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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multilabel classification over category taxonomies.

Cai, Lijuan. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Brown University, 2008. / Advisor : Thomas Hofmann. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 111-118).

Efficient communication and coordination for large-scale multi-agent systems /

Jang, Myeong-Wuk, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: B, page: 3901. Adviser: Gul Agha. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-137) Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.

Algorithms and analysis for multi-category classification /

Zimak, Dav Arthur, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: B, page: 3926. Adviser: Dan Roth. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 114-119) Available on microfilm from Pro Quest Information and Learning.

Local search algorithms for geometric object recognition: Optimal correspondence and pose

Beveridge, J. Ross 01 January 1993 (has links)
Recognizing an object by its shape is a fundamental problem in computer vision, and typically involves finding a discrete correspondence between object model and image features as well as the pose--position and orientation--of the camera relative to the object. This thesis presents new algorithms for finding the optimal correspondence and pose of a rigid 3D object. They utilize new techniques for evaluating geometric matches and for searching the combinatorial space of possible matches. An efficient closed-form technique for computing pose under weak-perspective (four parameter 2D affine) is presented, and an iterative non-linear 3D pose algorithm is used to support matching under full 3D perspective. A match error ranks matches by summing a fit error, which measures the quality of the spatial fit between corresponding line segments forming an object model and line segments extracted from an image, and an omission error, which penalizes matches which leave portions of the model omitted or unmatched. Inclusion of omission is crucial to success when matching to corrupted and partial image data. New optimal matching algorithms use a form of combinatorial optimization called local search, which relies on iterative improvement and random sampling to probabilistically find globally optimal matches. A novel variant has been developed, subset-convergent local search finds optimal matches with high probability on problems known to be difficult for other techniques. Specifically, it does well on a test suite of highly fragmented and cluttered data, symmetric object models, and multiple model instances. Problem search spaces grows exponentially in the number of potentially paired features n, yet empirical performance suggests computation is bounded by $n\sp2.$ Using the 3D pose algorithm during matching, local search solves problems involving significant amounts of 3D perspective. No previous work on geometric matching has generalized in this way. Our hybrid algorithm combines the closed-form weak-perspective pose and iterative 3D pose algorithms to efficiently solve matching problems involving perspective. For robot navigation, this algorithm recognizes 3D landmarks, and thereby permits a mobile robot to successfully update its estimated pose relative to these landmarks.

Information extraction as a basis for portable text classification systems

Riloff, Ellen Michele 01 January 1994 (has links)
Knowledge-based natural language processing systems have achieved good success with many tasks, but they often require many person-months of effort to build an appropriate knowledge base. As a result, they are not portable across domains. This knowledge-engineering bottleneck must be addressed before knowledge-based systems will be practical for real-world applications. This dissertation addresses the knowledge-engineering bottleneck for a natural language processing task called "information extraction". A system called AutoSlog is presented which automatically constructs dictionaries for information extraction, given an appropriate training corpus. In the domain of terrorism, AutoSlog created a dictionary using a training corpus and five person-hours of effort that achieved 98% of the performance of a hand-crafted dictionary that took approximately 1500 person-hours to build. This dissertation also describes three algorithms that use information extraction to support high-precision text classification. As more information becomes available on-line, intelligent information retrieval will be crucial in order to navigate the information highway efficiently and effectively. The approach presented here represents a compromise between keyword-based techniques and in-depth natural language processing. The text classification algorithms classify texts with high accuracy by using an underlying information extraction system to represent linguistic phrases and contexts. Experiments in the terrorism domain suggest that increasing the amount of linguistic context can improve performance. Both AutoSlog and the text classification algorithms are evaluated in three domains: terrorism, joint ventures, and microelectronics. An important aspect of this dissertation is that AutoSlog and the text classification systems can be easily ported across domains.

Large-scale dynamic optimization using teams of reinforcement learning agents

Crites, Robert Harry 01 January 1996 (has links)
Recent algorithmic and theoretical advances in reinforcement learning (RL) are attracting widespread interest. RL algorithms have appeared that approximate dynamic programming (DP) on an incremental basis. Unlike traditional DP algorithms, these algorithms do not require knowledge of the state transition probabilities or reward structure of a system. This allows them to be trained using real or simulated experiences, focusing their computations on the areas of state space that are actually visited during control, making them computationally tractable on very large problems. RL algorithms can be used as components of multi-agent algorithms. If each member of a team of agents employs one of these algorithms, a new collective learning algorithm emerges for the team as a whole. In this dissertation we demonstrate that such collective RL algorithms can be powerful heuristic methods for addressing large-scale control problems. Elevator group control serves as our primary testbed. The elevator domain poses a combination of challenges not seen in most RL research to date. Elevator systems operate in continuous state spaces and in continuous time as discrete event dynamic systems. Their states are not fully observable and they are non-stationary due to changing passenger arrival rates. As a way of streamlining the search through policy space, we use a team of RL agents, each of which is responsible for controlling one elevator car. The team receives a global reinforcement signal which appears noisy to each agent due to the effects of the actions of the other agents, the random nature of the arrivals and the incomplete observation of the state. In spite of these complications, we show results that in simulation surpass the best of the heuristic elevator control algorithms of which we are aware. These results demonstrate the power of RL on a very large scale stochastic dynamic optimization problem of practical utility.

Three-dimensional reconstruction under varying constraints on camera geometry for robotic navigation scenarios

Zhang, Zhongfei 01 January 1996 (has links)
3D reconstruction is an important research area in computer vision. With the wide spectrum of camera geometry constraints, a general solution is still open. In this dissertation, the topic of 3D reconstruction is addressed under several special constraints on camera geometry, and the 3D reconstruction techniques developed under these constraints have been applied to a robotic navigation scenario. The robotic navigation problems addressed include automatic camera calibration, visual servoing for navigation control, obstacle detection, and 3D model acquisition and extension. The problem of visual servoing control is investigated under the assumption of a structured environment where parallel path boundaries exist. A visual servoing control algorithm has been developed based on geometric variables extracted from this structured environment. This algorithm has been used for both automatic camera calibration and navigation servoing control. Close to real time performance is achieved. The problem of qualitative and quantitative obstacle detection is addressed with a proposal of three algorithms. The first two are purely qualitative in the sense that they only return yes/no answers. The third is quantitative in that it recovers height information for all the points in the scene. Three different constraints on camera geometry are employed. The first algorithm assumes known relative pose between cameras; the second algorithm is based on completely unknown camera relative pose; the third algorithm assumes partial calibration. Experimental results are presented for real and simulated data, and the performance of the three algorithms under different noise levels are compared in simulation. Finally the problem of model acquisition and extension is studied by proposing a 3D reconstruction algorithm using homography mapping. It is shown that given four coplanar correspondences, 3D structures can be recovered up to two solutions and with only one uniform scale factor, which is the distance from the camera center to the 3D plane formed by the four 3D points corresponding to the given four correspondences in the two camera planes. It is also shown that this algorithm is optimal in terms of the number of minimum required correspondences and in terms of the assumption of internal calibration.

On integrating apprentice learning and reinforcement learning

Clouse, Jeffery Allen 01 January 1996 (has links)
Apprentice learning and reinforcement learning are methods that have each been developed in order to endow computerized agents with the capacity to learn to perform multiple-step tasks, such as problem-solving tasks and control tasks. To achieve this end, each method takes differing approaches, with disparate assumptions, objectives, and algorithms. In apprentice learning, the autonomous agent tries to mimic a training agent's problem-solving behavior, learning based on examples of the trainer's action choices. In an attempt to learn to perform its task optimally, the learner in reinforcement learning changes its behavior based on scalar feedback about the consequences of its own actions. We demonstrate that a careful integration of the two learning methods can produce a more powerful method than either one alone. An argument based on the characteristics of the individuals maintains that a hybrid will be an improvement because of the complimentary strengths of its constituents. Although existing hybrids of apprentice learning and reinforcement learning perform better than their individual components, those hybrids have left many questions unanswered. We consider the following questions in this dissertation. How do the learner and trainer interact during training? How does the learner assimilate the trainer's expertise? How does the proficiency of the trainer affect the learner's ability to perform the task? And, when during training should the learner acquire information from the trainer? In our quest for answers, we develop the A scSK FOR H scELP integrated approach, and use it in our empirical study. With the new integrated approach, the learning agent is significantly faster at learning to perform optimally than learners employing either apprentice learning alone or reinforcement learning alone. The study indicates further that the learner can learn to perform optimally even when its trainer cannot; thus, the learner can outperform its trainer. Two strategies for determining when to acquire the trainer's aid show that simple approaches work well. The results of the study demonstrate that the A scSK FOR H scELP approach is effective for integrating apprentice learning and reinforcement learning, and support the conclusion that an integrated approach can be better than its individual components.

A trainable approach to coreference resolution for information extraction

McCarthy, Joseph Francis 01 January 1996 (has links)
This dissertation presents a new approach to solving the coreference resolution problem for a natural language processing (NLP) task known as information extraction. It describes a new system, named R scESOLVE, that uses machine learning techniques to determine when two phrases in a test co-refer, i.e., refer to the same thing. R scESOLVE can be used as a component within an information extraction system--a system that extracts information automatically from a corpus of texts that all focus on the same topic area--or it can be used as a stand-alone system to evaluate the relative contribution of different types of knowledge to the coreference resolution process. R scESOLVE represents an improvement over previous approaches to the coreference resolution problem, in that it uses a machine learning algorithm to handle some of the work that had previously been performed manually by a knowledge engineer. R scESOLVE can achieve performance that is as good as a system that was manually constructed for the same task, when both systems are given access to the same knowledge and tested on the same data. The machine learning algorithm used by R scESOLVE can be given access to different types of knowledge, some portions of which are very specific to a particular topic area or domain, and other portions are more general or domain-independent. An ablation experiment shows that domain-specific knowledge is very important to coreference resolution--the performance degradation when the domain-specific features are disabled is significantly worse than when a similarly-sized set of domain-independent features is disabled. However, even though domain-specific knowledge is important for coreference resolution, domain-independent features alone enable R scESOLVE to achieve 80% of the performance it achieves when domain-specific features are available. One explanation for why domain-independent knowledge can be used so effectively is illustrated in another domain, where the machine learning algorithm discovers domain-specific knowledge by assembling the domain-independent features of knowledge into domain-specific patterns. This ability of R scESOLVE to compensate for missing or insufficient domain-specific knowledge is a significant advantage for redeploying the system in new domains.

Learning text analysis rules for domain-specific natural language processing

Soderland, Stephen Glenn 01 January 1997 (has links)
An enormous amount of knowledge is needed to infer the meaning of unrestricted natural language. The problem can be reduced to a manageable size by restricting attention to a specific domain, which is a corpus of texts together with a predefined set of concepts that are of interest to that domain. Two widely different domains are used to illustrate this domain-specific approach. One domain is a collection of Wall Street Journal articles in which the target concept is management succession events: identifying persons moving into corporate management positions or moving out. A second domain is a collection of hospital discharge summaries in which the target concepts are various classes of diagnosis or symptom. The goal of an information extraction system is to identify references to the concept of interest for a particular domain. A key knowledge source for this purpose is a set of text analysis rules based on the vocabulary, semantic classes, and writing style peculiar to the domain. This thesis presents CRYSTAL, an implemented system that automatically induces domain-specific text analysis rules from training examples. CRYSTAL learns rules that approach the performance of hand-coded rules, are robust in the face of noise and inadequate features, and require only a modest amount of training data. CRYSTAL belongs to a class of machine learning algorithms called covering algorithms, and presents a novel control strategy with time and space complexities that are independent of the number of features. CRYSTAL navigates efficiently through an extremely large space of possible rules. CRYSTAL also demonstrates that expressive rule representation is essential for high performance, robust text analysis rules. While simple rules are adequate to capture the most salient regularities in the training data, high performance can only be achieved when rules are expressive enough to reflect the subtlety and variability of unrestricted natural language.

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