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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização da temperabilidade de um aço C-Mn microligado ao boro, através de dilatometria e curvas de transformações de fases por resfriamento contínuo. / C-Mn boron microalloyed steel hardenability characterization throught dilatometry and continuous cooling transformations curves.

Casarin, Samuel Jose 05 March 1996 (has links)
No presente trabalho, foi realizado um estudo sobre a influência da adição do boro em um aço C-Mn, nas transformações de fases por resfriamento contínuo, através da técnica dilatométrica. Para este estudo, utilizou-se dois aços de composição química semelhante: o aço 10B22 com 30 ppm de boro e o aço sem boro é o E1522, equivalente. Foram traçadas as curvas de CCT dos dois aços, onde analisou-se o efeito de temperabilidade do boro através das curvas de resfriamento. Os materiais foram ensaiados em um dilatômetro de resfriamento rápido, utilizando corpos de prova cilíndricos, resfriados por injeção de ar e hélio. Os resultados gráficos dos processos de resfriamento foram comparados com análises metalográficas ótica estruturais e quantitativas e também por medidas de dureza. Detalhes microestruturais, tais como, contagem de fases formadas em função das taxas de resfriamento, tamanho de grão, distribuição de inclusões e precipitados, foram extraídos, através de um sistema de análise de imagens. Complementando o trabalho, foi realizado uma completa documentação fotográfica das microestruturas, com uma indicação final do tratamento térmico mais adequado aos aços C-Mn microligados ao boro. / This work presents a study about the influence of boron on phase transformation by continuous cooling in a C-Mn steel using the dilatometric technique. For this study two close chemical composition steels were applied: a 10B2 steel with 30 ppm of boron and a E1522 steel without boron. For both steels the CCT curves were obtained, where the effect of boron on hardenability was analysed throughout continuous cooling curves. Both materials were testedcin a high speed quenching dilatometer, using cilindricals samples quenched by helium blow on their surfaces. The graphics results of cooling processes were compared with microstructural and quantitative optical metallographic analysis and hardness measurements. Microstructural features as such phases fraction as a function of cooling rates, grain size, and distributions of inclusions and precipitates were obtained through an image analysis system. In addition, complete microstructural photography documentation was carried out where it was possible to indicate the best heat treatment to boron microalloyed C-Mn steels.

Caracterização da temperabilidade de um aço C-Mn microligado ao boro, através de dilatometria e curvas de transformações de fases por resfriamento contínuo. / C-Mn boron microalloyed steel hardenability characterization throught dilatometry and continuous cooling transformations curves.

Samuel Jose Casarin 05 March 1996 (has links)
No presente trabalho, foi realizado um estudo sobre a influência da adição do boro em um aço C-Mn, nas transformações de fases por resfriamento contínuo, através da técnica dilatométrica. Para este estudo, utilizou-se dois aços de composição química semelhante: o aço 10B22 com 30 ppm de boro e o aço sem boro é o E1522, equivalente. Foram traçadas as curvas de CCT dos dois aços, onde analisou-se o efeito de temperabilidade do boro através das curvas de resfriamento. Os materiais foram ensaiados em um dilatômetro de resfriamento rápido, utilizando corpos de prova cilíndricos, resfriados por injeção de ar e hélio. Os resultados gráficos dos processos de resfriamento foram comparados com análises metalográficas ótica estruturais e quantitativas e também por medidas de dureza. Detalhes microestruturais, tais como, contagem de fases formadas em função das taxas de resfriamento, tamanho de grão, distribuição de inclusões e precipitados, foram extraídos, através de um sistema de análise de imagens. Complementando o trabalho, foi realizado uma completa documentação fotográfica das microestruturas, com uma indicação final do tratamento térmico mais adequado aos aços C-Mn microligados ao boro. / This work presents a study about the influence of boron on phase transformation by continuous cooling in a C-Mn steel using the dilatometric technique. For this study two close chemical composition steels were applied: a 10B2 steel with 30 ppm of boron and a E1522 steel without boron. For both steels the CCT curves were obtained, where the effect of boron on hardenability was analysed throughout continuous cooling curves. Both materials were testedcin a high speed quenching dilatometer, using cilindricals samples quenched by helium blow on their surfaces. The graphics results of cooling processes were compared with microstructural and quantitative optical metallographic analysis and hardness measurements. Microstructural features as such phases fraction as a function of cooling rates, grain size, and distributions of inclusions and precipitates were obtained through an image analysis system. In addition, complete microstructural photography documentation was carried out where it was possible to indicate the best heat treatment to boron microalloyed C-Mn steels.

Genèse de la ferrite aciculaire dans les aciers à moyen carbone microalliés au vanadium. Morphologie fractale en relation avec les propriétés mécaniques / Development of acidular ferrite microstructures on medium carbon vanadium microalloyed stells. Fractal morphology in relationship with the mechanical properties

Villegas, Randolfo 15 November 2007 (has links)
Des nuances d’aciers à moyen carbone, microalliés au vanadium, ont été élaborées avec l’objectif d’obtenir de nouvelles microstructures, majoritairement constituées de ferrite aciculaire (FA). Le contrôle de la composition chimique (0.1-0.3 % V) et la vitesse de refroidissement (2.0 °Cs-1) conduit à des fractions de FA atteignant 80 %. Un paramètre empirique, le pouvoir ferritisant, P, a été introduit pour évaluer l’effet combiné de la composition chimique et de la vitesse de refroidissement sur la fraction de FA. Les caractérisations par MEB et MET montrent que la FA se développe à partir de la ferrite proeutectoïde recouvrant les inclusions de MnS. Une précipitation interphase de carbonitrures de vanadium, V(C,N), serait à l’origine d’un appauvrissement local en carbone de la matrice austénitique autour des aiguilles de FA, favorisant une germination autocatalytique. Le caractère fractal de la FA a été mis en évidence par des caractérisations morphologiques. Les dimensions fractales, D, et les longueurs de coupure ont été déterminées par la méthode de comptage de boîtes à partir d’images MEB. Des essais mécaniques isothermes-quasistatiques révèlent des propriétés mécaniques équivalentes à celles des microstructures bainitiques. Les courbes contrainte-déformation montrent un comportement mécanique de type Hollomon. Les structures de ces aciers présentent des taux de consolidation qui augmentent avec l’accroissement de la fraction de FA. Une corrélation entre les propriétés mécaniques et la dimension fractale a été établie. Ce lien s’exprime par des relations de type exponentiel : [delta]M = c exp [[alpha](D -2)] où M représente? les propriétés mécaniques (Re, Rm, etc.) et c? et ?[alpha] des constantes / Medium carbon vanadium microalloyed steels have been developed to obtain new microstructures, mainly formed of acicular ferrite (AF). Controlling the chemical composition and (0.1-0.3 % V) and the cooling rates (2.0 °Cs-1) lead to AF fractions up to 80 %. An empirical parameter, the ferritisant power, P, has been introduced to evaluate the combined effect of chemical composition and cooling conditions. Scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy investigations indicate that AF develops from proeutectoid ferrite enveloping MnS inclusions. An interphase precipitation of vanadium carbo-nitrides, V(C,N) has been identified. It is suggested that this precipitation is at the origin of carbon depletion in the austenitic matrix surrounding the AF plates. The formation of the AF is then enhanced by an autocatalytic effect. The fractal nature of AF has been determined by SEM and TEM characterisations. Fractal dimensions, D, and cut off lengths have been derived by the counting box method applied to SEM images. Mechanical tests conducted in isothermal and quasistatic conditions reveal that mechanical properties of AF are of the same grade of that of bainitic microstructures. Experimental strain-stress curves are described by the Hollomon law. The work hardening of the studied microstructures increases with the AF fraction. The mechanical properties have been linked to the fractal dimension by the following exponential relation : [delta]M = c exp [[alpha] (D -2)], where M represents the mechanical property (Re, Rm, etc.) and c and [alpha] are constants parameters

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