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Zjišťování druhového a početního zastoupení střevlíkovitých (Carabidae, Coleoptera) v přírodní rezervaci Mokřad pod TipečkemHálová, Helena January 2014 (has links)
In 2013, a faunistic research of the Carabidae tribe was carried out in the nature reserve of Mokřad pod Tipečkem (Wetland under Tipeček). The object of the nature reserve protection are waterlogged meadows and plant and animal societies typical for this environment. 12 ground traps were placed in the locality in four different areas (always on a mowed post, an unmowed one, the edge of a wood and the edge of a meadow with a wetland). Altogether, there were 34 species recorded with the total number of 328 individuals, among which there are two signifiant species, Leistus rufomarginatus with 3 individuals and Limodromus krynickii (2 individuals). Limodromus krynickii is recorded on the Red list of endangered species in the Czech Republic. In the above mantioned lokality, the most numerous species recorded were Pterostichus nigrita, Pterostichus niger, Abax parallelepipedus and Abax parallelus. Majority of the detected species are adaptace, prefering damp and umbral environment. The outcomes show that the area on the edge of a wood (area 3) is the most multifarious as to species and the number of individuals. On the other hand, areas 1 and 2 are not so multifarious.
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Vliv stanovištních podmínek na faunu střevlíkovitých ve smrkových a bukových porostech BeskydRolinc, Petr January 2015 (has links)
In beech and spruce stands in the LS Ostravice in Moravia Silesian Beskydy was realized monitoring of epigeic invertebrates by pitfall traps method. Carabid beetles (Carabidae) were classified as bioindicator group in terms of representation in spruce and beech stands with regard to main typopologic kategories like as forest altitudinal vegetation groups (LVS), edaphic categories (EK) and files of forest types (SLT). Ground beetles communities were evaluated in economic forests and nature reserves. Collecting of ground beetles was realized in period 2007 -- 2014 in the spring, summer, late summer and autumn aspect. In the entire period were captured 67 483 individuals of ground beetles belonged to 77 species. In interest area was confirmed the occurrence of legally protected species and species Natura 2000 (Carabus variolosus Sturm). Another protected and heavilly endagered species was Carabus obsoletus Sturm. Carabus linnei, Pterostichus burmeisteri and Pterostichus foveolatus were eudominant species. The dominant species were represented Abax ovalis, Carabus glabratus and Pterostichus oblongopunctatus. There was proved a relation between carabid beetles and main typologic categories (LVS, EK and SLT). Several species were discovered diference between spruce and beech stands and so between nature reserves and economic forests.
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Vliv vegetační stupňovitosti a trofnosti stanoviště na některé skupiny silvikolních broukůBeránek, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv vegetační stupňovitosti a trofnosti stanoviště na některé skupiny silvikolních brouků :přílohy /Beránek, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv postřiku insekticidy na diverzitu střevlíků (\kur{Carabidae}) na poli ozimé řepky / Impact of the application of the insecticides on the diversity of ground beetles (Carabidae) in a winter rape standKEPL, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the determination of the direct impact of spraying on soil invertebrates by comparing the treated and untreated surfaces by spraying with plant protection products. The experiment took place in crop of winter oilseed rape in the western part of South Bohemia in spring 2012. As bio-indicators were used ground beetles beetles (Carabidae). Trapping was conducted using pitfall traps. In this work we compared the difference in the occurrence of ground beetles in treated and untreated crop of winter oilseed rape and subsequent tree alley. Only 15% of beetles was recorded sprayed areas, 69% in untreated areas and and 16% in the alley. This suggests the direct impact of spraying on non-target organisms. That's followed by a second experiment, which aim was to determine the long-term effects of intensive farming on ground beetle populations in habitats related to reporting rape field. The selected habitats were meadow, pasture, alley, ruderals and riparian vegetation. The results indicated the inportance of the biotops consequent to field as tthe refugium and the center of spreading of groujd beetles to the field where they provide ecosystem service of biological control.
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Vývoj epigeické arachnoentomofauny borových porostů v požářišti revíru Bzenec - Moravská Sahara (LS Strážnice)Prágr, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
Successional changes occurring in the structure and composition of communities of epigeic fauna in the first three (Coleoptera: Carabidae), or two (Araneae) years after the pine stands fire have been studied since 2013 in the territory of the Moravian Sahara (Bzenec, Czech Republic). 11 permanent research plots were established in order to evaluate the response of epigeic fauna and habitat changes after the fire. These included areas deforested after the fire, pine stands severely affected by the fire (27 years) left to natural successional development and pine stands (94 years) with ongoing salvage cutting. Qualitatively equal stands undisturbed by the fire (29 and 78 years) were simultaneously studied. Pitfall traps were used (5 pcs/area) to determine the state of the epigeic fauna. A total of 90 kinds of Carabid species and 151 spider species were caught and determined. The structure and composition of ground beetle and spider communities in locations disturbed and undisturbed by fire differed throughout the observation period. Ground beetle and spider communities of biotopes undisturbed by the fire showed a stable structure and community composition, while in pine stands disturbed by the fire, a gradual increase in species dominance and diversity of heliophilous and xerophilous groups took place. A significant decline in the species diversity of spiders in pine stands disturbed by fire was recorded between 2013 and 2014. Ground beetle communities showed the opposite trend. Ground beetle and spider communities in the surveyed area demonstrated a sensitive link to a change in the microclimatic conditions of the studied habitats; on the basis of changes in their composition, it was therefore possible to infer changes taking place also in the stands, where the effects of fire were not apparent at first glance.
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The Coleopteran Fauna of Sultan Creek-Molas Lake Area with Special Emphasis on Carabidae and how the Geological Bedrock Influences Biodiversity and Community Structure in the San Juan Mountains, San Juan County, ColoradoBergolc, Melanie L. 01 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Incorporating Ground Beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Assemblage Data and Earthworm Bioassays in the Ecological Risk Assessment of a Trap and Skeet Shooting RangeBryant, Joshua Lee 03 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Quelle est la contribution des milieux semi-naturels à la diversité et la répartition des assemblages de Carabidae circulants et hivernants dans un paysage rural tempéré ? / What is the contribution of semi-natural habitats to the diversity and distribution of circulating and overwintering Carabidae in a temperate rural landscape ?Roume, Anthony 09 June 2011 (has links)
Pour des raisons patrimoniales autant que pour les services qu'elle rend à l'humanité, il apparaît nécessaire de soutenir la diversité des organismes vivants et, pour cela, de connaître leur utilisation des milieux dans les paysages ruraux. En particulier, des travaux récents soutiennent un modèle de colonisation cyclique qui énonce qu'une partie des espèces circulant dans les milieux cultivés en été trouvent un abri propice à l'hivernation dans les milieux semi-naturels. Notre but était ici de mettre au jour les facteurs locaux et paysagers déterminant la répartition spatiale et la structure des assemblages de Carabidae dans un paysage rural des coteaux de Gascogne. Les patrons de répartition des Carabidae, obtenus à deux échelles spatiales différentes, celle du paysage et celle de la parcelle, et à deux moments clés de la vie de ces insectes, la période durant laquelle ils sont actifs (circulants) et la période d'hivernation, ont été interprétés en termes de processus écologiques grâce à la prise en compte des traits biologiques et écologiques des espèces de Carabidae. Les résultats montrent que le type de milieu a un effet structurant majeur sur les assemblages de Carabidae circulants comme hivernants, comparable aux effets des conditions environnementales locales et paysagères réunies. Par ailleurs, les effets de lisière sur les Carabidae circulants, au niveau des interfaces entre les bois et les cultures, sont limités à quelques mètres ou quelques dizaines de mètres. Concernant les Carabidae hivernants, nous avons noté de manière surprenante que leur densité était de deux à six fois plus élevée dans les marges (cultivées) des cultures que dans les milieux semi-naturels. De plus, nous n'avons noté aucun contraste de répartition spatiale entre les Carabidae hivernants et les Carabidae circulants, quels que soient les espèces ou les groupes fonctionnels considérés. Ceci indique donc que les marges des cultures sont des milieux d’hivernation très importants dans le contexte considéré et que si un mouvement de colonisation cyclique existe pour les Carabidae des cultures, il doit se dérouler entre leur zone intérieure et leur marge. L'ensemble de nos résultats soutient l'idée que si l'agencement spatial des milieux seminaturels dans le paysage est important pour promouvoir les populations de Carabidae auxiliaires dans les cultures, la gestion des cultures elles-mêmes, et notamment de leurs marges, est également de première importance. / Supporting biodiversity is an ethical as well as a practical issue since it provides numerous ecosystem services. In that purpose, it is necessary to determine how organisms use the different habitats in rural landscapes. In this view, recent studies suggest that a number of arthropods cyclically colonise cultures, where they feed and reproduce, and semi-natural areas, where they overwinter. We aimed to determine the local and landscape determinants of spatial distribution and structure of ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in a rural landscape of south-western France. We studied spatial distribution patterns of ground beetles at landscape and habitat scales, and at two key periods of their life, that when they are active, and winter. We then considered biological and ecological traits to deduce from these spatial patterns ecological processes affecting ground beetles. Our results show that habitat type has a major effect on species assemblages of active (circulating) as well as overwintering ground beetles, equivalent to that of local conditions and landscape context combined. Edge effects on circulating ground beetles at the woodlot-filed interface were limited to a few meters or a few dozen of meters in both habitats. Amazingly, we found that the density of overwintering ground beetles was two-to six-fold higher in crop margins than in semi-natural habitats. Moreover, we failed to show any difference between the spatial distribution of overwintering ground beetles and circulating ground beetles, whatever the species or functional group considered. Crop margins are thus major overwintering sites in the context studied and cyclic colonisation of ground beetles in crops, if real, may take place between the inner zone and the margins of crops. These results suggest that, in addition to spatial arrangement of semi-natural habitats, crop management, and in particular management of crop margins, is important to promote ground beetles and their beneficial effects on crop protection in agro-forested landscapes.
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Structuration multi-échelle des communautés d'Arthropodes en agro-écosystèmes / Multi-scale structuring of arthropod communities in agroecosystemsDjoudi, El Aziz 21 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’influence des conditions locales et paysagères sur la structuration des communautés d’arthropodes en agroécosystèmes, ceci grâce à un dispositif de suivi situé en Ille-et-Vilaine (Bretagne, France), et comprenant des parcelles conduites en agriculture biologique et conventionnelle spatialement appariées. Notre première étude a mis en évidence que l’hétérogénéité paysagère, parfois en interaction avec le système local de culture, conditionne la diversité et l’abondance des groupes trophiques, à la fois pour les arthropodes au sol comme pour ceux de la végétation. Dans un second temps, nous avons pu montrer l’importance du contexte paysager dans la structuration des assemblages d’arthropodes prédateurs, et émis l’hypothèse que les mécanismes déterminant la distribution des espèces diffèrent fortement entre araignées et carabiques. Enfin, il est apparu la nécessité de distinguer les individus résidents (émergeants) des individus mobiles (circulants) lorsque l’on s’intéresse au rôle différentiel des facteurs locaux vs. paysagers dans la structuration des communautés de carabiques. D’une façon générale, nos résultats montrent donc une influence importante et positive de l’agriculture biologique sur les populations, assemblages d’espèces et communautés d’arthropodes, que ce soit à des échelles locales et paysagères comme en interaction avec d’autres variables paysagères. Nous avons également montré la pertinence de l’utilisation de différents niveaux d’organisation et variables réponses associées pour évaluer finement la structure et le fonctionnement de communautés d’Arthropodes en agroécosystèmes. / In this study, we got interested in quantifying how local and landscape metrics structure arthropod communities in agro-ecosystems. For that, we used a long-term monitoring design located in ‘Ille-Et-Vilaine’ (Brittany, France), composed by spatially pair-matched fields under organic vs. conventional farming systems. First, we found that landscape heterogeneity, also interacting with farming systems, drives the diversity and abundance of trophic groups for both ground- and vegetation-dwelling arthropods. In a second chapter, we showed the importance of landscape context in shaping assemblages of predatory arthropods, and suggested that mechanisms behind the distribution of individual species strongly differ between spiders and carabids. Lastly, we highlighted the importance of distinguishing between resident (emergent) and mobile (circulating) individuals when assessing the differential role of local vs. landscape factors in community assembly. Overall, our results show a strong and positive effect of organic farming on arthropod populations, assemblages and communities, both at local and landscape scales, as well as in interaction with other landscape metrics. We also highlighted the relevance of using different levels of biological organization, and related response variables, when assessing the structure and functioning of arthropod communities in agroecosystems
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