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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les habitats rocheux intertidaux sous l'influence d'activités anthropiques : structure, dynamique et enjeux de conservation / Rocky intertidal habitats under the influence of human activities : structure, dynamics and conservation issues

Bernard, Maud 11 May 2012 (has links)
Les activités humaines, de loisir et professionnelles, vont en s’intensifiant sur les zones rocheuses intertidales. Le piétinement associé à ces activités, le remaniement des blocs pour rechercher des espèces consommables, ne sont pas sans incidence sur les biocénoses des milieux rocheux. Les conséquences de ces activités sur la structure et la dynamique des roches du médiolittoral et des champs de blocs de bas d’estran en particulier, nécessitent d'être caractérisées. A travers l’identification des espèces et descripteurs qui répondent le plus aux perturbations "piétinement des platiers rocheux" et "retournement des blocs par les pêcheurs à pied", des indicateurs écologiques simplifiés peuvent être dégagés et faciliter, à terme, le diagnostic de l’état de conservation de ces habitats. Les processus écologiques de dégradation et de déstructuration des biocénoses sous l'effet du piétinement passent par des interactions entre espèces très complexes. Les résultats d’expérimentations in situ soulignent des phénomènes de seuils très marqués, liés en particulier à la protection jouée par les algues brunes structurantes sur les autres espèces. L'étude du retournement des blocs par les pêcheurs à pied met en évidence une phase de mortalité presque totale des organismes fixés ou peu mobiles des blocs et une faible résilience de l’habitat. Le choix de stations de référence appropriées et l’utilisation des espèces et descripteurs les plus sensibles au retournement des blocs ont permis la création de deux indicateurs de perturbation. Déclinés à deux échelles spatiales différentes, ils sont applicables en routine par les scientifiques et les gestionnaires d’aires marines protégées. / Recreational and professional activities are intensifying on the rocky intertidal. The overturning of boulders and the trampling associated with human activities, have consequences on the structure and dynamic of rocky intertidal communities. Through the identification of species and descriptors that respond more to the disturbances “trampling of mediolittoral rock platforms” and “the overturning of low eulittoral boulders by hand-fishermen”, SMART indicators (Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time limited indicator) can be created for the assessment of the conservation status of these habitats. The effects of trampling were tested with control approach. Experiments in situ underlined very complex interactions between species during the ecological processes of degradation of biocenoses. High thresholds of disturbance were also observed. They were particularly related to the protection played by structuring brown algae on other species. The study of boulder’s overturning highlighted a step of almost total mortality of fixed or low mobile organisms that live on upper or lower surfaces of boulders. Results also showed a low resilience of the habitat. The use of appropriate reference situations and of the most sensitive species to the boulder’s overturning, led to the creation of two ecological indicators. Declined to two different spatial scales, they may be applied routinely by scientists and managers of marine protected areas.

Benthic habitats of the extended Faial Island shelf and their relationship to geologic, oceanographic and infralittoral biologic features

Tempera, Fernando January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents a new template for multidisciplinary habitat mapping that combines the analyses of seafloor geomorphology, oceanographic proxies and modelling of associated biologic features. High resolution swath bathymetry of the Faial and western Pico shelves is used to present the first state-of-the-art geomorphologic assessment of submerged island shelves in the Azores. Solid seafloor structures are described in previously unreported detail together with associated volcanic, tectonic and erosion processes. The large sedimentary expanses identified in the area are also investigated and the large bedforms identified are discussed in view of new data on the local hydrodynamic conditions. Coarse-sediment zones of types hitherto unreported for volcanic island shelves are described using swath data and in situ imagery together with sub-bottom profiles and grainsize information. The hydrodynamic and geological processes producing these features are discussed. New oceanographic information extracted from satellite imagery is presented including yearly and seasonal sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration fields. These are used as proxies to understand the spatio-temporal variability of water temperature and primary productivity in the immediate island vicinity. The patterns observed are discussed, including onshore-offshore gradients and the prevalence of colder/more productive waters in the Faial-Pico passage and shelf areas in general. Furthermore, oceanographic proxies for swell exposure and tidal currents are derived from GIS analyses and shallow-water hydrographic modelling. Finally, environmental variables that potentially regulate the distribution of benthic organisms (seafloor nature, depth, slope, sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, swell exposure and maximum tidal currents) are brought together and used to develop innovative statistical models of the distribution of six macroalgae taxa dominant in the infralittoral (articulated Corallinaceae, Codium elisabethae, Dictyota spp., Halopteris filicina, Padina pavonica and Zonaria tournefortii). Predictive distributions of these macroalgae are spatialized around Faial island using ordered logistic regression equations and raster fields of the explanatory variables found to be statistically significant. This new approach represents a potentially highly significant step forward in modelling benthic communities not only in the Azores but also in other oceanic island shelves where the management of benthic species and biotopes is critical to preserve ecosystem health.

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