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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple-antenna Communications with Limited Channel State Information

Khoshnevis, Behrouz 14 November 2011 (has links)
Due to its significant advantage in spectral efficiency, multiple-antenna communication technology will undoubtedly be a major component in future wireless system implementations. However, the full exploitation of this technology also requires perfect feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the transmitter-- something that is not practically feasible. This motivates the study of limited feedback systems, where CSI feedback is rate limited. This thesis focuses on the optimal design of limited feedback systems for three types of communication channels: the relay channel, the single-user point-to-point channel, and the multiuser broadcast channel. For the relay channel, we prove the efficiency of the Grassmannian codebooks as the source and relay beamforming codebooks, and propose a method for CSI exchange between the relay and the destination when global CSI is not available at destination. For the single-user point-to-point channel, we study the joint power control and beamforming problem and address the channel magnitude and direction quantization codebook design problem. It is shown that uniform quantization of the channel magnitude (in dB scale) is asymptotically optimal regardless of the channel distribution. The analysis further derives the optimal split of feedback bandwidth between the magnitude and direction quantization codebooks. For the multiuser broadcast channel, we first prove the sufficiency of a product magnitude-direction quantization codebook for managing the multiuser interference. We then derive the optimal split of feedback bandwidth across the users and their magnitude and direction codebooks. The optimization results reveal an inherent structural difference between the single-user and multiuser quantization codebooks: a multiuser codebook should have a finer direction quantization resolution as compared to a single-user codebook. It is further shown that the users expecting higher rates and requiring more reliable communication should provide a finer quantization of their CSI. Finally, we determine the minimum required total feedback rate based on users' quality-of-service constraints and derive the scaling of the system performance with the total feedback rate.

MSE-based Linear Transceiver Designs for Multiuser MIMO Wireless Communications

Tenenbaum, Adam 11 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation designs linear transceivers for the multiuser downlink in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The designs rely on an uplink/downlink duality for the mean squared error (MSE) of each individual data stream. We first consider the design of transceivers assuming channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. We consider minimization of the sum-MSE over all users subject to a sum power constraint on each transmission. Using MSE duality, we solve a computationally simpler convex problem in a virtual uplink. The transformation back to the downlink is simplified by our demonstrating the equality of the optimal power allocations in the uplink and downlink. Our second set of designs maximize the sum throughput for all users. We establish a series of relationships linking MSE to the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios of individual data streams and the information theoretic channel capacity under linear minimum MSE decoding. We show that minimizing the product of MSE matrix determinants is equivalent to sum-rate maximization, but we demonstrate that this problem does not admit a computationally efficient solution. We simplify the problem by minimizing the product of mean squared errors (PMSE) and propose an iterative algorithm based on alternating optimization with near-optimal performance. The remainder of the thesis considers the more practical case of imperfections in CSI. First, we consider the impact of delay and limited-rate feedback. We propose a system which employs Kalman prediction to mitigate delay; feedback rate is limited by employing adaptive delta modulation. Next, we consider the robust design of the sum-MSE and PMSE minimizing precoders with delay-free but imperfect estimates of the CSI. We extend the MSE duality to the case of imperfect CSI, and consider a new optimization problem which jointly optimizes the energy allocations for training and data stages along with the sum-MSE/PMSE minimizing transceivers. We prove the separability of these two problems when all users have equal estimation error variances, and propose several techniques to address the more challenging case of unequal estimation errors.

Multiple-antenna Communications with Limited Channel State Information

Khoshnevis, Behrouz 14 November 2011 (has links)
Due to its significant advantage in spectral efficiency, multiple-antenna communication technology will undoubtedly be a major component in future wireless system implementations. However, the full exploitation of this technology also requires perfect feedback of channel state information (CSI) to the transmitter-- something that is not practically feasible. This motivates the study of limited feedback systems, where CSI feedback is rate limited. This thesis focuses on the optimal design of limited feedback systems for three types of communication channels: the relay channel, the single-user point-to-point channel, and the multiuser broadcast channel. For the relay channel, we prove the efficiency of the Grassmannian codebooks as the source and relay beamforming codebooks, and propose a method for CSI exchange between the relay and the destination when global CSI is not available at destination. For the single-user point-to-point channel, we study the joint power control and beamforming problem and address the channel magnitude and direction quantization codebook design problem. It is shown that uniform quantization of the channel magnitude (in dB scale) is asymptotically optimal regardless of the channel distribution. The analysis further derives the optimal split of feedback bandwidth between the magnitude and direction quantization codebooks. For the multiuser broadcast channel, we first prove the sufficiency of a product magnitude-direction quantization codebook for managing the multiuser interference. We then derive the optimal split of feedback bandwidth across the users and their magnitude and direction codebooks. The optimization results reveal an inherent structural difference between the single-user and multiuser quantization codebooks: a multiuser codebook should have a finer direction quantization resolution as compared to a single-user codebook. It is further shown that the users expecting higher rates and requiring more reliable communication should provide a finer quantization of their CSI. Finally, we determine the minimum required total feedback rate based on users' quality-of-service constraints and derive the scaling of the system performance with the total feedback rate.

Coordinated multi-antenna techniques for cellular networks:Pilot signaling and decentralized optimization in TDD mode

Komulainen, P. (Petri) 19 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract This thesis concentrates on the design and evaluation of spatial user multiplexing methods via linear transmit-receive processing for wireless cellular multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems operating in the time-division duplexing (TDD) mode. The main focus is on the acquisition of effective channel state information (CSI) that facilitates decentralized processing so that the network nodes – base stations (BS) and user terminals (UT), each employing an arbitrary number of antenna elements – are able to locally participate in the network adaptation. The proposed methods rely on the uplink-downlink channel reciprocity and spatially precoded over-the-air pilot signaling. Considering (single-cell) multi-user MIMO systems, coordinated zero-forcing transmit-receive processing schemes for the uplink (UL) are proposed. The BS computes the transmission parameters in a centralized manner and employs downlink (DL) pilot signals to convey the information of the beamformers to be used by the UTs. When coexisting with the DL zero-forcing, the precoded DL demodulation pilots can be reused for UL beam allocation, and the precoded UL demodulation pilots are reused in turn for partial channel sounding (CS). As a result, only the precoded pilot symbols are needed in both UL and DL. Moreover, a concept for reducing the number of the required orthogonal UL CS pilot resources is presented. Based on their DL channel knowledge, the multi-antenna UTs form fewer pilot beams by spatial precoding than conventionally needed when transmitting antenna-specific pilots. In the context of DL zero-forcing, when taking into account the CSI estimation error at the BS, the overhead reduction turns out to improve robustness and increase the average system capacity. Considering multi-cell multi-user MIMO systems, decentralized coordinated DL beamforming strategies based on weighted sum rate (WSR) maximization are proposed. An optimization framework where the WSR maximization is carried out via weighted sum mean-squared-error minimization is utilized, and the approach is generalized by employing antenna-specific transmit power constraints. The iterative processing consists of optimization steps that are run locally by the BSs. In one novel strategy, the coordinating cells update their transmit precoders and receivers one cell at a time, which guarantees monotonic convergence of the network-wide problem. The strategy employs separate uplink CS and busy burst pilot signaling to reveal the effective channels of the UTs to the neighboring BSs. In another novel strategy, the monotonic convergence is sacrificed to devise a faster scheme where the BSs are allowed to optimize their variables in parallel based on just the CS responses and additional low-rate backhaul information exchange. The numerical results demonstrate that WSR maximization has the desirable property that spatial user scheduling is carried out implicitly. Finally, methods for UL CS overhead reduction are presented, and the effect of CSI uncertainty is addressed. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy lineaarisella lähetys- ja vastaanottoprosessoinnilla toteutettavien tilajakomonikäyttömenetelmien suunnitteluun ja arviointiin langattomissa moniantennisissa solukkoverkoissa, jotka hyödyntävät aikajakodupleksointia (TDD). Erityisesti tarkastellaan efektiivisen kanavatiedon hankintaa, joka mahdollistaa hajautetun prosessoinnin siten että verkkoelementit – tukiasemat ja terminaalit, jotka kukin hyödyntävät useaa antennielementtiä – voivat osallistua paikallisesti verkon adaptaatioon. Esitetyt menetelmät perustuvat ylä- ja alalinkin kanavien resiprookkisuuteen ja tilatasossa esikoodattuun opetus- eli pilottisignalointiin ilmarajapinnan yli. Yksisoluisille monikäyttäjä- ja moniantennijärjestelmille esitetään ylälinkin koordinoituja nollaanpakottavia lähetys- ja vastaanottomenetelmiä. Tukiasema laskee lähetysparametrit keskitetysti ja käyttää pilottisignaaleja kertomaan millaista lähetyskeilanmuodostusta terminaalien tulee käyttää. Alalinkin nollaanpakotuksen yhteydessä esikoodattuja demodulaatiopilotteja voidaan uudelleenkäyttää ylälinkin lähetyskeilojen allokointiin, ja esikoodattuja ylälinkin demodulaatiopilotteja uudelleenkäytetään puolestaan osittaiseen kanavan luotaukseen (sounding). Näin ollen molempiin suuntiin tarvitaan vain esikoodatut pilotit. Lisäksi työssä esitetään menetelmä ylälinkin luotauspilottiresurssitarpeen vähentämiseksi. Kanavatietoon perustuen moniantenniset terminaalit muodostavat tilatasossa esikoodattuja pilottilähetyskeiloja, joita tarvitaan vähemmän kuin perinteisiä antennikohtaisia pilotteja. Kun otetaan huomioon kanavanestimointivirhe tukiasemassa, resurssiensäästömenetelmä parantaa häiriösietoisuutta ja nostaa järjestelmän keskimääräistä kapasiteettia alalinkin nollaanpakotuksen yhteydessä. Monisoluisille monikäyttäjä- ja moniantennijärjestelmille esitetään hajautettuja koordinoituja alalinkin keilanmuodostusstrategioita, jotka perustuvat painotetun summadatanopeuden (WSR) maksimointiin. Valitussa optimointikehyksessä WSR:n maksimointi toteutetaan painotetun summaneliövirheen minimoinnin kautta, ja työssä menettelytapa yleistetään antennikohtaisten lähetystehorajoitusten tapaukseen. Iteratiivinen prosessointi koostuu optimointiaskelista, jotka tukiasemat paikallisesti suorittavat. Yhdessä esitetyssä strategiassa yhteistoiminnalliset solut päivittävät lähettimensä ja vastaanottimensa yksi solu kerrallaan, mikä takaa verkonlaajuisen ongelmanratkaisun monotonisen konvergenssin. Tämä strategia käyttää erillisiä ylälinkin luotaussignaaleja sekä varattu-signaaleja ilmaistakseen terminaalien efektiiviset kanavat naapuritukiasemille. Toisessa strategiassa monotoninen konvergenssi uhrataan ja kehitetään nopeammin adaptoituva menetelmä, jossa tukiasemat saavat optimoida muuttujansa rinnakkain, perustuen vain luotaussignaaleihin ja tukiasemien väliseen informaationvaihtoon. Numeeriset tulokset osoittavat, että WSR:n maksimointi toteuttaa aktiivisten käyttäjien valinnan tilatasossa implisiittisesti. Lopuksi esitetään menetelmiä luotauspilottiresurssitarpeen vähentämiseksi ja käsitellään kanavatiedon epävarmuuden vaikutusta.

Joint Source-Channel Coding Reliability Function for Single and Multi-Terminal Communication Systems

Zhong, Yangfan 15 May 2008 (has links)
Traditionally, source coding (data compression) and channel coding (error protection) are performed separately and sequentially, resulting in what we call a tandem (separate) coding system. In practical implementations, however, tandem coding might involve a large delay and a high coding/decoding complexity, since one needs to remove the redundancy in the source coding part and then insert certain redundancy in the channel coding part. On the other hand, joint source-channel coding (JSCC), which coordinates source and channel coding or combines them into a single step, may offer substantial improvements over the tandem coding approach. This thesis deals with the fundamental Shannon-theoretic limits for a variety of communication systems via JSCC. More specifically, we investigate the reliability function (which is the largest rate at which the coding probability of error vanishes exponentially with increasing blocklength) for JSCC for the following discrete-time communication systems: (i) discrete memoryless systems; (ii) discrete memoryless systems with perfect channel feedback; (iii) discrete memoryless systems with source side information; (iv) discrete systems with Markovian memory; (v) continuous-valued (particularly Gaussian) memoryless systems; (vi) discrete asymmetric 2-user source-channel systems. For the above systems, we establish upper and lower bounds for the JSCC reliability function and we analytically compute these bounds. The conditions for which the upper and lower bounds coincide are also provided. We show that the conditions are satisfied for a large class of source-channel systems, and hence exactly determine the reliability function. We next provide a systematic comparison between the JSCC reliability function and the tandem coding reliability function (the reliability function resulting from separate source and channel coding). We show that the JSCC reliability function is substantially larger than the tandem coding reliability function for most cases. In particular, the JSCC reliability function is close to twice as large as the tandem coding reliability function for many source-channel pairs. This exponent gain provides a theoretical underpinning and justification for JSCC design as opposed to the widely used tandem coding method, since JSCC will yield a faster exponential rate of decay for the system error probability and thus provides substantial reductions in complexity and coding/decoding delay for real-world communication systems. / Thesis (Ph.D, Mathematics & Statistics) -- Queen's University, 2008-05-13 22:31:56.425

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