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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úskalí zastavování hydratace alkalicky aktivované strusky organickými látkami / Issues of stopping the hydration of alkali-activated slag using organic substances

Chadima, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the stopping of hydration of alkali activated slag by organic solvents and investigates to what extent the selected organic solvent affects the results of the analyses. The solvents used were acetone, diethyl ether, ethanol, isopropanol and methanol, and this is because these are the most commonly used organic solvents in practice. Thermogravimetric analysis along with differential thermal analysis was used to assess the degree of influence of organic solvents on the alkali activated slag and Portland cement samples. Methanol and acetone affected the samples the most and the longer the sample was stored in the solvent, the more it reacted with the organic solvent. The adverse interaction of organic solvent was greatest for the Portland cement samples. Samples that were rinsed with diethyl ether prior to analysis had lower mass losses than samples that were not rinsed. In the case of alkali activated slag, it was found that the way in which the thermogravimetric results were affected by organic solvents was highly dependent on the activator used, with the smallest effect observed for Na2CO3 activation, while the largest effect was observed for NaOH activation at temperatures below 600 °C, and for higher temperatures for water glass activation.

Studium vlastností vláknocementových kompozitů / Studying the properties of fiber cement composites

Cederová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with fiber-cement composites. Input materials are investigated for the production of fiber cement, are examined, the production and parameters of the pulp were monitored. Further, Hatschek's production technology and requirements for corrugated fiber-cement roofing are described. In the practical part the individual input materials and parameters of ground pulp were verified. The problem with production of samples and difference in the fineness of pulp milling in fiber cement products has been solved.

Cihelný recyklát jako surovina pro výrobu pálících pomůcek pro cihlářský průmysl / Brick recycled as a raw material for the production of refractories for the brick industry

Fridrich, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is the study of behavior of brick waste in the mixture with high alumina cement. The result of this research should be a draft of a composition and production process for material that could partly or fully substitute forging accessories in the brick production industry. The aim of this work is to verify the use of brick waste for such purpose. Usage of brick waste for refractories can help the current long-term effort for wasteless production processes.

Příprava historických pojiv s vysokou odolností proto okolním vlivům / Preparation of historical binders with high resistance to ambient influences

Nehybka, Josef January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on preparation of the mortar mixtures inspired by roman cement with a great resistivity against the corrosion environment, especially a seawater. There were prepared samples of a roman cement containing of pure lime and various artificial pozzolans and natural tuff which were used as pozzolan admixtures. The task of this work is to explore possibility of using pure lime and for example pozzolan admixture which can resist against the corrosive environment like a roman cement. There were prepared a lot of various samples which were tested separately on their mechanical characteristics before and after their exposure of the influence of the corrosive environment. There were used X-ray diffraction analysis for the characterization of a phase composition of the raw materials and some selected samples.

Optimalizace antibakteriálních vlastností polymer-fosfátových kostních výplní / Optimization of antibacterial properties of polymer-phosphate bone fillers

Grézlová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřená na přípravu polymer-fosfátových kostních cementů. Cílem je optimalizovat antibakteriální vlastnosti daného cementu přídavkem selenových nanočástic (SeNPs). V teoretické části práce je popsána charakteristika kosti, vlastnosti fosforečnanu vápenatého (TCP) a jeho polymorfů, použití kostního cementu a antibakteriálních nanočástic v medicíně. Experimentální část se věnuje přípravě vzorků, popisu metod a vyhodnocení vlivu SeNPs na vytvrzování kostního cementu, morfologii, krystalinitu, mechanické, reologické a antibakteriální vlastnosti. Výsledkem je zvýšení injektovatelnosti cementu a zrychlení jeho vytvrzování včetně pozitivního vlivu na mechanické vlastnosti. Antibakteriální vlastnosti vzorků byly testovány použitím diskové i diluční metody, což vedlo k pozitivnímu inhibičnímu účinku SeNP na grampozitivních bakteriích (G+), zejména Staphylococcus aureus a methicillin rezistentní Staphylococcus aureus. Kvantitativní uvolňování SeNP z modifikovaného kostního polymer-fosfátového cementu umožňuje jeho použití jako antibakteriální kostní výplně (například pro léčbu zánětu kostí).

Analýza tokových vlastností kostních cementů během tvrdnutí. / Investigation of the flow characteristics of bone cements during cementation.

Zezula, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
V dnešní době se chirurgové zajímají o vliv viskozity kostních cementů na jejich penetraci do kosti při úplné kostní náhradě. Penetrace cementu závisí na jeho viskozitě, času vsunutí protézy, době tvrdnutí, atd. Viskozita je určena chemickým složením, teplotou a poměrem monomeru a prášku. V této práci bude porovnávána viskozita a penetrace vysoko- a nízko- viskózních cementů. Viskozita bude měřena dvěma modely. V prvním modelu je hrot s konstantní rychlostí vtlačován do cementu. V druhém modelu je cement vytlačován z kapiláry konst. rychlostí. Penetrace cementu po vstříknutí do kosti bude měřena pomocí rentgenu.

Příprava a průběh hydratace pojivového systému na bázi stroncium yttritého cementu / Synthesis, properties and product of hydration of strontium yttrite cement

Florian, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the preparing a binder system based on strontium ytritte cement and examining the physicochemical properties of the obtained system. The course of the process was evaluated using methods calorimetry, thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy.

Systémy rychle tuhnoucích směsí na bázi portlandských cementů / Systems of self-setting foundry mixtures on the base portland cements

Janíčková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The project elaborated in frame of engineering studies branch N2332-00. The project is submitting design of technology production sand mixture with cement binder – Portland binder CEM I 42,5 N. Pursuant to of the literary pursuit a problem of the sand mixture with cement binder was tested few sand mixture. As optimal composition it turned out application sand mixture with 2 % CaCl2 content and 1 – 2 % Dextrin content. Sand mixture with cement has good moulder and regenerating.

Tepelně izolační lité žárovzdorné materiály / Heat insulating moulded refractory materials

Novotný, Radoslav January 2016 (has links)
Doctoral thesis is focused on the study, research and development of heat insulating moulded refractory materials. The replacement of shaped instead of unshaped refractories is recently and strongly industrially demanded and belongs to ongoing research topics. With the increasing demand of energy savings, the excellent insulation properties are essential. The insulating properties of castables are the result of targeted porosity formation. The porosity is coming from the controlled air intrusion into material resulted to foamed structure. The foaming process was achieved by mixing of separately prepared aqueous foam into raw castable slurry or by in situ foaming of intensively mixed castable slurry with the surfactant additive. Nevertheless, the study of foam behaviour and the influence of additives on binder hydration and setting processes (i.e. calciumaluminate cement) was substantial for successful preparation of the experimental samples. The two types of the experimental samples were prepared. The first one was based on mixing of kaolin slurry with pre-prepared aqueous foam, whereas the de-aglomeration ability of kaolin specie was utilized to water-particle film formation. In situ foaming of multicomponent system is the second one. The both processes brought some negative attributes, so the optimal properties of prepared castables were achieved by their combination.

Možnosti využití cihelného obrusu v systémech na bázi portlandského cementu / Possibilities of utilization of brick-grind-dust in systems based on portland cement

Palovčík, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with possibilities of using brick-grind-dust which is a secondary product from manufacturing of grinded bricks. A boom in this method of masonry is connected with an increase of production of these secondary materials. These secondary materials are partly returned to brick manufacturing and partly buried in a landfill site. Due to their composition and origin, these materials are potentially pozzolan active, making them interesting for applications in hydraulic binders. The aim of the work was to study the physical and chemical properties of several brick-grind-dust and brick sands. Subsequently, binders based on these materials and Portland cement were prepared. The properties of the binders were modified by means of adding a commercially available polycarboxylate superplasticizer. The development of mechanical properties of the prepared binders has been studied over time. Hydration of the selected binders was analyzed by isothermal calorimetry.

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