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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changes in landuse patterns in upland watersheds of Eastern Luangwa Valley, Zambia, and the potential impact on runoff and erosion

Nyirongo, Victor Wilford Kayiwaze 20 September 2009 (has links)
Four small watersheds, Kamwamphula, Luelo, Kanyanga and Mphiri, near Emusa (Lundazi District) in Eastern Province, Zambia, were studied to document transitions in land use over time and to project the impacts of land use and topography on runoff, erosion and sediment delivery. Landuse was delineated from 2007 IKONOS image (one meter pixel), and Landsat imagery was used to depict the historic changes in landuse between the period of 1989 and 2007. The GWLF model was used to predict the impact of the landuses on the hydrology of the area. There had been an increase in clearing of forest area mainly due to the expansion of cropland area. The highest rate of clearing was predicted for the Kamwamphula watershed where the forest cover decreased from 95% to 71% over the 18 year period. The GWLF model was used to predict the impact of the landuse on the hydrology and sediment delivery. In comparison with the limited field data available from the four watersheds, the GWLF model gave poor prediction of streamflow, probably because the hydrology of the area is poorly understood and dambo function in the landscape is not well represented in the model. Highest runoff, erosion and sediment yields came from Luelo watershed which has steeper slopes and, less vegetative cover and poor permeability of soils. The GWLF gave poor prediction of streamflow, probably, because the hydrology of the area is poorly understood. / Master of Science

Towards a multi-proxy holocene palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction for Eastern Lesotho

Fitchett, Jennifer Myfanwy 20 January 2016 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the academic requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg October 2015 / The eastern Lesotho highlands observe climate patterns distinct from adjacent lower altitude regions, representing a niche environment with unique biodiversity, comprising well-adapted but restricted biomes. With a heavy reliance on subsistence agriculture, Lesotho faces risks to both the economy and individual livelihoods, should current rates of climate change persist or intensify. Furthermore, eastern Lesotho serves as southern Africa’s primary water catchment, with precipitation exceeding evaporation. Any changes in the climate and hydrological systems, as are likely under climate change scenarios, would compromise biomes, livelihoods, and water security both locally and regionally. Climate change research in eastern Lesotho, is thus of particular value, yet meteorological data are sparse and the palaeoenvironmental history remains poorly resolved. This research presents the first multi-proxy Holocene palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction for eastern Lesotho. This reconstruction is developed from the results from pollen, diatom and sediment analyses, extracted from sediment cores obtained from two peat bogs at Sani Valley (~2,800 m.asl) and Mafadi Wetland (~3,390 m.asl), and from an exposed gully-sidewall profile at Sekhokong (~2,950 m.asl), approximately 1km south of the Sani Valley site. The reconstructions are temporally constrained by AMS radiocarbon dates obtained for all three sites. Mafadi Wetland demonstrates marked differences to the lower altitude sites, including slower sedimentation rates, a decrease in pollen and diatom taxa diversity, and an increase in the relative abundance of ice-tolerant diatom taxa. The microtopography of the three sites influences the rates of sedimentation, sediment properties, pollen composition, and distinct palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions for each site. The Sekhokong record commences in the late Pleistocene, with a wet period from ~13,180-10,850 cal. yr BP, interrupted by a dry period from ~13,080-12,830 cal. yr BP. From ~10,550-6,420 cal. yr BP, the Sekhokong record indicates a drier climate with a slow transition to warmer, wetter conditions. The Mafadi Wetland record commences with cold, wet conditions from ~8,140-7,580 cal. yr BP, followed by a warmer, drier period from ~7,520-6,680 cal. yr BP. Thereafter, greater microclimatic differences are apparent. For Sekhokong, warmer, dry conditions are inferred for ~6,420-6,000 cal. yr BP, followed by cold, wet conditions from ~6,000-5,450 cal. yr BP. Warmer, dry conditions commence earlier at Mafadi Wetland, from ~6,160-5,700 cal. yr BP, coinciding with the initiation of a longer wet period at Sani Valley, from ~6,200-4,900 cal. yr BP. At Sekhokong, a dry, warmer period follows from ~5,450-3,700 cal. yr BP. At Sani Valley, drier conditions are evident from ~4,770-4,470 cal. yr BP, followed by a cold, wet period from ~4,460-2,260 cal. yr BP. For Mafadi Wetland, these cold, wet conditions endure longer, from ~5,600-1,100 cal. yr BP. This overlaps with similarly cool, wet conditions at Sekhokong, from ~3,650- 1,200 cal. yr BP. By contrast, dry conditions are evident at Sani Valley, from ~2,260-1,350 cal. yr BP. For all three sites, ~1,000 cal. yr BP to present is characterised by progressive drying, with discrete wet events. Pronounced cold events are detected at ~12,660 cal. yr BP, ~8,400-8,000 cal. yr BP and ~150 cal. yr BP. The results of this study indicate similarities with records from adjacent studies in western Lesotho and South Africa, although with notable variability in the timing of events. The palaeoenvironmental reconstructions for eastern Lesotho, and their comparison with existing studies, provide valuable information to improve the understanding of southern African Holocene climates, and to facilitate the development of high resolution, accurate climate models for the eastern Lesotho region.

Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt

Lourenço Gonçalves, Pedro Manuel January 2019 (has links)
Memphis is considered to have been the main metropolis of dynastic Egypt. For more than 3000 years the settlement played a primary role in political, economic and cultural life of the state, functioning as capital for long periods. Nonetheless, little is known about the setting and archaeology of the city itself, even when compared to other Egyptian settlements. This work investigates the context and archaeology of Memphis, recognising distinctive development phases, and examines potential reasons for historical changes. Sedimentary records of 77 boreholes taken in the area of Mit Rahina are analysed to detect palaeoenvironmental conditions and palaeo-landscape features. Their interpretation is sustained by a multidisciplinary approach drawing together prior archaeological, historical and geomorphological studies. A model reflecting the transformations of Memphis is formulated and multi-scale landscape and environmental changes in the Memphite region over the last 5000 years are established. According to this new model, a settlement was founded during the Early Dynastic Period on a complex of sandbanks which were separated and surrounded by three branches of the Nile. After its foundation and during the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom, the city grew on the western cluster of sandbanks while the West Channel was losing flow. During the First Intermediate Period and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom extreme floods significantly affected the settlement. It recovered during the Middle Kingdom when large-scale landscape management initiatives and strong interventions on the margins of the Central Channel were undertaken. By the New Kingdom, the Middle Birka was already dry land, mainly as a result of human intervention. The East Channel became the only active branch of the Nile serving the city and the Eastern Koms were intensively settled. In the Late Period the city had expanded to the Northern Koms and the North Birka silted up. During the Ptolemaic Period, the city reached its maximum extension, despite important changes in its status and social-economic background. Subsequently, the importance of the city declined with the end of the dynastic state, while the East Channel started to migrate slowly eastward. The city decayed and was abandoned after a few centuries. Some landscape and environmental changes are positively associated both with urban mutation and with different social, economic and political phases of Memphis' history. Human interventions actively induced the evolution of both landscape and local environment. Events at the supra-regional level, both natural and especially anthropic, also had impact and are linked to changes at Memphis. Conversely, contingencies restricted to the Memphite region influenced the development of the state. Local situations at Memphis-e.g., crisis, disaster, conflict, prosperity, or affluence-could be magnified to the extent that they have been perceived as having affected the state as a whole. The foundation and development of Memphis were tightly interconnected with the fortunes of state and power. The city embodied the cultural and political identity of the state and maintained its prominence through dynastic Egyptian history. Triangular complex cause-effect relations between local changes in Memphis, historical change in Egypt, and climatic and environmental evolution both at regional and supra-regional scales are recognised. The significance of each varied with time, determining the evolution of Memphis and also of dynastic Egypt.

Heterogeneous changes in hydrologic system of the Tibetan Plateau in response to climate variability: application of multi-source satellite data.

January 2014 (has links)
青藏高原是地球上海拔最高的地理單元,平均海拔超過4000米,連同周邊的高大山脈被稱為地球的「第三極」。青藏高原擁有的冰川儲量僅次於南極、格陵蘭地區及加拿大。高原也是亞洲幾大主要水系的發源地,因而被譽為亞洲「水塔」。在高原腹地的寬谷有密集的湖泊群,其中面積大於1km²的湖泊超過1000個,以內流湖為主。其湖泊面積占中國湖泊總面積的50%左右。陸地水儲量及年際動態是全球水量平衡的重要組成部分,但是在高緯度的青藏高原地區由於缺乏精細的觀測,還存在諸多疑問。因而,針對青藏高原地區,採用新的觀測手段和方法調查高寒水文系統中冰川和湖泊所引起的水儲量變化對理解全球水分平衡和氣候變化影響十分必要。本研究將利用多種遙感衛星觀測系統回答高原水文研究中存在的一些關鍵問題。 / 青藏高原自上世紀八十年代出現快速升溫,從多方面的研究以達成共識。然而,由於資料的不確定性及高原地區降雨本身的空間異質性,降雨的時空變化尚存在不一致的結論。本研究對八種常用的降雨產品的時空相關性進行相互比較,也採用有限的網站觀測對格網降雨資料集進行評價。結果顯示,GPCP, CMAP-1, CMAP-2和PREC/L四個降雨資料集與網站觀測降雨具有更好的相關性,APHRODITE 和TRMM資料次之,兩個再分析降雨資料最不相關。基於GPCP, CMAP-1, PREC/L和APHRODITE降雨資料,分析青藏高原及周邊地區降雨在1979 - 2011期間的變化趨勢。四個資料集一致反映在高原中部及東北部地方,降雨在上世紀90年代開始出現明顯的增長趨勢,在藏東南地區降雨減少,但趨勢不明顯。而在喜馬拉雅地區,四個降雨資料反映的趨勢不一致。本研究進一步分析降雨對青藏高原地區陸地水儲量的在2003 - 2011期間的影響關係發現,高原中部及東北部的降雨增加及天山地區的降雨減少與GRACE衛星觀測的陸地水儲量變化有十分密切的關係。而在喜馬拉雅山脈及藏東南地區,降雨的變化對陸地水儲量的相關性相對較低,一方面可能是降雨資料在該地區由於更複雜的地形具有更大的不確定性,另外一方面,可能存在其他氣候因素(如變暖引起的冰川融水損失等)影響陸地水量的平衡。 / 因此,選擇藏東南地區為研究典型區,調查青藏高原冰凍圈水文系統的陸地水儲量平衡狀態及其與冰川變化關係。利用2003 - 2009時段內GRACE衛星觀測,藏東南地區的物質平衡以5.99 ± 2.78 Gt/yr的速率減少。然而,基於GLDAS/Noah和CPC的模型輸出資料進行分析發現,該地區的土壤含水量、雪水當量及植被冠層含水量等水文因數均無顯著的降低(或增加)趨勢。而根據ICESat測高衛星對藏東南地區冰川的表面高程進行測量得出,冰川在2003 - 2009期間以平均- 0.31 ± 0.14 m/yr的速率消融,相當於- 4.83 ± 2.46 Gt/yr的負物質平衡量。可以推斷,冰川消融引起的水量流失大約能解釋該地區80%的GRACE衛星觀測的物質負平衡量。進一步分析GRACE衛星連續觀測的區域陸地水儲量平衡與氣候因數的統計關係表明,時間序列中的突變、季節性波動及多年週期振盪信號與降水的變化具有高度的相關性,而區域物質平衡的年際收支及長期趨勢更明顯受溫度的控制。該結論進一步證實藏東南地區近年來的陸地水儲量負平衡很大程度上由增加冰川融水流失引起的。 / 在青藏高原內陸湖泊水文研究方面,由於缺乏長期的湖泊水量平衡、水位及湖底地形等實測資料,大尺度定量估算湖泊水量變化的難題一直尚未解決。上世紀70年代以來的光學遙感影像及2003 - 2009期間的ICESat衛星測高資料成為大尺度觀測青藏高原湖泊面積及水位變化的有力工具。遙感觀測結果表明,整個高原湖泊(選取312個大於10 km²的湖泊)面積從1970年代早期的35,638.11 km²增加到2011年的41,938.66 km²。ICESat測高資料覆蓋的湖泊平均水位變化速率為0.23 m/yr。其中,青藏高原中部地區的湖泊,如色林錯,擴張速度最快,而藏南地區的湖泊在2000年代出現迅速萎縮趨勢。基於2003 - 2009期間的湖泊面積及對應的水位資料,建立湖泊水位隨面積變化的統計關係,從而重建湖泊在缺少ICESat測高資料的時段(2003年之前及2009年之後)的湖泊水位資料,有效估算青藏高原湖泊從1970年代約40年來水量增加92.43 Gt (主要增長髮生在2000年代)。對湖泊群密集的羌塘高原湖泊水量平衡進一步分析,該地區湖泊水量在2000年代以6.79 Gt/yr的速率增加,該類比結果與GRACE觀測的該地區物質正平衡趨勢6.81 Gt/yr十分接近。 / 為了解釋青藏高原地區內陸湖泊在2000年代迅速擴張的主要氣候影響機制,針對117個具有測高資料,分析其湖泊水位的趨勢、突變及季節性變化與氣候變數的關係。結果表明,高原湖泊水位的季節性變化表現明顯的時空異質性:昆侖山南部的密集的小湖泊群在暖(濕)季水位降低,而冷(幹)季水位增加,可能更多依賴于季節性雪蓋融水補給,而暖季該地區強烈蒸發作用造成水量負平衡;其他大部分湖泊暖季由於降水徑流補給水位升高,而冷季水位降低或較小地波動。根據水位季節性變化和突變,湖泊可以劃分為8個聚類,不同聚類表現出不同的水位變化態勢,一些明顯的水位增減與該地區降水和蒸發高低密切相關,而冰川融水補給(表現為溫度波動)並未表現出顯著的相關性。將高原範圍內的湖泊劃分為冰川補給型與非冰川補給型湖泊,兩類湖泊群的水位變化在統計上沒有明顯分異。而水位變化速率與湖泊的補給係數(一定程度上反映湖泊降水徑流對水量平衡的影響)具有顯著相關。從不同的氣候子區具體分析,在高原中部地區,冰川融水補給確實更加加劇了降水引起的湖泊水位增長。此外,集成多顆衛星的測高資料,對18個高原典型大湖泊的水位年際增量與氣候因數進行相關分析發現,水位波動呈現出與降水和蒸發更顯著的相關性。總之,該研究綜合多種新型技術手段,在大尺度上調查青藏高原高寒水文系統(主要針對季風型溫性冰川與內陸湖泊)水量變化及其空間異質性特徵,並解釋其氣候影響因素。 / The Tibetan Plateau (TP) and surrounding mountains are known as the Third Pole, with an average elevation of 4,000 meters above sea level. It holds the largest reserves of glacier ice outside of Antarctica, Greenland, and Canada. It is thus referred as Asian water towers, which form the source of more than ten major rivers in Asia. In the broad basins of the inner plateau, there are more than one thousand lakes, mostly featured by closed watersheds. In the context of climate change and variability, regional terrestrial water storage (TWS) budgets of the TP are critical terms in the global water balance, yet they are poorly observed at high altitude. Thus new strategies are required to investigate changes of mountain glaciers and lakes in the high-altitude hydrologic system. Multiple remote sensing techniques are deployed here to address questions in high-latitude hydrology. / The temperature of the TP has risen rapidly since the 1980s, but spatio-temporal variability of precipitation remains unclear partly due to more spatial incoherence in precipitation variation. Eight gridded precipitation datasets are inter-compared with each other and evaluated by gauge-based data over the TP and surroundings between 1979 and 2011. The results show that the GPCP, CMAP-1/2 and PREC/L precipitation data agreebetter with gauge-based precipitation. The two reanalysis data have the weakest correlations with gauge-based data, and the APHRODITE and TRMM data are in between. Analyses of precipitation trends based on the GPCP, CMAP-1, PREC/L and APHRODITE datasets consistently reveal that an obvious increase is observed in the inner TP since the mid-1990s and insignificant decreasing trends areobserved in the southeastern TP. In the Himalayas, the precipitation trends are rather inconsistent among the four datasets. Comparisons of the GRACE TWS changes and precipitation variability between 2003 and 2011 show that increasing precipitation in the central and northeastern TP and decreasing precipitation in the Tienshan Mountains are tightly associated with the TWS variations in the two regions. However, there are relatively lower correlations between TWS changes and precipitation in the Himalayas and southeastern TP. It implies that there areprobably other factors (such as glacier meltwater loss induced by warming climate) which are also correlated with the GRACE-observed mass changes. / The southeastern TP (SETP) is selected as a demonstrative area to investigate the TWS changes in the cryo-hydrologic system and relations with glacier variations. The GRACE observations during 2003 - 2009 reveal a serious mass loss with rate of - 5.99 ± 2.78 Gt/yr in the SETP. Based on hydrological data by model calculations from the GLDAS/Noah and CPC, other hydrologic elements, including soil moisture, snow water equivalent and canopy water storage, showed no obvious change trends. The glacier measured by the ICESat altimetry showed a thinning rate of - 0.31 ± 0.14 m/yr during 2003 - 2009. An approximate estimation of the glacier mass budget was - 4.83± 2.46 Gt/yr, which accounted for ~ 80% of the GRACE-observed mass loss in this area. The further examinationon climate forces of TWS changes in the SETP suggest that abrupt, seasonal and multi-year undulating signals of GRACE TWS anomaly time series were tightly associated with precipitation variability, while the annual mass budgets and trends were more related to temperature variability. / In contrast to glacial meltwater loss in outflow areas of the SETP, the hydrological processes in the inner TP are characterized by closed lake systems. In-situ measurements of lake water balance and lake bathymetry are missing to monitor the TWS changes in lake-hydrologic system of the TP. Remote sensing allows observation of area and water level variations in Tibetan lakes (312 lakes larger than 10 km²). The total lake area increased from 35,638. 11km² in the early-1970s to 41,938.66 km² in 2011. The mean rate of change in water level for all examined lakes was 0.23 m/yr between 2003 and 2009. The most dramatic lake expansion was observed in the central TP. Lakes in South Tibet showed shrinking tendency in the past decade. Then, based on the time series of lake area and water level, the statistical relationships between lake area and water level are established to estimate lake water volume (storage) variations and compare with GRACE-observed mass gains in this area. The results show that the total water storage increased by 92.43 Gt (km³) from the early 1970s to 2011.The positive water mass budget of 6.81 Gt/yr in the Changtang Plateau derived from GRACE data agrees well with the change rate of lake water storage (6.79 Gt/yr) derived from the statistical models in the 2000s. / Based on satellite altimetry data, the trends, abrupt and seasonal changes of water level for 117 lakes with elevation measurements are examined to explore the potential climate forces of lake variations in the 2000s. Results suggest that seasonal water-level variations were featured by strong spatio-temporal heterogeneity which was largely associated with the seasonally and spatially varied climate. The rates of change of non-glacier-fed lakes in the 2000s were basically as high as those of glacier-fed lakes across the plateau while the lake level changes were closely associated with the lake supply coefficients (the basin / lake area ratio, which partly indicates the role of precipitation and runoff on lake water balance). The lake variations agreed well with the spatial pattern of precipitation changes.In addition, the correlation analyses between water level variations and climatic variables for 18 typical large lakes indicate that lake dynamics were more related to precipitation and evaporation than temperature. In sum, this study provides new insight and large-scale investigation on high-altitude hydrologic systems of the TP. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Song, Chunqiao. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 181-203). / Abstracts also in Chinese.

Development of integrated prognostic models of land use/land cover change case studies in Brazil and China /

Zhou, Yushuang. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Michigan State University, 2002. / Adviser: David L. Skole. Includes bibliographical references.

A comparison of four change detection techniques for two urban areas in the United States

Anderson, James January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--West Virginia University, 2002. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains ix, 61 p. : col. ill., col. maps. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-42).

Mechanistic controls of North American climate variability /

Shinker, Jacqueline J., January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2003. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-152). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

Climate change, hydrology, and ecological models: intercomparison and validation

Gordon, Wendy Silverman 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Patienters upplevelser av livsstilsförändringar vid diabetes typ 2 : en systematisk litteraturstudie / Patient's experiences of lifestyle changes in diabetes type 2

Larsson, Anna, Wiman, Ann January 2014 (has links)
Diabetes type 2 is a fast growing illness and a global health problem, often a result from less appropriate standard of living. Lifestyle changes related to diet and physical activity are important lifestyle changes regarding to get control of the self-management and to avoid vascular complications. Aim The aim of this study was to describe patient's experiences of lifestyle changes in diabetes type 2. Method A literature study was carried through based on 12 qualitative scientific articles. Results The analysis result into two main themes and eight subthemes. Main themes where barriers and motivators for lifestyle changes and the subthemes where struggle, denial, lack of knowledge, alienation, support, motivation, acceptance and knowledge. Conclusion This study shows that lifestyle changes are experienced different by patient with diabetes and nurses should therefore be aware of the unique and specific demands these patients require. This is important for providing a good diabetic healthcare and to help patients with their self-management

A communication study on climate change for the European Environment Agency a case study of the key role of information dissemination in catalysing a societal transition toward sustainability /

Brodach, Ari. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Lund University, 2001. / Title from title screen of PDF file (viewed 9 Dec. 2003). Includes bibliographical references.

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