Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chromosomes."" "subject:"hromosomes.""
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An investigation of crossing over between inversions in the second chromosome of Drosophila robusta sturtevantMassie, Winfield 26 April 2010 (has links)
Master of Science
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FANCM et ses cofacteurs MHF1-MHF2, ainsi que FIDGETIN-Like-1 limitent la formation des crossovers méiotiques chez Arabidopsis thaliana / FANCM and its co-factors MHF1-MHF2, as well as FIDGETIN-Like-1 limit meiotic CO formation in Arabidopsis thalianaGirard, Chloé 03 October 2014 (has links)
La grand majorité des espèces forment très peu de crossovers (CO) par chromosome en méiose, et ce quelle que soit la taille des chromosomes et en dépit de l'excès de précurseurs de recombinaison disponibles. Les mécanismes qui sous-tendent cette limitation restent, pour une grande part, inconnus. Pour identifier des facteurs limitant la formation des CO en méiose, nous avons mis en place un crible permettant d'isoler des mutants formant plus de CO que le sauvage. Chez Arabidopsis thaliana, les mutants présentant un défaut de CO (ex: les mutants zmm) présentent une réduction de fertilité directement observable sur la longueur des fruits. Notre crible repose sur l'idée qu'une mutation augmentant la formation des CO devrait restaurer la fertilité des mutants zmm.Le premier suppresseur identifié nous a permis de montrer que FANCM est un régulateur majeur de la formation des CO méiotiques, en limitant la voie dépendante de MUS81, normalement minoritaire chez Arabidopsis (Crismani et al., 2012). Nous avons ensuite montré que deux des cofacteurs de FANCM au sein de la voie de l'anémie de Fanconi (FA), MHF1 et MHF2, agissent dans la même voie pour limiter les CO. En dehors de ces trois protéines, les autres protéines FA ne sont pas des protéines anti-CO (Girard et al., 2014).Nous avons ensuite identifié FIDGETIN-Like-1 comme une protéine anti-CO agissant en parallèle de FANCM. En effet, si les deux mutations figl1 et fancm alimentent la voie dépendante de MUS81 de formation des CO, leurs effets sont cumulatifs et mènent à une augmentation d'un facteur 6 du nombre CO par méiose, et ce sans affecter la ségrégation des chromosomes. Ce résultat montre que FIGL1 et FANCM agissent à deux étapes indépendantes de la recombinaison, et nos données suggèrent que FIGL1 pourrait agir en amont de FANCM.Ce travail a révélé l'existence d'au moins deux mécanismes de limitation des CO méiotiques, et montre que la fréquence de CO peut être largement augmentée sans que la ségrégation des chromosomes ne soit affectée. / Most species only few meiotic crossovers (COs) per chromosome irrespective of their physical size and despite an excess of recombination precursors. However, the underlying mechanisms constraining CO frequency remain largely unknown. In order to find factors limiting meiotic COs, we performed a genetic screen to find mutants with increased CO frequency. CO-deficient mutants (e.g. zmm) of Arabidopsis thaliana display reduced fertility, easily noticeable by their obvious reduction in fruit length. We designed a screen based on the idea that mutations that increase CO frequency will restore the fertility of the zmm mutants.We showed first identified FANCM as a major anti-CO protein limiting MUS81-dependent COs, a normally minor pathway in Arabidopsis (Crismani et al., 2012). We then showed that two of FANCM's cofactors from the Fanconi anemia pathway of DNA repair, namely MHF1 and MHF2, act along FANCM to limit meiotic crossovers, whereas the other Fanconi proteins do not (Girard:2014).Another mutant revealed FIDGETIN-Like-1 (FIGL1) as an anti-CO factor that acts in parallel to FANCM. While both figl1 and fancm mutations fuels the MUS81-dependent CO pathway, the effect of both mutations is cumulative, leading to a six-fold increase in CO formation, without impairing chromosome segregation. This shows that FIGL1 and FANCM act independently, and our data suggest that FIGL1 could act at an earlier step in the recombination pathway than FANCM.This work reveals that at least two different mechanisms limit meiotic CO number and shows that CO frequency can be largely increased without affecting chromosome distribution at meiosis.
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Le modèle algue brune pour l'analyse fonctionnelle et évolutive du déterminisme sexuel / The brown alga model for functional and evolutionary analysis of sex determinationCormier, Alexandre 16 November 2015 (has links)
Les mécanismes de détermination génétique du sexe, qui requièrent la présence de régions chromosomiques non recombinantes ou bien de chromosomes sexuels, ont émergé de manière indépendante et répétée au sein de plusieurs lignées d'eucaryotes. La plupart des connaissances acquises dans ce domaine portent sur un nombre limité de groupes d'eucaryotes. La disponibilité d'une espèce modèle pour le groupe des algues brunes, Ectocarpus siliculosus, dont le génome a été séquencé, permet de disposer des outils nécessaires pour étudier ces mécanismes au sein d'une lignée phylogénétiquement éloignée des modèles classiquement étudiés. L'un des premiers défis a été d'identifier les chromosomes sexuels dans le génome d'E. siliculosus et de réaliser l'analyse comparative de ces structures. Par la suite, l'analyse de l'expression des gènes entre individus mâles et femelles à différents stades du cycle de vie a permis d'identifier les gènes différentiellement exprimés, de caractériser leurs fonctions et d'analyser leur évolution moléculaire. Les nombreuses données générées afin de réaliser ces différentes analyses ont permis de proposer une nouvelle version de l'assemblage du génome et de l'annotation structurale et fonctionnelle de l'ensemble des gènes codants et non-codants d'E. siliculosus. Ces différents travaux ont permis d'apporter une importante contribution sur les connaissances dans le domaine de l'analyse fonctionnelle et évolutive du déterminisme sexuel chez les algues brunes ainsi qu'une importante actualisation des ressources génomiques du modèle Ectocarpus. / Genetically determined sex determination mechanisms, which are controlled by non-recombinant chromosome regions or sex chromosomes, have emerged independently and repeatedly across several eukaryotic lineages. Most of the knowledge acquired in this area has been obtained for a limited number of eukaryotic groups. The availability of a model organism for the brown algae, Ectocarpus, whose genome has been sequenced, allows the development of tools to study these mechanisms in a lineage that is phylogenetically distant from classically studied models. One of the first challenges was to identify the sex chromosomes in Ectocarpus and to carry out a comparative analysis of these genomic structures. Analysis of gene expression in males and females at different stages of the life cycle then allowed the identification of differentially expressed genes. The functions and molecular evolution of these sex-biased genes was then studied. The large amount of data generated during the course of these analyses allowed the establishment of a new version of the genome assembly and refined structural and functional annotation of both coding and non-coding genes in Ectocarpus. This work helped made a significant contribution to knowledge in the field of functional and evolutionary analysis of sex determination in brown algae and a significantly updated the genomic resources available for the model organism Ectocarpus.
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Détermination et différenciation du sexe chez l'algue brune Ectocarpus / Sex determination and differentiation in the brown alga EctocarpusLuthringer, Rémy 17 December 2014 (has links)
Le déterminisme génétique du sexe nécessite souvent l’évolution d’une région non-recombinante (NR) formant ainsi paire de chromosomes sexuels. Bien que la reproduction sexuée ait une origine commune à tous les eucaryotes, l’évolution des chromosomes sexuels s’est quant à elle effectuée de manière répétée et indépendante. Les chromosomes du sexe ont été particulièrement étudiés dans les systèmes diploïdes (chromosomes sexuels XY et ZW) des plantes et animaux. Le récent séquençage du génome d’Ectocarpus, modèle d’étude des algues brunes, donne non seulement une chance unique d’analyser les chromosomes sexuels dans un groupe phylogénétiquement distant des opisthocontes et de la lignée verte ; mais il donne aussi l’opportunité d’examiner un système haploïde de chromosomes sexuels (système UV). Chez Ectocarpus l’expression du sexe a lieu pendant la phase haploïde du cycle de vie, avec les chromosomes U et V, respectivement spécifiques aux femelles et aux mâles. L’analyse des chromosomes sexuels chez Ectocarpus a montré que la taille de la région NR est restée modeste pour un système vieux de plus de 70 millions d’années. Une analyse des dimorphismes sexuels a été effectuée ainsi que l’étude comparative des transcriptomes mâle et femelle d’Ectocarpus. Le développement parthénogénétique est, dans certaines populations d’Ectocarpus, un dimorphisme sexuel. Le lien génétique entre parthénogenèse et sexe a été analysé et suggère qu’un locus contrôlant la parthénogenèse est localisé au niveau de la partie recombinante du chromosome sexuel d’Ectocarpus. De plus, une analyse de fitness indique que le locus de la parthénogenèse est soumis à une sélection antagoniste entre les deux sexes. / Genetic sex determination is usually controlled by sex chromosomes carrying a non-recombining sex-determining region (SDR). Despite the common origin of sex (meiosis) in Eukaryotes, the evolution of sex chromosomes has evolved repeatedly and independently. Our knowledge in sex chromosomes comes mainly from the analysis of diploid systems (XY and ZW sex chromosomes) in animals and land plants. However the recent genome sequencing of the brown alga Ectocarpus, not only opens up the possibility of studying sex chromosomes in a phylogenetic distant group but also of analysing a haploid sex chromosome system (UV sex chromosomes). Indeed in Ectocarpus sex is expressed during the haploid phase of the life cycle, where U and V sex chromosomes are restricted to female and male, respectively. The Ectocarpus sex chromosomes have some unusual evolutionary features such as the size of the non-recombining region, which is surprisingly small for a 70 million year old system. Also the evolutionary aspect of sexual dimorphism was studied by analyzing male and female transcriptomes and by identifying several subtle sexual dimorphic traits. Parthenogenetic capacity is a sexual dimorphic trait in some populations of Ectocarpus. The genetic link between parthenogenesis and sex was analysed and a locus that controls parthenogenetic was located to the Ectocarpus sex chromosome, in the recombining pseudoautosomal region. Fitness analysis strongly suggested that the parthenogenetic locus is a sexual antagonistic locus
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Evolução de cromossomos sexuais em Eigenmannia virescens (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes) / Evolution of sex chromosomes in the genus Eigenmannia (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes)Henning, Frederico 17 December 2007 (has links)
Cromossomos sexuais evoluíram repetidas vezes independentemente nos grandes grupos de vertebrados. Sistemas sexuais altamente diferenciados e antigos são caracterizados por grandes diferenças morfológicas e de conteúdo gênico entre os dois cromossomos homólogos onde a recombinação é restrita a uma pequena região homóloga. Os sistemas recentes característicos de peixes caracterizam-se pela similaridade entre os cromossomos X e Y (ou Z e W), nos quais as diferenças observadas freqüentemente envolvem a presença de heterocromatina, translocações e inversões. A recombinação ocorre entre o par sexual na maior parte de sua extensão, sendo inibida apenas na região diretamente relacionada com a determinação sexual. Notavelmente, sistemas diferentes de determinação podem ser encontrados em espécies, ou mesmo populações. O gênero Eigenmannia compreende grupos de espécies crípticas do ponto de vista morfológico que exibem variação no número cromossômico e podem apresentar sistemas sexuais XY ou ZW, incluindo sistemas múltiplos (com translocação Y-autossomo). Estes sistemas estão entre os mais recentes descritos (<16ma) e estão dispostos de forma desordenada em árvores de relações filogenéticas, sugerindo origens múltiplas. No presente estudo, a técnicas de pintura cromossômica usando sondas obtidas por microdissecção de cromossomos sexuais foram empregadas para testar a homologia de dois sistemas XY encontrados nos citótipos (ou espécies) E. virescens e E. sp.2. Os resultados mostram que, de fato, ambos são não homólogos. A fusão Y-autossomo provavelmente ocorreu após a separação de E. sp.2 com sua espécie irmã, E. sp.1 uma vez que um evento de fusão independente, envolvendo um dos cromossomos homólogos ao Y, foi detectado em E. sp.1. A hibridação in sitμ do cromossomo X de E. virescens em sua população mais próxima (também com 38 cromossomos, mas sem cromossomos sexuais heteromórficos) mostrou que o cromossomo X é homólogo a um par de acrocêntricos, condizente com o modelo proposto de diferenciação por acúmulo de heterocromatina. Essa heterocromatina foi caracterizada e mostrou um padrão complexo de seqüências CG-ricas. Dois fragmentos de DNA repetitivo GC-ricos presentes no cromossomo X foram isolados e seqüenciados. Não foram detectadas similaridades em comparações com bases de dados e entre os fragmentos obtidos. Estes mostraram-se concentrados nas regiões cromomicina-positivas de E. virescens, incluindo regiões periteloméricas de sete pares e os dois maiores blocos heterocromáticos (nos cromossomos X e par n. 8), além de um cromossomo acrocêntrico, possivelmente o Y. Curiosamente, essas seqüências foram detectadas em apenas três pares cromossômicos na população mais próxima, incluindo um par acrocêntrico de morfologia semelhante à condição ancestral do X, sugerindo que processos dinâmicos de expansão e homogenização genômica ocorreram após a separação dessas populações / Sex chromosomes have evolved independently several times in all major groups of vertebrates. Highly differentiated sex chromosomes are characterized by extensive differences in morphology and gene content, whereas recombination is restricted to a small homologous region. Recent sex chromosomes are characteristic of fish, and display a high level of homology between X and Y (or Z and W) chromosomes, recombination is restricted only in a small sex determining region. Notably, different sex chromosome systems can be found in closely related groups, such as species or even populations. The genus Eigenmannia comprises a group of morphologically cryptic species that display a variety of diploid numbers and different sex chromosome systems, including XY, ZW and a multiple XY system (with a Y-autosome fusion). These systems are among the most recent known (<16ma) and occur with a lack of phylogenetic pattern, whereas frequently populations bearing heteromorphic sex chromosomes are closest related to populations displaying no sex chromosomes. In the present study, chromosome painting using probes derived from the microdissection of two different sex chromosomes where used to investigate the homology of both systems. Results show that, in fact, they are non-homologous and evolved independently. The Y-autosome hypothesis gained further support from the observation that a chromosome homologous to the Y in a close population is involved in yet a different fusion event. The X chromosome present in the E. virescens karyotype was found to be homologous to acrocentric chromosomes in all populations analyzed, thus supporting the notion that its differentiations is mainly due to the accumulation of heterochromatin. The X heterochromatic block was shown to form a complex pattern of GC-rich sequences, different from what was previously described. Two GC-rich fragments were isolated and sequenced; both showed no similarities to known sequences and to one another. These sequences were shown to be concentrated viii on the two largest heterochromatic blocks, those of the X and n.8 chromosomes besides peri-telomeric regions of seven additional pairs and the putative Y. Curiously, these sequences were detected in only three pairs in the closest population, including an acrocentric pair morphologically similar to undifferentiated sex pair. This suggests that dynamic evolutionary processes of expansion and genomic homogenization have occurred after the separation of these populations.
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Endocrine tumour development : with special focus on chromosome arms 1p and 11q /Nord, Brita, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 7 uppsatser.
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Fine mapping of the chromosome 15q13-14 schizophrenia linkage region /Stephens, Sarah H. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Human Medical Genetics) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2008. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 112-128). Free to UCD Anschutz Medical Campus. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;
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Využití BAC klonů při studiu pohlavního chromosomu W obaleče jablečného \kur{Cydia pomonella} (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) / BAC clones as a tool for the study of codling moth \kur{Cydia pomonella} (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) W chromosomeDALÍKOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
In the present study, the W sex-chromosome of the codling moth was studied by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes prepared from bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), which were isolated from the codling moth BAC library. The BAC library was screened for clones derived from both the W and Z sex chromosomes using three sets of molecular markers of codling moth sex chromosomes. A total of 54 BAC clones have been obtained. In this work, only 3 W-derived BAC clones and 1 Z-derived BAC clone were further characterized by BAC-FISH mapping on chromosome preparations of pachytene oocytes; the other BAC clones have been retained for next studies. Whereas the Z-BAC probe provided a discrete hybridization signal on the Z chromosome, and surprisingly on the W chromosome, the W-BAC probes showed multiple hybridization signals distributed on the whole W chromosome, suggesting that they are mainly composed of repetitive sequences, which occur in multiple clusters on the W chromosome. The specific pattern of W-BAC hybridization signals along with the discrete signal of the Z-BAC enabled us to discriminate left/right orientation of both the W and Z chromosomes and examine specificity of W-Z pairing during meiotic prophase I.
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Evolução de cromossomos sexuais em Eigenmannia virescens (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes) / Evolution of sex chromosomes in the genus Eigenmannia (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes)Frederico Henning 17 December 2007 (has links)
Cromossomos sexuais evoluíram repetidas vezes independentemente nos grandes grupos de vertebrados. Sistemas sexuais altamente diferenciados e antigos são caracterizados por grandes diferenças morfológicas e de conteúdo gênico entre os dois cromossomos homólogos onde a recombinação é restrita a uma pequena região homóloga. Os sistemas recentes característicos de peixes caracterizam-se pela similaridade entre os cromossomos X e Y (ou Z e W), nos quais as diferenças observadas freqüentemente envolvem a presença de heterocromatina, translocações e inversões. A recombinação ocorre entre o par sexual na maior parte de sua extensão, sendo inibida apenas na região diretamente relacionada com a determinação sexual. Notavelmente, sistemas diferentes de determinação podem ser encontrados em espécies, ou mesmo populações. O gênero Eigenmannia compreende grupos de espécies crípticas do ponto de vista morfológico que exibem variação no número cromossômico e podem apresentar sistemas sexuais XY ou ZW, incluindo sistemas múltiplos (com translocação Y-autossomo). Estes sistemas estão entre os mais recentes descritos (<16ma) e estão dispostos de forma desordenada em árvores de relações filogenéticas, sugerindo origens múltiplas. No presente estudo, a técnicas de pintura cromossômica usando sondas obtidas por microdissecção de cromossomos sexuais foram empregadas para testar a homologia de dois sistemas XY encontrados nos citótipos (ou espécies) E. virescens e E. sp.2. Os resultados mostram que, de fato, ambos são não homólogos. A fusão Y-autossomo provavelmente ocorreu após a separação de E. sp.2 com sua espécie irmã, E. sp.1 uma vez que um evento de fusão independente, envolvendo um dos cromossomos homólogos ao Y, foi detectado em E. sp.1. A hibridação in sitμ do cromossomo X de E. virescens em sua população mais próxima (também com 38 cromossomos, mas sem cromossomos sexuais heteromórficos) mostrou que o cromossomo X é homólogo a um par de acrocêntricos, condizente com o modelo proposto de diferenciação por acúmulo de heterocromatina. Essa heterocromatina foi caracterizada e mostrou um padrão complexo de seqüências CG-ricas. Dois fragmentos de DNA repetitivo GC-ricos presentes no cromossomo X foram isolados e seqüenciados. Não foram detectadas similaridades em comparações com bases de dados e entre os fragmentos obtidos. Estes mostraram-se concentrados nas regiões cromomicina-positivas de E. virescens, incluindo regiões periteloméricas de sete pares e os dois maiores blocos heterocromáticos (nos cromossomos X e par n. 8), além de um cromossomo acrocêntrico, possivelmente o Y. Curiosamente, essas seqüências foram detectadas em apenas três pares cromossômicos na população mais próxima, incluindo um par acrocêntrico de morfologia semelhante à condição ancestral do X, sugerindo que processos dinâmicos de expansão e homogenização genômica ocorreram após a separação dessas populações / Sex chromosomes have evolved independently several times in all major groups of vertebrates. Highly differentiated sex chromosomes are characterized by extensive differences in morphology and gene content, whereas recombination is restricted to a small homologous region. Recent sex chromosomes are characteristic of fish, and display a high level of homology between X and Y (or Z and W) chromosomes, recombination is restricted only in a small sex determining region. Notably, different sex chromosome systems can be found in closely related groups, such as species or even populations. The genus Eigenmannia comprises a group of morphologically cryptic species that display a variety of diploid numbers and different sex chromosome systems, including XY, ZW and a multiple XY system (with a Y-autosome fusion). These systems are among the most recent known (<16ma) and occur with a lack of phylogenetic pattern, whereas frequently populations bearing heteromorphic sex chromosomes are closest related to populations displaying no sex chromosomes. In the present study, chromosome painting using probes derived from the microdissection of two different sex chromosomes where used to investigate the homology of both systems. Results show that, in fact, they are non-homologous and evolved independently. The Y-autosome hypothesis gained further support from the observation that a chromosome homologous to the Y in a close population is involved in yet a different fusion event. The X chromosome present in the E. virescens karyotype was found to be homologous to acrocentric chromosomes in all populations analyzed, thus supporting the notion that its differentiations is mainly due to the accumulation of heterochromatin. The X heterochromatic block was shown to form a complex pattern of GC-rich sequences, different from what was previously described. Two GC-rich fragments were isolated and sequenced; both showed no similarities to known sequences and to one another. These sequences were shown to be concentrated viii on the two largest heterochromatic blocks, those of the X and n.8 chromosomes besides peri-telomeric regions of seven additional pairs and the putative Y. Curiously, these sequences were detected in only three pairs in the closest population, including an acrocentric pair morphologically similar to undifferentiated sex pair. This suggests that dynamic evolutionary processes of expansion and genomic homogenization have occurred after the separation of these populations.
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Molecular characterization of the Y chromosome-linked sex-determining region of the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus / Caractérisation moléculaire de la région du déterminisme du sexe liée au chromosome Y du platy Xiphophorus maculatusTomaszkiewicz, Marta 17 December 2012 (has links)
De par leur diversité de mécanismes de déterminisme du sexe et de chromosomes sexuels, les poissons téléostéens représentent d’excellents modèles pour mieux comprendre les bases moléculaires et évolutives du contrôle du développement sexuel chez les vertébrés. Grâce à l’analyse de chromosomes artificiels bactériens couvrant les chromosomes sexuels du platy Xiphophorus maculatus, trois copies d’un nouveau gène nommé teximY ont été découvertes dans la région de déterminisme du sexe du chromosome Y mais pas du chromosome X. Un gène texim1 très apparenté à teximY ainsi que trois gènes plus divergents ont été identifiés sur les autosomes. Les gènes teximY sont préférentiellement exprimés dans les testicules, au niveau des cellules germinales lors des étapes tardives de la spermatogénèse, alors que texim1 est également transcrit dans les gonades femelles. Des gènes texim ont été détectés chez d'autres poissons téléostéens mais pas chez le poisson-zèbre, ainsi que chez des céphalocordés, des urocordés et des échinodermes mais pas chez les tétrapodes. Les gènes texim codent pour des estérases putatives à domaine SGNH apparentées à des protéines cellulaires procaryotes et eucaryotes ou codées par des retrotransposons animaux. Les gènes texim sont associés à des transposons Helitron chez les poissons mais pas chez les autres animaux, suggérant capture et mobilisation du gène ancestral texim par un transposon à la base de la radiation des téléostéens. TeximY pourrait jouer un rôle dans la transposition du transposon Helitron dans la lignée germinale mâle, ou correspondre à un gène de spermatogenèse mobilisé par le transposon Helitron sur les nouveaux chromosomes sexuels de poissons. / The molecular and evolutionary basis of sex determination in vertebrates needs to be unveiled via comparison of different systems. Fish exhibit hypervariability of sex determination mechanisms. Thanks to the analysis of the Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) library covering the sex chromosomes of the platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus (Rio Jamapa population, XX /XY), three copies of a new gene have been identified in the sex-determining region of the Y but not the X chromosome, and named teximY. Four autosomal counterparts of teximY have been also detected in the genome of the platyfish with one of them, texim1 presenting 95% of cDNA sequence identity with the Y-linked copies. RT-qPCR expression analyses have been performed for each copy in male and female tissues. Two Y-linked teximY copies were preferentially expressed in testis, whereas the autosomal copy texim1 showed preferential expression in male and female gonads. In situ hybridizations with a teximY/1 probe revealed expression in late spermatids and spermatozeugmata. Texim sequences were detected in several fish species, but not in zebrafish, as well as in cephalochordates, urochordates and sea echinoderms but not in tetrapods. Predicted Texim proteins are related to proteins from different origins. Interestingly, texim genes are associated with a Helitron transposon in fish but neither in cephalochordates nor in echinoderms, suggesting capture and mobilization of an ancestral texim gene at the base of the bony fish lineage. TeximY proteins may play a role in Helitron transposition in the male germ line in fish, or texim genes are spermatogenesis genes mobilized and spread by transposable elements in fish genomes.
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