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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La discrimination systémique en Ontario : le cas des femmes des "minorités visibles" immigrantes.

Munihiri-Kagiye, Gertrude. January 1999 (has links)
Le présent travail se veut une étude exploratoire visant à regrouper et à définir les femmes ontariennes en fonction de la race/ethnie et du lieu de naissance, afin d'analyser les différentes inégalités qui les affectent en matière de recrutement et d'embauche, du sous-emploi et de remunération. Ce questionnement puise sa nécessité dans les recherches sur «l'exclusion sociale» des «groupes de statut» dominés (dont les femmes) dans les sociétés capitalistes contemporaines et sur les diverses causes de la «discrimination systémique» envers les Canadiennes et les Canadiens, plus particulièrement les «minorités visibles» qui sont sur le marché du travail salarié. Sur la base du recensement de 1991, nous voulons vérifier l'hypothèse selon laquelle les Chinoises de Chine/Hongkong et les Noires des Caraïbes subissent une «triple discrimination» en raison de leur sexe, de leur statut d'immigrantes et de leur groupe racial non-blanc. Donc, notre travail vise à répondre à la question à savoir si au marché du travail salarié en Ontario, nos groupes cibles sont dans une situation plus désavantageuse que celle de leurs homologues masculins et celles des autres groupes de femmes. L'analyse des données statistiques a révélé que le problème de la «discrimination systémique» réside plus dans la différence de sexe et de race que dans la différence de pays de naissance. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

A study into the impact of feminism upon legal discourse in criminal justice policies on wife battering in Canada.

Goguen, Taunya Anne. January 1999 (has links)
Feminist scholars have become aware of the risks of engaging law to address women's needs and concerns. In fact, several Canadian feminist writers (Currie, 1990; Snider, 1991) argue that the criminal justice system is not a reliable ally for feminists, and suggest that relying on it will not empower women, but will sustain institutions that perpetuate the status quo of political, economic and familial relations which subordinate women to men. The purpose of this study is to examine of the extent to which feminist discourses have been incorporated into justice policies and to demonstrate the power of feminism to re-define the legal response to male violence against women in intimate relations. Following Smart's (1989) work, Feminism and the Power of Law, it is hypothesized that feminist discourses will be marginalized in legal discourse. Manifest and latent content analysis are employed to determine the degree to which feminist discourses on wife battering have had an impact upon legal discourse injustice policies. The sample consists of thirteen policies published between 1986 and 1997 in provinces and territories across Canada. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

The Supreme Court of Canada's "historic" decisions in Nikal and Lewis: Why Crown fishing policy in Upper Canada makes bad law.

Blair, Peggy Janice. January 1999 (has links)
Although a casual reading of the Supreme Court of Canada's decisions in R. v. Nikal and R. v. Lewis might suggest otherwise, this thesis will argue that Court's decisions in two recent British Columbia aboriginal fishing cases do not apply in Ontario. In doing so, it will be shown that the Supreme Court of Canada relied on evidence of historic Crown policies towards aboriginal fishing rights in Upper Canada in the absence of appropriate context as to how those policies evolved. As a result, the Court wrongly concluded that fisheries could not be the subject of exclusive aboriginal rights. As a result of its reliance on historically discriminatory policies of the Crown, it will be shown that the Court favoured the fishing privileges of non-aboriginal Canadians over the pre-existing rights and title of aboriginal peoples. In exploring these issues, this thesis will include a review of case-law, legislation and historical materials from the 17$\sp{\rm th}$, 18$\sp{\rm th}$ and 19$\sp{\rm th}$ centuries as well as contemporary case-law and legislation.

The imagined Canadian: Representations of whiteness in "Flashback Canada".

Montgomery, Kenneth Edward. January 1999 (has links)
This anti-racist study is one which critically investigates the representation of whiteness in a Canadian history textbook approved for use in Ontario's intermediate division schools. Fundamental to the study is the identification of racializations and the manner by which these representational processes work with and through concepts of nationality and ethnicity to separate whiteness from otherness. To facilitate this critical analysis, the historical narratives of the textbook are examined for redundant portrayals of individuals and groups in terms of their power, problem-resolution, and performance. In addition, the stories of Canada's past are analyzed to determine the extent to which diverse perspectives are included and the degree of significance attached to historic and contemporary racisms. The findings suggest that, in Flashback Canada, processes of racialization articulate with signifiers of ethnicity and nationality to imagine Canada and Canadians along white supremacist lines.

The sexual abuse of children: "Spirit murdering".

Parsons, Diana. January 1999 (has links)
This thesis compares and contrasts the current legal protections provided to sexually abused, non-Aboriginal children with that afforded to the Aboriginal children of Canada. In Part I, the main findings and recommendations of the Badgley Committee and the federal government's subsequent enactment of Bill C-15 are examined. In Part II, the inequities which Aboriginal people have suffered as a result of the imposed circuit court system are discussed. As background to a discussion of alternative Aboriginal justice systems, a critique is provided on the case of R. v. Moses, [1992] 3 C.N.LR 116 in which the first sentencing circle was used. A description and critical analysis of various Aboriginal justice projects across Canada are provided. The author has made recommendations to revise the rules of evidence and procedure regarding child sexual abuse victims and to provide protection to women and children living in Aboriginal communities.

Women in the combat arms: A question of attitudes?

Dunn, Jason. January 1999 (has links)
Examining change in any organization can be a difficult task, especially in an organization as complex as the military. With the assistance of civilianization theory, we will examine change within the Canadian Forces imposed by outside civilian legislation (external pressure). In particular, we will examine the integration of women in the combat arms, a result of federal human rights legislation (1989). Issues that are discussed include a brief history of women in combat, arguments used against the participation of women in combat environments, the masculine nature of the military, and the training standards and physical requirements within the Canadian Forces.

Le lobbying lors des débats sur le contrôle des armes à feu au Canada, 1993 à 1997 : analyse des discours.

Garneau, Julie. January 1999 (has links)
Cette etude a pour objectif l'analyse des discours employes lors des activites de lobbying dans le debat menant a l'adoption de la Loi sur les armes a feu au Canada, soit le projet de loi C-68, entre 1993 et 1997. Notre hypothese est que le lobby pour le controle des armes a feu a construit la representation de ses interets en un discours emprunte a l'ideologie de l'interet general. Ce texte propose une analyse de cette argumentation ainsi que la demonstration de l'utilisation de l'ideologie de l'interet general comme discours de legitimation.

A preliminary legislative evaluation of the conditional sentence of imprisonment: The case of Ontario, 1996-1997.

Neville, Laura. January 1999 (has links)
Bill C-41, the Sentencing Reform Act became law on September 3, 1996. The legislation represents the culmination of nearly two decades of sentencing reform efforts. The conditional sentence of imprisonment, one of the Bill's provisions, is the focus of this thesis. The conditional sentence represents Parliament's response to Canada's high incarceration rate. This research examined the application of conditional sentences across the province of Ontario during the first fifteen months of its implementation. The basis of this analysis of conditional sentences is a data set of 4,633 conditional sentence orders imposed between September 1996 and November 1997. The sentencing data are complemented by an analysis of the case law from four Appellate Courts. Finally, a number of interviews were conducted with judges and crown prosecutors from Ottawa and Toronto in order to elicit their perceptions about conditional sentences. The findings present a portrait of the early application of the sanction in Ontario. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Musique populaire et identité franco-ontariennes La nuit sur l'étang.

Pichette, Marie-Hélène. January 2000 (has links)
Cette thèse examine la construction de l'identité à travers un événement musical annuel, la Nuit sur l'étang , qui a été institué à Sudbury (Ontario) en 1973. Par l'analyse des sources disponibles, elle recherche les éléments qui s'avèrent essentiels à la formulation de l'identité franco-ontarienne. Après avoir choisi trois dates charnières--la fondation en 1973, la dixième Nuit en 1983 et la vingt-cinquième en 1998--et mis en contexte ces manifestations, l'étude scrute les discours de la presse et des témoins de l'époque de même que le contenu du spectacle lui-même. Apparaissent alors les composantes qui ont servi à l'élaboration de cette identité. D'une part, la thèse tend alors à démontrer que l'identité n'est pas un fait acquis, mais que, tout au contraire, elle se construit à travers les éléments et les événements qui la forment. D'autre part, elle illustre comment musique populaire et identité franco-ontariennes se définissent et s'influencent mutuellement dans le cadre de la Nuit sur l'étang .

"Women play sports (just not as well)": Canadian newspapers' coverage of men's and women's sports at the 1999 Pan-American Games.

Mason, Frederick Daniel. January 2000 (has links)
This study examined English language Canadian newspapers' coverage of the 1999 Pan-American Games that were held in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Using a methodology that borrowed from the Ricoeurian approach to hermeneutics, a comparison between the coverage of men's and women's sports in five newspapers was made. The study focused on emergent themes in the coverage of men's and women's sports, as well as the identification of descriptors used for men and women athletes. A structural analysis of the text was also made, which included a comparison on the percentage of articles, the percentage of headlines, the percentage of photographs, and the estimated size of articles and photographs. Photographs were also considered a part of the text, and were analyzed in terms of both content and context. Structural results are that women received almost equitable coverage, especially when considered in light of participation rates at the Games. Themes and descriptors of both men and women focused on such things as physicality, emotionality, personality issues, and family life. However, there were differences within the categories of themes that created an image of women athletes who were less experienced and successful in sport, and more emotional than men. Male athletes, by comparison, were presented as more violent, more experienced, and able to be successful in other masculine roles. There was evidence of practices such as ambivalence, infantilization and sexualization towards the women athletes. In conclusion, the study indicate that while women are getting more coverage than ever before, many media practices that marginalize women in sport and set sport off as a male preserve still occur, only they have become more subtle.

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