-Matrix und Calciumphosphat -Eine Pilotstudie am Göttinger Minipig / The reconstruction of mandibular bone defects using a combination of rhBMP -2, a synthetic polyethylene glycol hydrogel and calcium phosphate -A pilot study in Göttingen minipigs

Krohn, Sebastian 28 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Hart, Amanda Peter 01 January 2005 (has links)
Repair of bone defects is a major challenge in orthopaedic surgery. Current bone graft treatments, including autografts, allografts and xenografts, have many limitations making it necessary to develop a biomaterial to be a bone graft substitute. One such biomaterial is bioactive resorbable silica-calcium phosphate nanocomposite (SCPC). SCPC was processed using a 3D rapid prototyping technique and sintered at different temperatures to create porous scaffolds. SEM analyses and mercury intrusion porosimetry showed SCPC to be highly porous with micro- and nanopores. BET analysis indicated that SCPC had high surface area. Mechanical testing demonstrated that SCPC had a compressive strength similar to trabecular bone. Analysis of different thermal treatment temperatures indicated as the temperature was increased, the porosity decreased and the mechanical strength increased. When loaded with rhBMP-2 (SCPC-rhBMP-2), SCPC provided a sustained release profile of rhBMP-2 for 14 days. This was shown to be a greater release than hydroxyapatite (HA)-rhBMP-2. After immersion in SBF, ICP analyses showed the calcium concentration of SBF dropped drastically after one day of immersion. In conjunction, FTIR showed the formation of a hydroxyapatite layer on the SCPC surface and was confirmed by SEM. SCPC thermally treated at 850 ??C demonstrated the greatest dissolution/precipitation reactions when immersed in SBF. Processing the SCPC-rhBMP-2 hybrid using a rapid prototyping technique allowed for an exact replica of the rabbit ulna to be fabricated. This was implanted into a 10 mm segmental defect in the rabbit ulna. CT scans during the healing of the defect showed intimate union between SCPC-rhBMP-2 and the bone and about 65% healing of the defect after 4 weeks. Rabbits were euthanized after 12 and 16 weeks. Digital images show almost complete healing of the defect after 16 weeks. Torsional testing of the ulna after 12 weeks demonstrated restoration of maximum torque and angle at failure. Histological evaluation after 12 weeks showed the regenerated bone has all the morphological characteristics of mature bone. Through in-vitro and in-vivo testing, it can be recommended that the porous bioactive SCPC can serve as a successful delivery system for biological growth factors and serve as an alternative to autologous bone grafting.

The comparative role of demineralized bone matrix placement on the periosteum versus in the muscle with and without bone morphogenetic protein 2

Femia, Alexandra Lynn 08 April 2016 (has links)
Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is an allograft material used in orthopedics that promotes endochondral bone formation. While the placement of DBM on either the periosteal surface of a bone or within a skeletal muscle promotes the recruitment of stem cells that can form skeletal tissues through the temporal progression of endochondral bone development, it remains unclear to what degree these processes are different between the two sites. In this study, we utilize a comparative in vivo model of endochondral ossification by implanting the DBM on the periosteum and in the muscle. Within the muscle we further compared the effects of DBM with and without Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2), a primary morphogenetic factor involved in the differentiation of skeletal stem cells. The mice were harvested at various time points after DBM implantation in order to analyze the development of the bone. Analysis included X-ray imaging, microCT imaging, and mRNA expression. Plain x-ray and micro-CT imaging analysis showed mineralized bone formation in the implant on the periosteum and in the muscle with BMP-2, but no growth in the muscle when BMP-2 was not added to the DBM. The mechanisms for bone development were further analyzed by qRT-PCR to determine temporal patterns and levels of expression of various stem cell and differentiated skeletal cell associated genes. The stem cell gene expression varied between implant placement locations suggesting different mechanisms for stem cell recruitment. Interesting, while DBM implants in the muscle without BMP did not induce mineralized tissue specific mRNA expression; specific stem cell and early skeletal cell lineage commitment genes were present. These results suggest that while DBM in muscle is capable of recruiting stem cells that higher BMP-2 levels are needed to promote the progression of cartilage to mineralized bone in muscle tissues.

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