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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza inerčního odlučovače částic na vstupu vzduchu do turbovrtulového motoru / Study of Inertial Particle Separator in a typical turboprop engine

Skála, Adam January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on ingestion of foreign objects into standard turboprop engine GE H80 situated in aircraft Let L-410 Turbolet. Aim of this study is to create methodology of numerical simulation of particle movement inside the engine, which could be used during design process of Inertial Particle Separator device. Thesis consists of backward-facing step benchmark study which validates used methodology. Second part describes flow field calculation and numerical setup. The last part is dedicated to particle tracking analysis. Simulated trajectories are visually investigated, and coordinates of particle impacts at 1st rotor of a compressor are correlated to position of real observed damage.

Simulation numérique de la combustion turbulente : Méthode de frontières immergées pour les écoulements compressibles, application à la combustion en aval d’une cavité / Numerical simulation of turbulent combustion : Immersed Boundary Method for compressible flow, application to combustion behind a cavity

Merlin, Cindy 08 December 2011 (has links)
Une méthode de frontières immergées est développée pour la simulation d’écoulements compressibles et validée au travers de cas-tests spécifiques (réflexion d’ondes acoustiques et quantification de la conservation de la masse dans des canaux inclinés). La simulation aux grandes échelles (LES) d’une cavité transsonique est ensuite présentée. Le bouclage aéro-acoustique, très sensible aux conditions aux limites, est reproduit avec précision par la LES dans le cas où les parois sont immergées dans un maillage structurée. La comparaison des stratégies de modélisation de sous-maille pour cet écoulement transsonique et l’adaptation des filtres en présence de frontières immergées sont également discutées. Le rôle, souvent sous-estimé, du schéma de viscosité artificiel, est quantifié.Dans la dernière partie du manuscrit, des études sont réalisées pour aider au dimensionnement d’un nouveau concept de chambre de combustion où la flamme est stabilisée par la recirculation de gaz brûlés dans une cavité (chambre TVC pour Trapped Vortex Combustor). La modélisation de la combustion turbulente est basée sur une chimie tabulée, couplée à une fonction densité de probabilité présumée (PCM-FPI). L’étude de la dynamique de la flamme est réalisée pour diverses conditions de fonctionnement (débit de l’écoulement principal et présence ou non d’un swirl). Les spécificités de mise en œuvre de la simulation d’un écoulement de ce type sont discutées et un soin particulier est apporté au traitement de la condition de sortie, qui constitue un point sensible de la chaîne de modélisation. Les phénomènes d’instabilités et de retour de la flamme sont mis en évidence ainsi que les modifications à apporter au dispositif afin de minimiser ces effets. L’existence d’un cycle limite acoustique est souligné et une formule permettant d’anticiper le niveau des fluctuations de pression est proposée et validée. Une correction au modèle PCM-FPI est présentée afin de préserver la vitesse de flamme et d’assurer une reproduction plus précise de la dynamique de flamme. / An immersed boundary method has been developed for the simulation of compressible flow and validated with reference test cases (pressure wave reflection and quantification of mass conservation for various inclined channels). Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of a transonic cavity is then presented. The aeroacoustic feedback loop, which is highly sensitive to the boundary conditions, was accurately reproduced where the walls are immersed inside a structured grid. The comparison between the modeling approaches for this transonic flow and the correction of the filtering operation near immersed boundaries are also discussed. The often underestimated role of the numerical artificial dissipation is also quantified.In the last part of this manuscript, many studies are realized to help in the design of a new combustion chamber for Trapped Vortex Combustor (TVC). The turbulent combustion model is based on tabulated chemistry and a presumed probability density function (PCM-FPI) method.The flame dynamics is studied for various operating conditions (flowrate of the main flow and presence of swirl motion). Details concerning the realization of such a flow are discussed and special care is taken for the treatment of the most sensitive outlet boundary condition. The phenomena of combustion instabilities and of flame backflow are highlighted along with the modifications to be made for the device to minimize these effects. The existence of a acoustic limit cycle is emphasized and a formula is proposed and validated to anticipate the level of pressure fluctuations. Finally a correction to the PCM-FPI model is suggested to preserve the flame front speed and to ensure a more accurate description of the flame dynamics.

Experimental pressure loss analysis in a mini tube for a fully developed turbulent airflow. : Mini channels of lengths 22.5 mm to 150 mm in length with a constant diameter of 1.5 mm

Ghosh, Soumen January 2022 (has links)
The cooling systems in a gas turbine are especially important as the turbine blades and vanes are exposed to extreme temperatures. The relatively cool air is extracted from the compressors and fed to the turbines to cool the turbine blades. The manufacturing of these blades and channels used to cool is especially complicated using conventional manufacturing techniques. Additive Manufacturing (AM) gives the designer much more freedom to design core components. The AM technique currently explored is the Selective Laser Melting process (SLM). The surface area is exposed to the cooling airflow by using lattice structures which can be manufactured at relative ease using AM. This thesis will provide some insights into using AM parts for the cooling, by analyzing the pressure drop that could be expected from superalloys that are manufactured using AM. The surface roughness is an inherent property of the AM components therefore it would be interesting to analyze a turbulent flow through AM channels (CM247LC and INCONEL 939). The thesis deals with turbulent flows as the airflow used for cooling in the gas turbine is most likely turbulent.  The friction factor (Darcy–Weisbach friction factor) is used to relate the impact of the surface roughness to the pressure drop. The results from the previous experiments are contrasted as the flow in the previous experiments was assumed to be fully developed but in reality, it was not. And the accuracy of the previous results to the actual fully developed flow will shed some light on the feasibility of the flow analysis techniques used in the previous experiments. It is found that the previous experimental results for the CM247LC TPs have good agreement with current experimental results but INCONEL 939 exhibits significant deviation. The possible reasons for the deviations are directly linked to the assumptions made to calculate the minor losses. The Test Pieces (TP) analyzed in this thesis have varying length to diameter (L/D) ratios and the impact of the variation of different L/D ratios is analyzed along with varying pressure ratios. Where the flow resistance increases with an increase in L/D and pressure ratio. The technique to accommodate the compressibility of the airflow is also explored in this thesis. Finally, reasons for the manifestation of anomalies are discussed. The probability of the compressibility effects of the airflow on the anomalies was found to be quite high, and concluding remarks are provided.

On the Advancement of Phenomenological and Mechanistic Descriptions of Unsteadiness in Shock-Wave/Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Interactions

Adler, Michael C. 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Numerická analýza problémů v časově závislých oblastech / Numerical analysis of problems in time-dependent domains

Balázsová, Monika January 2021 (has links)
This work is concerned with the theoretical analysis of the space-time discontinuous Galerkin method applied to the numerical solution of nonstationary nonlinear convection-diffusion problem in a time- dependent domain. At first, the problem is reformulated by the use of the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, which replaces the classical partial time derivative by the so-called ALE derivative and an additional convection term. Then the problem is discretized with the use of the ALE space-time discontinuous Galerkin method. On the basis of a technical analysis we obtain an unconditional stability of this method. An important step in the analysis is the generalization of a discrete characteristic function associated with the approximate solutionin a time-dependentdomainand the derivationof its properties. Further we derive an a priori error estimate of the method in terms of the interpolation error, as well as in terms of h and tau. Finally, some practical applications of the ALE space-time discontinuos Galerkin method in a time-dependent domain are given. We are concerned with the numerical solution of a nonlinear elasticity benchmark problem and moreover with the interaction of compressible viscous flow with elastic structures. The main attention is paid to the modeling of flow induced vocal fold...

Criterios numéricos en la resolución de la transferencia de calor en fenómenos de convección

Pérez Segarra, Carlos David 18 February 1988 (has links)
La finalidad de esta tesis es la obtención de las distribuciones de velocidades, presiones y temperaturas en la convección forzada de flujos compresibles en situaciones bidimensionales y de estabilización. Es a partir de estos valores que se determina la fricción y la transferencia de calor entre el fluido y el contorno o canalización.La tesis consta de cinco capítulos. En el primero, de carácter introductorio, se plantea la problemática de resolución de las ecuaciones que describen el comportamiento del flujo. Se analizan dos niveles de modelización. De una parte, y en base al concepto de capa límite introducido por L. Prandtl, se divide el dominio por el que circula el flujo en dos zonas: unas delgadas regiones próximas a los contornos sólidos en los que la fricción y la transferencia de calor son factores condicionantes, y el resto del dominio en el que el flujo puede considerarse como no viscoso, pudiéndose despreciar los efectos de la fricción y de la transferencia de calor. En el segundo nivel de modelización se plantea la resolución directa de las ecuaciones de continuidad, cantidad de movimiento y energía en todo el dominio.Los capítulos segundo, tercero y cuarto están dedicados al primer nivel de modelización indicado. En el segundo capítulo se resuelve el flujo potencial compresible en base a la discretización del dominio mediante la generación de mallas adaptables a los contornos. Se analizan diferentes criterios de discretización de las ecuaciones siendo los resultados numéricos obtenidos contrastados entre si y con los que se derivan del empleo de mallas de discretización rectangulares. El tercer capítulo trata de la resolución de las capas límites hidrodinámicas y térmicas mediante la integración numérica de la ecuaciones de conservación. Para el análisis de las capas límite turbulentas se ha utilizado los conceptos de viscosidad turbulenta y conductividad térmica turbulenta, empleándose expresiones semiempíricas en la descripción de dichas cantidades. Se estudian diversas situaciones contrastándose los resultados numéricos obtenidos con los que se derivan de estudios experimentales presentados por distintos autores. En el cuarto capítulo se efectúa la resolución conjunta de la zona potencial y de las capas límite en el marco de un algoritmo global de resolución. A modo ilustrativo se ha realizado el estudio del flujo de aire en una tobera o canalización convergente, analizándose aspectos tales como la compresibilidad del flujo y la transferencia de calor entre el fluido y los contornos sólidos limitantes. Los resultados que se derivan de la resolución numérica, supuestos los contornos adiabáticos, son contratados con los obtenidos experimentalmente en esta tesis y en una unidad de soplado del laboratorio. En el quinto y último capítulo se aborda el segundo nivel de modelización arriba indicado, si bien la atención se centra en ecuaciones genéricas del tipo convección-difusión. Así, partiendo de una distribución de velocidades conocida, se realiza la resolución de dicha ecuación en base a la generación de sistemas ortogonales de coordenadas curvilíneas coincidentes con las propias líneas de corriente del flujo. La precisión y zonas de aplicación del método numérico son puestas de manifiesto en situaciones singulares de solución analítica conocida. Los resultados obtenidos son satisfactorios en un amplio rango de números de Peclet, y claramente superiores a los que se derivan del empleo de mallas de discretización rectangulares. / The purpose of this thesis is to obtain velocity, pressure and temperature distributions in compressible flows under steady-state conditions.The thesis has five chapters. The first one introduces the mathematical formulation and two main strategies to solve the governing equations. The first one is based on a zonal model, which solved in a coupled manner the Euler and the boundary layer equations. The second level is based on the resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole domain.The next three chapters are devoted to the first level of modelization mentioned above. The second chapter solves the Euler equations of the inviscid flow based on the discretization of the domain by means of body-fitted meshes. Numerical solutions are also carefully verificated based on grid refinement techniques. Several numerical criteria for the discretization of the equations are presented and contrasted. The third chapter deals with the numerical integration of the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer equations using algebraic turbulence models extended to compressible flows. A study of the different parameters which influence on flow is presented.In the fourth chapter, a coupled procedure of the two zones (inviscid zone and boundary layers) is proposed within the framework of a global algorithm. By way of illustration the study of the compressible flow in a converging channel is carried out. Different aspects related to the compressibility of the flow and the heat transfers exchanged with the solid boundaries are studied. The mathematical model is validated against experimental results obtained in a specially designed set-up.In the fifth and final chapter, the second level of modelization is presented but only the part which refers to generic convection-diffusion equations. Thus, starting from a known velocity distribution, an analysis of different standard numerical schemes is performed together with a proposal of a new scheme to reduce the numerical false diffusion effects.

Analysis of Compressible and Incompressible Flows Through See-through Labyrinth Seals

Woo, Jeng Won 2011 May 1900 (has links)
The labyrinth seal is a non-contact annular type sealing device used to reduce the internal leakage of the working fluid which is caused by the pressure difference between each stage in a turbomachine. Reducing the leakage mass flow rate of the working fluid through the labyrinth seal is desirable because it improves the efficiency of the turbomachine. The carry-over coefficient, based on the divergence angle of the jet, changed with flow parameters with fixed seal geometry while earlier models expressed the carry-over coefficient solely as a function of seal geometry. For both compressible and incompressible flows, the Reynolds number based on clearance was the only flow parameter which could influence the carry-over coefficient. In the case of incompressible flow based on the simulations for various seal geometries and operating conditions, for a given Reynolds number, the carry-over coefficient strongly depended on radial clearance to tooth width ratio. Moreover, in general, the lower the Reynolds number, the larger is the divergence angle of the jet and this results in a smaller carry-over coefficient at lower Reynolds numbers. However, during transition from laminar to turbulent, the carry-over coefficient reduced initially and once the Reynolds number attained a critical value, the carry-over coefficient increased again. In the case of compressible flow, the carry-over coefficient had been slightly increased if radial clearance to tooth width ratio and radial clearance to tooth pitch ratio were increased. Further, the carry-over coefficient did not considerably change if only radial clearance to tooth width ratio was decreased. The discharge coefficient for compressible and incompressible flows depended only on the Reynolds number based on clearance. The discharge coefficient of the tooth in a single cavity labyrinth seal was equivalent to that in a multiple tooth labyrinth seal indicating that flow downstream had negligible effect on the discharge coefficient. In particular, for compressible fluid under certain flow and seal geometric conditions, the discharge coefficient did not increase with an increase in the Reynolds number. It was correlated to the pressure ratio, Pr. Moreover, it was also related to the fact that the flow of the fluid through the constriction became compressible and the flow eventually became choked. At low pressure ratios (less than 0.7), Saikishan’s incompressible model deviated from CFD simulation results. Hence, the effects of compressibility became significant and both the carry-over coefficient compressibility factor and the discharge coefficient compressibility factor needed to be considered and included into the leakage model. The carry-over coefficient compressibility factor, phi, had two linear relationships with positive and negative slopes regarding the pressure ratios. This result was not associated with the seal geometry because the seal geometry ratios for each instance were located within the nearly same ranges. Further, the phi-Pr relationship was independent of the number of teeth regardless of single and multiple cavity labyrinth seals. The discharge coefficient compressibility factor, psi, was a linear relationship with pressure ratios across the tooth as Saikishan predicted. However, in certain flow and seal geometric conditions, Saikishan’s model needed to be modified for the deviation appearing when the pressure ratios were decreased. Hence, a modified psi-Pr relationship including Saikishan’s model was presented in order to compensate for the deviation between the simulations and his model.

High order numerical methods for a unified theory of fluid and solid mechanics

Chiocchetti, Simone 10 June 2022 (has links)
This dissertation is a contribution to the development of a unified model of continuum mechanics, describing both fluids and elastic solids as a general continua, with a simple material parameter choice being the distinction between inviscid or viscous fluid, or elastic solids or visco-elasto-plastic media. Additional physical effects such as surface tension, rate-dependent material failure and fatigue can be, and have been, included in the same formalism. The model extends a hyperelastic formulation of solid mechanics in Eulerian coordinates to fluid flows by means of stiff algebraic relaxation source terms. The governing equations are then solved by means of high order ADER Discontinuous Galerkin and Finite Volume schemes on fixed Cartesian meshes and on moving unstructured polygonal meshes with adaptive connectivity, the latter constructed and moved by means of a in- house Fortran library for the generation of high quality Delaunay and Voronoi meshes. Further, the thesis introduces a new family of exponential-type and semi- analytical time-integration methods for the stiff source terms governing friction and pressure relaxation in Baer-Nunziato compressible multiphase flows, as well as for relaxation in the unified model of continuum mechanics, associated with viscosity and plasticity, and heat conduction effects. Theoretical consideration about the model are also given, from the solution of weak hyperbolicity issues affecting some special cases of the governing equations, to the computation of accurate eigenvalue estimates, to the discussion of the geometrical structure of the equations and involution constraints of curl type, then enforced both via a GLM curl cleaning method, and by means of special involution-preserving discrete differential operators, implemented in a semi-implicit framework. Concerning applications to real-world problems, this thesis includes simulation ranging from low-Mach viscous two-phase flow, to shockwaves in compressible viscous flow on unstructured moving grids, to diffuse interface crack formation in solids.

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