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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship of personality factors to responses to hospitalization in young children admitted for medical procedures /

Bolig, Rosemary January 1980 (has links)
No description available.

An immobilization experience of a child

Munoz, Teresa Marie January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Mother-identified behaviors of children before and after hospitalization

Ingersoll, Gail Karen January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

Hospitalized School-Age Children: Psychosocial Issues and Use of a Live, Closed-Circuit Television Program

Ravert, Russell D. (Russell Douglas) 08 1900 (has links)
This descriptive study utilized semi-structured interviews and observations to examine the experiences of hospitalized school-age children, and explore the potential of a live, closed-circuit television program as a psychosocial intervention. Among findings, Phase I data from 16 subjects indicates a) concern with painful medical procedures, particularly intraveneous (IV) injections, b) a desire for more information, especially concerning medical equipment, c) a variety of responses to social issues among subjects, d) the importance of activities, and e) the central role of the hospital playroom. Phase II data indicates that live, closed-circuit television can provide ambulatory and room-bound children opportunities for making choices, social interaction, participation, and information on their environment. Conclusions and implications are included.

Hospital as playground

Lee, Wing-yee, Wendy, 李穎怡 January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

Perceptions and experiences of registered professional nurses in the recognition of unexpected clinical deterioration in children in wards

Wortley, Suzanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCurr)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Unnoticed deterioration in the clinical condition of children in ward areas can lead to near or actual cardiopulmonary arrest. Children suffering from a cardiac arrest in hospital often display abnormal physiological parameters hours prior to this event occurring (i.e., within a 24 hour period). Prevention of cardiopulmonary arrest in the wards lies in the ability of nursing and medical staff to be able to identify these abnormal physiological parameters, i.e., early signs of deterioration, and to intervene prior to this event. This study aimed to identify nurses’ experiences with regards to current knowledge, clinical practice and training in the recognition of clinical deterioration in children. It could then be determined whether a formal guideline on the early recognition of clinical deterioration in children would be perceived as being beneficial by the respondents in this study. The research question that guided this study was “what are the perceptions and experiences of registered professional nurses working in paediatric wards with regards to their recognition of unexpected clinical deterioration in children?” An exploratory descriptive study, utilising a qualitative approach was applied. The target population consisted of all registered professional nurses working in paediatric wards in academic hospitals in the Western Cape, South Africa. Ethical approval was obtained. Informed written consent was obtained from the participants. The purposive sampling method was used to select the participants (n=17) who met the criteria. Five focus group interviews were conducted to collect the data, using an interview guide. The planned methodology with its instrumentation and procedures was verified through a pilot study that was conducted on the first focus group interview. The steps of the research process included transcribing the collected data verbatim from the audio recordings and the field notes, and then analysing the data by summarising and packaging the data, identifying themes and trends in the data and verifying and drawing conclusions. The analysis themes identified were based on Donabedian’s conceptual framework, comprising Structure (the environment in which the care takes place), Process (method by which the care takes place), and Quality Assurance (the planned, organised evaluation of the patient care which has been rendered). The findings showed that the increased level of severity of illness of children nursed in paediatric wards, as well as staff shortages, gaps in training on resuscitation and clinical deterioration, limited ICU beds and staff, lack of adequate monitoring and emergency equipment in the wards, and inexperienced staff are all factors that were identified that increase the risk of staff not being able to detect clinical deterioration in children nursed in paediatric wards. Teamwork among nursing staff and other medical professionals, as well as parental involvement in the care of the children, assisted staff in being able to detect clinical deterioration. Most participants were unfamiliar with ‘early warning systems’ and reported that there are no paediatric ‘early warning scores’ (PEWS) in place. They believed such a system would be beneficial; however they had concerns regarding the time it would take to score a patient, the training involved, and the ease of use of such a tool and system. Recommendations for addressing non-recognition of clinical deterioration by nurses in paediatric wards such as appropriate knowledge and skill updating, were put forward in the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Kliniese verswakking by kinders wie in pediatriese sale verpleeg word, wat nie betyds waargeneem word nie, kan dit lei tot ‘n amperse of werklike kardio-pulmonale arres. Kardio-pulmonale arres in kinders word dikwels voorafgegaan deur ‘n verandering in die fisiologiese parameters (so vroeg as 24-uur voor die arres). Die voorkoming van saalverwante kardio-pulmonale arres berus op die vermoeë van verpleeg- en mediese personeel om die abnormale fisiologiese tekens so vroeg as moontlik waar te neem en daadwerklik op te tree voordat die arres plaasvind. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die ondervindige van verpleegkundiges te identifiseer met betrekking tot die bestaande protokolle, opleiding en hulpbronne wat beskikbaar is vir die waarneming van die kliniese agteruitgang in kinders. ‘n Bepaling sal gevolglik gemaak kan word of die studie-respondente ‘n amptelike riglyn rakende die vroegtydige waarneming van kliniese agteruitgang in kinders voordelig sou vind al dan nie. Die rigtinggewende navorsingvraag vir die studie was “wat is die sieninge en ondervings van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in pediatriese sale rakende die herkening van onverwagte kliniese agteruitgang in kinders?” ‘n Verkennende, beskrywende navorsingsmetodologie, met ‘n kwalitatiewe aanslag, is gebruik. Die teikenpopulasie het bestaan uit alle geregistreerde professionale verpleegkundiges, werksaam in die pediatriese sale van die akademiese hospitale in die Wes Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Etiese toestemming, asook ingeligte, skriftelike toestemming is vooraf verkry van elke deelnemer. ‘n Doelbewuste steekproefnemings metode is gebruik om die studie deelnemers, wat aan die navorsingskriteria voldoen het, te kies. Vyf fokusgroep onderhoude is gevoer om data in te samel en ‘n onderhoudsgids is gebruik vir dié onderhoude. Om die navorsingmetodologie, instrumentasie and prosedures te bevestig, is ‘n voortoets tydens die eerste fokusgroep onderhoud gedoen. Die stappe van die navorsingproses is gevolg om die ingesamelde data, bestaande uit klankopnames en veldnotas, woord-vir-woord oor te skryf. Die data is hierna ontleed deur middel van opsomming en samevoeging, terwyl temas en neigings geïdentifiseer is en afleidings geverifieër en gefinaliseer is. Die geïdentifiseerde ontledingstemas is basseer op Donabedian se konsepsuele raamwerk, bestaande uit Struktuur (die versorgingsomgewing), Proses (die versorgingsmetodes) en Kwaliteitsversekering (die doelbewuste en beplande evaluering van gelewerde verpleegsorg). Die navorsingsbevindinge het daarop gedui dat verskeie faktore ‘n rol speel in die risiko-toename wat verband hou met personeel wat nie die kliniese agteruitgang in kinders wat in pediatriese sale verpleeg word, waarneem nie. Die faktore sluit in: die kinders se graad van siekte, personeeltekorte, opleidings tekortkominge ten opsigte van resussitasie- en die identifikasie van kliniese agteruitgang by kinders, tekorte aan genoegsame moniterings- en noodtoerusting in die sale, en onervare personeel. Die waarneming van kliniese agteruitgang is wel bevorder deur spanwerk onder verpleegkundiges en ander mediese personeel, asook ouers wat betrokke was by die versorging van hulle kinders. Die meerderheid van die navorsingdeelnemers was nie vertroud met ‘vroeë waarskuwingsstelsel’ nie, en het aangedui dat geen ‘pediatriese vroeë waarskuwingsstelsels’ beskikbaar is nie. Alhoewel hulle van mening was dat so ‘n stelsel voordelig kon wees, het hulle bedenkinge gehad oor die tyd wat dit in beslag sou neem om die dokumentasie te voltooi, die opleiding wat hulle sou moes ontvang, en wat die moeilikheidsgraad van so ‘n stelsel sou wees. Die voortvloeiende aanbevelings van hierdie studie, wat die nie-herkenning van kliniese agteruitgang deur verpleegkundiges in pediatriese sale aanspreek, sluit in toepaslike kennis- en vaardigheids opdatering.

Improving the quality of care for inpatient management of childhood pneumonia at the first level referral hospital : a country wide programme

Enarson, Penelope Marjorie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pneumonia is the greatest single cause of mortality in children less than five years of age throughout the world causing more deaths than those due to AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Approximately 50% of all childhood pneumonia deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Children in developing countries being treated for pneumonia frequently have one or more comorbid conditions which increases their risk of dying. The proper management of the child with severe or very severe pneumonia is essential to reduce case fatality. Standard case management (SCM) of pneumonia, has been shown to be an effective intervention to reduce deaths from pneumonia, but what is lacking is a means of delivering it in low-resource/high burden countries. A major barrier to wide application of this intervention in low-income countries is weak health-care systems with insufficient human and financial resources for implementing SCM to a sufficient number of children at a level of quality and coverage that would result in a significant impact. The objective of this dissertation is to address this issue by investigating ways of improving delivery of standard case management of pneumonia in district hospitals throughout Malawi, a high HIV-prevalent country which would result in a decrease in the in-hospital case fatality rates (CFR) from pneumonia in children less than five years of age. We reviewed the evidence base for SCM. Then we evaluated the development and implementation of a national Child Lung Health Programme (CLHP) to deliver SCM of severe and very severe pneumonia and a programme to provide uninterrupted oxygen supply in all paediatric wards at District Hospitals throughout Malawi. We demonstrated that it was feasible to implement and maintain both programmes country-wide. Thirdly we evaluated the trend in case fatality rates in infants and young children (0 to 59 months of age) hospitalized and treated for severe and very severe pneumonia over the course of the implementation of the CLHP. The findings from this study showed that in the majority (64%) of cases, who were aged 2-59 months with severe pneumonia there was a significant effect of the intervention that was sustained over time whereas in the same age group children treated for very severe pneumonia there was no interventional benefit. No benefit was observed for neonates. Fourthly we investigated factors associated with poor outcome reported in the previous study, in a subset of this cohort to determine the individual factors including demographics of the study population, recognised co-morbidities and clinical management that were associated with inpatient death. This study identified a number of factors associated with poor pneumonia-related outcomes in young infants and children with very severe pneumonia. They included co-morbidities of malaria, malnutrition, severe anaemia and HIV infection. The study found that the majority of reported comorbid conditions were based on clinical signs alone indicating a need for more accurate diagnosis and improved management of these comorbidities that may lead to improved outcomes. Other identified factors included a number of potentially modifiable aspects of care where adjustments to the implementation of SCM are indicated. These included enhancing correct classification of the severity of the disease, the use of correct antibiotics according to standard case management, more extensive availability and use of oxygen together with oximetry to guide its use,. Finally recommendations were made to address the identified reasons for poor outcomes and suggested future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Pneumonie is die grootste enkele oorsaak van sterftes by kinders jonger as 5 jaar in die wêreld en veroorsaak meer kindersterftes as die menslike immuungebrekvirus (MIV), malaria en tuberkulose saam. Ongeveer 50% van kindersteftes van pneumonie kom in sub-Sahara-Afrika voor. Kinders in ontwikkilende lande, wie vir pneumonie behandel word, het dikwels een of meer bydraende toestande wat die doodsrisiko verhoog. Kinders wie ernstige of baie ernstige pneumonie onderlede het moet korrek behandel word om sterfte te voorkom. Die standaard protokolle om kinderpneumonie korrek te behandel het getoon om effektief te wees om die sterftesyfers te verlaag. In lae inkomste lande bestaan die strategieë nie om die protokolle aan te wend nie. ‘n Groot struikelblok in die aanwending van die pneumonie behandelingsprotokolle in lae-inkomste lande is die swak gesondheidsorgsisteme met onvoldoende menslike en finansiële hulpbronne. Die tekorte gee aanleiding tot die beperkte implementering van pneumonie protokolle wat die omvang en kwaliteit van die pneumonie protokolle beperk en daarom impakteer die protokolle nie op die kindersterftesyfer nie. Die doel van die verhandeling is om hierdie probleem aan te spreek deur navorsing hoe om die pneumonie protokolle landwyd in alle distrikhospitale in Malawi, ‘n land met ‘n hoë MIV prevalensie, aan te wend om sodoende die kindersterftesyfer (kinders jonger as 5 jaar) as gevolg van pneumonie te verlaag. Ons het die getuienis van die pneumonie protokolle ondersoek. Hierna is ‘n nasionale Kinderlong Gesondheidsprogram ontwikkel en landwyd geïmplementeer. Volgens die program is kinders met ernstige en baie ernstige pneumonie volgens Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie (WGO) protokolle behandel. Ononderbroke suurstoftoevoer in alle pediatriesesale in distrikshospitale in Malawi veskaf. Die navorsing het getoon dat die implementering en instandhouding van pneumonie behandelingsprotokolle is landwyd moontlik. Verder het ons die tendens ondersoek of die kindersterftesyfer in babas en jong kinders (0 tot 59 maande) wat in die hospital opgeneem en behandel is vir ernstige en baie ernstige pneumonie tydens die implementering van pneumonie protokolle verminder het. Die bevindinge van hierdie verhandeling wys dat in die meerderheid (64%) van die kinders tussen 2 en 59 maande met ernstige pneumonie, en met die toepassing van die pneumonie protokolle, statistiesbetekenvol die sterfte syfer verlaag het. Die protokolle vir die behandeling van baie erstige pneumonie het nie dieselfde wenslike effek gehad nie. In neonate (jonger as 2 maande) was daar ook geen verlaging in die sterftesyfer nie. Laastens het ons die redes vir die swak uitkomste ondersoek in ‘n substudie en veral klem gelê op bydraende siektes en kliniesesorg tekorte geassosieer met pneumonie sterftes. Die studie het ‘n aantal faktore geïdentifiseer wat bygedra het tot die sterftesyfer in kinders met baie ernstige pneumonie en in neonate. Die geïdentifiseerde bydraende faktore het malaria, wanvoeding, erge anemie en MIV-infeksie ingesluit. Voorkomende maatreëls moet vir die geïdentifiseerde faktore ingestel word. Aanpassings in die pneumonie protokolle is voorgestel. Ten slotte word aanbevelings gemaak om die geïdentifiseerde redes vir swak uitkomste aan te spreek en verdere navorsingidees word aanbeveel.

The hospitalized child or adolescent and their parents : implications for family life educators

May, Cynthia E January 2010 (has links)
Photocopy of typescript. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Parents' perceptions of nursing care of their chronically ill children

Rath, Audrey Mary January 1979 (has links)
No description available.

Perceptions of the nurse’s role by hospitalized children with chronic conditions

Eikelhof, Elisa Mary 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between cognitive development and children’s understanding of the hospital nurse’s role. A group of 35 hospitalized children with chronic conditions and without neurological deficits, aged 4 to 10 years, were given three tasks (i.e., the Nurse’s Role Task, the Balance Beam Task, and the Task of Intrapersonal Understanding), scored for developmental level using Case’s (1992) neo-Piagetian theory of cognitive development as a framework. A full sample of 4—year—olds was not pursued due to the distracting hospital environment which, in combination with the shorter attention span of the 4-year-olds, rendered the interviews extremely difficult to complete. Descriptive results indicated a moderately advanced understanding of the hospital nurse’s role by 8— and lO—year—olds, being on the order of one—third of a substage (i.e., approximately 8 months ahead in development), whereas 4— and 6—year—olds showed an age— appropriate level of understanding of the hospital nurse’s role. Analysis of Variance indicated a statistically significant effect for age on all three tasks (p < .01). Six levels of social—cognitive development in understanding the hospital nurse’s role were found, which were, in successive order: (1) Roles of the nurse as scripted actions (i.e., 4-year-old level), (2) Roles of the nurse as motivated action sequences (i.e., 6—year—old level), (3) Roles of the nurse as planned action sequences (i.e., 8— year—old level), (4) Roles of the nurse as generalized dispositions toward action (i.e., 10—year-old level), (5) Roles of the nurse as demonstrating logically planned decisions towards action (i.e., 12-year—old level), and (6) Roles of the nurse as demonstrating logically planned action sequences (i.e., 14—year—old level). Furthermore, results indicate that a few 6- and 8-year-olds and the majority of l0—year—olds could give an accurate description of the duties of the hospital nurse, that is, 1) nurses are there to help children, 2) nurses have a responsibility for the well-being of their patients, 3) nurses want to improve the physical and emotional health of their patients, 4) nurses also see their own shortcomings in their care for children and have good intentions, and 5) nurses are human and have their own feelings, thoughts, doubts, and ideas. Suggestions for future research have been provided in order to further improve communication between health care professionals and hospitalized children with chronic conditions.

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