Spelling suggestions: "subject:"built anda human 3denvironment : conergy"" "subject:"built anda human 3denvironment : coenergy""
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Environmental design within the Korean electronics industry : with particular reference to handheld devicesKim, Y. Y. January 2014 (has links)
The paper will examine the use of eco-design tools within the Korean electronics industry, with particular reference to mobile phone design & manufacture. Economic growth in Korea has been driven by aggressively exporting products, primarily to the US & China. Industries - such as semiconductor fabrication & electronic products - have been at the forefront of this export strategy. With impending environmental legislation threatening many of Korea’s global export markets, this study represents a timely appraisal of the industry’s ability to respond. The paper goes on to consider the extent to which eco-design tools are implemented within the Korean electronics industry, & which are most appropriate in environmental and business perspective. Whilst a simple question, this demands a non-trivial set of answers, each step posing significant problems. This is conditional on both the relevant environmental protocol for each market region, & the development of a means of cross-comparing what are very different metrics of environmental damage. In resolving this, the paper adopts Eco (or Fussler’s) Compass as a graphical representation, & uses this to evaluate the impact of a range of concepts, developed using each of the identified design tools, & based on Lifecycle Analysis (LCA- environmental quantitative evaluations method). The paper concludes by presenting cross comparing in environmental effectiveness against business and major international environmental legislations, ranking each of the tools against eco-benefit, relevance to a particular region/market & cost to the organisation, the latter being measured in times of: current capability; required investment in process; requisite developments in technology (R&D investment &/or licensing); & anticipated problems in cultural adaptation.
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Transition pathways to sustainable energy infrastructure : the UK experienceHussaini, M. January 2015 (has links)
Environmental problems such as climate change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions present alarming challenge to carbon intensive energy systems. In response, the European Union at the regional level and the United Kingdom at the national level responded to this development by formulating and implementing proactive low carbon transition policies over the past few decades. Using recent transition theories, this thesis provides explorative analysis of low carbon transition pathways that have taken place and that are likely to take place, in the UK road transport and electricity generation sectors. Using reliable data and information, this research applied the concepts of transition pathway theory (the multi-level and multi-phase perspectives) in the context of energy system (as a socio-technical system) to analyse low carbon energy transition prospects in the two case study sectors. Findings indicate that transition in the road transport sector is currently at the take-off phase of transformation pathway to biofuel blends, hybrid electric vehicles, as well as niche technologies such as battery electric vehicles. For the emergence of an ideal low carbon road system in the UK, it is shown that the transformation pathway is insufficient and the likely pathway sequence to full decarbonisation will be transformation-substitution-de-alignment/re-alignment. On the other hand, the fossil fuel electricity generation sector is currently at the take-off phase of substitution pathway to renewable electricity. For the emergence of a single power generation technology, the result shows that the most likely scenario is the de-alignment/re-alignment pathway. Under this pathway, the power industry will be characterised by loosely coupled grid islands located close to consumers, necessitating bidirectional flows of electricity to balance demand and supply. At the national level, the transition assessment indicates that the overall carbon performance of the UK energy system is successful and is in agreement with the targets set in the Kyoto Protocol.
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SODAR comparison methods for compatible wind speed estimationPiper, Benjamin January 2011 (has links)
This thesis includes the results of a PhD study about methods to compare Sonic Detection And Ranging (SODAR) measurements to measurements from other instruments. The study focuses on theoretical analysis, the design of a transponder system for simulating winds and the measurement of the acoustic radiation patterns of SODARs. These methods are integrated to reduce uncertainty in SODAR measurements. Through theoretical analysis it is shown that the effective measurement volume of a range gate is 15% of a cone section based on the SODAR's Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM). Models of the beam pattern are used to calculate the ratio of air passing a turbine to that measured by a SODAR over 10 minutes with values of 3-5% found at 10ms-1. The model is used to find angles where significant Sound Pressure Levels (SPLs) occur close to a SODARs baffle giving the highest chance of fixed echoes. This is converted into an orientation guide for SODAR set-up. The design of a transponder system is detailed that aims to provide a calibration test of the processing applied by a SODAR. Testing has shown that the transponder can determine the Doppler shift equation used by a SODAR although further work is needed to make the system applicable to all SODARs. It is shown that anechoic measurements of single elements are useful for improving array models. Measurements of the FWHM and acoustic tilt angle can be achieved in the field using a tilt mechanism and a Sound Level Meter (SLM) on a 10m mast. The same mechanism can be used to calculate an effective tilt angle using the Bradley technique. It is proposed that these methods are integrated to calculate error slopes for the SODAR measurement with regards to a secondary location. It is shown that the slopes could be between 0 and 5% if the methods are fully realised and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is incorporated.
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Improving the integration of building design and facilities managementBu Jawdeh, H. M. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between facilities management (FM) and design on construction projects in the Middle East region. Input provided by facilities management, the party responsible for developing and maintaining a facility support services system, is found to be vital for enhancing the design’s supportive function and preventing operation problems from occurring during the occupancy phase. An extensive literature review is undertaken to study both FM and design practices, their responsibilities during a facility’s life cycle and the types of services each discipline provides. The nature of facilities management input into design is also explored. The review of literature reveals a limited integration among the facilities management and design professions, a problem mainly caused by the nature of project delivery processes that prevent external input into the design. Accordingly, the research aims of investigating integration in practice and determining the actions to be taken to improve the situation are developed. The survey method is chosen for carrying out the research, involving FM and design practitioners. Semi-structured interviews are utilised for collecting qualitative rich information on professional views and experiences. Research findings disclose the nature of the relationship between facilities managers and designers as well as the status of their current collaboration on construction projects in the Middle East. FM-related concerns occurring during the occupancy phase are identified to show the prominence of their consideration during the design stage. This research also presents the various benefits of achieving successful integration and identifies the different means which could be implemented to improve the process of integration and avoid negative consequences currently affecting facilities and their occupants.
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Smart grid applicability prioritisation of neighbourhoods by developing a geospatial decision support modelOzturk, Z. January 2013 (has links)
Environmental concerns comprising pollution and global warming are among the key parameters that steer policy making actions regarding sustainability. Energy industry that comprises energy generation, distribution, and transmission phases of energy loop is at the core of these concerns and faces challenges. Due to handling capabilities, present electricity grid is not robust enough to utilize desired level of renewable energy sources due to their intermittent nature. On the other hand, emerging policies are targeting the increased utilization of renewable energy sources. In the light of environmental policies and increased stability requirements of the electricity grids, a new concept called “smart grid” emerges. Smart grids are intended to eliminate the limitations of present electricity grids such as offering increased handling capacity for renewable energy, increased interaction of the consumers with the utilities, and increased supply and demand management. It is not easy to express a solid smart grid definition as each party (energy generation, distribution, and demand side management) has its own approach in line with the desires. Due to the potential environmental benefits of smart grids, some governments engage smart grid projects to their agenda. As solid smart grid definition does not exist, there is no available solid strategy for smart grid implementations. On the other hand, it is well understood that failure in deployment of smart grids (regardless of the technology) will have undesirable impacts on growth of renewable energy generation, and failure in meeting EU carbon targets consequently. This research seeks to develop a model that seeks optimization of smart grid implementations, and it assists decision makers with deciding on the priory areas for smart grid applicability. Stated areas in this case are neighbourhoods comprising of residential buildings where considerable amount of energy is consumed. A set of criteria regarding to residential energy use and renewable energy technologies, are defined in the study. Proposed model is embedded in a GIS platform, and the main process carried out is a prioritization mechanism that comprises Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and geospatial computations like clustering and regression analysis in order to evaluate the alternative neighbourhoods. Proposed model optimizes smart grid projects by ranking of alternatives in terms of smart grid applicability. Such an aid in optimizing smart grid projects has the potential to maintain progress of smart grids in a timely manner.
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A technique to enable the tracking of people for domestic energy monitoring applicationsHughes, T. L. January 2015 (has links)
Domestic energy consumption has increasingly become a cause for concern for governments, energy suppliers, and individual householders. Issues surrounding gas and electricity used in the home relate to the increasing cost of fuel, the rise in the incidence of fuel poverty, carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels contributing to climate change, security of supply due to geo-political disagreement and the age and condition of the existing energy infrastructure. While buildings and appliances have become more energy-efficient, usually driven by legislation, the energy-consuming behaviour of individuals is very difficult to change. Domestic energy monitoring has so far only been carried out at a household level, while the behaviour of individuals within households has remained ambiguous. There is a gap in current knowledge about how people use energy at home, mainly because it is very difficult to capture everyday behaviour without influencing the behaviour being observed. Initiatives and campaigns targeting domestic energy-consuming behaviour have been based on assumptions of how people use energy in their homes, and have been found to be ineffective. There is a need for an unobtrusive method of capturing domestic energy behaviour. This research presents a technique to deliver this requirement by enabling the tracking of people in their homes with a small number of cost-effective RFID (Radio Frequency ID) devices. Using this technique the location of multiple individuals wearing RFID tags can be determined, thereby creating an unobtrusive RTLS (Real Time Location System). This technique has been extensively evaluated through a series of tests within a typical 1940’s semi-detached house in North West England, and has been found to be able to successfully locate individuals to room level. If this RTLS data is matched with appliance level energy data, energy-consumption can be attributed to the individuals responsible, and personalised everyday energy-consuming behaviour can be established.
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Development of a flexible and adaptable operational property asset management framework for local authoritiesNgwira, M. M. January 2015 (has links)
The growing recognition amongst local authorities of the potential of asset management to improve property management practice has led to its increased adoption. The growing trend has been supported by the development of asset management frameworks. However, evidence indicates that local authorities are failing to achieve the full benefits from their asset management implementation. The factors contributing to some of the property management problems such as reactive management, lack of leadership support, ineffective corporate landlord approach, remain. The available frameworks are incapable of mitigating the identified problems by failing to provide understanding of local authority differences. Therefore, this research aimed to develop an adaptable and flexible operational property asset management framework for local authorities in England and Scotland. The strategic management theory, review of existing literature findings and evaluation of available asset management frameworks especially the Total Asset Management Process model helped to identify, define and establish the causal logic of the asset management concepts underpinning the developed conceptual framework. Face to face semi-structured interviews followed by large scale questionnaire surveys were used to gather primary data. The key research findings are that the following are the key factors limiting asset management practice improvements in local authorities: ineffective leadership support, asset management capabilities and corporate landlord approach; inadequate asset management information systems and performance management arrangements. Principal components factor analysis was utilised to help establish underlying factors that account for flexible and adaptable asset management framework. The findings suggest that asset management processes associated with an adaptable and flexible asset management framework include a board level cross functional asset management structure; strong leadership support for both direct and indirect property; an enabling environment; an effective corporate landlord approach; an effective performance management arrangement; and availability of an appropriate management information system. The framework has been validated to be robust and can be utilised and flexibly adapted by different local authorities and provides the basis for improving the process and outcome of asset management practice.
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Field and laboratory studies into the human response to groundborne vibration : exposure-response relationships, perceptual dimensions, and models of annoyanceWoodcock, J. S. January 2013 (has links)
With proposed increases in both freight and passenger railway in the United Kingdom and the European Union and the building of new high speed lines, there has been an increase in interest in recent years in the human response to vibration in residential environments. As with exposure to environmental noise, exposure to environmental vibration can result in adverse effects such as annoyance and sleep disturbance. However, unlike exposure to environmental noise, well established relationships to evaluate annoyance caused by vibration in residential environments do not exist. In order to predict and control annoyance caused by vibration from environmental sources, a better understanding is needed of how humans perceive vibration and how their perception relates to measureable, quantifiable features of the vibration exposure. In the work presented in this thesis, the human response to vibration is considered on both a community and individual level. The first major aim of this work is to develop statistically robust exposure-response relationships for the human response to railway and construction induced vibration in residential environments. This is achieved via a large scale field survey in which 1431 questionnaires were conducted with residents in their own homes along with extensive vibration measurements at internal and external positions. Analysis of the data collected through this field survey shows that all of the vibration exposure descriptors advocated in national and international standards are equally well correlated with annoyance due to railway induced vibration. Using a grouped regression model, exposure-response relationships describing the proportion of respondents expected to express annoyance above a given threshold are derived for railway and construction induced vibration in terms of a variety of vibration exposure descriptors. The second major aim of this work is to investigate the perception of railway induced vibration on an individual level by investigating the salient dimensions of the perception of whole body vibration. This is achieved via a subjective laboratory test in which paired comparisons of similarity and annoyance are conducted using fourteen measured railway vibration stimuli. Through multidimensional scaling analysis, it is shown that the perception of railway induced vibration is dependent on up to four perceptual dimensions. These dimensions relate to energy in the 16 Hz 1/3 octave band, energy in the 32 Hz 1/3 octave band, the duration of the train passage, and the modulation frequency of the envelope of the signal. These perceptual dimensions are related to single figure Perceived Annoyance Ratings (A) by the following relationship: $A=-0.40+4.57{{\ddot{X}}_{RMS,16Hz}}+3.18{{\ddot{X}}_{RMS,32Hz}}+0.02{{T}_{10dB}}+0.02f{}_{\bmod }$. Finally, the single figure Perceived Annoyance Ratings are related to categorical ratings of annoyance via a logistic regression model.
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Through the weather glassBurnett, L. January 2013 (has links)
This Creative Writing thesis argues for the need to rethink our understanding of climate change and focuses on the response of creative writers to this phenomenon, whilst also offering its own creative contribution. The critical component aims at articulating a post-climate change poetics. It reviews the mainstream literature in popular science writing, fiction and poetry from the point of view of a political frame-analysis of climate change, to demonstrate how a certain understanding of climate change maps onto conventions of literary genre. The thesis takes the view that many mainstream literary attempts to negotiate climate change are compromised by the teleological way in which they conceive of the phenomenon. As an alternative position, it draws on the work of climatologist Mike Hulme and physicist and cultural theorist Karen Barad to encourage participation in climate change as a condition for negotiating its meaning. Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass is proposed as a model for literary production informed by this poetics and as a model for the author’s own creative practice. The creative component of this thesis is an intra-generic text presenting the fictionalised narrative of a cycle expedition the author made from Salford to the Greek island of Ikaria in the summer of 2010. This substantial work aims to interrogate, imagine, and enquire into the epistemology of a post-climate change world.
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