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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ledtidsreduktion genom förändrad materialförsörjning vid tillverkning av kundorderspecifika produkter / Lead time reduction by changing materials supply in manufacturing of customer-order-unique products

Wallenhammar, Jakob, Ålebring, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate potential for and cost related impact of internal lead time reduction through coordination between materials supply and a production activity of customer-order-unique products. In order to achieve the purpose two questions are answered; 1. How can with respect to sourcing strategy, coordination between materials supply and production activity of customer-order-unique products be achieved? 2. How does a coordination affect cost items in related areas of the business? Method – Based on literature in the area of materials supply a theoretical framework for the study was established. The company JELD-WEN, an industrial manufacturer with customer-order-unique-production of fire- and safety-doors was used for a case study. Data collection was performed through interviews, observations and document studies. A comparison between the theoretical framework and empirical data generated the final results. Findings – Using a hybrid sourcing strategy, changes in materials supply through an internal call-off together with the materials feeding method kitting proves potential to reduce the internal lead time in the manufacturing process. An economic impact of such coordination with a production activity has been found for three cost items; handling cost (increase), administrative order cost (increase/decrease) and inventory carrying cost (increase/decrease). Implications – The study does not contribute to new theory in the field. Instead existing theory and relations defined in the theoretical framework have been verified by the case study. Internal lead time reduction identified in the study may be used in other ways than by the means of an improved customer offer. This can be done through sharing time to other time-exposed activities in the manufacturing process or as an additional safety time for finished products to secure company's delivery accuracy. Therefore, in a decision situation for change affected cost items should be assessed in contrast to the more indirect value of a lead time reduction. Limitations – Modifications of materials supply occurs in a context where conditions outside the unit of analysis plays a crucial role and thereby limits the possible usage of the potential lead time reduction. The study handles impact of cost items in a general direction (increase or decrease). Absolute terms contribute to more precise consequences and are probably necessary to support a company's final financial decision of using an alternative approach in materials supply.

Daňové dopady přemísťování obchodního majetku plátce daně z přidané hodnoty po území Evropské unie / VAT implications related to the transfer of the VAT registered person?s business assets between EU member states

Pokorný, Stanislav January 2008 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je nalezení daňově optimálních řešení při přemísťování obchodního majetku mezi členskými zeměmi Evropské unie z pohledu plátců DPH. Ačkoliv šestá směrnice definuje obecně samotný institut přemístění, prakticky neupravuje jednotlivé možnosti zjednodušení (konsignační sklad, ?call off stock?). Výsledkem mojí analýzy je zjištění, že více než třetina členských států možnost zjednodušení nepřipouští. Většina států umožňuje využít zjednodušeného režimu v rámci ?call of stock? dodávek. Pouze Lucembursko a Belgie pak připouští zjednodušený režim jak pro ?call of stock? dodávky tak i pro konsignační sklady. Na konkrétním modelovém příkladu fiktivní společnosti jsem dospěl k závěru, že optimální volba daňové struktury je sice významným faktorem, ale rozhodujícím prvkem pro stanovení obchodní struktury zůstává zvolená obchodní strategie.

Arbetsmetodik för effektivisering av intern materialförsörjning / A working methodology to achieve effective internal materials supply

Björelind, Karl, Malmberg, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Inledning: Hantering av material ställer varierande krav beroende på dess beskaffenhet. För att bemöta interna krav i form av hög leveransservice till en låg kostnad är det betydande att utforma en effektiv försörjning av material. Ny teknik och tillämpning av IT-system kan skapa förutsättningar till att effektivisera materialförsörjningen genom att öka servicegraden och reducera kostnader. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utforma och utvärdera en arbetsmetodik för att effektivisera intern försörjning av material från godsmottagning till produktion. Metod: En teoretisk referensram utgjorde grunden för att identifiera viktiga områden för att skapa en effektiv intern materialförsörjning. Parallellt genomfördes en fallstudie hos ett företag verksamma inom hissbranschen, där insamling av data främst genomförts utifrån olika typer av intervjuer och observationer för att skapa en uppfattning om företagets materialförsörjning. Den data som framkom jämfördes främst med den teoretiska referensramen i analysfasen i den framtagna arbetsmetodiken och utifrån denna drogs slutsatser. Etiska aspekter beaktades genomgående under arbetets gång. Den framtagna arbetsmetodiken: Utifrån viktiga identifierade områden, baserat på den teoretiska referensramen, utformades en arbetsmetodik för effektivisering av intern materialförsörjning, bestående av sex faser: Förutsättningar, Beskrivning av nuläget, Analys av nuläget, Utformning av förbättringsförslag, Genomförande samt Uppföljning. Fyra av dessa faser tillämpades på fallföretaget med syftet att utforma förbättringsförslag med potential att effektivisera verksamhetens interna materialförsörjning. Slutligen utvärderades arbetsmetodikens tillämpade faser för att lyfta fram dess styrkor, utmaningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter samt den vidare tillämpningen. Slutsatser: Betydande områden samt andra stödjande digitala lösningar ansågs inte vara tillräckliga för att generera en effektiv intern materialförsörjning utan det behövdes ett ordnat arbetssätt för att tillgodogöra dessa områden. För att understödja detta krävdes komplement i form av en arbetsmetodik med ett antal strukturerade faser, med viktiga hänsynstaganden, som metodiskt måste följas för att utforma förbättringsförslag som kan skapa en effektivare intern materialförsörjning. Förbättringsförslagen som utformades omfattade bland annat ett nytt förfarande för materialavrop, nya principer för buffertar, reducering av interntransporter samt automatiskt förslag på lagringsplats. / Introduction: Handling of materials sets different requirements depending on its characteristics. In order to meet internal demands of high delivery service at a low cost, it is important to design an effective supply of materials. New technology and the application of IT-systems can provide opportunities to streamline materials supply by increasing service levels and reducing costs. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to design and evaluate a working methodology in order to achieve effective internal supply of materials from goods receipt to production. Methods: A theoretical framework formed the basis to identify significant areas to achieve effective internal materials supply. In parallel, a case study was conducted at a company operating in the elevator industry. Data collection was primarily based on different types of interviews and observations to create an understanding of the company´s materials supply. The data obtained were mainly compared with the theoretical framework in the analysis phase of the developed working methodology. Conclusions was drawn, based on the analysis phase. Ethical aspects were taken into account throughout the work of this study. The developed working methodology: Based on significant identified areas, from the theoretical framework, a working methodology was developed to achieve effective internal materials supply, consisting of six phases: Prerequisites, Description of the current situation, Analysis of the current situation, Design of improvement proposals, Implementation and Follow-up. Four of these phases were applied on a company with the aim of designing improvements proposals with the potential to achieve effective internal materials supply. Finally, the applied phases of the working methodology were evaluated to highlight its strengths, challenges and possibilities of development as well as the further application. Conclusion: The significant areas and other supportive digital solutions were not considered sufficient enough to generate effective internal materials supply and thereby there was a necessity for an organized approach to utilize these areas. In order to support this, complements were required in form of a working methodology with a number of structured phases, including important considerations, which must be followed methodically in order to design improvement proposals which can achieve a more effective internal materials supply. The improvement proposals that were designed included, for instance, a new procedure for materials call-off, new principles for buffers, reduction of internal transports and automatic suggestion of place of storage.

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