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Dom Calmet et l'abbaye de Senones : un milieu littéraire / Dom Calmet and the abbey of Senones : a literary milieuGérard, Aurélie 25 June 2008 (has links)
Les milieux littéraires fleurissent au siècle des Lumières sous la forme de cafés, de clubs, de salons, ou de façon plus institutionnalisée avec les académies et les sociétés savantes dont le nombre ne cesse de croître, tandis que les célèbres Congrégations de Saint-Vanne et de Saint-Maur exhortent leurs religieux à poursuivre l'oeuvre des illustres académies monastiques mises en place au siècle précédent. Cette dernière mission tient tout particulièrement à coeur à Dom Augustin Calmet, bénédictin lorrain connu dans toute l'Europe pour son oeuvre littéraire monumentale qui aborde à la fois l'exégèse, l'histoire et les curiosités, et pour les dignités qu'il a occupées au sein de la Congrégation de Saint-Vanne. Son élection à l'abbatiat de la riche et influente abbaye de Senones, dans les Vosges, le 9 juillet 1728, lui permet de concrétiser toutes ses ambitions. Le monastère, déjà ouvert sur le monde des Lettres par ses prédécesseurs, notamment Dom Mathieu Petitdidier, accueille l'érudit qui va développer dans ce foyer de spiritualité toutes les activités propres à un milieu littéraire : écriture, copie de textes, échange et commerce de livres, gestion de la bibliothèque, critique littéraire, liens avec l'édition. Qui mieux est, ces activités littéraires participent à l'ouverture de l'abbaye sur le monde qui l'entoure déjà favorisée par sa situation géographique et politique. Les correspondances de Dom Calmet et de son neveu et coadjuteur, Dom Fangé, témoignent du rayonnement de l'abbé de Senones auprès de ses contemporains religieux ou laïques, en Lorraine, en France et en Europe, et de ses relations avec les Grands et avec les académies. L'influence de Dom Calmet sur les philosophes des Lumières, notamment Voltaire, et son intérêt porté aux principales controverses de son siècle sur la Bible, le surnaturel et l'histoire, transforment ce milieu « littéraire » en un milieu éclairé digne de son temps. / During the Age of Enlightenment literary gatherings flourished in the form of cafés, clubs, salons, or of more institutionalized venues such as academies and learned societies which proliferated in number. Meanwhile the famous Congregations of Saint-Vanne and of Saint-Maur exhorted their religious to carry on the work of the illustrious monastic academies created in the previous century. This latter mission was particularly valued by Dom Augustin Calmet, a Benedictine from Lorraine. Calmet was renowned throught Europe for his monumental literary work, which approaches at once exegesis, history as well as curiosities, and for his positions and titles held in the Congregation of Saint-Vanne. His election on 9 July 1728 at the head of the rich and influential abbey of Senones, in the Vosges, allowed him to realize his ambitions. The monastery, which had already been opened to the world of letters by his predecessors, and by Dom Mathieu Petitdidier in particular, welcomed the erudite Benedictine. In this centre of spirituality Dom Calmet would develop all the activities peculiar to a literary milieu : writing, copy of texts, exchange and trade of books, management of the library, literary criticism, and connections with publishers. These literary activities, moreover, took part in the opening of the abbey on its surrounding world already favoured by its geographical and political position. The correspondence of Dom Calmet and of his nephew and coadjutor Dom Fangé attests to the influence of the Abbot of Senones on his religious or secular contemporaries in Lorraine, in France and in Europe, and to his relations with the Greats and the Academies. Dom Calmet's impact on the philosophers of the Enlightenment, and on Voltaire in particular, as well as his interest in the chief biblical controversies of his time, the supernatural and the history, transformed this "literary" milieu into an enlightened one deserving its century.
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Metodologia de previsão do potencial eólico de curto prazo para planejamento da operação de sistemas elétricosFerreira, Adir Alexandre Bibiano 06 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Sandro Camargo (sandro.camargo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2015-05-09T19:22:56Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-06 / A dependência da energia elétrica exige a procura de formas alternativas para
produção sustentável, como os parques eólicos. Conforme o Plano Decenal de
Expansão de Energia (PDE), a geração proveniente de fontes de energia
alternativas e sustentáveis como a de usinas eólicas deverá aumentar de 1% para 7%. Logo, a implantação de parques eólicos começará a afetar o planejamento e programação da operação energética, principalmente nos subsistemas sul e nordeste. No entanto, apesar do vento ser um recurso praticamente inesgotável, o problema reside na inconstância, não permitindo contar com a geração de energia elétrica que pode variar significativamente mesmo em um intervalo pequeno de tempo, o operador do sistema tem que estar preparado para atuar no despacho das demais usinas. Neste contexto, uma estimativa de curto prazo é fundamental. Essa operação não pode se basear nos mapas eólicos cujos valores de velocidade são uma média anual, no máximo de estações do ano, além de se limitarem a uma ou duas alturas o que não favorece dados confiáveis para a geração. A dificuldade em obter uma estimativa mais concreta sobre a energia disponível reside na falta de medições correlacionadas de variáveis climáticas, geração e um modelo eficiente de previsão de curto prazo, sendo um dos fatores que impede uma maior penetração deste tipo de fonte na matriz energética brasileira. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para avaliar dados meteorológicos e geográficos que afere o campo de vento na altura do eixo de turbinas eólicas a fim de estimar o fluxo de ar, possibilitando calcular o potencial elétrico instantâneo produzido. Essa estimativa pode ser estendida para vários locais, a fim de acompanhar a variação de vento ocasionada pelos efeitos climáticos. O modelo meteorológico CALMET e WRF permite simular o campo de vento, criando um modelo de previsão probabilístico do vento, estimando a energia elétrica a ser produzida em determinados horários de acordo com o modelo das turbinas. O software ANAREDE analisa o comportamento da energia gerada que influenciara no fluxo de potência do sistema. Com este resultado o Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS) pode executar a coordenação mais precisa do despacho hidrotérmico de curto prazo, bem como o dimensionamento da reserva de potência operativa. / The dependence of the electrical energy demands the search for alternative ways to produce sustainable, such as wind farms. As stated in the Brazil’s Ten Year Plan for Expansion of Energy (PDE), the generation from alternative and sustainable energy sources such as the wind farms is expected to increase from 1% to 7%. Therefore, the deployment of wind farms begins to affect the planning and scheduling of energy operation, mainly in south and northeast Brazilian subsystems. However, despite the wind being a virtually inexhaustible resource, the problem is the inconsistency, not allowing rely on the generation of electrical energy that can vary significantly even in a small interval of time, the system operator must be prepared to act in order of other growers. This operation cannot be based on maps whose wind speed values are the average annual maximum of seasons, and are limited to one or two heights. This paper presents a methodology for assessing meteorological and geographical data to measure the wind field in the turbine hub height, allowing to calculate the instantaneous electric power produced. This estimate can be extended to various points and times of day in order to monitor the variation of wind caused by climatic effects. The CALMET meteorological model WRF and allows to simulate the wind field, creating a probabilistic model for predicting the wind, estimating the electricity to be produced at certain times according to the model of the turbines. ANAREDE The software analyzes the behavior of the energy generated that influenced the flow of power system. With this result the System Operator can perform a more precise coordination of the hydrothermal short term dispatch, as well as the operative power reserve dimensioning. / Wind Forecast / Operation Planning / Wind Generation
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