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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klimatičtí uprchlíci v mezinárodním právu / Climate refugees in international law

de Figueiredo Coelho Maciel, Natália January 2019 (has links)
Displacements caused by climate-related events have been on the rise throughout the last decades. The effects of climate change in displacement of people is still a field in construction. The people displaced due to the environment were first denominated as "climate refugees" or "environmental refugees". This thesis aims to examine the protection of the so-called "climate refugee" under international law. The main issue of the thesis relies on the fact that there is no general agreement on the refugee status of the "climate refugees". The refugee regime has the 1951 Convention as its cornerstone, and as such, the analysis of the Convention is crucial to comprehend who can be a refugee. The 1951 Convention is not the only legal instrument in the refugee regime. There are other legal documents capable of guaranteeing protection for refugees. This thesis discusses two other relevant legal instruments dealing with refugee protection: the OAU Convention and the Cartagena Declaration. It analyzes the refugee definitions and the main features of these specific documents. The three documents will be used to establish what sort of protection the "climate refugees" are entitled to under international law. The thesis will use two judicial decisions to evaluate the hypothesis of "climate refugee" being...


Baptistela, Tiago 30 June 2016 (has links)
This work, which adopts the dialectical method, sought in his two chapters address the integration and convergence of asylum and refuge in the Cartagena Declaration, and its regional advances. Asylum and refuge institutes consolidated on the global agenda, through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the Convention of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees, 1951. This building process took place in the architecture of the nation-state model representing a view of Eurocentric colonialism. Thus, the modern system of nation-state interferes in the agenda of human protection, the coloniality and Eurocentric vision of treating the subject, which historically legitimize a process of human rights restrictions on the State's interests. The Cartagena Declaration of 1984 may represent a process of Decoloniality of thought and sense of State in the regional context of Latin America, it extends the definition of refugee and recognizes the massive violation of human rights as refuge hypotheses. Thus, the spirit of Cartagena is the main regional political document whose parameters establish more comprehensive protection to people in vulnerable situations in the context of international human mobility, and includes in its definition the causes of asylum. The integration and convergence of asylum and refuge in the Declaration of Cartagena provides understand Decoloniality the classic model of treating protection of human beings, victims of international human mobility, because the definition of both institutes is bonded on the broad concept of refugee. Therefore, the process of Cartagena is the Decoloniality the Eurocentric conception of the asylum and refuge, and makes it possible to expand the protection of the human person, whose achievements are conditional on political will of the Latin American states. / O tema central do presente trabalho é a análise da integração e da convergência dos institutos do asilo e do refúgio na Declaração de Cartagena. Os institutos do asilo e refúgio consolidaram-se na agenda global, por meio da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos de 1948 e a Convenção do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados de 1951, mas é na Declaração de Cartagena que eles adquirem uma maior relevância na perspectiva dos países latino-americanos. Esse processo demonstra a superação da visão eurocêntrica sobre o tema e a emergência de uma visão decolonial sobre o mesmo. Este avanço é fruto da maior preocupação da América Latina, após um longo e duro ciclo político autoritário, com a proteção dos direitos humanos para além dos Estados soberanos. É por isso, que a Declaração de Cartagena amplia a definição de refugiado e reconhece a sua possibilidade diante da ameaça de violação dos direitos humanos. Desta forma, é possível afirmar que o espírito de Cartagena impulsionou uma forma avançada de proteção das pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade no contexto da mobilidade humana internacional, além de incluir na sua definição as causas do asilo. A integração e convergência do asilo e refúgio na Declaração de Cartagena possibilita, assim, a compreensão de como o pensamento decolonial pode impulsionar a formação de um novo parâmetro para a proteção da mobilidade humana internacional no caso conflito político e de ameaça aos direitos humanos. Portanto, a Declaração de Cartagena supera a concepção eurocêntrica sobre os institutos abordados e possibilita uma proteção mais ampla aos direitos humanos na situação de conflitos políticos. A análise do tema e suas implicações é feita utilizando-se o método dialético.

El otorgamiento del estatus de refugiado en el Perú en aplicación del derecho internacional público el caso venezolano

Rojas Albonico, Andrés 15 October 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis aspira a demonstrar que, ante la afluencia masiva de personas venezolanas a territorio peruano, sobre todo en los años 2017, 2018 y 2019, el Estado peruano debería haber aplicado la Declaración de Cartagena de 1984, conforme está transcrita a su normativa interna, en la Ley N°27891 y su Reglamento. Para ello, se presenta primero el marco legal internacional y nacional del Derecho de Refugiados; para luego apreciar estadísticamente los movimientos migratorios sucesivos de más de un millón de venezolanos hacía el Perú. Investigamos, al detalle, el actuar del Estado peruano ante esta situación. Analizamos rigorosamente cada uno de los elementos constitutivos, que habrían justificado el otorgamiento del asilo, a los migrantes venezolanos, en base a la definición ampliada de refugiado, tal como está estipulada en la Declaración de Cartagena de 1984 y recogida en el literal b) del Artículo 3.- de la Ley peruana del Refugiado, Ley N°27891, y en aplicación del mecanismo de acogida grupal o prima facie. Se consideran las objeciones del Perú frente a esta constelación, para refutar sus argumentos y demostrar los beneficios que le resultarían de la aplicación de la Declaración de Cartagena de 1984 y de su propia normativa sobre refugio. Comprobamos la validez de esta afirmación, al observar la complejidad de una regularización ex post de la presencia venezolana en el Perú, a la cual finalmente, se ha visto obligado el Estado peruano. / This thesis aims to demonstrate that, given the massive influx of Venezuelan people into Peruvian territory, especially in 2017, 2018 and 2019, the Peruvian State should have applied the Cartagena Declaration of 1984, as transcribed into its internal Law No. 27891 and Regulation. For this, we first present the international and national legal framework of Refugee Law, and then statistically appreciate the successive migratory movements of more than one million Venezuelans to Peru. We investigate, in detail, the Peruvian State´s response to this situation. We rigorously analyze each of the constituent elements that would have justified the granting of asylum to Venezuelan migrants, based on the expanded definition of refugee, as stipulated in the Cartagena Declaration of 1984 and included in Article 3 (b) of the Peruvian Refugee Law, Law No. 27891, and in application of the group or prima facie reception mechanism. Peru's objections to this constellation are considered in order to refute its arguments and demonstrate the benefits that would result from the application of the 1984 Cartagena Declaration and its own internal refugee regulations. We verify the validity of this statement by observing the complexity of an ex post regularization of the Venezuelan presence in Peru, which the Peruvian State has finally been forced to undertake. / Tesis

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