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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Genetic engineering of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to ferment cellobiose

Van Rooyen, Ronel, 1976- 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / PCT patent registered: https://www.google.com/patents/WO2009034414A1?cl=en&dq=pct/ib2007/004098&hl=en&sa=X&ei=b7AxUsSZK4jB0gWi14HgCQ&ved=0CEkQ6AEwAg USA: https://www.google.com/patents/US20110129888?dq=pct/ib2007/004098&ei=b7AxUsSZK4jB0gWi14HgCQ&cl=en / USA patent registered: https://www.google.com/patents/US20110129888?dq=pct/ib2007/004098&ei=b7AxUsSZK4jB0gWi14HgCQ&cl=en / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The conversion of cellulosic biomass into fuels and chemicals has the potential to positively impact the South African economy, but is reliant on the development of low-cost conversion technology. Perhaps the most important progress to be made is the development of “consolidated bioprocessing” (CBP). CBP refers to the conversion of pretreated biomass into desired product(s) in a single process step with either a single organism or consortium of organisms and without the addition of cellulase enzymes. Among the microbial hosts considered for CBP development, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has received significant interest from the biotechnology community as the yeast preferred for ethanol production. The major advantages of S. cerevisiae include high ethanol productivity and tolerance, as well as a well-developed gene expression system. Since S. cerevisiae is non-cellulolytic, the functional expression of at least three groups of enzymes, namely endoglucanases (EC; exoglucanases (EC and β-glucosidases (EC is a prerequisite for cellulose conversion via CBP. The endo- and exoglucanases act synergistically to efficiently degrade cellulose to soluble cellodextrins and cellobiose, whereas the β-glucosidases catalyze the conversion of the soluble cellulose hydrolysis products to glucose. This study focuses on the efficient utilization of cellobiose by recombinant S. cerevisiae strains that can either hydrolyse cellobiose extracellularly or transport and utilize cellobiose intracellularly. Since it is generally accepted that S. cerevisiae do not produce a dedicated cellobiose permease/transporter, the obvious strategy was to produce a secretable β-glucosidase that will catalyze the hydrolysis of cellobiose to glucose extracellularly. β-Glucosidase genes of various fungal origins were isolated and heterologously expressed in S. cerevisiae. The mature peptide sequence of the respective β-glucosidases were fused to the secretion signal of the Trichoderma reesei xyn2 gene and expressed constitutively from a multi-copy yeast expression vector under transcriptional control of the S. cerevisiae PGK1 promoter and terminator. The resulting recombinant enzymes were characterized with respect to pH and temperature optimum, as well as kinetic properties. The maximum specific growth rates (μmax) of the recombinant strains were compared during batch cultivation in high-performance bioreactors. S. cerevisiae secreting the recombinant Saccharomycopsis fibuligera BGL1 enzyme was identified as the best strain and grew at 0.23 h-1 on cellobiose (compared to 0.29 h-1 on glucose). More significantly, was the ability of this strain to anaerobically ferment cellobiose at 0.18 h-1 (compared to 0.25 h-1 on glucose). However, extracellular cellobiose hydrolysis has two major disadvantages, namely glucose’s inhibitory effect on the activity of cellulase enzymes as well as the increased risk of contamination associated with external glucose release. In an alternative approach, the secretion signal from the S. fibuligera β-glucosidase (BGL1) was removed and expressed constitutively from the above-mentioned multi-copy yeast expression vector. Consequently, the BGL1 enzyme was functionally produced within the intracellular space of the recombinant S. cerevisiae strain. A strategy employing continuous selection pressure was used to adapt the native S. cerevisiae disaccharide transport system(s) for cellobiose uptake and subsequent intracellular utilization. RNA Bio-Dot results revealed the induction of the native α-glucoside (AGT1) and maltose (MAL) transporters in the adapted strain, capable of transporting and utilizing cellobiose intracellularly. Aerobic batch cultivation of the strain resulted in a μmax of 0.17 h-1 and 0.30 h-1 when grown in cellobiose- and cellobiose/maltose-medium, respectively. The addition of maltose significantly improved the uptake of cellobiose, suggesting that cellobiose transport (via the combined action of the maltose permease and α-glucosidase transporter) is the rate-limiting step when the adapted strain is grown on cellobiose as sole carbon source. In agreement with the increased μmax value, the substrate consumption rate also improved significantly from 0.25 g.g DW-1.h-1 when grown on cellobiose to 0.37 g.g DW-1.h-1 upon addition of maltose to the medium. The adapted strain also displayed several interesting phenotypical characteristics, for example, flocculation, pseudohyphal growth and biofilm-formation. These features resemble some of the properties associated with the highly efficient cellulase enzyme systems of cellulosome-producing anaerobes. Recombinant S. cerevisiae strains that can either hydrolyse cellobiose extracellularly or transport and utilize cellobiose intracellularly. Both recombinant strains are of particular interest when the final goal of industrial-scale ethanol production from cellulosic waste is considered. However, the latter strain’s ability to efficiently remove cellobiose from the extracellular space together with its flocculating, pseudohyphae- and biofilm-forming properties can be an additional advantage when the recombinant S. cerevisiae strain is considered as a potential host for future CBP technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die omskakeling van sellulose-bevattende biomassa na brandstof en chemikalieë beskik oor die potensiaal om die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie positief te beïnvloed, indien bekostigbare tegnologie ontwikkel word. Die merkwaardigste vordering tot dusvêr kon in die ontwikkeling van “gekonsolideerde bioprosessering” (CBP) wees. CBP verwys na die eenstap-omskakeling van voorafbehandelde biomassa na gewenste produkte met behulp van ‘n enkele organisme of ‘n konsortium van organismes sonder die byvoeging van sellulase ensieme. Onder die mikrobiese gashere wat oorweeg word vir CBP-ontwikkeling, het Saccharomyces cerevisiae as die voorkeur gis vir etanolproduksie troot belangstelling by die biotegnologie-gemeenskap ontlok. Die voordele van S. cerevisiae sluit in hoë etanol-produktiwiteit en toleransie, tesame met ‘n goed ontwikkelde geen-uitdrukkingsisteem. Aangesien S. cerevisiae nie sellulose kan benut nie, is die funksionele uitdrukking van ten minste drie groepe ensieme, naamlik endoglukanases (EC; eksoglukanases (EC en β-glukosidases (EC, ‘n voorvereiste vir die omskakeling van sellulose via CBP. Die sinergistiese werking van endo- en eksoglukanases word benodig vir die effektiewe afbraak van sellulose tot oplosbare sello-oligosakkariede en sellobiose, waarna β-glukosidases die finale omskakeling van die oplosbare sellulose-afbraak produkte na glukose kataliseer. Hierdie studie fokus op die effektiewe benutting van sellobiose m.b.v. rekombinante S. cerevisiae-rasse met die vermoeë om sellobiose ekstrasellulêr af te breek of dit op te neem en intrasellulêr te benut. Aangesien dit algemeen aanvaar word dat S. cerevisiae nie ‘n toegewyde sellobiosepermease/ transporter produseer nie, was die mees voor-die-hand-liggende strategie die produksie van ‘n β-glukosidase wat uitgeskei word om sodoende die ekstrasellulêre hidroliese van sellobiose na glukose te kataliseer. β-Glukosidase gene is vanaf verskeie fungi geïsoleer en daaropvolgend in S. cerevisiae uitgedruk. Die geprosesseerde peptiedvolgorde van die onderskeie β-glukosidases is met die sekresiesein van die Trichoderma reesei xyn2-geen verenig en konstitutief vanaf ‘n multikopie-gisuitdrukkingsvektor onder transkripsionele beheer van die S. cerevisiae PGK1 promotor en termineerder uitgedruk. Die gevolglike rekombinante ensieme is op grond van hul pH en temperatuur optima, asook kinetiese eienskappe, gekarakteriseer. Die maksimum spesifieke groeitempos (μmax) van die rekombinante rasse is gedurende aankweking in hoë-verrigting bioreaktors vergelyk. Die S. cerevisiae ras wat die rekombinante Saccharomycopsis fibuligera BGL1 ensiem uitskei, was as the beste ras geïdentifiseer en kon teen 0.23 h-1 op sellobiose (vergeleke met 0.29 h-1 op glukose) groei. Meer noemenswaardig is the ras se vermoë om sellobiose anaërobies teen 0.18 h-1 (vergeleke met 0.25 h-1 op glukose) te fermenteer. Ekstrasellulêre sellobiose-hidroliese het twee groot nadele, naamlik glukose se onderdrukkende effek op die aktiwiteit van sellulase ensieme, asook die verhoogde risiko van kontaminasie wat gepaard gaan met die glukose wat ekstern vrygestel word. ’n Alternatiewe benadering waarin die sekresiesein van die S. fibuligera β-glucosidase (BGL1) verwyder en konstitutief uitgedruk is vanaf die bogenoemde multi-kopie gisuitrukkingsvektor, is gevolg. Die funksionele BGL1 ensiem is gevolglik binne-in die intrasellulêre ruimte van die rekombinante S. cerevisiae ras geproduseer. Kontinûe selektiewe druk is gebruik om die oorspronklike S. cerevisiae disakkaried-transportsisteme vir sellobiose-opname and daaropvolgende intrasellulêre benutting aan te pas. RNA Bio-Dot resultate het gewys dat die oorspronklike α-glukosied (AGT1) en maltose (MAL) transporters in die aangepaste ras, wat in staat is om sellobiose op te neem en intrasellulêr te benut, geïnduseer is. Aërobiese kweking van die geselekteerde ras het gedui dat die ras teen 0.17 h-1 en 0.30 h-1 groei in onderskeidelik sellobiose en sellobiose/maltose-medium. Die byvoeging van maltose het die opname van sellobiose betekenisvol verbeter, waarna aangeneem is dat sellobiose transport (via die gekombineerde werking van die maltose permease en α-glukosidase transporter) die beperkende stap gedurende groei van die geselekteerde ras op sellobiose as enigste koolstofbron is. In ooreenstemming hiermee, het die substraatbenuttingstempo ook betekenisvol toegeneem van 0.25 g.g DW-1.h-1, gedurende groei op sellobiose, tot 0.37 g.g DW-1.h-1 wanneer maltose by die medium gevoeg word. Die geselekteerde ras het ook verskeie interessante fenotipiese kenmerke getoon, byvoorbeeld flokkulasie, pseudohife- en biofilm-vorming. Hierdie eienskappe kom ooreen met sommige van die kenmerke wat met die hoogs effektiewe sellulase ensiem-sisteme van sellulosomeproduserende anaerobe geassosieer word. Hierdie studie beskryf die suksesvolle konstruksie van ‘n rekombinante S. cerevisiae ras met die vermoë om sellobiose ekstrasellulêr af te breek of om dit op te neem en intrasellulêr te benut. Beide rekombinante rasse is van wesenlike belang indien die einddoel van industriële-skaal etanolproduksie vanaf selluloseafval oorweeg word. Die laasgenoemde ras se vermoë om sellobiose effektief uit die ekstrasellulêre ruimte te verwyder tesame met die flokkulasie, pseudohife- en biofilm-vormings eienskappe kan ‘n addisionele voordeel inhou, indien die rekombinante S. cerevisiae ras as ‘n potensiële gasheer vir toekomstige CBP-tegnologie oorweeg word.

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