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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parental accounts of a child's death : influences on parental identity and behavior

Brotherson, Sean E. 30 November 1999 (has links)
One of the most powerful and life-changing events that can occur in the life of a family is the death of a child. Researchers who have studied death and bereavement suggest that a child's death has a dramatic impact on parents. However, little is known about the ways in which child loss influences a parent's sense of identity and subsequent parental behavior. The purpose of this study was to explore how the life event of having a child die affects parents in their sense of identity and behavior as a mother or father. It was also to search for common patterns and themes in parental accounts of a child's death that provide a better understanding of this topic. Individual mothers and fathers were interviewed and asked about their experience in losing a child, and how this experience shaped their feelings of identity and parental behavior in relation to both the deceased child and their other children. Nineteen mothers and fathers who had children die as a result of accidental causes or illness were interviewed. Interview transcripts were qualitatively analyzed for content. Findings were broken into four primary categories: (a) parental experience in the context of loss; (b) impact of a child's death on parental identity; (c) parental behavior in relation to the deceased child; and (d) parental behavior in relation to surviving children. The findings provided support to the idea that a child's death has a significant impact on parental identity and a parent's subsequent behavior. The findings demonstrated that how a child dies is a critical factor in how parents experience the loss. The findings related to parental identity show that parents struggle with their sense of competence, mourn the lost parent-child bond, and feel a loss of parental hopes for the future. The findings about parental behavior in relation to the deceased child suggest that connecting with and remembering the child in diverse ways are fundamental aspects of parental behavior after a child's death. The findings also show that a child's death shapes surviving parent-child relationships as parents mediate the loss experience for children, become more protective, and increase their parental efforts in behalf of children. / Graduation date: 2000

Gesinsgehardheid in gesinne waarin 'n kind oorlede is

Scheepers, Lucas Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A child’s death represents a traumatic loss, which can be understood as a crisis impacting on the family as a functioning unit. The purpose of the current study was to investigate grief and resilience in families in which a child has died, while specifically focusing on the internal resistance resource of family hardiness. A cross-sectional research design was implemented concurrently with intensive interviews conducted according to the principles of grounded theory. In total, 35 bereaved parents from the Western Cape participated in the study as representatives of 23 families. The participants each completed three questionnaires, a biographical questionnaire, the Family Hardiness Index and the Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8. Pearson and Spearman correlational analyses indicated significant positive correlations between family hardiness scores (including scores on the subscales for commitment, challenge and control) and family adaptation (measured by use of the Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8). Significant associations were also found between certain biographical variables and family hardiness. Intensive interviews were, furthermore, conducted with participants representing 12 different families. The analysis of interviewtranscriptions resulted in the formulation of various thematic categories, such as grief-reactions, continuing bonds, external support, religion, as well as the core category of family hardiness. A grounded theory was thus developed concerning grief and resilience in families in which a child has died. The results of the study reveal the importance of qualitative methods to explore the unique experiences of bereaved parents and families with the purpose of constructing applied interventions on the family level. The family hardiness concept was also clarified and shown to be a possible resistance resource conducive to family adaptation following the loss of a child. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dood van `n kind is `n traumatiese verlies, wat beskou kan word as `n krisis wat `n impak het op die gesin as `n funksionerende eenheid. Die doelwit van die huidige studie was om verdriet en veerkragtigheid in gesinne waarin `n kind oorlede is, te ondersoek, met `n spesifieke fokus op die interne weerstandsbron van gesinsgehardheid. `n Dwars-snit opname navorsingsontwerp is gebruik in oorleg met intensiewe onderhoude, wat volgens die beginsels van gegronde teorie gevoer is. In totaal is 35 ouers, woonagtig in die Wes-Kaap, betrek by die studie, wat opgetree het as verteenwoordigers van 23 gesinne. Die deelnemers het elk drie vraelyste voltooi, naamlik `n biografiese vraelys, die Gesinsgehardheid Indeks en die Gesinsgehegtheid en Veranderlikheid Indeks 8. Pearson en Spearman korrelasie-berekeninge het aangedui dat gesinsgehardheid-tellings (asook die tellings op die subskale vir toewyding, uitdaging en beheer) beduidend positief korreleer met gesinsaanpassing (gemeet met die Gesinsgehegtheid en Veranderlikheid Indeks 8). Beduidende verhoudings is ook gevind tussen sekere biografiese veranderlikes en gesinsgehardheid. Verder is intensiewe onderhoude gevoer met die verteenwoordigers van 12 gesinne. Die ontleding van onderhoud-transkripsies het gelei tot die formulering van verskeie tematiese kategorieë, naamlik verdriet-reaksies, die voortdurende verbintenis, eksterne ondersteuning en godsdiens, asook die kern-kategorie van gesinsgehardheid. `n Gegronde teorie is sodoende ontwikkel, wat betrekking het op verdriet en veerkragtigheid in gesinne waarin `n kind oorlede is. Die resultate van die studie wys op die belang van kwalitatiewe metodes om die uniekheid van bedroefde ouers en gesinne se ervarings te verken met die doel om gepaste intervensies op gesinsvlak te ontwikkel. Die konsep van gesinsgehardheid is ook verhelder en aangedui as `n moontlike weerstandsbron, wat bevorderlik is vir gesinne se aanpassing ná die verlies van `n kind.

Bereaved parents : central issues of bereavement

Hunt, Sonya 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / With the aim of identifying central issues of bereavement, a literature study was undertaken and 22 bereaved participants were interviewed. The transcribed interviews of the participants were loaded on the Atlas ti. (2004) programme, specifically designed for qualitative analysis. From the analysis, four central issues, each with its own set of sub-issues emerged. The first central issue, called ‘Risk Factors’, had sub-categories of issues relating to the state of the family before the loss had taken place. These factors included issues such as the personality of the child, the ages and stages of individual members of the family, the bonds between family members and previous losses, which the family have experienced. Secondly, a group of issues, called ‘Bereavement’, were identified. The sub-categories in this group included aspects such as the circumstances surrounding the death, the way in which the child died, and the decisions parents had to make in the midst of the trauma. The third, and largest group of issues, called ‘Grief Reactions’, described the emotional-, physical-, spiritual-, cognitive-, behavioural- and relational reactions following the death. Finally, a group of related issues were identified as issues of ‘Mourning’. This group is associated with coping behaviours employed by the parents in attempting to continue life, in socially and culturally acceptable ways.

Coping and outcomes following parental bereavement

Harper, Mairi January 2011 (has links)
Background This thesis addresses the topic of parental bereavement, using a multi-method approach. It aims to add to knowledge about the phenomenon of parental bereavement, outcomes for bereaved parents following the loss of their child, and factors associated with these outcomes. Method An initial literature study and qualitative investigation were carried out. Findings from these informed the choice of quantitative variables to be tested in a group of parents in early and mid-bereavement. Census records were used to provide information on long term health and social outcomes. Results The literature related to the parent’s experience following the death of their child is limited. The qualitative study indicated a variety of factors for testing, related to the circumstances of the loss, continuing bonds with the deceased child, restoration-oriented stressors, for example, employment and relationship problems, and ruminative behaviours. In early bereavement, lower grief levels were found in people who had displayed cognitive restructuring behaviours. Grief and depression were prevalent, and were found to exist independently. Rumination was associated with grief and depression in mid-bereavement. Grief was predicted by depression and self-blame and depression was, in turn, predicted by rumination and education level. Rates of mothers returning to work following the loss of a child in the first year of life were lower than those whose child lived. Mortality rates were up to four times higher in bereaved parents than non-bereaved comparisons, up to 35 years post-loss. Conclusions The loss of a child has ongoing social, emotional and health consequences for parents. Social factors are a particularly important issue, and therapeutic interventions may benefit from reducing negative aspects of coping such as rumination rather than promoting specific coping strategies. Support for bereaved parents should come from a number of sources, in order to address their complex and potentially long-term needs.

Life or death : a donor parent's dilemma / S.C. Robertson-Malt.

Robertson-Malt, S. January 1998 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 238-253. / xviii, 261 leaves ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Through a methodological blend of hermeneutics, phenomenology and social constructionism the experiences of donor parents are presented. Using a process of dialogical interpretation the themes of Unprepared, Uncertainty, Waiting, Watching, Waiting and Aloneness have been developed to expand our understanding of donor parents experiences. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Clinical Nursing, 1999

The experience of losing One's own father in the pre-school years : a phenomenological study

Ferrer, Lynne January 2002 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Psychology University of Zululand, 2002. / Since 1996, hundreds of thousands of children under the age of 7 have experienced the death of a parent in South Africa. Whilst this loss is considered to pose a risk for future development, the existing studies lack clarity as to how this experience acts upon the adult throughout life. To this end, this inquiry attempts to capture an in-depth understanding of this experience and stimulate awareness regarding the needs of bereaved children. Through a phenomenological approach this investigation focuses specifically on the personal experience of several adults who have experienced the death of a father during their pre-school years. An aspect of the inquiry explores the perceived role the father would have played in the context of their ongoing lives. Eight core themes are derived which reflect the perceptions of this loss. The value of a phenomenological approach with relevance to the study of early bereavement is illumunitated. Some limitations of this study are recognized and suggestions for future research are proposed. Based on the insights gleaned through this study, implications are brought to the fore that pertain to the general experience of early parental bereavement.

A parent's experience of the couple relationship after child bereavement

Maritz, Jeanette Elizabeth 20 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / The death of a child is like none other. The impact shakes the world of parents in its entire being. This research tells the story of parents' experience of the couple relationship after child bereavement. The objectives of the research are to: • explore and describe a parent's experience of the couple relationship after child bereavement; and • describe guidelines for the advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner to provide support to parents who have experienced child bereavement in order to promote their mental health through the mobilisation of resources. The paradigmatic perspective of this study is guided by the Theory for Health Promotion in Nursing (Rand Afrikaans University, Department of Nursing Science, 2002:2-8). The focus is on the whole person. A functional approach was followed based on Botes's model (Botes in Rand Afrikaans University: Department of Nursing, 2002:9-15) for nursing research. The researcher utilised a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and contextual design (Mouton, 1996: 102). An authoethnographic strategy was implemented, & Bochner in Denzin & Lincoln, 2001:739, 747). In-depth, semi-structured, phenomenological interviews were held with parents meeting the sampling criteria. Consent for the research was obtained from the Rand Afrikaans University and informed consent was obtained from the parents volunteering to participate in the research.

Shattered dreams : pastoral care with parents following the death of a child

Biermann, Hugo Hendrik 30 November 2005 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on the stories of a bereaved couple living with the death of two of their children. The effect of the children's death on the parents is explored, as well as the way in which the parents live with the death of their two sons. The stories of the bereaved couple show their courage and resilience in continuing with their lives, maintaining their bond with their deceased sons and trying to make meaning of their death. As a study in practical theology and pastoral care one aim of this study was to help transform the lives of the parents for the better. In one of the chapters of the research report a study of some literature on bereavement and the death of children is presented. Dominant cultural discourses about death, bereavement, grief and mourning are discussed, as well as voices protesting against these discourses. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Shattered dreams : pastoral care with parents following the death of a child

Biermann, Hugo Hendrik 30 November 2005 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on the stories of a bereaved couple living with the death of two of their children. The effect of the children's death on the parents is explored, as well as the way in which the parents live with the death of their two sons. The stories of the bereaved couple show their courage and resilience in continuing with their lives, maintaining their bond with their deceased sons and trying to make meaning of their death. As a study in practical theology and pastoral care one aim of this study was to help transform the lives of the parents for the better. In one of the chapters of the research report a study of some literature on bereavement and the death of children is presented. Dominant cultural discourses about death, bereavement, grief and mourning are discussed, as well as voices protesting against these discourses. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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