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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vegetation on and adjacent to mesas in the Nama-Karoo, South Africa : characteristics and comparisons

Pienaar, Eugene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Arid lands comprise some 47.2 % of the world's land surface. Between 32 % and 35 % of these drylands are subject to some form of desertification and land degradation. South Africa is an arid country with water being a major limiting resource. The Nama-Karoo biome is an extensive tract of semi-arid vegetation comprising some 22.7 % of South Africa, characterised by low rainfall and high temperatures. Grazing is the most common form of land use in the country, and particularly in this biome. Aridity and grazing are two factors that make large areas of South Africa (including the Nama-karoo) susceptible to land degradation. The Nama-Karoo biome has been neglected in past research and is an understudied part of South Africa's vegetation. This study is a component of a bigger umbrella project entitled "Restoration of degraded Nama-karoo rangelands: the role of conservation islands". The aim of this project was to assess the role played by isolated hills and mountains (mesas, inselbergs, etc.) in conserving the remnant biological diversity of the Nama-karoo rangelands of Namibia and South Africa. Vegetation composition, seed banks, seedling recruitment, pollination and grazing patterns and intensity on and off isolated mesas in the eastern parts of the Nama-karoo were investigated in the South African component of this project. I report on patterns of 1) plant species diversity and 2) plant communities across the Middelburg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Three isolated mesas (Tafelberg, Folminkskop and Buffelskop) and their surrounding plains were selected for this study. Permanent plots were established in broad transects extending from the plains to southeastern slopes, plateaux, north-western slopes and north-western plains of each mesa. Plots were 25 m2 in size, and ten 1 m2 blocks within the 25 m2 plot were randomly selected and sampled. Species composition was recorded and cover values determined for all plants in every subplot. In the eastern Nama-karoo mesas were not found to be higher in Alpha Diversity than their surrounding plains. Plains habitats were mostly equally as diverse as mesa habitats, with some plains habitats being higher in diversity than mesa habitats. Greater differences between mesas and their surroundings were found in a parallel study in the northern parts of the Nama-karoo in Namibia, indicating that mesas are more distinct islands of diversity with an increase in aridity. In the Middelburg District, a greater presence of woody phanerophytes occurred on mesa habitats in comparison with plains habitats, a possible result of the more moist microhabitats on mesas. Cooler, moister conditions on the south-eastern slopes of the mesas led to higher Alpha Diversity there in comparison with the warmer and drier north-western slopes, a phenomenon commonly found in arid areas. In terms of Alpha Diversity, the largest mesa sampled, Tafelberg (450 m above surroundings), was not significantly more diverse than the two smaller mesas (Folminkskop and Buffelskop both being 200 m above surroundings). Tafelberg and Buffelskop were equally high in Beta Diversity, with Folminkskop being much less diverse. Increased Beta Diversity for Tafelberg was explained by the increased size of the mesa (providing a more diverse microhabitat) relative to Folminkskop, which has the same shape and geology but is much smaller in size. High Beta Diversity values for Buffelskop were explained by the presence of degraded communities on the northwestern slopes and plains, while the south-eastern slopes were some of the most diverse habitats sampled in the landscape. Mesas and plains shared few species. Proportionally fewer species were shared between the plateau and slopes of the larger Tafelberg in comparison with the smaller two mesas. Isolation of the plateau could possibly become more distinct with an increase in size of the mesa. However, Tafelberg had more species in common with the surrounding plains than did the smaller mesas. It is suggested that bigger mesas support a more diverse array of microhabitats enabling plains species to occupy selective sites on the slopes of the mesa. Average Shannon-Wiener Alpha Diversity Indices for Middelburg were higher than that of the Nama-karoo in general. This could be explained by the higher precipitation in the eastern parts of the Nama-karoo relative to the rest. Diversity in Middelburg compared favourably with that in other arid lands of North America and Australia and was found to be similar in patterns and determinants of diversity compared to arid lands such as those of the New World. Regarding plant community composition, mesas were found to be distinctly different from their surrounding plains, with no shared communities between mesas and plains. The distribution of communities across the landscape was mainly attributed to a soilmoisture gradient. Mesas, compared to plains, have shallower, rockier soils coupled with very little run-off and naturally higher precipitation due to elevation. This results in a more mesic habitat. Plains, compared with mesas, have little rock cover, high percentages of bare soil and higher run-off rates than mesas, resulting in a more xeric habitat. Habitat differences such as these probably existed before the impact of domestic livestock but overgrazing has probably exacerbated the differences. The dominance structure of plant communities on the plains has probably changed in favour of toxic, spinescent or unpalatable plant species due to selective grazing by livestock. For the two dolerite-capped mesas (Tafelberg and Folminkskop) aspect and the expected cooler, moister conditions on south-eastern slopes as factors determining community composition were overridden by soil type and associated nutrient status. On Buffelskop (sandstone mesa), aspect and slope overrode soil type and associated nutrient status as determinants of community compositions. The potential to use mesas as a source of seeds and propagules to restore degraded plains habitats is low. Approximately 28 % of species were shared between mesas and their surroundings, and not all of these species could be regarded as good colonisers. Generalist, palatable species occurring across the landscape, such as Eragrostis obtusa, Felicia muricata, F. ovata, Fingerhuthia africana, Jamesbrittenia tysonii, Limeum aethiopicum, Pentzia incana and Selago albida could have some potential for future restoration attempts. Mesas are distinct in composition and can be regarded as islands of one vegetation type (mesas) in a sea of a different vegetation type (plains). Mesa habitats are not generally used for grazing by livestock, due to their general inaccessibility, and are not threatened by development. Plant communities in the Middelburg area were very similar In composition to communities identified in other parts of the Nama-karoo. Results from this study suggest that the plains are at present more degraded than the mesa habitats, but it is impossible to conclude whether or not these rangelands have stabilised given current stocking rates and climatic conditions. The Braun-Blanquet classification system proved an effective method to describe plant communities in the semi-arid Nama-karoo. All the plots used during the duration of the study were marked by metal stakes and are therefore of a permanent nature, so that they can be resampled in future. This might possibly shed some light on questions related to resilience, stability and degradation of the karoo. Restoring rangeland in the future is an important option, however, few farmers would, in the short term, be able to afford costly restoration techniques. It is recommended that farmers inspect the condition of their veld on a regular basis, and adjust stocking rates accordingly. Veld should be rested on a regular basis, and assessment should precede the movement of stock to a camp. Most farmers plough denuded areas of veld to encourage restoration, and it is recommended that this practice be combined with reseeding, followed by rest during and shortly after germination of the seed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ariede areas beslaan tans 47 % van die aarde se land oppervlak. Tussen 32 % en 35 % van hierdie areas is onderworpe aan een of ander vorm van land degredasie. Die Nama- Karoo bioom is 'n ekstensiewe semi-ariede area wat naastenby 47 % van Suid-Afrika beslaan. Die karoo word gekenmerk deur hoë temperature en lae reënval. Suid-Afrika is 'n ariede land en water is 'n beperkende faktor. Weiding is die algemeenste boerderypraktyk, en meer so in ariede areas soos bv. in die karoo. Die droë klimaat en hoë voorkoms van weiding as boerderypraktyk maak ekstensiewe areas (insluitende die karoo) van Suid-Afrika vatbaar vir land degredasie. Hierdie studie is deel van 'n breër projek genaamd: "Restorasie van gedegradeerde Nama-karoo veld: Die rol van bewaringseilande". Die doel van hierdie projek was om die rol te bepaal van ge-isoleerde koppies en berge (mesas, inselberge, ens.) in die bewaring van biologiese diversiteit in die Nama-karoo van Suid-Afrika en Namibië. Plantegroeisamestelling, saadbanke, saailing oorlewing, bestuiwing en weidingsintensiteitlpatrone op koppies en hulle omringende vlaktes in die oostelike dele van die Nama-karoo is ondersoek in die Suid-Afrikaanse komponent van die studie. Ek rapporteer oor patrone van 1) plant diversiteit en 2) plantegroeigemeenskappe in die Middelburg Distrik, Oos-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Drie ge-isoleerde koppies (Tafelberg, Folminkskop en Buffelskop) en hulle omliggende vlaktes is geselekteeer vir die doel van die studie. Permanente persele is uitgelê in 'n breë lyn vanaf die suid-oostelike vlaktes na die suid-oostelike hang, oor die plato's, noord-westelike hange en noord-westelike vlaktes vir al drie koppies. Persele was 25 m2 in grootte, waarvan tien 1 m2 sub-persele geselekteer is binne die groter 25 m2 blok. Spesies samestelling en bedekkingswaardes is bepaal vir alle plante in al die sub-persele. Mesas was nie hoër in Alpha Diversiteit as hulle omringende vlaktes nie. Vlaktes was meestal net so hoog in diversiteit as die mesas, en somtyds selfs hoër. Groter verskille in diversiteit is gevind in 'n paralelle studie in die noordelike dele van die Nama-karoo in Namibië. Dit dui aan dat mesas moontlik meer definitiewe eilande van diversiteit is in droër gebiede. Meer houtagtige fanerofiete het voorgekom op die mesas in vergelyking met die omliggende vlaktes, 'n moontlike gevolg van 'n natter habitat op die mesas. Suid-oostelike hange was hoër in alfa-diversiteit in vergelyking met noord-westelike hange. Dit is toegeskryf aan die koeler, natter mikrohabitat van die suid-oostelike hange. Die groter mesa (Tafelberg - 450 m bo die vlakte), was nie meer divers as die twee kleiner mesas nie (Folminkskop en Buffelskop is sowat 200 m bo die vlakte). Tafelberg en Buffelskop was ewe hoog in Beta Diversiteit, terwyl Folminkskop heelwat laer was. Hoër Beta Diversiteit vir Tafelberg kan verklaar word deur die groter oppervlak en hoogte van die mesa (voorsien 'n meer diverse mikrohabitat) in vergelyking met Folminkskop. Folminkskop het dieselfde vorm en geologiese geskiedenis as Tafelberg, maar is veel kleiner. Buffelskop was hoog in Beta Diversiteit as gevolg van 'n gedegradeerde gemeenskap op die noord-westelike hang en vlaktes, terwyl die suidoostelike hang baie hoog was in diversiteit. Min spesies kom op beide mesas en vlaktes voor. Minder spesies is gedeel deur die plato en hange van Tafelberg in vergelyking met die plato's en hange van Folminkskop en Buffelskop. Isolasie van die plato kan moontlik hoër wees in groter mesas. Tafelberg (slegs mesa) het meer spesies in gemeen met sy omliggende vlakte as die ander twee mesas. Groter mesas soos Tafelberg kan moontlik 'n meer diverse spektrum van mikrohabitatte bevat, wat sekere vlakte spesies in staat stel om te oorleef op mesa hange. Gemiddelde alfa diversiteit vir die Middelburg Distrik was hoër as die van die res van die karoo. Dit kan verklaar word deur die hoër reënval in die oostelike dele van die karoo relatief tot die meer westelike dele. Diversiteit in Middelburg vergelyk goed met die van ander ariede lande in Noord-Amerika en Australie, terwyl patrone en faktore wat diversiteit bepaal soortgelyk was aan die van gemeenskappe in ariede lande van die Nuwe Wêreld. Mesas en vlaktes het drasties verskil in die samestelling van hulle onderskeie plantegroeigemeenskappe, alhoewel hulle soortgelyk was in diversiteit. Geen plantegroeigemeenskappe het voorgekom op beide mesas en vlaktes nie (gedeelde plantegroeigemeenskappe). Die verspreiding van plantegroeigemeenskappe oor die landskap was toegeskryf aan 'n grond-water gradient. Mesas het, oor die algemeen, vlakker, meer rotsagtige grond en 'n hoër reënval met minder afloop as vlaktes. Vlaktes het minder rotse, 'n hoër persentasies kaal grond en vinniger afloop tempo's na reën as mesas. Hierdie faktore het tot gevolg dat mesas 'n natter habitat verteenwoordig in vergelyking met die meer ariede vlaktes. Habitatsverskille soos dié het heel moontlik klaar bestaan voor die aankoms van vee, maar oorbeweiding het die verskille in habitat tussen mesas en vlaktes groter gemaak. Selektiewe beweiding deur vee het waarskynlik tot gevolg gehad dat plante wat giftig, doringagtig of onsmaaklik is, toegeneem het in plantegroeigemeenskappe, ten koste van meer smaaklike spesies. Grondtipe en grondsamestelling het aspek en verwagte koeler kondisies op die suidoostelike hange onderdruk as bepalende faktore vir plantegroeigemeenskap samestelling op Tafelberg en Folminkskop (beide bedek met 'n doleriet laag). Aspek en steilte van die hange het grondtipe en grondsamestelling onderdruk as bepalende faktore vir plantegroeigemeenskappe op Buffelskop. Die potensiaal om mesas te gebruik as bronne van saad vir die rehabilitasie van die vlaktes was laag. Mesas en hulle omliggende vlaktes het naastenby 28 % van spesies in gemeen gehad, maar nie al hierdie spesies was goeie koloniseerders nie. Sekere smaaklike plante wat op beide mesas en vlaktes voorgekom het, kan potensiaal hê vir toekomstige restorasie doeleindes, bv. Eragrostis obtusa, Felicia muricata, F. ovata, Fingerhuthia Africana, Jamesbrittenia tysonii, Limeum aethiopicum, Pentzia incana en Selago albida. Mesas is uniek in samestelling en kan beskou word as een plantegroeitipe in 'n see van 'n ander tipe (vlaktes). Mesas word nie oor die algemeen bewei nie (as gevolg van hulle steil hange en bergagtigheid) en word gevolglik nie bedreig deur huidige ontwikkeling nie. Plantegroeigemeenskappe in Middelburg is soortgelyk aan die van ander dele van die Nama-Karoo bioom. Resultate van die studie dui aan dat die vlaktes huidiglik meer gedegradeer is as mesas, maar dit is onbekend of die veld gestabiliseer het of steeds besig is om verder te degradeer in huidige weidings- en klimaatskondisies. Die Braun-Blanquet klassifikasiemetode IS effektief vir die beskrywing van plantegroeigemeenskappe in ariede areas. Al die persele in die studie area is gemerk met metaal paaltjies en is dus permanent. Dit maak dit moontlik om in die toekoms die persele weer te ondersoek. 'n Langtermyn datastel kan moontlik lig werp op die stabiliteit en degredasie van karoo veld. Restorasie van veld is 'n moontlikheid vir die toekoms, maar min boere kan duur restorasie metodes bekostig in die kort termyn. Boere moet hulle lande gereeld ondersoek en drakrag aanpas by die kondisie van die veld. Baie boere ploeg kaal kolle in die veld op 'n gereelde basis, en daar word voorgestel dat die praktyk gekombineer word met die saai van geskikte saad, gevolg deur 'n rusperiode tydens en na ontkieming daarvan.

The regeneration potential of Themeda triandra in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape

Hendricks, Noel Colin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A common topographical feature of the Nama-Karoo are mesas, commonly known as "platkoppies" , that provide an interesting source of landscape heterogeneity to an otherwise flat landscape. Although these isolated mesas are geologically and edaphically distinct from the surrounding flats, many species are shared between these habitats. These include palatable species such as Themeda triandra. A question asked by the broad umbrella project under which this project falls was: to what extent do mesas provide refuges for palatable species that are under pressure from heavy overstocking on the surrounding flats? A study on the regeneration potential of T triandra on and off the Tafelberg Mesa in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape, South Africa, was undertaken within the context of a broader umbrella project "Restoration of degraded Nama-Karoo: role of conservation islands". The Nama-Karoo has had centuries of heavy commercial livestock production and it is considered to have been transformed from a relatively (by arid ecosystems) productive system to one dominated by shrubs and somewhat less productive species. Themeda triandra is one of the preferred grass species for livestock production. Although T. triandra is a preferred grass species, relatively, little is known about its ability to produce viable seed and the establishment of seedlings particularly in restoration and rehabilitation programmes. This study examines the pattern of seed production and seedling survival, seed dispersal, seed germination, and the morphological and ecophysiological variability of T. triandra, a species with great potential for restoration of degraded Nama-Karoo sites, particularly those in the Eastern Cape. Themeda triandra was found to be one of the dominant species on summit of the Tafelberg Mesa. In comparison, it occurred in small isolated populations on the flats surrounding the mesa. The flats and slopes are grazed more intensely by domestic livestock than the summit of the mesa. This is due to the inaccessibility to livestock due to a steeper topography and the lack of water at the higher altitudes. Annual seed production of T. triandra per plant and per m2 was highest for the populations on the flats despite these populations being grazed most intensively. Rainfall had an effect on annual seed production, which was monitored over two years. Rainfall increased from less than 20mm in November 1999 to 125, 110, 50 and 135mm in December 1999, January 2000, February 2000 and March 2000 respectively. With the increased rainfall prior to the May 2000 sampling period, more seeds were produced per plant and per m2 for the flats and slopes habitats of the Tafelberg Mesa. The opposite trend occurred on the summit of the mesa, where seed production actually decreased. This could be attributed to increased competition or to lower grazing intensities. Increase in rainfall also had a positive effect on the cover of other grasses (excluding T. triandra) and T. triandra itself. Despite higher levels of seed production in populations of T. triandra on the flats, seedling survival was clearly low whereas seedlings on the slopes and summit had significantly higher seedling survivorship. This negative impact could be explained due to the trampling effect of domestic herbivores. The results of a seed dispersal experiment clearly suggest that the seed dispersal distance of T. triandra to "safe" microsites is short distance (majority of seeds disperse up to 60cm) and that the dispersal agent is wind. Microsites for re-establishment was found to be open or rocky sites. In a controlled experiment, seed emergence of T. triandra indicated that optimal sowing depths varied with soil type. Maximum germination was achieved at sowing depth 2cm and 3cm in soil collected from the flats surrounding the Tafelberg Mesa. The soil texture of the flats was found to be more sandy loam clay. The flats had slightly higher content (%) of stone, clay, silt and sand compared to the soils collected from the summit and slopes. Themeda triandra is clearly not limited in its expansion onto the flats in the Middelburg district due to soil conditions at the germination/recruitment phase. This study also revealed that T. triandra germinates best under summer conditions when the probability of rainfall is at its highest. Results with T. triandra seed did not convincingly suggest that smoke water is of adaptive significance to boost germination in restoration attempts in the Middelburg district of the Eastern Cape. In a controlled greenhouse experiment, individuals of T. triandra taken from the summit of Tafelberg Mesa showed no differences in photosynthesis, stomatal conductance or transpiration rates to individuals occurring on the flatland areas surrounding the mesa. Themeda triandra appears to be relatively adaptable to a range of temperature conditions. These findings suggest that there should be no problem using seed from mesa summits in restoration programmes on the surrounding flats. This study revealed no conclusive evidence, indicating that the populations on the summit of the mesa were a source of T. triandra seed for the flats surrounding the Tafelberg Mesa. However, this two year long investigation found that T. triandra has the potential to be used in restoration and rehabilitation programmes. If released from grazing pressures, and assuming favourable climatic conditions, the density of T. triandra on the flats can be increased and can be used as a suitable species for the restoration of heavily degraded patches in the Nama-Karoo Region. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: OnAlgemene topografiese kenmerk van die Nama-Karoo is mesas, plaaslik bekend as "platkoppies", wat Oninteressante bron van landskap ongelyksoortigheid voorsien aan On andersins vlakte landskap. Alhoewel hierdie geisoleerde mesas geologies en biofisies verskillend is van die omliggende vlaktes, word baie plant spesies gedeel tussen hierdie habitats. Hierdie sluit in smaaklike spesies soos Themeda triandra. OnVraag gevra deur die groter restorasieekologieprojek waaronder hierdie navorsingsprojek resorteer was: tot watter mate dien mesas as ° n hawe aan vreetbare spesies wat onder druk is van swaar oorbeweiding in die omliggende vlaktes? OnStudie van die regenerasie potensiaal van T. triandra op-en-vanaf die Tafelberg Mesa in die Middelburg distrik van die Oos-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, was onderneem binne die verband van die wyer herstelekologieprojek "Herstel van oorbeweide Nama-Karoo weiveld: die rol van bewaringseilande". Die Nama-Karoo was vir honderde jare al blootgestel aan swaar kommersiële lewende hawe produksie en is klaarblyklik verander van ° n relatiewe produktiewe sisteem na 'n ekosisteem gedomineerd deur struike en enigsins minder produktiewe spesies. Alhoewel dit ° n verkiesde grasspesie is bo ander inheemse grasse as weigras, is min bekend oor die fertiliteit van T. triandra sade of oor die vestiging van saailinge, veral in veldrehabilitasie programme. Hierdie studie ondersoek die patrone van saadproduksie, saadverspreiding, saadontkieming, en die morfologiese en ekofisiologiese veranderlikheid van T. triandra, ° n spesie met groot potensiaal vir die herstel van oorbeweide Nama-Karoo terriene van veral die Oos-Kaap. Themeda triandra was een van die dominante spesies op die kruin van die Tafelberg Mesa. Dit kom voor in klein geïsoleerde populasies op die uitgestrekte vlaktes rondom die mesa. Die vlaktes en hange van die mesa word op groot skaaloorbewei deur lewende hawe in vergelyking met op die kruin van die mesa. Dit is te wyte aan die onbereikbaarheid van die mesa vanweë Onsteiler topografie, asook die gebrek aan standhoudende water op die mesa's self. Jaarlikse saad produksie van T. triandra per plant en per m2 was die hoogste vir die populasies op die vlaktes, ten spyte daarvan dat hierdie populasies intensief bewei word. Reënval het 'n effek op jaarlikse saad produksie gehad wat oor twee jaar gekontroleer was. Met die vermeerdering van reënval voor die Mei 2000 proeftydperk, was meer sade geproduseer per plant en per m2 op die vlaktes en hange van die Tafelberg Mesa. Die teenoorgestelde patroon het voor gekom op die kruin van die mesa, waar saadproduksie afgeneem het. Laasgenoemde kan toegeskryf word aan die toename in kompetisie. Toename in reënval het ook 'n positiewe effek gehad op die bedekking van T. triandra self sowel as van ander grasse. Ten spyte van hoër vlakke van saadproduksie, is saailing oorlewing in T. triandra populasies op die vlaktes duidelik negatief terwyl saailinge op die hange en kruin 'n betekenisvolle hoër saailing oorlewingsskap gehad het. Die negatiewe impak kan verduidelik word deur die vertrappings-effek van lewende hawe. Die resultate van die saadvespreidingeksperiment toon dat die saadverspreiding afstand van T. triandra na 'veilige' mikroterreine kort is (die meerderheid van die sade is tot minder as 60cm versprei). Wind is die verspreidingsagent. Dit is gevind dat oop of klipperige terreine gunstige mikroterreine vir hervestiging van T. triandra is. In die gekontroleerde-eksperiment het saadverskyning van T. triandra aangedui dat die optimale saai-diepte wissel met grondsoort. Maksimum ontkieming is behaal by saaidiepte van 2cm en 3cm in die grond versamel in die vlaktes rondom die Tafelberg Mesa. Die grondtekstuur op die vlaktes is 'n sanderige leem-klei. Die vlaktes het effens hoër persentasies klip, klei, slik en sand vergelyke met die grond versamelop die kruin en hange. Themeda triandra is duidelik nie as gevolg van grondtoestande beperk in sy uitbreiding op vlaktes in die Middelburg distrik by die ontkieming/werwing fase. Gondtoestande tydens die ontkiemingsfase is duidelik niw beperkend op die gigthede van T. triandra op die vlaktes nie. Hierdie studie maak bekend dat T. triandra die beste ontkiem onder somer toestande wanneer die waarskynlikheid van reënval op sy hoogste is. Rookwater het geen effect op die ontkiemingspotensiaal van T. triandra in die Middelburg streek van die Oos-Kaap nie. Pogings om T. triandra saad se ontkieming met rookwaterekstrak te bevorder was onsuksesvol. In die gekontroleerde eksperiment het individue van T. triandra op die kruin van Tafelberg Mesa geen verskil getoon in fotosintese, huidmondjie begeleiding en transpirasie tempo nie in vergelyking met individue wat voorkom op die vlaktes rondom die mesa. Themeda triandra blyk relatief aanpasbaar te wees aan 'n wye reeks van temperatuur toestande. Hierdie bevindings dui aan dat daar geen probleem hoef te wees om sade van die kruin van die mesa te gebruik in hervestigig-programme in die omliggende vlaktes nie. Hierdie studie verskaf geen bewyse wat aandui dat die T. triandra bevolkings op die kruin van die mesa as Onbron van saad vir die vlaktes rondom die Tafelberg Mesa dien nie. Hierdie twee-jaar ondersoek vind dat T. triandra 'n potensiaal het om gebruik te word in herstel en rehabilitasie programme. As dit aan ligter weidingsruk onderwerp is en gunstige klimaatstoestande heers, kan T. triandra hervestig word op die vlaktes en gebruik word as Onplantspesie om erg beskadigde areas in die Nama-Karoo streek te herstel.

Vegetation, soil and grazing relationships in the Middelburg District of the Eastern Cape

Hendricks, Neile Oliver 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Arid and semi-arid rangelands of the Nama-Karoo Biome are believed to have changed considerably since the arrival of domestic livestock in the veld. Severe grazing pressure is considered to be one of the prime factors responsible for the perceived degradation of vegetation and concurrent soil degradation. To understand the process of degradation and to make further recommendations for future veld restoration, a large-scale project was undertaken in the Eastern Cape. This project focused on the role that landscape heterogeneity plays in providing refuges for plant species. The key question asked in this project was: What role do these hypothetically less grazed mesas play in the conservation of rangelands in the Nama-Karoo of the Eastern Cape? This study, a component of the larger project, investigated grazing and soil landscape gradients on- and off- the three mesas (Tafelberg, Folminkskop and Buffelskop) in the Middelburg District of the Eastern Cape, South Africa and the possible influences that they might have on the veld. The flats surrounding the mesas were mostly used as grazing camps in contrast to the plateaux of the mesas, which had varied levels of accessibility. In the absence of direct observations, the primary objective of the study was to test the differential dung pellet abundance and impact of animals on different parts of the landscape. As such, dung pellet counts in this study were correlated with surrogates of soil physical properties including bare ground, trampling and litter cover. Variation in dung pellet density was found at the different habitats (flats, slopes and plateaux) of all mesas. The flats to the north-eastern and south-western of Tafelberg mesa were found to be more heavily utilized by livestock and herbivores, while the plateaux and southeastern slopes of Folminkskop and Buffelskop were also utilized by grazers. The Tafelberg mesa was the only study site that was consistent with the hypothesis which stated that grazers would be less concentrated on the plateau compared to the surrounding flats due to its inaccessibility, whilst the high mean dung pellet density on the plateaux of the smaller Folminkskop and Buffelskop mesas due to easier access contradicted the original hypothesis. It appeared that dung pellet density did not clearly turn out to be an indicator of habitat use in this study, but showed where slopes and plateaux were accessible to herbivores, as in the case for the Buffelskop mesa, a higher abundance of dung pellets were found suggesting that higher intensities of habitat use took place. During this study a strong pattern was observed of bare soil patches on the flats surrounding the mesas. There was a decrease in percentage of bare soil along the gradient of the three mesas with a high percentage of bare soil on the plateaux of the mesas. A significant correlation was found between bare soil and dung pellet density. However, the plateaux of Folminkskop and Buffelskop had a high percentage of bare soil compared to the plateau of Tafelberg mesa. Farmers mainly used these smaller mesas as grazing camps for their livestock and herbivores. A positive correlation between bare soil and litter cover of the different habitats was evident in this study. A lower percentage of litter cover at these sites was associated with a high percentage of bare soil. Litter is very important in a healthy vegetation community in terms of nutrient cycling and fertile patches. A detailed assessment of soil chemical and physical properties would reveal, firstly, if vegetation change is better explained by soil or grazing effects and, secondly, if changes in soil have resulted from land use. Differences in macro- and micro-site variations between open-canopy (between shrubs) and closed-canopy (under shrubs) sites for each habitat were determined to differentiate between local scales due to land use and landscape scales due to geomorphology. The results suggested that carbon, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese levels in soils at landscape scale better explain vegetation changes between habitats. At a local scale (open- and closed-canopy sites) land use was responsible for little changes in soils. Changes in only soil potassium, zinc and boron elements were actually a consequence of local scales due to land use. The soil nutrient content on the slopes appeared to be intermediate between the flats and plateaux of all three mesas. It appeared that dolerite capped Tafelberg and Folminkskop mesas had high silt and clay content, while Buffelskop (sandstone) mesa had a lower silt and clay content. Consequently, the texture and parent material of the soils contributed to the variations in soil nutrient composition between these mesas. High infiltration rate together with low nutrient content on the flats clearly showed that these flats, surrounding the mesas were degraded. The high infiltration rates were caused by high activity by livestock and other indigenous animals on the flats which breaks the surface crusting of bare soil and improve infiltration. It was concluded that high levels of grazing at these sites have also altered the textural and soil properties. Endozoochory dispersal and the deposition of dung pellets in areas of small patch disturbances play an important role in veld regeneration in degraded areas. Dung pellets collected from permanent study sites on the southeastern and northwestern flats and slopes, and all the study sites on the plateau of Tafelberg mesa, was sown in seedling trays, watered and monitored for seedling germination. Species list were then compared to below-ground soil seed bank data and above-ground vegetation data collected by other researchers at the same permanent study sites. Higher seedling percentages were recorded from dung pellets collected on the flats than on the plateau. A total of sixteen species were found to germinate in dung pellets collected on the flats compared to ten species germinating in dung pellets collected on the slopes and two species on the plateau of Tafelberg mesa. The seeds that germinated represent a variety of palatable grasses and shrub species. Aristida sp., Eragrostis bicolor, Eragrostis ch/orome/as and Eragrostis obtusa were palatable grasses recorded for dung pellets collected on the flats. Of the species recorded, Aristida sp., Chenopodium sp. and Pentzia sp. were found in dung pellets but were not recorded in parallel soil seedbank and vegetation studies. Successful restoration of veld conditions requires strict grazing management practices. Germination of seed in dung pellets might be considered to be a valuable means of indicating restoration potential and rangeland conditions for the identification of both degraded and conservation worthy areas. With appropriate land management skills and restoration measures, these challenges can be constructively and creatively faced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word geglo dat die ariede en sernl-arlede weivelde van die Nama-Karoo bioom aansienlik verander het sedert die aankoms van mak lewende hawe in die veld. Swaar weidingsdruk word beskou as een van die vernaamste faktore verantwoordelik vir die waarneembare oorbeweiding van plantegroei en die gelyktydige grond agteruitgang (degradasie). Ten einde die proses van degradasie beter te verstaan, en om verdere aanbevelings te kan maak vir toekomstige veld herstel, is huidiglik 'n grootskaalse projek in die Oos-Kaap aan die gang oor die rol wat landskap ongelyksoortigheid speel in die voorsiening van skuiling aan plant spesies. Hierdie studie ondersoek weiding en grondlandskap gradiënte (op en af) van die drie mesas (Tafelberg, Folminkskop en Buffelskop) in die Middelburg streek van die Oos- Kaap, Suid-Afrika en die moontlike invloed wat hierdie gradiënte op die veld het. Die vlaktes was meestal gebruik vir weidingskampe in teenstelling met die kruin van die mesas. Hierdie studie het duidelike patrone vir habitat-gebruik op die vlaktes, hange en kruine van al die mesas aangetoon. Die vraag wat gestel was, was watter rol speel hierdie hipoteties minder beweide mesas in die bewaring van weivelde in die Nama- Karoo van die Oos-Kaap? Hierdie studie toets nie direk vir mis verspreiding as 'n plaasvervanger vir dier verspreiding in die landskap sedert werklike dier getalle nie oorweeg was nie. In die awesigheid van direkte waarneming, die primêre doelwit was om te toets die differensiaal misdigtheid en die impak van diere op verskillende dele van die landskap. Mis getalle in hierdie studie was gekorreleer met plaasvervangers van fisiese eienskappe insluitent onbedekte grond, vertrapping en droë plant material decking. Variasie in misdigtheid was gevind by die verskillende habitate (vlaktes, hange en kruine) van all die mesas. Die vlaktes aan die noord-oostelike en suid-westelike kante van die Tafelberg mesa was meer hewig benut deur lewende hawe en hêrbivore, terwyl die kruine en suid-oostelike hange van Folminkskop en Buffelskop ook gebruik was deur weidende diere. Die Tafelberg mesa was die enigste studie area wat konsekwent was met die hipotese, terwyl die hoë gemiddeld misdigtheid op die kruine van die kleiner Folminkskop en Buffelskop mesas, as gevolg van makliker toegang weerspreek die oorspronklike hipotese. Dit blyk dat misdigtheid duidelik opkom as 'n nie aanwyser habitat-gebruik in hierdie studie, maar wys well waar hange en kruine toeganklik was vir herbivore, soos in die geval van Buffelskop mesa, oorvloed van mis was gevind wat voorstel dat hoer intensiteit van habitat-gebruik voorgekom het. 'n Duidelike patroon is waargeneem tydens hierdie studie van onbedekte grond areas op die vlaktes rondom mesas. Daar was 'n afname in persentasie onbedekte grond langs die gradiënt van die drie mesas. Die kruine van Folminkskop en Buffelskop toon hoër persentasies onbedekte grond in vergelyking met die kruin van die Tafelberg mesa. Daar is 'n betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen onbedekte grond en misdigtheid gevind. Boere gebruik hierdie kleiner mesas hoofsaaklik as weidingskampe vir hulle lewende hawe en hêrbivore. In hierdie studie is daar 'n positiewe korrelasie gevind tussen onbedekte grond en droë plant material decking van die verskillende habitatte. Droë plantmateriaal bedekking speel 'n baie belangrik rol in 'n gesonde plant gemeenskap in terme van voedingsirkulering en vrugbare kolle. 'n Breedvoerige skatting van grond chemise en fisiese eienskappe wou openbaar eerstens of plantegroei verandering beter verklaar word deur grond of weiding effekte en tweedens, of verandering in grond veroorsaak was deur land-gebruik. Verskille in makro- en mikroterrein-wisseling tussen oop-blaredak (tussenplantruimtes) en toeblaredak (onderplantdekking) terreine vir elke habitat was bepaal om te onderskei tussen lokaal effek as gevolg van land-gebruik en landskap effek as gevolg van geomorfologie. Die resultate stel voor dat koolstof, fosfor, kalsium, magnesium, koper en mangaan vlakke in die grond by landskap effek beter plantegroei verandering tussen habitate verduidelik. By 'n lokaal effek (oop-en toe-blaredak terreine) land-gebruik was verantwoordelik vir min veranderinge in grond. Verandering in grond kalium, sink en baron elemente was werklik 'n gevolg van lokaal effek as gevolg van land-gebruik. Die nutrient inhoud van grond op die hange blyk intermediêr te wees tussen die van die vlaktes en kruine van al drie mesas. Hierdie studie toon ook dat die geologie en topografie van hierdie mesas die grond tekstuur en nutrient samestelling op en af van die mesas beinvloed. Dit wil voorkom asof die dolerite bedekte Tafelberg en Folminkskop mesas, hoë slik en klei materiaal bevat, terwyl Buffelskop (sandsteen) mesa 'n laer slik en klei inhoud het. Gevolglik, tekstueel en ouer materiaal grond dra by tot die variasie in grond nutrient samestelling tussen hierdie mesas. Hoë infiltrasie tempo tesame met lae voedingstof van die vlaktes dui daarop dat die vlaktes rondom die mesas oorbewei was. Hierdie hoë infiltrasie tempo word veroorsaak deur hoë dierlike aktiwieteite op die vlaktes deur lewende hawe en ander inheemse diere wat die oppervlakke van onbedekte grond versteur en infiltrasie verbeter. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die hoë weidingsvlakke van hierdie terreine ook die tekstuur en ander grond eienskappe verander het. Endozoochoreeuse verspreiding en die mis-afsetting in gebiede van klein areaversteurings, speel 'n belangrike rol in veld herlewing in oorbeweide gebiede. Mis versamel by permanente studie terreine op die SO en NW vlaktes en hange, as ook al die studie terreine op die kruin van die Tafelberg mesa, is gesaai in saailing bakke, besproei en gekontroleer vir saailing ontkieming. 'n Lys van spesies is vergelyk met onder-grondse saadbank gegewens en bo-grondse plantegroei gegewens wat deur ander navorsers by dieselfde studie terreine versamel was. Hoër saailing persentasies is gevind vir mis wat op die vlaktes versamel is as op die kruine. 'n Totaal van sestien geidentifiseerde spesies het uit die mis op die vlaktes ontkiem in vergelyking met die tien spesies wat ontkiem het uit die mis van die hange en twee spesies iut die mis van die kruin van Tafelberg mesa. Die ontkiemde saad verteenwoordig 'n verskeidenheid van vreetbare gras en struik spesies. Aristide sp., Eragrostis bicolor, Eragrostis chloromelas en Eragrostis obtusa is vreetbare grasse wat gevind was in die mis versamelop die vlaktes. Die spesies opname wys dat Aristida sp., Chenopodium sp. en Pentzia sp. Gevind was in die mis, maar nie in die parallelle grond saadbank en plantegroei studies nie. Die suksesvolle herstel van veldtoestande vereis "n streng weidingsbestuur toepassing. Die ontkieming van saad in mis kan beskou word as "n bekostigbare manier om veld herstel potentiaal te bepaal, asook weiveld toestande vir die indentifiseering van beide degradasie en bewaring van waardevolle areas. Met gepaste veldbestuur vaardighede en herstel maatreels, kan hierdie uitdagings konstruktief en kreatief aangespreek word.

The effect of geography, cultivation and harvest technique on the umckalin concentration and growth of pelargonium sidoides (Geraniaceae)

White, Andrew Graeme January 2007 (has links)
Pelargonium sidoides DC. (Geraniaceae) root extracts are used in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa as a traditional medicine for the treatment of respiratory tract and gastro-intestinal infections. Ethanolic extracts are used globally as herbal treatments for bronchitis, asthma and as an immune system booster. Despite documented exploitation of wild populations by illegal harvesters, this species has not been awarded a protected status. The high level of harvest in the years preceding this study prompted this investigation of the prospects for sustainable root harvest through wild harvest and greenhouse cultivation. A novel method was developed for the purification of umckalin, a bioactive constituent in root extracts, such that the root umckalin concentrations of wild and cultivated plants could be quantified by HPLC. As part of the cultivation experiments, the concentration of umckalin in roots was measured for plants across part of the species’ distribution range in the Eastern Cape Province. This survey revealed that root umckalin concentrations were inversely related to the average annual rainfall of the collection site (r² = 0.94, p = 0.007) and directly related to soil pH (r² = 0.97, p = 0.002). Thus, the possibility of inducing high umckalin concentrations in greenhouse-cultivated plants was investigated by subjecting plants to rapid and prolonged water stress treatments. Two leaf applied hormone treatments (cytokinin and gibberellin) and a root competition treatment with a fast growing annual (Conyza albida) were also investigated based on the potential function of umckalin in P. sidoides plants. These five treatments did not significantly affect root umckalin concentrations compared to well-watered controls. The results of further experiments suggested that umckalin production may have been influenced by the geographical origin and genetics of plants rather than environmental variation. Following wild harvest experiments, the regrowth of replanted shoots from which a standard proportion of the root was harvested showed that water availability affected shoot survival but not root regrowth rate. Regrowth rates were low, questioning the viability of wild harvest. In contrast, greenhouse cultivated plants showed ca. six times greater growth rates, supporting the cultivation of roots to supply future market demand.

West Coast strandveld : its utilization and management

Liengme, Christine Anne 14 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

The riparian vegetation of the Hottentots Holland Mountains, Western Cape, South Africa

Sieben, E. J. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Riparian vegetation has received a lot of attention in South Africa recently, mainly because of its importance in bank stabilization and its influence on flood regimes and water conservation. The upper reaches have thus far received the least of this attention because of their inaccessibility. This study mainly focuses on these reaches where riparian vegetation is still mostly in a pristine state. The study area chosen for this purpose is the Hottentots Holland Mountains in the Southwestern Cape, the area with the highest rainfall in the Cape Floristic Region, which is very rich in species. Five rivers originate in this area and the vegetation described around them covers a large range of habitats, from high to low altitude, with different geological substrates and different rainfall regimes. All of these rivers are heavily disturbed in their lower reaches but are still relatively pristine in their upper reaches. All of them are dammed in at least one place, except for the Lourens River. An Interbasin Transfer Scheme connects the Eerste-, Berg- and Riviersonderend Rivers. The water of this scheme is stored mainly in Theewaterskloof Dam. Another big dam for water storage, Skuifraam Dam, will be built on the Berg River near Franschhoek in the nearby future. In order to study the vegetation around a river, a zonation pattern on the river bank is described and several physical habitats are recognized. A primary distinction is made between a Wet Bank (flooding at least once a year) and a Dry Bank (flooding less than once a year). The Dry Bank is further subdivided into a Lower Dynamic, a Shrub/Tree and a Back Dynamic Zone. In the lower reaches these zones are very distinct, but in the upper reaches of a river they tend to blend into each other and some zones can be absent or very narrow. Vegetation has been sampled in transects across the riverbed, following the Braun-Blanquet method. Additional vegetation samples have been recorded in the bogs and mires at the sources of the rivers. Vegetation structure and physical habitat has been described to contribute to the description of the vegetation types. In order to understand the environmental processes that determine the vegetation, environmental parameters were recorded in every vegetation sample, such as, slope, aspect, rockiness and soil variables. The classification of the vegetation samples resulted in the identification and subsequent description of 26 riverine and 11 mire communities. The riverinecommunities have been subdivided into ten Community Groups, including a group of Aquatic communities and three groups of Wet Bank communities. The main distinction within the Wet Bank Zone is the importance of erosion or deposition as a driving force of the ecosystem. Three groups of Fynbos communities are identified in the Back Dynamic Zone, with Asteraceous Fynbos occurring on shales and granites, Ericaceous Fynbos occurring on Table Mountain Group sandstones and Transitional Fynbos on a variety of substrates. One community group is characterized by the dominance of Cliffortia odorata, which shows affinity with some renosterveld communities known from literature. The two final groups contain the Afromontane Forests and Riparian Scrub communities, respectively. Discharges are calculated from data recorded at existing gauging weirs. The recurrence intervals, inundation levels and stream power of several flood events are derived from these data and are extrapolated to upstream sites. It appears that most vegetation types in the zonation pattern on the riverbank can be explained by these flood events, except for the Afromontane Forests, which are dependent on other sitespecific factors including protection from fire. Constrained and unconstrained ordinations are used to relate vegetation patterns to the environment. The vegetation is determined by three environmental gradients, operating at different scales. The lateral gradient across the riverbed is mainly determined by inundation frequency and stream power, which are difficult to measure in rocky mountain situations, although variables like distance from the water’s edge, elevation above the water level and rockiness are correlated to them. The longitudinal gradient is the gradient along the length of the river, from high to low altitude. This gradient has the least influence on the riparian vegetation. The geographical gradient reflects the large-scale climatic processes across the mountain range. This gradient accounts for the biggest part of the total explained variation. Important variables are especially the ratio between the summer and winter rainfall and the geological substrate. In the Fynbos Biome, where gamma diversity is extremely high, large-scale environmental processes are important in azonal vegetation as well. The most species-rich vegetation associated with the rivers is found furthest from the water’s edge at intermediate altitudes. Knowledge about the vegetation types and environmental processes in Western Cape rivers is essential for monitoring and maintaining these special ecosystems. Specific threats are related to possible abstraction of water from theTable Mountain Group aquifer and from climate change, which might result in an overall drying of the ecosystem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Riviere se oewerplantegroei kry die laaste tyd baie aandag in Suid-Afrika, hoofsaaklik vanweë die belang vir die beheer van vloede, stabilisasie van die oewers en die bewaring van drinkwater. Die hoë-liggende dele van die riviere het tot dusver die minste aandag geniet omdat hulle tot ’n groot mate ontoeganklik is weens die onherbergsame terrein waarin hulle geleë is. In hierdie studie is daar veral na bergstrome gekyk waar die plantegroei nog taamlik natuurlik en onversteur is. Die studiegebied wat vir hierdie doel gekies is, is die Hottentots-Holland berge in die Wes-Kaap. Die gebied het die hoogste reënval in die Kaapse Floristiese Ryk en is ook baie ryk aan spesies. Vyf riviere het in hierdie gebied hulle oorsprong. Die plantegroei wat hier voorkom sluit ‘n wye reeks habitatte in: van hoog tot laag in hoogte bo seespieël, verskeie geologiese substrate asook verskillende reënval patrone. Al die vyf riviere wat ondersoek is, is baie versteur in hul onderlope, maar is nog grotendeels natuurlik in hul hoë-liggende dele. Almal is reeds opgedam deur een of meer damme, behalwe die Lourensrivier. ’n Tussenopvanggebied-oordragskema verbind tans die Eerste-, Berg- en Riviersonderendriviere met mekaar. Die water uit hierdie riviere word tans hoofsaaklik in die Theewaterskloofdam opgegaar. ’n Verdere groot opgaardam, die sogenaamde Skuifraamdam, word binnekort in die Bergrivier te Franschhoek gebou. Al die riviere se onderlope is tot ’n mindere of meerdere mate vervuil met landbou- en rioolafvoerprodukte. Uitheemse indringerplante, wat die natuurlike oewerplantegroei verdring, skep veral probleme stroomaf van plantasies en dorpe. Om die plantegroei van die rivieroewers na te vors, te klassifiseer en te beskryf, is variasies in die fisiese omgewing bepaal en korrelasies gesoek om die verspreiding van die plantegroei te verklaar. Die belangrikste verdeling in die oewerplantegroei wat gevind is, is tussen die Nat-oewersone (dit word meer as een keer per jaar oorstroom) en die Droë-oewersone (dit word minder as een keer per jaar oorstroom). Die Droë-oewersone word verder onderverdeel in die Laerdinamiesesone, die Boom/Struiksone en die Agter-dinamiesesone. In die laer dele van die rivier is hierdie soneringspatrone baie duidelik, maar in die boonste dele van die rivier kan die onderverdelings dikwels nie van mekaar onderskei word nie omdat hulle gemeng is, of kan die sones baie smal wees of selfs heeltemal afwesig wees.Die plantegroei is gemonster in transekte wat dwarsoor die rivierloop uitgelê is. Die Braun-Blanquet monstertegniek is gevolg. Bykomende monsterpersele is opgemeet in die moerasse in die boonste dele van die berg-opvanggebiede. Om die omgewingsprosesse wat die plantegroei bepaal te verstaan, is ’n aantal omgewingsfaktore in elke monsterperseel aangeteken, wat, onder andere, helling, aspek en bedekking van rotse ingesluit het, terwyl die variasie in samestelling van die bodem ook aangeteken is. Die klassifikasie van die plantegroei het tot die beskrywing van 26 plantgemeenskappe in die riviere en 11 gemeenskappe in die moerasse gelei. Die struktuur van die plantegroei asook kenmerke van die fisiese habitat is in die beskrywing van die plantegroei-eenhede ingesluit. Die gemeenskappe in die riviere is onderverdeel in tien gemeenskapsgroepe. Daar is een gemeenskapsgroep wat die akwatiese gemeenskappe en drie wat die Nat-oewersone gemeenskappe insluit. Die belangrikste verskille tussen die verskillende Nat-oewersone gemeenskappe word bepaal deur die mate waartoe erosie of deposisie voorkom. Daar is ook drie gemeenskapsgroepe van Fynbos onderskei wat in die Agter-dinamiesesone voorkom. Dit sluit in die Aster-fynbos op die skalies en graniete, die Erica-fynbos op die sandstene en die Oorgangs-fynbos op gemengde substrate. Een gemeenskapsgroep is deur die dominansie van Cliffortia odorata gekenmerk. Dit toon verwantskap met renosterveld gemeenskappe wat reeds in die literatuur beskryf is. Die laaste twee groepe sluit die Afromontane woude en Oewerstruikbosse in. Die waterafloop is bereken deur middel van data verkry vanaf bestaande keerwal meetstasies. Die herhalings-intervalle, oorstromingsdiepte en vloei-sterkte van verskillende vloedtipes word vanaf hierdie data afgelei en stroomop geekstrapoleer. Die meeste plantegroeivariasie op die oewers kan deur die vloede verklaar word, behalwe in die geval van die Afromontane woude, wat deur ander omgewingsfaktore bepaal is. Beperkte en onbeperkte ordinasie is gebruik om die verband tussen die plantegroeipatrone en die omgewing te bepaal. Die plantegroei se verspreiding is bepaal deur drie omgewingsgradiënte, wat op verskillende skale ‘n uitwerking het. Die laterale gradiënt oor die rivierbedding is hoofsaaklik bepaal deur oorstromingsfrekwensie en stroomvloeisterkte. Hierdie veranderlikes is moeilik bepaalbaar, alhoewel ander soos, afstand vanaf die rivier, hoogte bo watervlak en bedekking van rotse, wat hieraan gekorreleer is, wel meetbaar is. Die lengte gradiënt,dit is die gradiënt wat van oorsprong na einde langs die lengte van die rivier teenwoordig is, het die minste invloed op die plantegroei. Die geografiese gradiënt weerspieel die grootskaalse klimaatsveranderinge oor die bergreeks. Deur hierdie gradiënt word die grootste deel van die totale variasie tussen die monsters verklaar. Die belangrikste veranderlikes is die verhouding van somer- teenoor winter-reënval en die geologiese substraat. Soortgelyk aan die fynbos in die Fynbosbioom, waar gammadiversiteit buitegewoon hoog is, is die grootskaalse omgewingsprosesse, ook vir asonale oewerplantegroei, baie belangrik. Die spesierykste plantegroei rondom die rivier word die verste van die oewer op gemiddelde hoogtes bo seespieël gevind. Kennis oor die plantegroei en die omgewingsprosesse in die riviere in die Wes-Kaap is belangrik vir die monitering en effektiewe beheer van hierdie besondere ekosisteem. Spesifieke bedreigings is gekoppel aan die potensiële ontginning van water uit die akwifer in die Tafelberggroep-sedimente asook deur grootskaalse klimaatsveranderinge waartydens die hoeveelheid water, volgens voorspellings, waarskynlik sal afneem in hierdie ekosisteem.

Spatial patterning and demography in Strandveld succulent Karoo : implications for biodiversity management

Cheney, Chad (Chad Crispian) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis focuses on the effects of vegetation resting on biodiversity and community dynamics at Rocherpan Nature Reserve (320 36'S, 180 18'E) in the semi-arid coastal strip of the Succulent Karoo known as Strandveld. As a whole, the Succulent Karoo has an extraordinary high level of phyto diversity with high levels of endemism. This is particularly true for succulent shrubs belonging to the groups Mesembryanthemaceae, Crassulaceae and Asteraceae. The thesis begins with an investigation into effects that vegetation resting has on plant diversity. The aim was to determine if resting affected biodiversity levels and if so, which plant groups are affected and why. Through a numerical approach, it was determined that with resting overall species richness remained the same. However, different plant life forms responded to resting differently. With increased resting, abundance of succulent shrubs decreased, while richness of annuals increased. The second aspect under investigation was to determine how resting the vegetation affected community dynamics. The aim was to understand how vegetation structure and interspecific associations changed with resting and to apply these findings to known community models. Through an autocorrelation approach, it was found that horizontal patterning of long-lived woody species, that formed distinctive vegetation clumps, did not change with resting, while differences were found in woody matrix species and succulent species. These changes in structure were investigated further through a study on the demography of specific species. Demography of woody species associated with vegetation clumps did not change with vegetation resting, while significant changes were observed for woody matrix species and succulent species. In longer rested vegetation, woody matrix species showed a greater range in size class distribution (i.e. had both very large and smaller plants) with the tendency towards larger plant sizes. Succulents on the other hand, had a smaller range in size class distribution with a tendency towards larger plants. For all species investigated there were low seedlings counts. It was concluded that succulent shrub populations were 'mature' and continued resting could result in local extinction of some species due to the lack of regeneration. The overall lack of seedlings was attributed to a saturated establishment environment. Implications for conservation management were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op die gevolge van plantegroeirus op biodiversiteit en gemeenskapsdinamika by die Roeherpan Natuurreservaat (320 36'S, 180 18"0) in die halfdor kusstrook van die Sukkulente Karoo, bekend as die Sandveld. In die geheel gesien het die Sukkulente Karoo 'n buitengewone hoë vlak plantdiversiteit met hoë vlakke endemie. Dit is veral waar vir sukkulente struike wat tot die groepe Mesembryanthemaceae, Crassulaceae en Asteraceae behoort. Hierdie tesis ondersoek eerstens die gevolge wat plantegroeirus op plantdiversiteit het. Die doel was om te bepaal of rus die biodiversiteitsvlakke beïnvloed het en indien wel, watter plantgroepe en waarom. Deur middel van 'n numeriese benadering is bepaal dat die algehele diversiteit, numeries gesproke, met plantegroeirus dieselfde gebly het. Verskillende plantlewensvorme het egter verskillend gereageer. Met toenemende rus het die diversiteit van sukkulente struike afgeneem, terwyl die diversiteit van jaarplante verhoog het. Die tweede aspek wat ondersoek is, was om te bepaal hoe die plantegroeirus die dinamika van die omgewingsgemeenskap beïnvloed het. Die doel was om te verstaan hoe die struktuur van die plantegroei en die interspesifieke assosiasies verander het met rus en om dan hierdie bevindinge toe te pas op bekende gemeenskapsmodelle. Deur middel van 'n outokorrelasiebenadering is gevind dat die horisontale patrone van meerjarige houtagtige spesies wat in duidelik-uitkenbare plantegroeigroeperings voorkom, nie met rus verander het nie. Veranderinge is egter wel in die houtagtige matriksspesies en die sukkulente spesies waargeneem. Hierdie veranderinge in struktuur is verder ondersoek deur 'n studie te maak van die demografie van spesifieke spesies. Daar is gevind dat die demografie van houtagtige spesies geassosieer met plantegroeigroeperings nie met plantegroeirus verander het nie, maar beduidende veranderinge is waargeneem in die geval van houtagtige matriksspesies en sukkulente spesies. By plantegroei wat langer gerus het, het die houtagtige matriksspesies 'n wyer verspreiding in klasgroottes vertoon (d.i. daar was baie groot plante én kleiner plante) met 'n gemiddelde afname in plantgrootte. Sukkulente, aan die ander kant, het 'n kleiner verspreiding in klasgroottes vertoon met 'n neiging tot groter plante. Vir al die spesies wat ondersoek is, was daar lae saailingtellings. As gevolg van die "volwassenheid" van die populasies van sukkulente struike, sou voortdurende rus, weens die gebrek aan regenerasie, kon lei tot die plaaslike uitwissing van sommige spesies. Die algemene gebrek aan saailinge is toegeskryf aan die versadigde vestigingsomgewing. Die implikasies VIr natuurbewaringsbestuur word bespreek. v

Post-fire effects of invasive exotic plants on seed banks, regeneration, soil chemistry and selected soil microbial populations in the Silvermine Nature Reserve, Cape Peninsula, South Africa

Cilliers, Charl Daniel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The fires, which occurred during January 2000 on the Southern Cape Peninsula, Cape Province, South Africa, focused attention on the importance of sound, informed management of exotic plant invaders in fynbos, especially at the urban interface. The fires also highlighted the relative lack of knowledge about the combined impacts of fire, exotic plants and the exotic-clearing programme on soil seed banks and regeneration. This study examines soil borne seed banks, regeneration, soil chemistry and micro biota in different postfire environments, focusing on three components of exotic plant management: The post-fire effects of standing invasive exotic plants; stacks of slashed exotic plant material which were deliberately burnt and stacks reduced to heat scars by a wildfire. The primary hypothesis addressed is that post-fire vegetation regeneration patterns, seed bank diversity and seed bank abundance are linked to pre-fire vegetation characteristics and, in particular, to the treatment of exotic plant species. It is also hypothesised that soil microbe population sizes are linked to pre-fire vegetation and soil chemical composition. Differences in soil seed banks, soil micro biota and vegetation regeneration patterns occur in different post-fire environments. High volumes of (live or dead) woody exotic biomass negatively impact upon postfire indigenous species diversity and abundance, both above and below-ground. Soil seed banks and above-ground regeneration decline with increasing fire intensity, wildfire burnt stack treatments showing the largest declines followed by wildfire burnt standing exotics, control burnt stacks, wildfire burnt cleared areas and wildfire burnt Mountain Fynbos treatments. Persistent indigenous seed banks are found under some exotic dominated stands. Heat damage, associated with high woody exotic biomass, affects seeds of all species into deep soil layers. Depth of burial is a more important determinant of seed survival during fires than seed size. Soil microbial populations are variably affected by exotic plants, their management and increases in fire intensity. The most drastic microbial population changes are in post-fire treatments of high exotic plant biomass. Soil chemistry affects microbial population sizes as does seasonal climatic changes. In this thesis vegetation, seed bank and microbial responses to various exotic plant management practices are shown and management recommendations are made. Keywords: exotic plants, fire, Fynbos Siome, microbes, post-fire succession, soil seed banks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Januarie 2000 vure op die Suid Kaapse Skiereiland het fokus gerig op die belangrikheid van goeie, ingeligte bestuur van uitheemse indringerplante in fynbos, veral naby stedelike gebiede. Die vure het ook 'n relatiewe .gebrek aan kennis aangaande die gekombineerde impakte van vuur, uitheemse plantegroei en indringer plant beheer programme op grond saadbanke en die hergroei van plante na 'n vuur aan die lig gebring. Hierdie projek bestudeer die invloed van vuur op grond saadbanke, hergroei van plante, grond chemie en mikro-organismes. Die klem lê op drie komponente van uitheemse plant bestuur: waar staande uitheemse plante voorkom; waar skoongekapte uitheemse plante in hope gestapel is en gekontraleerd gebrand is en waar soortgelyke hope in 'n onbeplande weghol vuur gebrand is. Die primêre hipotese is dat plant herstelpatrone, saadbank diversiteit en grootte gekoppel is aan veldtoestande voordat daar gebrand is, en veral aan die bestuur van uitheemse plantspesies. Nog 'n sentrale hipotese is dat die grootte van grond mikrobiale populasies gekoppel is aan veld toestande voor die brand en aan grond chemiese samestelling. Hierdie studie dui verskille aan in grond saadbanke, mikro-organismes en plant hergroeipatrone onder verskeie toestande na vuur. Die brand van hoë volumes (lewende of dooie) houtagtige uitheemse plant biomassa benadeel inheemse plant spesie diversiteit en getalle (bo en onder die grond oppervlak). Grond saadbanke neem af met vehogings in vuur intensiteit. Die grootste afnames is in wegholvuur gebrande gestapelde uitheemse plantmateriaal gevolg deur wegholvuur gebrande staande uitheemse plante, opsetlik gebrande hope uitheemse plante, gebrande skoongekapte areas en wegholvuur gebrande Berg Fynbos. Ou inheemse saadbanke is gevind onder sommige areas wat voor die vuur oorheers was deur uitheemse plantegroei. Hitteskade, geassosieer met hoë volumes houtagtige uitheemse biomassa, affekteer sade van alle spesies tot diep in die grond. Saad oorlewing tydens brande is meer geaffekteer deur diepte van begrawing in die grond as deur saad grootte. Grond mikro-organisme populasies is geaffekteer deur uitheemse indringer plante, die bestuur van uitheemse plante en vuur intensiteit. Die grootste veranderinge is waar die biomassa van uitheemse plantegroei baie hoog is. Grond chemiese samestelling en seisoenale veranderinge in weerspatrone affekteer die grootte van mikrobiale bevolkings. In hierdie tesis word verskille in plantegroei, saad store en grond mikrobes, soos geaffekteer deur uitheemse plant beheer programme uitgewys en voorstelle vir toekomstige bestuur gemaak. Sleutelwoorde: Fynbos Bioom, grond saad stoor, mikrobes, plant hergroei, uitheemse plante, vuur.

'n Evaluering van sommige plantkundige faktore wat kleinwild-digthede in die Weskus Nasionale Park beinvloed

Heydenrych, Aneria Janine 03 1900 (has links)
Tesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A map of the different plant communities in a part of the West Coast National Park (WCNP) is presented. The approach of the Zurich-Montpellier school is used for the phytosociological studies. Thirty plant communities are described and related to environmental factors. One new alliance, two sub-alliances, seventeen associations, seven sub-associations and three variations are described. It is suggested that the Willdenowio -- Diospyretum austro-africanae is raised to alliance level and the Eucleo -- lschyrolepion eleocharidis lowered to sub-alliance level. The different floristic groups in which the plant communities fell were Strandveld, Proto-fynbos, marsh, strand and ecotones between Strandveld and Fynbos. A further extensive survey was conducted in the Postberg Nature Reserve (PNR), which forms part of the West Coast National Park, to determine the possible cause of decline in small antelope numbers (duiker, grysbok and steenbok). The potential production of the vegetation of the Postberg Nature Reserve is about 561.64 kg DM/ha/yr. Rumen analyses of the small antelopes were performed in an attempt to assess the possible relationship between plants and animals. It is found that the small antelope utilizes a big spectrum of plants. Different plant communities were structurally examined and it is proved that the steenbok are bolder than the other two small antelope and are prepared to feed in areas having a lower plant density. Duiker and grysbok preferentially prefer plant communities taller than 60 cm. KEYWORDS Braun-Blanquet, community structure, distribution, Fynbos Biome, habitat, plant communities, Raphicerus campestris, Raphicerus melanotis, Strandveld, Sylvicapra grimmia. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Plantgemeenskapskaart is vir 'n deel van die Weskus Nasionale Park (WNP) opgetrek. Die Zurich-Montpellier fitososiologiese benadering is gebruik om die plantegroei te analiseer en te beskrywe. Dertig plantgemeenskappe is geklassifiseer, beskryf, gekarakteriseer en ekologies geinterpreteer. Ben nu we alliansie, twee sub-alliansies, sewentien assosiasies, sewe subassosiasies en drie variasies is beskryf. Daar is voorgestel dat die Willdenowio -- Diospyretum austro-africanae tot alliansievlak verhoog en die Eucleo -- Ischyrolepion eleocharidis na suballiansievlak verlaag word. Die verskillende floristiese groepe waarin hierdie plantgemeenskappe geval het bestaan uit Strandveld, Protofynbos, strand-, vleiland-, en ekotone tussen Strandveld en Fynbos. 'n Verdere intensiewe studie is in die Postberg Natuurreservaat (PNR), wat deel uitmaak van die Weskus Nasionale Park, ondemeem om 'n moontlike verklaring te vind vir die afname van kleinwildsoorte (duiker, grysbok en steenbok). Die produksiepotensiaal van die Postberg Natuurreservaat (PNR) is bepaal op ongeveer 561.64 kg DM/ha/jaar. Maaginhoud ontledings van die kleinwildsoorte is gebruik om 'n moontlike verhouding tussen plant en dier te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat die kleinwildsoorte 'n groot spektrum van plante kan benut. Verskillende plantgemeenskappe is t.o.v. plantegroeistruktuur ondersoek en daar is bewys dat die steenbok minder skugter as die grysbok en duiker is en in oop areas, met 'n laer plantdigtheid, sal beweeg. Die duiker en grysbok verkies plantgemeenskappe wat meer as 60 cm hoog is. TREFWOORDE Braun-Blanquet, Fynbosbioom, gemeenskapstruktuur, habitat, plantgemeenskappe, Raphicerus campestris, Raphicerus melanotis, Strandveld, Sylvicapra grimmia, verspreiding.

Determination of the optimal preservatives for preventing stem bending of Gebera jamesonii "Black Diamond"

Maluleke, Mdungazi Knox 10 1900 (has links)
Postharvest stem bending is one of the most detrimental factors that affect postharvest quality life of Gerbera jamesonii cutflower varieties. Stem bending is of economic importance in the cutflower industry in South Africa because it negatively affects the overall total sales. Growers and retailers want to improve the postharvest vaselife of this crop using suitable preservatives. The aim of this study was to determine suitable preservatives and optimal vaselife conditions that could prevent or minimise postharvest stem bending of Gerbera jamesonii “Black diamond”. The variety “Black diamond was selected and treated with four different floral preservative solutions. The relationship between stem bending and absorption rate of the preservative solutions was established. The data gathered indicated that there was a significant difference to the solution absorption rate and stem bending. Stem bending differed from 0 to 38 degrees. Stems treated on control, preservative 3 and 4 recorded the highest degrees of bending, while preservative 1 and 2 recorded the lowest degrees of stem bending within 12 day period. The performance results of the preservatives and control repeated three times under the same experimental conditions showed that preservative 1 and 2 can be used to minimise postharvest stem bending of Gerbera jamesonii ‘Black diamond’ / College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Ornamental Horticulture)

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