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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Jona-verhaal in geselekteerde Christelik-Latynse letterkunde

Rademeyer, Johanna Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die boek Jona in die Ou Testament fassineer sowel geleerdes uit verskeie dissiplines, as gewone Bybel-gelowiges al vir eeue lank. Ten spyte van die beperkte lengte en verhaal-inhoud, bestaan daar 'n ongekende aantal uiteenlopende interpretasies van die Klein Profete-boek, as gevolg van die verskillende benaderingswyses waarop dit gedurende verskillende eras en in 'n verskeidenheid van intellektuele kontekste benader en gei:nterpreteer is. 'n Sinvolle ondersoek na en beoordeling van die verskillende interpretasie-benaderings, met die oog op die uiteindelike formulering van die universele boodskap van die verhaal van Jona, behoort te begin by die logiese beginpunt, naamlik die vroee Kerkvaders. Hierdie studie konsentreer daarom op die interpretasies en toepassings van die verhaal van Jona deur die vroee Latynse Kerkvaders van die derde tot die vyfde eeue nC. Vanwee hul hoofsaaklik nai:ef-realistiese kenhouding, het hulle oor die algemeen nie die historiese akkuraatheid van die Jona-verhaal betwyfel nie. Onder die invloed van sowel die Hebreeuse interpretasie-tradisie as die vroee Griekse Kerkvaders, het hulle Jona hoofsaaklik op tipologiese en allegoriese wyse geinterpreteer. Die uitgangspunt vir die tipologiese interpretasie, waarvolgens Jona beskou word as 'n tipe ofvoorafskaduwing van Jesus Christus (die anti-tipe), is die sogenaamde "Teken van Jona" in die Nuwe Testament. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is die Kerkvader Hieronymus se kommentaar op die boek Jona in geheel vertaal en bestudeer, as verteenwoordigend van die interpretasie-benadering van die Latynse Kerkvaders. Daarna is korter fragmente bestudeer uit die kommentare van Hilarius van Poitiers en Ambrosius van Milaan oor Bybelpassasies waarin Jona self, of aspekte uit die verhaal, figureer. Vervolgens is daar ook ondersoek ingestel na die toepassing van die Jona-verhaal in geselekteerde fragmente uit die vroeg-Christelike poesie en epistolografie. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe hierdie studie gekom het, is dat die belangrikste bydrae deur die geselekteerde outeurs tot die corpus van Jona-interpretasies, gelee is in hul be grip en formulering van die universele genade-boodskap van Jona, en in hul toepassing van sekere kernaspekte uit die verhaal, as exempla of illustrasies, waardeur bepaalde waarhede aan die orde gestel is en spesifieke boodskappe oorgedra is. Gesien binne die bree konteks van gesofistikeerde interpretasie-benaderings tot en literer-wetenskaplike teoriee oor die verhaal van Jona, het die vroeg-Latynse outeurs tog ook, ten spyte van hul eenvoudiger werkswyses, die kernboodskap van Jona korrek gei:nterpreteer en treffend weergegee, en deur middel van hul tipologiese interpretasies van die verhaal, 'n sinvolle bydrae gelewer tot die eeue-lange geskilpunt rondom die historisiteit van Jona. / For many centuries the book of Jonah, one of the collection of the Twelve Minor Prophets in the Old Testament, has fascinated both scholars from various disciplines, as well as ordinary laymen. Due to the various ways in which it was interpreted during different eras and in different intellectual contexts, there exist a plethora of divergent interpretations of this book, in spite of its limited length and contents. With a view to formulating the universal message of the story of Jonah, a meaningful review of all these approaches should start with the early Church Fathers, the most logical startingpoint. This study therefore concentrates on the interpretations and applications of the story ofJonah, by some of the Fathers of the Latin church from the third to the fifth century AD. Owing to their mainly naive-realistic cognitive approach, they in general did not doubt the historicity of the Jonah-narrative. Influenced by both the Hebrew tradition and the Greek Fathers, they mainly interpreted the story of Jonah allegorically and typologically. Their typological interpretation, based on the so-called "Sign of Jonah", depicts the prophet Jonah as the type or prefiguration of Jesus Christ (the anti-type). For this study Saint Jerome's commentary on the book of Jonah, was translated and studied in its entirety, as a useful representative of the interpretative framework of the early Latin Fathers. Some shorter fragments from Saint Hilary of Poitiers' and some of Saint Ambrose's commentaries on Biblical passages, in which Jonah or specific aspects from the story figure, were also studied. Finally some fragments from early Christian Latin poetry and epistolography were selected with a view to studying the different applications of the Jonah narrative in patristic literature. The study arrived at the conclusion that the most important contribution of the selected Christian Latin authors to the corpus of Jonah-interpretations is in their understanding and formulation of Jonah's universal message of grace, as well as in their application of the narrative, in the form of exempla, with a view to illustrating and emphasising certain aspects or truths. Seen in the broad context of sophisticated interpretative approaches to and literary theories on the story of Jonah, the Fathers of the Latin church did interpret the message of Jonah correctly, in spite of their more simple approaches, and they conveyed this message in striking ways. In addition to this, their typological interpretations added yet another interesting perspective to the age-long dispute about the historicity of the Jonah-narrative. / Classics & Modern European Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Latin)

"Sens e razos d'una escriptura" : édition et étude de la traduction occitane de l'Evangelium Nicodemi / "Sens e razos of una escriptura" : edition and study of the Occitan translation of The Evangelium Nicodemi

Collura, Alessio 23 September 2014 (has links)
L’Évangile de Nicodème est l’un des sujets les plus interéssants de la littératurechrétienne apocryphe. Pourtant, pendant ces dernières décennies aucun travailcollectif n’a été publié à son sujet en dehors du livre édité par Izydorczyk1. Eneffet, les études sur l’Evangelium Nicodemi (EN) et celles consacrées à sa fortunedans l’Occident médiéval se limitent à quelques articles. Peu a été fait dans ledomaine roman (par rapport aux domaines germanique et slave, par exemple) et,en particulier, occitan2. À l’origine en grec et datant du IVe siècle après J.C.,l’écriture de la Passion a influencé la culture religieuse et marqué les esprits aucours des siècles suivants. L’Evangelium Nicodemi a eu un impact très importantsur la culture médiévale car il est lié à l’intérêt pour l’oeuvre du Christ entre samort et sa résurrection, à savoir la Descente aux enfers, événement qui devientdogme de foi au XIIIe siècle3.Après un prologue où la paternité de l’écrit est attribuée à Nicodème et où estdéfinie la chronologie des événements, l’Evangelium Nicodemi commence parune première section qui met en scène le procès de Jésus devant Pilate et lacrucifixion. Ensuite, il y a une deuxième section où sont présentés les événementsprouvant la résurrection et l’ascension du Christ, puis l’histoire chargée de‘merveilleux’ de Joseph d’Arimathie. Enfin vient la partie du Descensus Christiad inferos, dans laquelle le fils de Dieu défait Satan et libère les patriarches et lesprophètes des limbes infernaux, celle-ci clôt l’apocryphe4.Toutefois, cette dernièresection n’est pas contenue dans le manuscrit latin le plus ancien (Palimpseste deVienne, VIe siècle), ni dans la version grecque A ni dans les traductions orientales.Ainsi, on croit que l’EN que l’on connaît est le résultat de la mise en commun dedeux oeuvres indépendantes à l’origine, les Acta (ou Gesta) Pilati et leDescensus5. / The Gospel of Nicodemus is one of the most interesting subjects of the literatureChristian apocryphal. Yet, during the past few decades,Published on it outside the book edited by Izydorczyk1. InThe studies on the Evangelium Nicodemi (EN) and those devoted to his fortuneIn the medieval West are limited to a few articles. Little has been done in the(In relation to the Germanic and Slavic domains, for example) and,In particular, Occitan2. Originally in Greek and dating from the 4th century AD,The writing of the Passion has influenced religious culture and marked theDuring the following centuries. The Evangelium Nicodemi had a very significant impactMedieval culture because it is linked to the interest in the work of ChristDeath and resurrection, namely Descent into hell, an event thatDogma of faith in the thirteenth century.After a prologue where the authorship of the writing is attributed to Nicodemus and where isThe chronology of events, the Evangelium Nicodemi begins withA first section that depicts the trial of Jesus before Pilate and thecrucifixion. Then there is a second section where the eventsProving the resurrection and ascension of Christ, then the history of'Wonderful' of Joseph of Arimathea. Finally comes the part of Descensus ChristiAd inferos, in which the son of God defeats Satan and frees the patriarchs andProphets of the infernal limbo, the latter closes the apocryphal.Section is not contained in the oldest Latin manuscript (Palimpsest ofVienna, 6th century), neither in the Greek version A nor in the Oriental translations.Thus, it is believed that the known EN is the result of the pooling ofTwo works originally independent, the Acta (or Gesta) Pilati and theDescensus5.

"O aspecto polêmico da apologia de Jerônimo contra Rufino" / "The polemical aspect of Jerome's Apology against Rufinus"

Luís Carlos Lima Carpinetti 11 August 2003 (has links)
Nesta tese, desenvolvemos a partir de categorias literárias o aspecto polêmico da obra Apologia contra Rufino, de São Jerônimo, padre latino do século IV da era cristã, importante autor da Antiguidade Tardia e da Literatura Latina Cristã. Descrevemos a variedade dos aspectos de gênero de que se serviu São Jerônimo para construir seu texto da Apologia contra Rufino, como o gênero apologético, a diatribe cínico-estóica, os gêneros aristotélicos da Retórica, a sátira e a epístola. Visto que a obra é palco de debates, refutações e invectivas, o texto foi submetido a análises intertextuais, resultando em interessante diálogo entre Jerônimo e seu ex-amigo Rufino, bem como, igualmente interessante, retrato cultural do contexto de época em que o texto foi gerado. O trabalho contém análise estilística com reflexões sobre a língua latina cristã, as figuras de linguagem, os recursos expressivos da língua de Jerônimo, os motivos clássicos, os motivos bíblicos, o bestiário, de modo a reconstituir o processo formal e expressivo do texto da Apologia. Nosso trabalho recupera, pois, em aspectos formais, boa parte do conteúdo e da construção da polêmica da Apologia contra Rufino. / In this thesis, we develop with literary categories the polemical aspect of Saint Jerome’s Apology against Rufinus, whose author was an important Latin Father of the Fourth Century of our era, an important author of Late Antiquity and Christian Latin Literature. We describe the variety of gender aspects employed by Saint Jerome in order to construct his Apology against Rufinus text, such as the apologetic gender, the cynic-stoical diatribe, the aristotelic rhetorical genders, the satire and the epistle. Because the text is a place where we find debate, refutations and invective, we submitted it to intertextual analysis, and the result was an interesting dialogue between Jerome and his ex-friend Rufinus and also no less interesting cultural background of the epoch in which the text appeared. This work contains stylistic analysis with analyses on the Christian Latin Language, the figures of speech, the expressive ressources of Saint Jerome language, the classical and biblical motifs, the presence of the beasts, in such a way of reconstituting the formal and expressive process of Apologia’s text. Our work rescues in formal aspects a good portion of the contents and the polemical construction of the Apology against Rufinus.

"O aspecto polêmico da apologia de Jerônimo contra Rufino" / "The polemical aspect of Jerome's Apology against Rufinus"

Carpinetti, Luís Carlos Lima 11 August 2003 (has links)
Nesta tese, desenvolvemos a partir de categorias literárias o aspecto polêmico da obra Apologia contra Rufino, de São Jerônimo, padre latino do século IV da era cristã, importante autor da Antiguidade Tardia e da Literatura Latina Cristã. Descrevemos a variedade dos aspectos de gênero de que se serviu São Jerônimo para construir seu texto da Apologia contra Rufino, como o gênero apologético, a diatribe cínico-estóica, os gêneros aristotélicos da Retórica, a sátira e a epístola. Visto que a obra é palco de debates, refutações e invectivas, o texto foi submetido a análises intertextuais, resultando em interessante diálogo entre Jerônimo e seu ex-amigo Rufino, bem como, igualmente interessante, retrato cultural do contexto de época em que o texto foi gerado. O trabalho contém análise estilística com reflexões sobre a língua latina cristã, as figuras de linguagem, os recursos expressivos da língua de Jerônimo, os motivos clássicos, os motivos bíblicos, o bestiário, de modo a reconstituir o processo formal e expressivo do texto da Apologia. Nosso trabalho recupera, pois, em aspectos formais, boa parte do conteúdo e da construção da polêmica da Apologia contra Rufino. / In this thesis, we develop with literary categories the polemical aspect of Saint Jerome’s Apology against Rufinus, whose author was an important Latin Father of the Fourth Century of our era, an important author of Late Antiquity and Christian Latin Literature. We describe the variety of gender aspects employed by Saint Jerome in order to construct his Apology against Rufinus text, such as the apologetic gender, the cynic-stoical diatribe, the aristotelic rhetorical genders, the satire and the epistle. Because the text is a place where we find debate, refutations and invective, we submitted it to intertextual analysis, and the result was an interesting dialogue between Jerome and his ex-friend Rufinus and also no less interesting cultural background of the epoch in which the text appeared. This work contains stylistic analysis with analyses on the Christian Latin Language, the figures of speech, the expressive ressources of Saint Jerome language, the classical and biblical motifs, the presence of the beasts, in such a way of reconstituting the formal and expressive process of Apologia’s text. Our work rescues in formal aspects a good portion of the contents and the polemical construction of the Apology against Rufinus.

From conniving usurers to minions of the devil: the evolving representations of Jews in three thirteenth century Castilian texts

Dyer, James Steven 01 May 2017 (has links)
This research consists of three separate studies, which examine these texts in the order they were written, exploring the myriad cultural, political, religious and legal forces situated in the time and place where the texts were created to determine what forces may have influenced their authors in depicting the Jews the way they did. In the first study of the epic Poema de mio Cid, I focus on the legal quandary about whether the Cid should have repaid the two Jewish moneylenders from Burgos who gave him a loan for his military campaign. I examine the anti-Jewish canon and secular laws from this era, particularly those dealing with usury, and explore how the Castilian kings’ flouting of these laws created hostility and, in one telling instance, violent attacks against Jews from Christians who were angry about royal favoritism of the Jews. I compare the twelfth century attacks against an unpopular king and his royal property – the Jews – to the Cid’s deception of Raquel and Vidas, arguing the Campeador’s trick was also a way of inflicting harm on an unpopular king and his royal property, the Jews. I also examine the interrelationships between the increasingly hostile anti-Jewish laws and the Christian’s anti-Jewish social stances and attitudes, exploring how both the legal context and social and cultural contexts could have informed the poet in his portrayal of the two Jews in the text. In the second study, I focused on the various Jewish messianic prophecies detailed in the writings of twelfth century Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides that existed in Spain during the time the Toledan liturgical drama Auto de los reyes magos was written and performed to see if they may have influenced how the unknown author negatively depicted the Jewish rabbis and members of Herod’s court in the play’s final two highly original scenes. The portrayals of the Jews’ eschatological confusion, I show, may have been created to stop Jews, considered vital to Toledo’s growth and stability, from following contemporary messianic prophecies and migrating to the Holy Land. In the final study, I focus on Gonzalo de Berceo’s caustic representations of Jews in Milagros de Nuestra Señora to determine if his harshly negative portrayals of Jews were a way to deflect attention from the papal-sanctioned clerical reforms that targeted heresy, including clerical abuses in the Benedictine Order, and caused Berceo’s beloved “black monks” to lose substantial funding and power in the Church. By portraying Jews and their behavior as real heresy and as the biggest threats to Christianity, Berceo underscores that clerical abuses and sins of the flesh are less problematic and pardonable.

Monastic literary culture and communities in England, 1066-1250

O'Donnell, Thomas Joseph, January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--UCLA, 2009. / Vita. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 269-287).

Vision and revision the female mystics as writers in late medieval Northern Europe /

Hamilton, Barbara E., January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Rutgers University, 2009. / "Graduate Program in Comparative Literature." Includes bibliographical references (p. 264-275).

Studien zur englischen Mystik des Mittelalters unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Metaphorik

Riehle, Wolfgang, January 1977 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Munich. / Rev. English translation: The middle English mystics. 1981. Summary in English. Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-250).

Narratives of the saintly body in Anglo-Saxon England

Malo Chenard, Marianne Alicia, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Notre Dame, 2003. / Thesis directed by Michael Lapidge and Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe for the Department of English. "December 2003." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 255-288).

Giving gifts : women and exchange in Old English literature /

Mullally, Erin Eileen, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2002. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 253-271). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

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