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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Defining climate policy in Africa : Kenya's climate change policy processes

Chin-Yee, Simon January 2018 (has links)
This thesis seeks to investigate what shapes climate change policies in Kenya. Using Peter Haas' concept of usable knowledge, it argues the need to move beyond conventional perspectives on knowledge and power and provides a framework for understanding what knowledge and mechanisms are usable for policy makers. I argue that Kenyan climate policy is shaped by the interaction of knowledge and power across three crucial levels of influence - global, regional and national. As climate change forces us to rethink how we combine economic policies with environmental realities in Africa, each level encompasses distinct policy narratives where critical actors have an impact on national climate change policy. First, I argue that the standards, norms and regulations established by the global climate regime are directly reflected in national climate strategies of African countries, not only in terms of diplomatic moves to adhere to commitments made, but also in respect to benefiting from international mechanisms put in place to aid developing countries. Second, I examine the One Voice, One Africa narrative. This looks at the rise of the African Group of Negotiators within the global climate regime and their ability to influence Kenyan policy. Third, Kenya's climate change policy is shaped by the interaction of economic, political, and environmental constructs in national policy-making. The principle goal of this thesis is to open African environmental scholars and climate change policy analysts to a rigorous and flexible questioning of how climate policy processes operate in the African context.

Spatial and temporal changes of greenness metrics in Kruger National Park from 2000-2010

Mushamiri, Memory 08 May 2013 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 31 August 2012. / Unable to load abstract.

An investigation of photosynthetic C-fixation in fynbos growth forms and its variation with season and environmental conditions

Van der Heyden, Francois January 1988 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 162-177. / The seasonal and diurnal patterns of photosynthetic gas exchange and the water relations of seven species of the mediterranean-climate region of South Africa (fynbos) were investigated. The following species, representing the major fynbos elements, were chosen for intensive investigation: Erica plukenetii and Erica hispidula (ericoid element), Thamnochortus lucens and Askidiosperma paniculatum (restioid element), Protea laurifolia and Leucadendron salignum (proteoid element). Metrosideros angustifolia, a shrub of riparian habitats, was also studied.

Vliv klimatické změny na bezpečnost státu: analýza Burkiny Faso a Džibtuska / The effect of climate change on the effect of state security: An analysis of Burkina Faso and Djibouti

Alexandru, Luca January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the extent to which climate change is able to affect the security of states, with Burkina Faso and the Republic of Djibouti chosen as the case studies for this investigation. While the general effects of climate change on security are understood, the academic community appears to disagree on the subject of conflict-generation via climactic pressures. Consequently, the analysis is divided into two sections: The first part utilizes over 2,000 individual events collected by the Armed Conflict and Event Data program and examines the relationship between climate change and their occurrence. This is done firstly through a preliminary keyword analysis, then through a multivariate regression analysis of the relevant climate change factors. The second part takes a pseudo-qualitative approach by merging the Fragile State Index methodology and a weighted systems model in order to calculate values for each relevant state dimension that has been affected, thereby numerically quantifying the effect. The results indicate that currently, weak to moderate negative effects may be observed on the two states, depending on the security dimension examined. The economic and sociodemographic aspects appear to be most susceptible to environmental pressures.

Modelling the impacts of increased air temperature on maize yields in selected areas of the South African highveld using the cropsyst model.

Pasi, Jonathan M. 21 July 2014 (has links)
Abstract available in PDF file. / Thesis (M.Sc.Agric.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2014.

Relating vegetation condition to grazing management systems in the central Keiskamma catchment, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Ndou, Naledzani Nyahman January 2013 (has links)
Vegetation degradation in South Africa has been identified as a serious environmental problem, especially impacting communal areas. This study investigated the spatial distribution of vegetative condition, along with related changes, deterioration and trends, across the communal villages of the central Keiskamma catchment, Eastern Cape Province. The principal hypothesis of this study was that differences in grazing management strategies may explain the variations in vegetation condition within these communal areas. This investigation assessed the status and condition of vegetation in relation to local institutional grazing management systems, in association with factoring in relevant topographical and physical elements. Topographic homogeneity of the study area was tested by extracting topographic parameters from a DEM and performing a Chi squared test. Remote sensing techniques were used to analyse the spatial and temporal variations in vegetation condition between the villages. Landsat TM images, from 1984 and 1999, in conjunction with SPOT imagery of 2011, were used to assess the spatial trends in vegetation. Land use and cover maps were generated, comprising five categories of land cover, viz. intact vegetation; transformed vegetation; degraded vegetation; bare surfaces; and water. The classification of the images was achieved using the supervised object-oriented classification techniques, which aggregates pixels of each class into homogeneous objects. Information regarding existence and functionality of local institutional structures was obtained through structured interview method. Vegetation condition was correlated to grazing management systems, with the logistic regression confirming a significant relationship between vegetation condition and grazing management systems. Analysis of vegetation condition trends revealed a decline in pristine vegetation with an increase in degraded vegetation and exposed soil throughout the villages. However, it was observed that the decrease in pristine vegetation, with the associated increase in degraded vegetation and soil, do not occur evenly among the villages of the central Keiskamma catchment; the communal areas surrounding certain villages exhibited severe degradation of soil and vegetation, while other villages demonstrated less or minimal deterioration in their environs. The topographic homogeneity of the study locale lent credence to the theory that the uneven distribution of vegetation conditions between the villages is not controlled by topographic factors. Analysis of the data, collected through interviews, revealed differences in the functionality of institutional structures between villages. A statistically significant correlation between the vegetative condition and implementation of grazing management systems, supports the postulated concept that the variances in vegetation condition of the central Keiskamma catchment reflect the efficacy or inefficiency of the settlements‘ grazing management systems. Through gathering, analysing and assessing all the data, a conclusion was drawn, which advances that the primary requirement for remedial action in reversing the current decline in vegetation condition is strengthening the local institutional management regimes throughout all villages under study.

Modelling the financial vulnerability of farming systems to climate change in selected case study areas in South Africa

Oosthuizen, Hamman Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Numerous studies indicate that the agricultural sector is physically and economically vulnerable to climate change. In order to determine possible impacts of projected future climates on the financial vulnerability of selective farming systems in South Africa, a case study methodology was applied. The integrated modelling framework consists of four modules, viz.: climate change impact modelling, dynamic linear programming (DLP) modelling, modelling interphases and financial vulnerability assessment modelling. Empirically downscaled climate data from five global climate models (GCMs) served as base for the integrated modelling. The APSIM crop model was applied to determine the impact of projected climates on crop yield for certain crops in the study. In order to determine the impact of projected climates on crops for which there are no crop models available, a unique modelling technique, Critical Crop Climate Threshold (CCCT) modelling, was developed and applied to model the impact of projected climate change on yield and quality of agricultural produce. Climate change impact modelling also takes into account the projected changes in irrigation water availability (ACRU hydrological model) and crop irrigation requirements (SAPWAT3 model) as a result of projected climate change. The model produces a set of valuable results, viz. projected changes in crop yield and quality, projected changes in availability of irrigation water, projected changes in crop irrigation needs, optimal combination of farming activities to maximize net cash flow, and a set of financial criteria to determine economic viability and financial feasibility of the farming system. A set of financial criteria; i.e. internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), cash flow ratio, highest debt ratio, and highest debt have been employed to measure the impact of climate change on the financial vulnerability of farming systems. Adaptation strategies to lessen the impact of climate change were identified for each case study through expert group discussions, and included in the integrated modelling as alternative options in the DLP model. This aims at addressing the gap in climate change research, i.e. integrated economic modelling at farm level; thereby making a contribution to integrated climate change modelling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fisiese sowel as ekonomiese kwesbaarheid van die landbousektor as gevolg van klimaatverandering word deur verskeie studies beklemtoon. ‘n Gevallestudie-benadering is gebruik ten einde die potensiële impak van klimaatsverandering op die finansiële kwesbaarheid van verskillende boerderystelsels te bepaal. Die geïntegreerde klimaatsveranderingmodel bestaan uit vier modelleringsmodules, naamlik: klimaatsverandering, dinamiese liniêre programmering (DLP), interfases en finansiële-kwesbaarheidsontleding. Empiries afgeskaalde klimatologiese data van vyf verskillende klimaatmodelle dien as basis vir die geïntegreerde klimaatsveranderingmodel. Die APSIM gewas-model word aangewend om die impak van klimaatsverandering op gewasse-opbrengs te bepaal. Vir sekere gewasse is daar egter nie modelle beskikbaaar nie en het gevolglik die ontwikkeling van ‘n nuwe model genoodsaak. Die Kritiese Gewasse Klimaatsdrempelwaarde (KGKD) modelleringstegniek is ontwikkel ten einde die impak van klimaatsverandering op die opbrengs en kwaliteit van gewasse te kwantifiseer. Die geïntegreerde klimaatsveranderingmodel neem ook die verwagte verandering in besproeiingswaterbeskikbaarheid (ACRU-hidrologiemodel) en gewas-besproeiingsbehoeftes (SAPWAT3-model) as gevolg van klimaatsverandering in ag. Die model lewer waardevolle resultate op, naamlik: geprojekteerde veranderinge in gewasse-opbrengs en -kwaliteit, geprojekteerde verandering in beskikbaarheid van besproeiingswater en gewasse-besproeiingsbehoeftes, die optimale kombinering van boerdery-aktiwiteite om netto kontantvloei te maksimeer, asook ‘n stel finansiële resultate wat die impak van klimaatsverandering kwantifiseer. Die finansiële kriteria sluit in: interne opbrengskoers, netto huidige waarde, kontanvloeiverhouding, hoogste skuldverhouding en hoogste skuldvlak. Deur middel van deskundige-groepbesprekings is aanpassingstrategieë vir elk van die gevallestudies geïdentifiseer en by die geïntegreerde model ingesluit as alternatiewe opsies in die DLP-model. Die studie poog om die gaping in die huidige klimaatsveranderingnavorsing met betekking tot ‘n geïntegreerde ekonomiese model op plaasvlak aan te spreek en sodoende ‘n bydrae tot geïntegreerde klimaatveranderingmodellering te maak.

The design of a Climate Change Awareness Center, Pretoria.

Rossouw, Daniel F. J. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Architecture (Professional) / The aim of the dissertation is to create an architectural interpretation of a new interactive center. The center will explore the adaption of buildings in a natural context within the city of Pretoria, to promote research, solutions and understanding of climate change in a developing country that is dependent on energy. The awareness center will be situated on a prominent untouched site within the Innovation Hub campus. The aspiration for this site is to reintroduce the link between two major research facilities namely the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the University of Pretoria (UP). The development of the design will investigate the following issues: The background and effect of climate change; Climate change as a reality and architecture in an eco-systemic approach; and How architecture should respond to climate change and nature.

Lineêre plantegroeipatroon in die Warmbadgebied, Noordelike Provinsie

Barnard, Janine Jacqueline 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Lineere plantegroeipatrone bestaande uit afwisselende grasryke mikrotrog- en boomryke- kruinbane wat parallel met die helling georienteer is, kom voor op die voetbang van die Baviaansberg, in die Warmbadgebied, Noordelike Provinsie. Die hoofdoelwitte van die studie was om uit 'n landskapekologiese benadering die verskynsel te probeer verklaar, om die vertikale en horisontale variasie van eienskappe te kwantifiseer en om die impak van die mens daarop te benadruk. Die differensiasie in die Tukulu- en Etoshagrondvorms in onderskeidelik mikrotroe en -kruine is die gevolg van grondprosesse soos illuviasie van klei, loging en ferrolise.Granulometriese analise dui daarop dat die moedermateriaal van gronde van een bron afkomstig is. Kolluviasie en afsetting van moedermateriaal op die voethang was waarskynlik die beginpunt van landskapontwikkeling waar verdeelde oppervlakvloei van water oenskynlik die mikrostrukture geinisieer het. Na aanleiding hiervan het die ontwikkeling van grondverskille en waterregimeverskille tot plantegroeiverskille gelei. Faktore wat die patroon geaksentueer het is termietaktiwiteite, brand en beweiding. / A linear vegetation pattern consists of alternating grassland micro troughs and woody micro crests lanes which were orientated parallel to the slope occurred on the foot slope of the Baviaansberg, in the Warmbaths area, Northern Province. From a landscape ecological approach the principal aims of the study was to explain the phenomenon, to quantify the vertical and horizontal variation of features and to accent the impact of man on it. The differentiation in Tukulu and Etosha forms in micro troughs and micro crests respectively were the effect of several soil processes. Granulometric analyses showed that the parent material of soil was derived from one source. Colluviation and deposit of parent material was probably the starting-point of landscape development where the divided surface flow of water apparently initiated the micro structures. As a result of this the development of soil and water regime differences lead to vegetation differences. / Geography / M. Sc. (Geografie)

The relationship between pollen rain, vegetation, climate, meteorological factors and land-use in the PWV, Transvaal

Cadman, Ann January 1991 (has links)
A two-year analysis of pollen rain was conducted in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging district of the Transvaal, South Africa. Poaceae WaS the major component of the pollen assemblage, comprising 52% regionally. Of the total pollen count, 58.8% was non-seasonal and present throughout the year. During the analysis it became apparent that fungal spores dominated the atmospheric content, accounting for 94% of total airspora, considered here to incl ude pollen and fUngal spores.[Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version]. / AC2017

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