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Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge: An Analysis of Impact on IDEIA, Part C Early Intervention ProgramsBohjanen, Sharon Lynn January 2016 (has links)
Infants and toddlers who live in poverty are more likely to experience developmental delays or disabilities and less likely to access early intervention (EI) services. The federal initiative Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) was designed to increase access to high quality early learning programs for children at risk for developmental delays due to poverty or disability. Although IDEA, Part C programs were not specifically targeted by this initiative, policies associated with RTT-ELC may have an indirect impact on state EI programs. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of RTT-ELC on Part C programs by comparing states that received federal grants to states that did not. This study used a social justice framework to identify variables that inform equitable access to high quality Part C programs. Data were extracted from Part C state profiles and compared across states. Awarded states were more likely to increase enrollment of infants and toddlers in Part C Programs and were more likely to use broad eligibility criteria. These findings indicated that although differences were small they could become more pronounced over time. The need for policy change in Part C programs and federal early learning initiatives to directly target infants, toddlers and families in poverty are highlighted through the results of this study.
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Concurrency Analysis and Mining Techniques for APIsSanthiar, Anirudh January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Software components expose Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as a means to access their functionality, and facilitate reuse. Developers use APIs supplied by programming languages to access the core data structures and algorithms that are part of the language framework. They use the APIs of third-party libraries for specialized tasks. Thus, APIs play a central role in mediating a developer's interaction with software, and the interaction between different software components. However, APIs are often large, complex and hard to navigate. They may have hundreds of classes and methods, with incomplete or obsolete documentation. They may encapsulate concurrency behaviour that the developer is unaware of. Finding the right functionality in a large API, using APIs correctly, and maintaining software that uses a constantly evolving API are challenges that every developer runs into. In this thesis, we design automated techniques to address two problems pertaining to APIs (1) Concurrency analysis of APIs, and (2) API mining. Speci cally, we consider the concurrency analysis of asynchronous APIs, and mining of math APIs to infer the functional behaviour of API methods.
The problem of concurrency bugs such as race conditions and deadlocks has been well studied for multi-threaded programs. However, developers have been eschewing a pure multi-threaded programming model in favour of asynchronous programming models supported by asynchronous APIs. Asynchronous programs and multi-threaded programs have different semantics, due to which existing techniques to analyze the latter cannot detect bugs present in programs that use asynchronous APIs. This thesis addresses the problem of concurrency analysis of programs that use asynchronous APIs in an end-to-end fashion. We give operational semantics for important classes of asynchronous and event-driven systems. The semantics are designed by carefully studying real software and serve to clarify subtleties in scheduling. We use the semantics to inform the design of novel algorithms to find races and deadlocks. We implement the algorithms in tools, and show their effectiveness by finding serious bugs in popular open-source software.
To begin with, we consider APIs for asynchronous event-driven systems supporting pro-grammatic event loops. Here, event handlers can spin event loops programmatically in addition to the runtime's default event loop. This concurrency idiom is supported by important classes of APIs including GUI, web browser, and OS APIs. Programs that use these APIs are prone to interference between a handler that is spinning an event loop and another handler that runs inside the loop. We present the first happens-before based race detection technique for such programs. Next, we consider the asynchronous programming model of modern languages like C]. In spite of providing primitives for the disciplined use of asynchrony, C] programs can deadlock because of incorrect use of blocking APIs along with non-blocking (asynchronous) APIs. We present the rst deadlock detection technique for asynchronous C] programs. We formulate necessary conditions for deadlock using a novel program representation that represents procedures and continuations, control ow between them and the threads on which they may be scheduled. We design a static analysis to construct the pro-gram representation and use it to identify deadlocks. Our ideas have resulted in research tools with practical impact. Sparse Racer, our tool to detect races, found 13 previously unknown use-after-free bugs in KDE Linux applications. Dead Wait, our deadlock detector, found 43 previously unknown deadlocks in asynchronous C] libraries. Developers have fixed 43 of these races and deadlocks, indicating that our techniques are useful in practice to detect bugs that developers consider worth fixing.
Using large APIs effectively entails finding the right functionality and calling the methods that implement it correctly, possibly composing many API elements. Automatically infer-ring the information required to do this is a challenge that has attracted the attention of the research community. In response, the community has introduced many techniques to mine APIs and produce information ranging from usage examples and patterns, to protocols governing the API method calling sequences. We show how to mine unit tests to match API methods to their functional behaviour, for the specific but important class of math APIs.
Math APIs are at the heart of many application domains ranging from machine learning to scientific computations, and are supplied by many competing libraries. In contrast to obtaining usage examples or identifying correct call sequences, the challenge in this domain is to infer API methods required to perform a particular mathematical computation, and to compose them correctly. We let developers specify mathematical computations naturally, as a math expression in the notation of interpreted languages (such as Matlab). Our unit test mining technique maps subexpressions to math API methods such that the method's functional behaviour matches the subexpression's executable semantics, as defined by the interpreter. We apply our technique, called MathFinder, to math API discovery and migration, and validate it in a user study. Developers who used MathFinder nished their programming tasks twice as fast as their counterparts who used the usual techniques like web and code search, and IDE code completion. We also demonstrate the use of MathFinder to assist in the migration of Weka, a popular machine learning library, to a different linear algebra library.
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Méthode de conception de logiciel système critique couplée à une démarche de vérification formelle / A method for designing critical software system coupled with a formal verification approachMethni, Amira 07 July 2016 (has links)
Avec l'évolution des technologies, la complexité des systèmes informatiques ne cesse de s'accroître. Parmi ces systèmes, on retrouve les logiciels critiques qui doivent offrir une garantie de sûreté de fonctionnement qui s'avère crucial et pour lesquels un dysfonctionnement peut avoir des conséquences graves. Les méthodes formelles fournissent des outils permettant de garantir mathématiquement l'absence de certaines erreurs. Ces méthodes sont indispensables pour assurer les plus hauts niveaux de sûreté. Mais l'application de ces méthodes sur un code système bas niveau se heurte à des difficultés d'ordre pratique et théorique. Les principales difficultés concernent la prise en compte des aspects bas niveau, comme les pointeurs et les interactions avec le matériel spécifique. De plus, le fait que ces systèmes soient concurrents conduit à une augmentation exponentielle du nombre de comportements possibles, ce qui rend plus difficile leur vérification. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthodologie pour la spécification et la vérification par model-checking de ce type de systèmes, en particulier, ceux implémentés en C. Cette méthodologie est basée sur la traduction de la sémantique de C en TLA+, un langage de spécification formel adapté à la modélisation de systèmes concurrents. Nous avons proposé un modèle de mémoire et d'exécution d'un programme C séquentiel en TLA+. En se basant sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé un ensemble de règles de traduction d'un code C en TLA+ que nous avons implémenté dans un outil, appelé C2TLA+. Nous avons montré comment ce modèle peut s'étendre pour modéliser les programmes C concurrents et gérer la synchronisation entre plusieurs processus ainsi que leur ordonnancement. Pour réduire la complexité du model-checking, nous avons proposé une technique permettant de réduire significativement la complexité de la vérification. Cette réduction consiste pour un code C à agglomérer une suite d'instructions lors de la génération du code TLA+, sous réserve d'un ensemble de conditions.Nous avons appliqué la méthodologie proposée dans cette thèse sur un cas d'étude réel issu de l'implémentation d'un micronoyau industriel,sur lequel nous avons vérifié un ensemble de propriétés fonctionnelles. L'application de la réduction a permis de réduire considérablement le temps de la vérification, ce qui la rend utilisable en pratique.Les résultats ont permis d'étudier le comportement du système, de vérifier certaines propriétés et de trouver des bugs indétectables par des simples tests. / Software systems are critical and complex. In order to guarantee their correctness, the use of formal methodsis important. These methods can be defined as mathematically based techniques, languages and tools for specifying and reasoning about systems. But, the application of formal methods to software systems, implemented in C, is challenging due to the presence of pointers, pointer arithmetic andinteraction with hardware. Moreover, software systems are often concurrent, making the verification process infeasible. This work provides a methodology to specify and verify C software systems usingmodel-checking technique. The proposed methodology is based on translating the semantics of Cinto TLA+, a formal specification language for reasoning about concurrent and reactive systems. We define a memory and execution model for a sequential program and a set of translation rules from C to TLA+ that we developed in a tool called C2TLA+. Based on this model, we show that it can be extended to support concurrency, synchronization primitives and process scheduling. Although model-checking is an efficient and automatic technique, it faces the state explosion problem when the system becomes large. To overcome this problem, we propose a state-space reduction technique. The latter is based on agglomerating a set of C instructions during the generation phase of the TLA+ specification. This methodology has been applied to a concrete case study, a microkernel of an industrial real-time operating system, on which a set of functional properties has been verified. The application of the agglomeration technique to the case study shows the usefulness of the proposed technique in reducing the complexity of verification. The obtained results allow us to study the behavior of the system and to find errors undetectable using traditional testing techniques.
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