Spelling suggestions: "subject:"600 3ports cience"" "subject:"600 3ports cscience""
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The use of acute responses of endocrine and immune biomarkers to highlight overreachingLeal, Diogo Luis Campos Vaz January 2017 (has links)
The action of overtraining may lead to the different states of overreaching or the overtraining syndrome (OTS). Chronic maladaptation in endocrine and immune mechanisms, and performance decrements occur with the incidence of these states. Circulating cortisol and testosterone have been proposed as endocrine markers of overreaching/OTS. Salivary measurements of these hormones have been used as a non-invasive surrogate for circulating levels. Chapter 4 (study 1) on this Thesis examined the influence of consuming water 10 min, 5 min and 1 min before providing a saliva sample in diluting saliva and consequently providing invalid salivary cortisol and testosterone concentration levels. No trial effect was found. However, exercise-induced salivary cortisol and testosterone significantly elevated in response to the 10 min and 5 min trials only, with lower absolute-changes observed in the 1 min trial. No differences were found in the resting samples. It was suggested that consuming water up to 5 min before providing a saliva sample does not appear to influence the hormone concentrations at rest and during exercise. However, the recommended guidelines for saliva collection have been followed in the subsequent studies. Chapter 5 (study 2) examined the reproducibility of salivary cortisol and testosterone responses to a 30-min cycle named as the 55/80. This test has been proposed as a suitable indicator of hormonal alterations associated with overreaching/OTS. Reproducibility of salivary cortisol and testosterone to the 55/80 was confirmed by determining intra-individual coefficients of variation (CVi). However, the 55/80 is a cycle test and therefore, may not be appropriate for runners. Chapter 6 (study 3) focused on designing a 30-min, running bout (i.e. the RPEtreadmill) to reproduce the effects of the 55/80. The RPEtreadmill is a self-paced test and therefore, will not require aVO2maxtest to determine exercise intensities. An acute elevation of plasma and salivary testosterone, but not cortisol was observed in response to the RPEtreadmill. These responses have been shown to be reproducible. The data from Chapter 6 suggest that the RPEtreadmill may be a suitable tool to indicate hormonal alterations associated with overreaching/OTS. This led to the design of study 4 (Chapter 7). Plasma and salivary cortisol and testosterone responses were examined before and after a 12-day intensified-training period. Immunity markers (specifically salivary immunoglobulin A (SIgA), leucocyte subset proliferation and phagocytic activity) were examined before and after training. Plasma and salivary cortisol were unaffected by acute exercise and training. However, testosterone elevated to the RPEtreadmill Pre-Training, and these responses were reduced Post-Training. Total leucocytes and mucosal immunity were unaffected by exercise and training. However, increased upper respiratory tract infection symptoms were found Post-Training. Baseline phagocytic function was 47% lower Post-Training. This Thesis suggests that testosterone may be a more reliable exercise-stress marker. Moreover, the RPEtreadmill may be a suitable tool to highlight alterations in testosterone when in an overreached state in an attempt to avoid the incidence of OTS, and that this tool may be practically applied in the field of exercise science. Additionally, this Thesis shows that a 12-day intensified-training period induced a marked decrease in phagocytic responses, and therefore using the RPEtreadmill to highlight overreaching may be important to also prevent further impairments in immunity status.
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The performance and physiological responses to the extra-time period of soccerHarper, Liam January 2016 (has links)
Soccer matches have a typical duration of 90 min. However, when matches are drawn in some knockout cup scenarios and an outright winner is required, an additional 30 min period, termed extra-time (ET), is played. The performance and physiological responses to 90 min of soccer-specific exercise have been extensively investigated, however; there is a paucity of research investigating the demands of 120 min of soccer-specific exercise (i.e., matches requiring ET). Accordingly, the aims of this thesis were 1) to elucidate professional practitioner perceptions of ET, 2) to investigate the performance and physiological responses during prolonged actual and simulated match-play, and 3) to examine the influence of a nutritional intervention on performance during ET. To actuate aim one, a qualitative approach (i.e., an online survey) was used to assess practitioner perceptions of ET and their current applied practices. To accomplish aim two, quantitative research projects utilising performance analysis techniques and an analogue of match-play (simulated soccer match) were used. To actuate aim three, the same analogue of match-play was used to investigate the effect of carbohydrate-electrolyte gels ingested prior to ET on performance and physiology. Practitioners generally account for ET when preparing and recovering players and the majority (91%) of practitioners want research to be conducted on ET. Using notational analysis, reductions in technical performance (i.e., passing and dribbling) were observed during ET. Furthermore, when using a simulated match protocol, perturbations in both performance and physiology compared to the previous 90 min of exercise occur. Specifically reductions in both physical (i.e., sprint speeds) and technical (i.e., shooting speed) parameters, taxing of endogenous fuel sources, dehydration, and shifts in substrate utilisation (i.e., a move towards fat oxidation as a fuel source) were observed. The ingestion of carbohydrate-electrolyte gels prior to ET improved dribbling performance, however; this intervention was unable to attenuate decrements in physical performance and hydration status. In conclusion, ET influences both soccer-specific performance and physiological responses. In agreement with practitioners working in professional soccer, more research is required to investigate the efficacy of interventions (particularly hydro-nutritional interventions) that improve performance and ameliorate perturbations in physiology and metabolism.
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The evolution of sports nutrition and its application to human performanceBrewer, John January 2014 (has links)
This thesis summarises a series of academic publications that make a contribution to the field of sports nutrition over a period of 30 years. It begins with research in the field of carbohydrate and endurance sport reflecting the early era of research into carbohydrate and endurance performance, and evolves into studies investigating the impact of sports nutrition and hydration on team sports. It presents papers and other peer reviewed outputs that focus on the application of scientific knowledge to enhance human performance, whilst demonstrating the increasing awareness of the relative importance of carbohydrate and hydration in a range of both female and male team and individual sports. The thesis also highlights the challenge faced by the manufacturers of sports nutrition products in making use of advances in science to develop new and innovative products. The thematic nature of this thesis shows how sports nutrition continues to evolve. As science identifies new and legal means of enhancing human performance, so sport, athletes and coaches will demand more advanced and specialised approaches to refuelling and hydration. This thesis draws together findings from a series of publications which demonstrate how scientists, coaches, athletes and sports nutrition manufacturers need to work closely together to research, identify and interpret the next stages in an exciting and demanding area of research. It also reflects the scientific advancement in the field of sports nutrition over a thirty year period, identifies possible areas for future research, and the continued application of hydration and nutrition strategies to enhance male and female endurance and team sports.
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The boxer's point of view : an ethnography of cultural production and athletic development among amateur and professional boxers in EnglandStewart, Alex January 2008 (has links)
Since the late nineteenth century boxing in England has been socially organised into two ideologically distinctive versions - amateur and professional boxing – that to this day are practiced in spatially segregated social universes. Nonetheless, both amateur and professional boxing-practitioners understandings and lived experiences in and through boxing are necessarily grounded in the wider social and cultural contexts through which they interpret meaning and construct worldviews and identity. Thus despite the institutional, ideological and spatial boundaries demarcating either code, on a rather more subtle yet incredibly powerful cultural level, amateur and professional boxing are both symbolically and practically deeply intertwined. Over a five year period, I conducted ‘insider’ ethnographic research among distinct cohorts of amateur and professional boxers based in Luton and London to investigate the lived experiences and socially constructed worldviews, values and identities developed by practitioners immersed in either code. The overriding aim of this research was to critically evaluate the limits and possibilities of boxing-practitioners association with and development through ‘boxing’ henceforth. The findings of this ethnography reveal that it was common for the amateur and professional boxing-practitioners studied to cultivate empowering identities through intersubjective and socially validating instances of purposefulness, expressivity, creativity, fellowship and aspiration. These lived dimensions were grounded in sensuous, symbolic and emotional attachments respective to the social organization defining the social practice of either code of boxing. Equally, the research reveals that under the veneer of collective passion for and consequent fellowship experienced through boxing, an undercurrent yet ever-present sense of dubiety, tension and intra-personal conflict was in evidence among both the amateur and professional boxing-practitioners studied. It is suggested, therefore, that as a consequence of an array of both micro and macro post-industrial societal reconfigurations defining the structural principles of amateurism and professionalism in the practice of ‘boxing’, contemporary boxers are increasingly predisposed to developing athletic identities predisposed towards patterns of meaning production “…dominated by market-mediated consumer choice and the power of individualism” (Jarvie 2006 p. 327). Thus through complex, historically dynamic and seemingly paradoxical social processes of cultural (re)production and transformation - dialectically fusing individualistic aspirations geared towards self-interested gain, acts of group and subcultural fellowship and social resistance to measures of institutionalised control - it is argued that the role of boxing as an agent for humanistic personal and social development in the contemporary late-modern era of structural reconfiguration is progressively rendered impotent.
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Dietary glycaemic carbohydrate, physical activity and cardiometabolic health in postpubertal adolescentsDavies, Ben Rhys January 2013 (has links)
The principle aims of this work were two fold; firstly to identify the current dietary intakes (specifically dietary glycaemic carbohydrate (CHO)) and physical activity (PA) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels of a UK, postpubertal, adolescent population (n = 105) and assess the relationship between these factors, adiposity and cardiometabolic health. Diet and health relationships were assessed whilst accounting for energy misreporting and controlling for levels of PA and CRF. The effect of excluding dietary misreporters on the associations between glycaemic CHO and health was assessed whilst comparing an established technique (the Goldberg equation) to a novel approach (the ratio of energy intake (EI) to energy expenditure (EE)), which utilised RT3 accelerometry data (EI:EE(RT3)). Associations of PA and metabolic risk factors were also assessed whilst comparing two child specific PA thresholds for the assessment of PA subcomponents. Secondly, the impact of a flexible, ad libitum, low GI dietary intervention on cardiometabolic health was examined in an „at risk‟, overweight, postpubertal, adolescent population. Glycaemic index (GI) but not glycaemic load (GL) was shown to be associated significantly with anthropometric measures (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC)) and adiposity (body fat percentage (BF%)) in this general group of post-pubertal adolescents from Bedfordshire. When adjusting for dietary intake, CRF was also associated with adiposity but PA was not. The prevalence of misreporting varied depending on the method used to assess the validity of dietary intakes; between 23% and 31% increasing to 62.1% (in overweight) of adolescents under reported energy intakes and up to 11.1% over reported. The novel application of a triaxial accelerometer to measure EE resulted in more under and over reporters being identified than when compared to the widely used Goldberg equation. Increased dietary GI was associated with increased odds of having a high WC; however, associations between GL and other risk factors were less clear; no associations with risk were observed. Excluding dietary misreporters from analysis had important implications for these associations. Only after removal of misreporters by EI:EE(RT3) was a borderline significant positive association between GL and blood glucose (BG) revealed using multiple analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), that was not present in prior analyses. Increased GI (moderate vs low GI intake) was significantly associated with reduced high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) and increased triglyceride (TG) levels (borderline significant) after removal of misreporters. In addition, using different PA thresholds to assess PA intensity resulted in different relationships between PA subcomponents and metabolic risk factors. Regardless of the threshold used, evidence suggested that limiting sedentary (SED) behaviour and engaging in moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) is beneficial for blood pressure (BP) in this adolescent population. Additionally, irrespective of the threshold utilised, higher levels of vigorous PA (VPA) were associated with reduced odds of having a high clustered risk score and the associations observed between CRF and risk factors were stronger than those observed with PA. Despite a lack of significant improvement in individual metabolic risk factors as a result of the low GI (LGI) dietary intervention, there was a significant reduction in clustered risk score for the LGI group at week 12. A borderline significant improvement in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was also observed as a result of the LGI intervention compared to those in the control group. Conversely, there appeared to be an unfavourable effect of the LGI diet on fasting insulin levels and thus the diet‟s impact on health overall is unclear. The small sample size of this randomised controlled trial (RCT) means that caution is required when interpreting the results. These data suggest that future research in this age group should target improvements in CRF and a lower dietary GI to reduce adiposity. Controlling for dietary misreporting appears to have a significant impact on associations of glycaemic CHO and cardiometabolic health and should be an important consideration of future research. The low GI intervention may be an effective approach for reducing glycaemic CHO, whilst maintaining a healthy macronutrient intake, in comparison to more restricted dietary regimens published in the literature. However, the impact of this regime needs to be confirmed utilising a larger sample of adolescents. This may provide a useful approach for future research aiming to assess the impact of reduced GI and GL.
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Determinants, measurement and promotion of physical activity in 10-14 year-old Bedfordshire children : a multidisciplinary approachDenton, Sarah Jane January 2011 (has links)
Regular moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is associated with significant physiological and psychological health benefits (Department of Health, DoH, 2004). However, many children are not undertaking recommended levels of physical activity (PA) (DoH, 2009). This research examined relationships between physiological health parameters, psychological determinants and PA levels in 10-14 year old schoolchildren (N = 249) and assessed the influence of three school-based PA interventions on these constructs in the context of the Health And Physical activity Promotion in Youth (HAPPY) study. Study 1 revealed that sedentary behaviours, moderate PA (MPA), vigorous PA (VPA) and MVPA levels were higher on weekdays than weekend days (p < .001). However, schoolchildren’s PA is often difficult to measure accurately. The self-report measure utilised in study 2 underestimated total MVPA versus accelerometry for both sexes on weekdays and girls on weekend days (p < .01). However, study 3 highlighted a lack of agreement between two RT3® triaxial accelerometer cut-offs for all activity categories. The importance of VPA for promoting health was highlighted in the updated PA guidelines (DoH, 2011). Study 4 reported that cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) was positively associated with VPA but not MPA (β = .27, p < .01) and inversely correlated with measures of body composition (% body fat; body mass index; waist circumference) (r = -.74, r = -.60, r = -.39, p < .001). Knowing the health benefits of regular MVPA and VPA, it is important to understand the determinants of PA intentions and behaviours to more effectively promote PA in less active children (studies 5 and 6). An exploratory analysis of the constructs in the Revised Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Modified Social Learning Theory for children predicted PA intentions (R2 = .38, F(5, 171) = 20.19, p < .001; R2 = .13, F(6, 147) = 3.4, p < .01, respectively) but the constructs in either model were unable to predict PA. Recognising the need to promote PA levels, study 7 investigated the effectiveness of three school-based interventions (vs. control) on outcome variables included in studies 1, and 4-6. The Health Education and Psychology Health Promotion conditions produced significant positive change scores between data collection 2 and 3 for CRF (vs. control) whereas the Youth-Led condition produced significant change scores between baseline and data collection 2 for generalised self-efficacy (vs. control). No significant change scores were reported for PA, the RTPB constructs or intentions. In conclusion, this research has emphasised the importance of employing a multidisciplinary approach to aid understanding of schoolchildren’s PA levels. Specific highlights include low weekend day PA as a possible future PA promotion target, although it is vital that accelerometry cut-points are standardised, and the relevance of VPA and body composition in predicting CRF. The psychological models identified some important determinants of PA intentions, but a prominent intention-behaviour gap and a need for more intensive interventions to promote PA levels was apparent.
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An investigation of the Morganroth hypothesis to establish if heart adaptation is exercise specificRichards, Joanna C. January 2012 (has links)
The investigation of exercise specific left ventricular (LV) adaptations to training have been predominantly cross sectional in design. The purpose of the current thesis was to investigate LV adaptations to short term (6-9 weeks) training to establish if any changes are exercise specific. A correlation study was used to investigate correlations between cardiac variables and MAXOV2&(study 1). Cardiac variables were found to be the strongest predictors for absolute MAXOV2&, MAXOV2&BM and MAXOV2&FFM in cyclists compared to the total sample or sedentary group, predicting 79% (p<0.01), 70% (p<0.01) and 77% (p<0.01) of the variance, respectively. Secondly, it was found that when MAXOV2& was scaled to body mass (BM) or fat free mass (FFM) cardiac variables predicted less of the variance than for absolute MAXOV2&, for all groups. Study 2 investigated the hypothesis that there would be no evidence of LV hypertrophy when there was no increase in FFM. This was achieved by taking sedentary participants through a resistance training programme of 6 weeks duration to control for increases in skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Both resting systolic blood pressure (sBP; p = 0.01, d = 1.19) and diastolic blood pressure (dBP; p = 0.029, d = 0.88) were significantly reduced following the 6 weeks resistance training. One repetition maximum (1RM) bench press significantly increased (p = 0.00, d = -1.44) as did 1 RM parallel squat strength (p = 0.00, d = -1.86), with no associated increases in relative FFM (p = 0.45) or absolute LM (p = 0.87). There was no adaptation to LV morphology (p>0.05), however early diastolic function changed with a significant decrease in peak E wave (p = 0.00, d = 1.94). Study 3 compared differences in the time course of the initial adaptations to LV structure and function during 9 weeks of aerobic, resistance and combination exercise ii training, to establish whether LV adaptations are exercise specific. The resistance and combination groups demonstrated increases in relative wall thickness (p = 0.021, ηp2 = 0.408; p = 0.004, d = -1.06, respectively). PWd also significantly increased in the combination group (p = 0.032, ηp2 = 0.301); however there were no structural adaptations evident in the aerobic group (p > 0.05). In contrast, the aerobic group demonstrated functional adaptations with a decrease in A wave (p = 0.44, d = 0.87) as did the combination group (p = 0.002, ηp2 = 0.407). The results of the training studies showed limited support for the Morganroth Hypothesis as structural adaptations demonstrated LV remodelling of the myocardial tissue, with no increase in LV mass. Further to this, combination training appears to have an additive effect of LV adaptations of both aerobic and resistance training.
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The relationship between stiffness, asymmetries and change of direction speedMaloney, Sean January 2016 (has links)
Change of direction speed (CODS) is an important determinant of performance in many sports. Greater stiffness of the lower limb should be beneficial to CODS, but this had not been well investigated. The purpose of this thesis was to establish the relationship between vertical stiffness, vertical stiffness asymmetries and CODS, with a view to augmenting CODS performance. The pilot study and studies 1-2 sought to determine the most reliable and ecologically valid method to assess stiffness in athletes required to perform changes of direction. The pilot study reported that the use of ultrasonography to determine Achilles tendon stiffness did not demonstrate appropriate reliability for inclusion in subsequent studies. Coefficients of variation (CVs) in excess of 27% were reported during an isometric plantar flexion task. Study 1 reported that CVs for vertical stiffness were lower when assessed during unilateral drop jumping (~7%) than during bilateral drop jumping (~12%) or bilateral hopping (~14%). Study 2 reported that the expression of vertical stiffness (P = 0.033) and vertical stiffness symmetry angle (P = 0.006) was significantly different across three performance tasks: unilateral drop jumping, bilateral drop jumping and bilateral hopping. Asymmetry percentages between compliant and stiff limbs were 5.6% (P < 0.001; d: 0.22), 23.3% (P = 0.001; d = 0.86) and 12.4% (P = 0.001; d = 0.39), respectively. Given the findings of studies 1 and 2, this thesis demonstrated the reliability and validity of a novel method by which to assess vertical stiffness - the unilateral drop jump. This task was used in subsequent studies to measure vertical stiffness. Study 3 sought to determine if vertical stiffness and vertical stiffness asymmetries influenced CODS performance determined during a 90o cutting task. Multiple regression analyses reported that mean vertical stiffness and asymmetry in jump height explained 63% (r2 = 0.63; P = 0.001) of CODS performance. Study 3 was the first investigation to demonstrate the importance of vertical stiffness to CODS performance. Study 4 sought to determine if acute exercise interventions designed to augment vertical stiffness would improve CODS. Unilateral and bilateral ‘stiffness’ interventions were evaluated against a control condition. CODS performances following the unilateral intervention were significantly faster than control (1.7%; P= 0.011; d = -1.08), but not significantly faster than the bilateral intervention (1.0% faster; P = 0.14; d = -0.59). Versus control, vertical stiffness was 14% greater (P = 0.049; d = 0.39) following the unilateral intervention. Study 4 demonstrated that a novel unilateral ‘stiffness’ intervention improved vertical stiffness and CODS performance. This highlights that the potential applicability of unilateral stiffness interventions in the pre-performance preparation of athletes.
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The role of the TGfU pedagogical approach in promoting physical activity levels during physical education lessons and beyondSmith, Lindsey Rachel January 2010 (has links)
The study was designed to initially determine levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) occurring during physical education in 11-12 year olds using appropriate objective methods. Subsequently, the potential of a pedagogical method; ‘teaching games for understanding’ to increase PA levels and self determined motivation during PE lessons, and habitual physical activity during leisure time was examined. The most reliable and valid PA measurement tool for the chosen age group was the RT3 ® triaxial accelerometer. PA levels during PE lessons fell short of the recommended 50% (20 minute) criterion, with children accumulating 16.4 ± 2.3 minutes (44.9 ± 5.6%) of mean MVPA during lesson time. Seven day habitual activity monitoring revealed that time spent in MVPA on a PE day was significantly higher (P <0.05) than on a weekend day. This study also highlighted that on non PE days the lack of PE-related activity was not compensated by engagement in other activity. An investigation into the effects of a 12 week TGfU pedagogical strategy on MVPA and elements of Self Determination Theory during PE lessons revealed that boys assigned to the intervention displayed significantly higher (P <0.01) levels of MVPA, and significantly higher levels of autonomy (P < 0.05) post-intervention versus the control group. In addition, a non significant trend for an increase in habitual PA for boys assigned to the intervention lessons was revealed. No significant differences were displayed in the constructs of the TPB pre-post intervention and no significant benefits of TGfU were noted for girls. The reported increases in MVPA and levels of autonomy during PE lessons in boys using a TGfU approach are novel and promising. However it is suggested that future research incorporates such strategies in a health-promoting PE environment in addition to the traditional skills-based activities. This may have potential in enhancing MVPA during PE in girls and boys, and may promote greater transference to habitual physical activity levels. The potential for self determined environments positively impacting upon motivation and intentions to be physically active both during and outside of PE lessons warrants further exploration but over longer time periods.
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Environmental stressors and cooling interventions on simulated soccer performanceAldous, Jeffrey William Frederick January 2016 (has links)
The increasing globalization of elite soccer match-play means that soccer players are likely to compete in hot, hypoxic and hot-hypoxic environments over a season. Soccer match-play studies have identified a marked decline in soccer-specific physical performance in the heat and hypoxia due to increasing body temperatures and a reduction in partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), respectively. As hot environments are more prevalent in elite soccer match-play, cooling strategies have been assessed within the literature in an attempt to alleviate these heat-induced- decrements. However, utilising a soccer match-play design makes environmental and interventional inferences difficult to ascertain, as a plethora of match factors and adaptive pacing strategies cause high variability in key physical performance measures within soccer match-play. Therefore, the three experiments within thesis aimed to assess the reliability and validity of a non-motorised treadmill (NMT) based soccer-specific simulation [intermittent Soccer Performance Test - (iSPT)], to enable the reliable investigation of environmental stress on soccer performance and the efficacy of pre- and half-time-cooling to attenuate any heat- induced-decrements. The purpose of experiment 1 was to investigate the reliability and validity of iSPT which utilised a novel speed component called a ‘variable run’. This speed component quantified the distance covered at a self-selected speed above the second ventilatory threshold (VT2speed), which attempted to delimit a ‘high-intensity’ threshold. Twenty male University soccer players completed one maximal oxygen (O2) uptake (V̇ O2max ) test, three familiarisation (FAM) sessions and one peak speed assessment (PSA) on the NMT, before completing the iSPT twice (iSPT1 and iSPT2). The total distance, sprint distance and high-speed distance covered were 8,952 ± 476 m, 1,000 ± 74 m and 2156 ± 140 m, respectively. No significant difference (p>0.05) was found between repeated trials of the iSPT for all physical performance measures and physiological responses. Reliability measures between iSPT1 and iSPT2 showed good agreement [Coefficient of variation: <4.6%; Intraclass correlation: >0.80] compared with statistical guidelines. Furthermore, the variable run phase showed high speed running capacity was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in the last 15 min compared to the first 15 min, showing parity with previous match-play data. Experiment 1 validated the iSPT as a NMT based soccer- specific simulation compared to previous match-play data, and is a reliable tool for assessing and monitoring the physical performance and physiological responses in soccer players. Successfully completing the aim of experiment 1 facilitated the quantification of hot (HOT), hypoxia (HYP) and hot-hypoxia (HH) mediated decrements on maximal soccer-specific performance in experiment 2. Twelve male University soccer players completed three FAM sessions, one PSA and four randomised crossover experimental trials of the intermittent Soccer Performance Test (iSPT) in normoxic-temperate (CON: 18oC 50% rH), HOT (30oC; 50% rH), HYP (1,000m; 18oC 50% rH) and HH (1,000m; 30oC; 50% rH). Physical performance and its performance decrements, body temperatures [rectal (Tre), skin (Tsk) and estimated muscle temperature (Tmu)], heart rate (HR), arterial blood oxygen saturation (SaO2), perceived exertion, thermal sensation (TS), body mass changes, blood lactate (Bla) and plasma volume were all measured. Performance decrements were similar in HOT and HYP [total distance (-4%), high- speed distance (~-8%) and variable run distance (~-12%) covered] and exacerbated in HH [total distance (-9%), high-speed distance (-15%) and variable run distance (-15%)] compared to CON. A 4% increase in peak sprint speed was present in HOT compared with CON and HYP and 7% greater in HH. The sprint distance covered was unchanged (p > 0.05) in HOT and HYP and only decreased in HH (-8%) compared with CON. Body mass (-2%), temperatures (+2- 5%) and TS (+18%) were altered in HOT. Furthermore, SaO2 (-8%) and HR (+3%) were changed in HYP. Similar changes in body mass and temperatures, HR, TS and SaO2 were evident in HH compared to HOT and HYP, however, Bla (p < 0.001) and plasma volume (p <0.001) were only significantly altered in HH. Perceived exertion was elevated (p < 0.05) by 7% in all conditions compared with CON. Regression analysis identified that absolute TS and absolute rise in Tsk and estimated Tmu (r = 0.82, r = 0.84 r = 0.82, respectively; p <0.05) predicted the hot-mediated-decrements in HOT. The hot, hypoxic and hot-hypoxic environments impaired physical performance during iSPT. Future interventions should address the increases in TS and body temperatures, to attenuate these decrements in physical performance. Experiment 3 of this thesis aimed to identify three pre- and half-time-cooling strategies to attenuate the heat-induced-decrements previously seen in experiment 2. Eight male University soccer players completed four randomised experimental trials of iSPT, three with cooling and one control (i.e. No pre- or half-time cooling: CON). The pre- and half-time-cooling interventions involved were 30-min or 15 min in duration, respectively. Ice slurry ingestion (SLURRY), ice packs (PACKS) covering the upper legs and mixed-methods (MM: PACKS and SLURRY) were utilised as the three cooling interventions. Physical performance and its performance decrements, body temperatures (Tre, Tsk and estimated Tmu), HR, perceived exertion, TS, body mass changes and Bla were all measured. Compared with CON, both PACKS and SLURRY pre-cooling significantly reduced (p > 0.05) central (Tre) and peripheral (Tsk and estimated Tmu) body temperatures prior to iSPT, respectively. However, body temperature and physical performance were unchanged during the first half of PACKS and SLURRY compared with CON. The MM pre-cooling significantly reduced all body temperatures and TS both prior to and during the first half which coincided with an improvement in total distance (+3%), high-speed distance (+4%) and variable run distance (+5%) covered. Half-time-cooling via PACKS, SLURRY and MM had no ergogenic effect (p> 0.05) upon physical performance in the second half, compared with CON. The 30 min of mixed-method pre-cooling, via ice packs placed upon the upper legs and ice slurry ingestion, significantly improved simulated soccer performance during the first half, however, future research should identify a valid half-time-cooling strategy to offer further improvements to physical performance in the second half. The main findings within this thesis revealed that the iSPT showed validity with previous soccer match-play data and strong reproducibility between two tests (iSPT1 and iSPT2). Furthermore, the variable run component showed efficacy as sensitive measure of the decrements in high-speed running capability. As the iSPT demonstrated low test-retest error compared with the statistical guidelines and previous NMT based soccer-specific simulations, any changes to physical performance can be attributed to an intervention and not the variability of the measure, unlike in soccer match-play situations. No difference was seen for all physical performance measures in both HOT and HYP, however, the heat and hypoxic-induced- decrements stem from increasing body temperatures and changes to both SaO2 and HR, respectively. Such decrements may have a detrimental effect upon the match outcome. These heat-induced-decrements were attenuated in the first half after 30 min of mixed-methods pre- cooling, however, the 15 min of mixed-methods half-time-cooling did not significantly improve any physical performance measure in the second half. The mixed-method pre-cooling strategy tested within this thesis could go some way in maintaining physical performance during the first half of soccer match-play in hot environments (~30oC). However, future laboratory based research within a controlled environment should look to assess different combinations, times and strategies of cooling which may be applicable to the time constraints associated with elite soccer.
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