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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychological well-being, religiousness, and spirituality in the lives of adolescents from intact and divorced families

Victor, Karin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescence is a difficult life stage to navigate, and having to face a significant life crisis, such as the divorce of one’s parents, intensifies the already heavy burden of adolescence. Divorce, moreover, may have lasting detrimental ramifications for the individual. As a result, the individual seeks mechanisms and ways of coping with life’s stressors. Adaptive coping mechanisms, such as religiousness and spirituality, have positive effects on the individual, especially with regard to his/her psychological well-being (Wills, Yaeger, & Sandy, 2003). Against this background, the present study investigated the psychological well-being, religiousness and spirituality of adolescents from intact families and adolescents from divorced families. The aim was to determine whether there were differences in psychological well-being, religiousness and spirituality between these two groups of adolescents, and also to explore qualitatively how adolescents from divorced families utilise their religiousness and spirituality to cope with the divorce of their parents. The life span theory (Newman & Newman, 2009), pillars of psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989), faith development theory (Fowler, 1981) and Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological theory (1979) all contributed to the theoretical framework for this study. A mixed-methods research design was employed. The Ryff Psychological Well-Being scale (Ryff, 1989) was used to measure psychological well-being, and the Assessment of Spiritual and Religious Sentiments scale (Piedmont, 2005) was used to measure religiousness and spirituality. An open-ended question was utilised to explore significant life crises that the participants had faced, whether the participants believed that their religiousness and/or spirituality aided them during the crisis, and how they employed their religiousness and/or spirituality to cope with the significant life crisis. A total of ninety adolescents aged between 15 and 18 years from three schools in the Helderberg basin in the Western Cape participated in this study. The results show that there were some significant differences between genders with regard to specific dimensions of psychological well-being, religiousness and spirituality. These dimensions were personal growth, religiosity, prayer fulfilment and universality, and females tended to score higher on all of these dimensions. There were no significant differences with regard to type of household (intact or divorced) on psychological well-being, religiousness or spirituality. The qualitative results show that religiousness is a definite coping mechanism that participants use to navigate the crisis of divorce. This thesis contributes to research on adolescents, religiousness and spirituality, and the effects of divorce. Recommendations are made for future research into religiousness and spirituality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adolessensie is ‘n moeilike lewensfase om te navigeer, en om ‘n groot lewenskrisis, soos die egskeiding van jou ouers, die hoof te bied, vergroot die reeds swaar las van adolessensie. Egskeiding kan ook blywende en nadelige gevolge vir die individu inhou. Gevolglik poog die individu om meganismes en maniere te soek om die bykomende lewenstressors te hanteer. Gesonde hanteringsmeganismes, soos godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit, het ‘n positiewe uitwerking op die individu, veral met betrekking tot sy/haar sielkundige welstand (Wills, Yaeger, & Sandy, 2003). Na aanleiding hiervan is hierdie tesis gerig op die ondersoek van verskille in sielkundige welstand, godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit in adolessente uit getroude gesinne en adolessente uit geskeide gesinne. Hierdie tesis is daarop gemik om te bepaal of daar verskille in sielkundige welstand, godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit is tussen hierdie twee groepe adolessente, en ook om kwalitatief te bepaal presies hoe adolessente uit geskeide gesinne hulle godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit gebruik om die egskeiding van hulle ouers te hanteer. Die lewenspanteorie (Newman & Newman, 2009), pilare van sielkundige welstand (Ryff, 1989), faith development theory (Fowler, 1981) en Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese teorie (1979) is as teoretiese raamwerke vir hierdie navorsing gebruik. ‘n Gemengde metode navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Sielkundige welstand is met die Ryff Psychological Well-Being skaal (Ryff, 1989) gemeet, terwyl godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit met die Assessment of Spiritual and Religious Sentiments (Piedmont, 2005) skaal gemeet is. 'n Oopeinde-vraag is ontwerp om die groot lewenskrisisse te verken wat die deelnemers ervaar het, om uit te vind of die deelnemers glo dat hulle godsdienstigheid en/of spiritualiteit hulle tydens die krisis gehelp het, en hoe hulle hul godsdienstigheid en/of spiritualiteit tydens die verwerking van die groot lewenskrisis gebruik het. ‘n Totaal van negentig adolessente tussen die ouderdomme van 15 en 18 jaar van drie skole in die Helderbergkom in die Wes-Kaap het aan hierdie navorsing deelgeneem. Die resultate het getoon dat daar 'n paar beduidende verskille tussen geslagte is met betrekking tot die spesifieke dimensies van sielkundige welstand, godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit. Hierdie dimensies was persoonlike groei, religiositeit gebedsvervulling en universaliteit. Vroulike deelnemers was geneig om hoër tellings te behaal vir al vier hierdie dimensies. Daar was geen beduidende verskille met betrekking tot die tipe huishouding (getroud of geskei) op sielkundige welstand, godsdienstigheid of spiritualiteit nie. Die kwalitatiewe resultate het getoon dat godsdienstigheid 'n definitiewe behartigingsmeganisme is wat deelnemers gebruik om die krisis van hulle ouers se egskeiding te hanteer. Hierdie tesis dra by tot navorsing oor adolessente, godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit, en die gevolge van egskeiding. Aanbevelings word gemaak vir toekomstige navorsing oor godsdienstigheid en spiritualiteit.

Developmental adjustment of the pre-school child to the divorce process

Rubinsztein, Denise Vivian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 1986. / No abstract available.

Divorce and children identity: how the process of divorce affects children's identity

Chan, Wai-ki, Kenneth, 陳偉基 January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work

Family functioning after divorce-separation

溫有歡, Wan, Yau-fun, Ginny. January 1993 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work


Brown, Susan Elizabeth. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Membership in a Broken Home on Test Performance of First Grade Children

Engemoen, Bonny L. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between certain upset family conditions and the performance of young children from these families as measured by selected instruments. This research was also concerned with the lack of provision in commonly used evaluative techniques for discrimination between those children who actually possess low ability and those whose ability to perform is diminished because of emotional problems.

Jeugdige lid van die enkelouergesin as kliënt in die Maatskaplike Werk

20 November 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Begeleiding aan volwassenes wie se ouers tydens hul kinderjare geskei is, deur die proses van fasiliterende interaksie

05 September 2012 (has links)
D.Ed. / Die motivering vir hierdie navorsing is die besef dat egskeiding 'n proses is wat noodwendig krisis en wanbalans in die lewens van alle betrokkenes in die gesin tot gevolg het. Dit kan die gesinslede etlike jare neem om weer aan te pas en selfvertroue in hul nuwe rolle en verhoudings te kry. Alle egskeidings word gekenmerk deur een belangrike eienskap, naamlik verandering. Sommige veranderings begin voor die fisieke skeiding en ander duur voort tot lank na die egskeiding. Verandering kan die klimaat in die gesin verbeter of verswak, maar dit dwing kinders altyd om aan te pas. Die sielkundige effek van egskeiding op kinders behoort dus op twee vlakke beskou te word. Die eerste vlak van verandering is waar kinders aanpas by die omwenteling wat die egskeiding meebring. In-diepte navorsing is reeds hieroor gedoen en toon dat die onmiddellike aanpassing na egskeiding vir kinders minder spanningsvol is — veral indien daar minder konflik en ontwrigting teenwoordig is. Die tweede vlak van verandering behels kinders se langtermyn-sielkundige aanpassing. Uit die literatuur is dit duidelik dat daar baie geskryf en gedoen is om ouers en kinders onmiddellik na hierdie krisis by te staan. Daar is egter min navorsing gedoen oor die langtermyneffek van egskeiding op kinders se lewens en hoe die egskeiding moontlik tydens volwassenheid onverwerkte trauma en emosionele probleme kan veroorsaak. Die navorser het die veld met haar eie stone as vertrekpunt betree. Hierna is fenomenologiese onderhoude met tien volwassenes tussen die ouderdomme van 28 en 35 jaar gevoer. Hul belewenis van hul ouers se egskeiding, wat tydens hul kinderjare plaasgevind het, is verken en beskryf. Die resultate toon dat hierdie volwassenes steeds worstel met onverwerkte wonde uit hul kinderjare, voortspruitend uit hul ouers se egskeidings. Hierdie onverwerkte wonde uit hul kinderjare het tot struikelblokke gelei wat hul verhoudings met hulself en met ander negatief beInvloed. Gevolglik is die geestesgesondheid van hierdie volwassenes nie bevorder nie en kon heelheid nie ervaar word nie. Hierdie navorsing het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n model vir opvoedkundige sielkundiges om, tydens die proses van fasiliterende interaksie, volwassenes wie se ouers tydens hul kinderjare geskei is, tot heelheid te begelei ten einde geestesgesondheid te ervaar. Die ontwikkeling van die model het in vier stappe geskied. In Stap 1 is konsepte geldentifiseer, gedefinieer en geklassifiseer nadat die veldwerk afgehandel is. Guba se model is oorkoepelend gebruik om vertrouenswaardigheid in die kwalitatiewe metodologie te verseker. Dit verwys na die geloofwaardigheid, oordraagbaarheid, vertroubaarheid en bevestigbaarheid van die navorsing. In Stap 2 is die verhoudingstelling van konsepte gedoen, waarna Stap 3 gevolg het, wat die beskrywing van die model behels het. Riglyne om die model te operasionaliseer is in Stap 4 gestel. Stappe 3 en 4 is geIntegreer en is nie afsonderlik bespreek nie. Die model is gerig op die begeleiding aan volwassenes wie se ouers tydens hul kinderjare geskei is, deur die proses van fasiliterende interaksie. Tydens hierdie proses word die volwassenes begelei om die struikelblokke wat die egskeiding gelaat het, te identifiseer, hulle persoonlike hulpbronne optimaal te ontwikkel en hulle ware self te ontdek, tot persoonlike insig te kom en outonomie te verkry ten einde heelheid te ervaar en geestesgesond te leef.

The effects of parental divorce on adolescent girls in South Africa : an exploratory study of current status.

13 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The alarming increase of single parent families in South Africa is distressing. The rising divorce rate and the crisis surrounding divorce was the motivation for the researcher to undertake this study. Many children in South Africa are disadvantaged by the high divorce rate and much documented evidence proves the extensive sociological and psychological effects which this has on these children. Research has shown over and again that divorce is observed from a child's perspective as being stressful. (Wallerstein & Kelly, 1974) It has also been shown that many children are adversely affected by divorce. However the extent to which they are affected depends on various elements, such as age of the child, time since divorce, sex of the child and developmental stage of the child, to mention but a few. The goals of this study were formulated in a response to the need for the eventual development of a support program for adolescent girls experiencing the divorce of their parents. The aim of this study was to select a sample of adolescent girls and interview them by means of a semi-structured interview in order to hear their experiences of their parents' divorces. Research has shown that boys from divorced families are affected differently to girls from divorced families and hence the researcher chose to interview only females so as to exclude any extraneous variables. (Wallerstein & Blakeslee, 1989) The reason for choosing the stage of adolescence in particular is due to the fact that it represents a critical period in the establishment of the self-concept, due to all the changes that accompany adolescence. Adolescence is complicated if it is experienced without the security and care of a stable family structure and the support of both parents. The emotional stability of the single parent and their dealing with single parenthood influences the adolescent and his or her self-concept to a large extent. This study was undertaken within the framework of a qualitative study and qualitative methods of data collection were applied. The research design integrated exploratory, descriptive and evaluative methods. The phenomenon of divorce with specific reference to the effects it has on adolescents and aspects pertaining to the phenomena of coping with parental divorce, were identified and discussed.

The perceived needs of high school male adolescents and the implications for mentoring adolescents of divorced parents

Tanner, Tod Bishop 01 May 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived needs of high school male adolescents and study possible implications for mentoring those of divorced parents. The researcher defines adolescents, discipleship, mentoring, needs based ministry, and the traditional home for the purpose of this study. The researcher presents a model for mentoring in studying the example Christ set in the relationship He had with His disciples. This relationship was one built within a small group that later had a large impact on others following the commands of Christ. The dissertation discusses the importance of developing relationships with others in order to influence them both now and in the future. The research also addressed the perceived needs of today's high school male adolescents. Some of these needs are relationships with other people, a desire to excel in educational achievements, and other related issues. These perceived needs have a direct impact upon the ways a young person lives his life. The research for this study was conducted in the northern suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee. The researcher surveyed high school male adolescents who attend Sunday school in three Southern Baptist churches. Once this was completed the researcher collected the surveys and tabulated the result. The study presented charts and graphs comparing the perceived needs of high school male adolescents who come from divorced homes with those who come from intact homes. The four areas being compared was one's perception of mentoring relationships, anger related issues, one's perception toward school, and relational needs. Once the information was tabulated and displayed the researcher drew conclusions related to mentoring relationships. Those who come from divorced homes had lower mean scores in all four areas. This statistical information helped to reveal that high school male adolescents who have experienced a divorce between their parents would benefit from a mentoring relationship. The research also discovered that today's high school male adolescents struggle with anger related issues and have a high perception of mentoring relationships. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.

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