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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Características hidrogeoquímicas das bacias de drenagem dos rios Capivari e Jundiaí, SP: aspectos das influências antrópicas / Hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Capivari and Jundiaí rivers basins drainage, SP: aspects of anthropogenic influences

Graziela Meneghel de Moraes 19 February 2016 (has links)
Os rios Jundiaí e Capivari são importantes efluentes do rio Tietê, e estão localizados em regiões que possuem municípios de grande potencial sócio/econômico, para o estado se São Paulo, por esse motivo estão sobre constantes pressões antrópicas causando deteriorização de suas águas, que são usadas para abastecimento humano. O presente estudo teve por objetivo realizar o levantamento das características hidrogeoquímicas das bacias de drenagem dos rios Jundiaí e Capivari, buscando caracterizar os aspectos das influências antrópicas nas cargas dissolvidas e particuladas transportadas fluvialmente nas referidas bacias de drenagem. Para tal foram determinadas quatro estações de amostragem, JUN0 e JUN1 para o rio Jundiaí, e CAP0 e CAP1 para o rio Capivari, sendo coletadas amostras fluviais no período de abril de 2011 a dezembro de 2012, distribuídas em 15 excursões. Os estudos das dinâmicas das cargas fluviais particuladas, representadas pelos sedimentos finos em suspensão (FSS), evidenciaram para ambos os rios, a influência da sazonalidade, com significativo transporte de sedimentos, principalmente nos períodos chuvosos. O rio Jundiaí apresentou uma erosão média e o rio Capivari uma erosão considerada alta. As relações estabelecidas entre os COP (carbono orgânico particulado), NOP (nitrogênio orgânico particulado), COD (carbono orgânico dissolvido), NOD (nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido) e respectivas assinaturas isotópicas (?13C e ?15N) para os rios Jundiaí e Capivari, revelaram que a origem da matéria orgânica esteve associada ao material erosivo (solos da bacia) nos períodos chuvosos e aos efluentes domésticos no período de estiagem. A caracterização hidroquímica fluvial revelou que para a maioria das espécies químicas presentes na carga dissolvida dos rios Jundiaí e Capivari sofreram os processos de diluição em consonância com o aumento da vazão. Quando comparadas às respectivas curvas de diluição teórica, as curvas dos íons Na+ e Cl-, se mostraram oriundos de uma única fonte ou origem de entrada nas bacias, nas regiões de foz, relativas ao lançamento de esgotos domésticos. O modelo geoquímico conceitual simples de alteração química de rochas permitiu de modo satisfatório avaliar a alteração de rochas dos rios Jundiaí e Capivari, evidenciando a contribuição dos aportes antrópicos na química das águas dos rios estudados / The Jundiaí and Capivari River are important Tietê river tributaries, and are located in regions with potential social/economic cities of São Paulo state, for this reason they are on influence of countless water impacts that is used for human supply. This study has the main objective survey the hidrogeochemical characteristic of the Capivari and Jundiaí rivers basins drainage, looking for describing anthropogenic influence in dissolved and suspended sediment transported in the basins. Four local were determined, JUN0 and JUN1 for Jundiaí river, and CAP0 and CAP1 for Capivari river where fluvial water samples were collected from April of 2011 to December of 2012, divided in 15 sampling. The suspended sediments dynamics studies, represented by the fine sediments in suspension (FSS), proved for both rivers the seasonality influence with expressive suspended sediment transport mainly during rainy periods. Jundiaí river showed medium erosion and Capivari river a considered high erosion. The relation established among COP (particulate organic carbon), NOP (particulate organic nitrogen), COD (dissolved organic carbon), NOD (dissolved organic nitrogen) and isotopic signature (?13C e ?15N) for Jundiaí and Capivari rivers indicated that the organic matter has been associated with erosive materials (basins soils) during rainy periods and sewage during dry season. The fluvial hydrochemical characterization appeared that for the majority of chemical species presents are dissolved in the Jundiaí and Capivari rivers where the dilution happened according to the water flow increase. Comparing with corresponding theoretical dilution curves, both Na and Cl ions curves have shown to be from a single or input source in the mount basins for the sewage release. The geochemical simple model of chemical of rocks allowed consider Jundiaí and Capivari rocks alteration showing the anthropic rivers water influence

Características hidrogeoquímicas das bacias de drenagem dos rios Capivari e Jundiaí, SP: aspectos das influências antrópicas / Hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Capivari and Jundiaí rivers basins drainage, SP: aspects of anthropogenic influences

Moraes, Graziela Meneghel de 19 February 2016 (has links)
Os rios Jundiaí e Capivari são importantes efluentes do rio Tietê, e estão localizados em regiões que possuem municípios de grande potencial sócio/econômico, para o estado se São Paulo, por esse motivo estão sobre constantes pressões antrópicas causando deteriorização de suas águas, que são usadas para abastecimento humano. O presente estudo teve por objetivo realizar o levantamento das características hidrogeoquímicas das bacias de drenagem dos rios Jundiaí e Capivari, buscando caracterizar os aspectos das influências antrópicas nas cargas dissolvidas e particuladas transportadas fluvialmente nas referidas bacias de drenagem. Para tal foram determinadas quatro estações de amostragem, JUN0 e JUN1 para o rio Jundiaí, e CAP0 e CAP1 para o rio Capivari, sendo coletadas amostras fluviais no período de abril de 2011 a dezembro de 2012, distribuídas em 15 excursões. Os estudos das dinâmicas das cargas fluviais particuladas, representadas pelos sedimentos finos em suspensão (FSS), evidenciaram para ambos os rios, a influência da sazonalidade, com significativo transporte de sedimentos, principalmente nos períodos chuvosos. O rio Jundiaí apresentou uma erosão média e o rio Capivari uma erosão considerada alta. As relações estabelecidas entre os COP (carbono orgânico particulado), NOP (nitrogênio orgânico particulado), COD (carbono orgânico dissolvido), NOD (nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido) e respectivas assinaturas isotópicas (?13C e ?15N) para os rios Jundiaí e Capivari, revelaram que a origem da matéria orgânica esteve associada ao material erosivo (solos da bacia) nos períodos chuvosos e aos efluentes domésticos no período de estiagem. A caracterização hidroquímica fluvial revelou que para a maioria das espécies químicas presentes na carga dissolvida dos rios Jundiaí e Capivari sofreram os processos de diluição em consonância com o aumento da vazão. Quando comparadas às respectivas curvas de diluição teórica, as curvas dos íons Na+ e Cl-, se mostraram oriundos de uma única fonte ou origem de entrada nas bacias, nas regiões de foz, relativas ao lançamento de esgotos domésticos. O modelo geoquímico conceitual simples de alteração química de rochas permitiu de modo satisfatório avaliar a alteração de rochas dos rios Jundiaí e Capivari, evidenciando a contribuição dos aportes antrópicos na química das águas dos rios estudados / The Jundiaí and Capivari River are important Tietê river tributaries, and are located in regions with potential social/economic cities of São Paulo state, for this reason they are on influence of countless water impacts that is used for human supply. This study has the main objective survey the hidrogeochemical characteristic of the Capivari and Jundiaí rivers basins drainage, looking for describing anthropogenic influence in dissolved and suspended sediment transported in the basins. Four local were determined, JUN0 and JUN1 for Jundiaí river, and CAP0 and CAP1 for Capivari river where fluvial water samples were collected from April of 2011 to December of 2012, divided in 15 sampling. The suspended sediments dynamics studies, represented by the fine sediments in suspension (FSS), proved for both rivers the seasonality influence with expressive suspended sediment transport mainly during rainy periods. Jundiaí river showed medium erosion and Capivari river a considered high erosion. The relation established among COP (particulate organic carbon), NOP (particulate organic nitrogen), COD (dissolved organic carbon), NOD (dissolved organic nitrogen) and isotopic signature (?13C e ?15N) for Jundiaí and Capivari rivers indicated that the organic matter has been associated with erosive materials (basins soils) during rainy periods and sewage during dry season. The fluvial hydrochemical characterization appeared that for the majority of chemical species presents are dissolved in the Jundiaí and Capivari rivers where the dilution happened according to the water flow increase. Comparing with corresponding theoretical dilution curves, both Na and Cl ions curves have shown to be from a single or input source in the mount basins for the sewage release. The geochemical simple model of chemical of rocks allowed consider Jundiaí and Capivari rocks alteration showing the anthropic rivers water influence

Hydrologie et biogéochimie du bassin versant du fleuve Ibrahim : Un observatoire du fonctionnement de la zone critique au Liban / Hydrology and biogeochemistry of the Ibrahim River Basin : An observatory of the critical zone functioning in Lebanon

Assaker, Aurore 05 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue une étude de référence sur la qualité des ressources hydriques du bassin versant du fleuve Ibrahim au Liban, notamment avant la construction d’un grand barrage (Jannah). Pour ce faire, 7 stations (NI7 à NI1) ont été sélectionnées de l’amont vers l’aval sur l’Ibrahim et ses sources karstiques. L’ensemble des sept sous bassins a été caractérisé d’un point de vue hydroclimatologie et états de surface (sols, végétation, cultures, géologie, relief). Les débits mesurés à l’amont (2 stations) et à l’aval (1 station) nous ont permis de reconstituer les débits des autres stations intermédiaires grâce à des relations débits-surfaces spécifiques. À partir de prélèvements et d’analyses chimiques de la composition des eaux tout au long d’un cycle hydrologique et avec une fréquence mensuelle, les flux de matières exportées en solution par l’Ibrahim ont été estimés à 122 372 t/an. 80% de ce tonnage est exporté durant la période des hautes eaux. À partir de ce tonnage, on a pu estimer que l’altération chimique des roches carbonatées sur l’ensemble du bassin s’effectue à la vitesse de 81 cm/10000 ans. Cette altération consomme un flux élevé de CO2 typique des régions carbonatées soumises à un drainage intense (1500 mm/an), soit 2,23 x106 moles/km2/an de CO2. L’analyse de la concentration en éléments traces dans les sédiments de fond des cours d’eau, intégrateurs des transports solides, en hautes eaux et en basses eaux, montre des concentrations élevées pour le Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Ga et Cu en passant de NI5 jusqu’à NI2. L’évaluation du degré de cette contamination et de sa variation spatio-temporelle a été effectuée grâce au facteur d’enrichissement en normalisant par rapport à l’aluminium et en prenant les sédiments de la station amont NI7 (source karstique) considérés comme peu ou pas contaminés en ET, comme fond géochimique naturel. Des teneurs élevées en Zn, Pb, Cu et d’autres éléments traces montrent que dans cette région où les activités industrielles, agricoles, et urbaines sont développées, il existe un apport anthropique non négligeable en éléments métalliques. Mais cette contamination reste modérée / Throughout the study framework conducted on the quality of the water resources in the Ibrahim River watershed in Lebanon (notably before the construction of a large dam, Jannah), 7 stations (NI7 to NI1) were selected, from upstream to downstream, including its karst springs. Hydroclimatological and specific catchment characteristics (such as land cover use, geology, hydrology, soil and topography) where characterized for the whole seven sub-basins respectively. Discharge data from the sources (2 stations) and the basin outlet (1 station) enhanced our study to determine and further calculate the discharge of other stations. Sampling and analyzing the chemical composition of water collected monthly during one hydrological cycle allowed us to determine the amount of dissolved material carried by the Ibrahim River. The river flux of dissolved material was estimated at 122 372 tons / year of which 80% of is exported during high flow season. Therefore this flux allowed us to estimate the rate of chemical weathering of carbonate rocks across the basin at 81 cm / 10000 years. This alteration consumes a high flux of CO2 (around 2,23x106 moles/km2/year of CO2) typical for carbonate regions subject to intense drainage (1500 mm). The analysis for the concentration of trace elements in fluvial sediments for the Ibrahim River for the low and high flow periods shows high concentrations of Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu and Ga in the from NI5 station up to NI2. The assessment of the extent of the contamination and its spatio-temporal variation was conducted using the enrichment factor by normalizing to aluminium concentration and using the element concentrations in the sediments of station NI7 (karstic sspring) considered as the natural geochemical background for this catchment. High levels of Zn, Pb, Cu and other traces of noticeable elements show that in this region where industrial, agricultural and urban activities are developed, there is a significant anthropogenic contribution for some metallic elements; thus the trace element contamination remains moderate.

Hydrologie et géochimie des transports fluviaux dissous et particulaires dans le bassin versant du Milo (République de Guinée) / Hydrology and geochemistry of dissolved and particulate fluvial transport in the Milo watershed (Republic of Guinea)

Sow, Mamadou Alpha 14 May 2018 (has links)
En Guinée, la disponibilité des ressources en eau est soumise à de graves problèmes de gestion avec des conséquences importantes pour les populations, notamment à Kankan où la plupart des puits tarissent pendant la saison sèche, et où la fourniture régulière de l’eau à partir de la rivière Milo n'est pas assurée dans tous les quartiers de la ville. Le Milo et son bassin versant représente donc un enjeu important pour les habitants de cette ville. Le Milo (480 km de long) qui draine un bassin versant 13 810 km2 est le plus important des affluents rive droite du Niger. Pour évaluer l’impact du bassin versant du Milo et de la ville de Kankan sur la qualité des eaux et des sédiments de ce cours d’eau, 30 échantillons de sédiments de fond ont été prélevés au cours d’une première campagne (juin-juillet 2013) sur l’ensemble des cours d’eau du bassin versant, tandis que durant une deuxième campagne (avril 2014-mai 2015), un suivi régulier a été mis en place sur le Milo en amont et en aval de Kankan. Au cours de cette dernière, 232 échantillons d’eau du Milo (dont 116 utilisés pour l’isotopie), et 26 échantillons de sédiments de fond ont été prélevés sur les stations de Bordo (amont de Kankan) et de Karifamoriah (aval de Kankan). Les concentrations en éléments majeurs et traces, terres rares, COP, COD, pH, alcalinité, l’azote organique, les isotopes de l’oxygène et de l’hydrogène, ainsi que la micro-granulométrie des sédiments ont été mesurés. Les résultats obtenus durant le cycle hydrologique 2014-2015 ont permis d’estimer le flux de matières exportées en solution par le Milo à Kankan à 47 863 t.an-1 et le flux de matières particulaires à 76 759 t.an-1. 92% de ce tonnage est exporté durant la période des hautes eaux. Ces flux permettent d’estimer des vitesses moyennes d’érosion physique (8 t.km-2.an-1) et d’altération chimique (5 t.km-2.an-1) du bassin relativement faibles. Le flux spécifique de CO2 consommé par l’altération chimique est lui aussi relativement faible (76.103 mole.km-2.an-1), mais il reste dans la moyenne des flux de CO2 mesurés sur les bassins couverts de sols latéritiques. Le degré de contamination des sédiments et sa variation spatio-temporelle ont été évalués grâce au calcul du facteur d’enrichissement (FE), en normalisant les concentrations en éléments traces par rapport à Al, Sc et Ti et en prenant le PAAS et l’UCC comme matériaux de référence. La quasi-totalité des éléments traces proviennent essentiellement des processus d’altération et sont d’origine naturelle. Toutefois, un enrichissement modéré à significatif (5 < FE < 20) a été mis en évidence pour Zr et Hf (enrichissements naturels) et As et Sb (impacts anthropiques). Finalement, l’apport anthropique en éléments traces, quand il existe, reste modéré. Les profils de concentrations en terres rares ont permis de montrer que la signature géochimique des sédiments de fond du Milo est homogène sur l’ensemble du bassin et caractéristique des sols latéritiques, non perturbée par la ville de Kankan et elle est proche des signatures du PAAS et de l’UCC. Pour l’ensemble des éléments traces et des terres rares la contribution anthropique reste faible et les fractions disponibles (phases labiles) sur les sédiments (extraction à l’EDTA) sont également faibles, confirmant ainsi que l’essentiel de ces éléments rentrent principalement dans la composition des phases résiduelles. / In Guinea, the availability of water resources is subjected to serious problems of management with important consequences for the populations, particularly in Kankan city where most of the wells dry up during the dry season and where the water supply from the Milo river is not assured for all the districts. Then the Milo river and its watershed represent an important issue for the inhabitants of Kankan. The Milo river (480 km in length) which drains an area of 13 810 km2 is the most important right-bank tributary of the Niger river. To evaluate the impact of the Milo watershed and of the Kankan city on the water and sediments of this river, 30 samples of bottom sediments have been collected during a first campaign (June-July 2013) on the main course from upstream to downstream and on the main tributaries, whereas during a second campaign (April 2014-May 2015) a regular monitoring was set up on the Milo river, upstream and downstream Kankan city. During this campaign, 232 river water samples (of which 116 for isotopic analyses) and 26 bottom sediment samples have been collected at Bordo (upstream) and Karifamoriah (downstream) stations. The concentrations of major and trace elements, rare earth elements, POC and PON, DOC, pH, alkalinity, the isotopic composition of O, H and the micro-granulometry of sediments have been measured. The results obtained during the hydrological cycle 2014-2015 allowed to estimate the fluxes of dissolved (47 863 t.y-1) and particulate (76 759 t.y-1) matters exported by the Milo river at Kankan. 92% of these fluxes are exported during the high flow period. These fluxes allowed us to estimate very low average rates of physical erosion (8 t.km-2.y-1) and chemical weathering (5 t.km-2.y-1) of the Milo catchment. The specific flux of CO2 consumed by chemical weathering (76.103 mole.km-2.y-1) is relatively low but within the range of CO2 fluxes measured in catchments draining lateritic soils. The degree of sediment contamination and its spatio-temporal variation have been assessed using the enrichment factor (EF), by normalizing the trace element concentrations with Al, Sc and Ti and by taking PAAS and UCC as the reference materials. Almost all the trace elements mainly originate from weathering processes and are of natural origin. Nevertheless, moderate to significant enrichments (5 < EF < 20) have been calculated for Zr and Hf (natural enrichments) and As and Sb (anthropogenic impacts). Finally, the anthropogenic contribution of trace elements, when it exists, remains moderate. The rare earth concentration patterns allowed to show the geochemical signature of river bottom sediments is homogeneous within the Milo catchment and characteristic of lateritic soils, non- perturbed by the city of Kankan and close to the PAAS and UCC patterns. For most of the trace and rare earth elements, the anthropogenic contribution remains low and the available fractions (labile phases) in the sediment (EDTA extraction) are also low, confirming that the main part of these elements are mainly in the residual phases.

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