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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právo na místní samosprávu / Right to Local Self-Government

Sedláček, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Right to Local Self-Government - Summary The diploma thesis deals with topic of Right to Local Self-Government in the Czech Republic. Chapter one is introductory and summarizes contemporary theoretical approaches to the concept of territorial Self-Government and the nature of the right on it. Furthermore this chapter explains the importance of territorial Self-Government and describes its evolution in the bohemian lands, while it puts closer look to the restoration of territorial Self-Government and its design after 1989. Finally, this chapter looks at position of the Czech Republic in the typology of local government systems. Second Chapter examines all Constitutional complaints on the infringement of the rights of Self-Governments (municipalities), while it describes the circumstances under which the lawsuit emerged, and discusses the argumentation of the Czech Constitutional Court. The thesis summarizes data on author of the complaint, authority accused of the infringement, and result of the case. In the third chapter the thesis discusses other important judgements of the Czech Constitutional Court on the Self- Government and the rights of municipalities. It focuses on the most important judgements on the content of the right to Self-Government and day-to-day conduct of municipalities. In the fourth...

Pravomoci Ústavního soudu ČR a Spolkového ústavního soudu SRN (srovnání) / Powers of the Constitutional Court of the CR and the Federal Constitutional Court of the Federal Republic of Germany (a comparison)

Ladýřová, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
(abstrakt v anglickém jazyce) The main contents of this dissertation (diploma paper) is a study of jurisdiction of The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and of The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and their comparison. The first part of this work describes in brief the genesis of the constitutional jurisdiction and its two basic types. Afterwards there is characterized the constitutional jurisdiction in Germany and in the Czech Republic and next there is described legal regulation and organisation of the German and Czech constitutional courts. Further I deal with the jurisdiction of constitutional courts (of european continental type) in general. In the second part of this work, first I give a general idea about jurisdiction of the German and Czech constitutional courts. After it I already deal with analysis of their single, selected competences - in the concrete: regulation control (judicial review), constitutional complaint, judicial review of international conventions and questions of jurisdiction. I have not focused on the other competences, which the both constitutional courts dispose of. Firstly there is no need to analyse them for the sake of insight into the problem, secondly there should be kept adequate range of this work. The third part results from the analysis of the...

Žmogaus teisių apsaugos institucijos / Institutions for the protection of human rights

Grigaitė, Julita 22 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame ribotos apimties magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama žmogaus teisių apsaugos institucijų sistema. Didelis dėmesys skiriamas nacionalinės žmogaus teisių institucijos, veikiančios pagal Jungtinių Tautų Generalinės Asamblėjos patvirtintus Paryžiaus principus, sampratos analizei. Pateikiama užsienio šalių nacionalinių žmogaus teisių institucijų analizė (Airija, Danija, Vokietija, Lenkija). Darbe darytina išvada, kad Lietuvoje turėtų būti steigiama nacionalinė žmogaus teisių institucija, kuri vykdytų žmogaus teisių padėties stebėjimą, didintų visuomenės žinomumą, konsultuoti valstybės valdžios institucijas žmogaus teisių klausimais, bendradarbiautų su tarptautinėmis institucijomis, užtikrintų Lietuvoje tarptautinių žmogaus teisių standartų laikymąsi, nagrinėtų individualius asmenų skundus dėl visų žmogaus teisių pažeidimų tiek viešoje, tiek privačioje srityje. Taip pat darbe analizuojamos klasikinių ir specializuotų ombudsmenų veikla ir reikšmė žmogaus teisių apsaugoje, pateikiant Skandinavijos valstybių ombudsmenų veiklos analizę bei išsamiau analizuojamas Lietuvos Respublikoje įsteigtų Seimo kontrolierių, Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus bei Vaiko teisių apsaugos kontrolieriaus institucijų statusas. Magistro baigiamajame darbe pateikiama teismo, kaip pagrindinės žmogaus teises ginančios institucijos, veiklos analizė, prieinant prie išvados, jog teismų ir teisėjų nepriklausomumo principas yra viena svarbiausių žmogaus teisių apsaugos garantijų. Lietuvos Respublikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master’s thesis analyses the system of human rights institutions. Special focus is placed on the concept of national institutions operating in compliance with the Paris Principles approved by the United National General Assembly. An analysis of foreign national human rights institutions (Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Poland) is also offered. The study made leads to the conclusion that a national institution should be established in Lithuania to monitor the human rights situation, improve public awareness, consult state authorities on human rights issues, cooperate with international institutions, ensure compliance with international human rights standards in Lithuania, and examine complaints by individual persons regarding any violation of human rights in both public and private sectors. The thesis also analyzes the activities of traditional and specialized ombudsmen and the role they play in the protection of human rights, based on a detailed overview of the activities of Scandinavian ombudsmen. It addresses in detail the status of the Seimas ombudsmen, the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman and the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Children’s Rights operating in the Republic of Lithuania. The master’s thesis also analyses the activities of courts of law as the primary institution to protect human rights, concluding that the principle of judicial independence serves as a principal human rights guarantee. The status of the Constitutional Court of the... [to full text]

Ar individualus konstitucinis skundas gali būti lakomas veiksminga teisinės gynybos priemone pagal Europos žmogaus teisių konvencijos 13 straipsnį? / Wheter constitutional complaint can be considered as an efective domestic remedy under article 13 of the Convention for protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms

Stubrytė, Živilė 10 January 2007 (has links)
The summary provided hereunder gives short overview of final thesis. The summary outlines the subject matter, aim and goals of the thesis. In addition it shortly describes the content and main aspects of this final work. The subject matter of this thesis is – individual constitutional complaint as an effective domestic remedy under Article 13 of the Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter – the European Convention on Human Rights). The thesis is aimed at the evaluation of the individual constitutional complaint as an effective domestic remedy. This final work deals with the meaning, aim and scope of Article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights; the nature of the remedies required under Article 13; the similarities and differences of the institution of constitutional complaint, which exists in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, this analysis is being made with special regard to the rules on standing of individuals (the complainants, admissibility criteria, etc.) and the legal effect of the Constitutional Court’s final decision; the optimal model of the individual constitutional complaint suitable for Lithuania is being analyzed. The thesis stresses that there is no single answer, whether the constitutional complaint can be considered an effective domestic remedy under article 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The thesis states that so far the European Court of Human Rights analyzed the effectiveness of the... [to full text]

Ochrana práv ve veřejné správě / Protection of Rights in Public Administration

Plisková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
1 Summary The public administration itself is bound by applicable laws rules. Therefore, in case of breach of individual rights stemming from the legal system of the Czech Republic, every person is guaranteed a strictly legal procedure with corresponding legal mechanisms, which aim to remedy of status cause by unlawfull action or inaction of the public administration. Moreover, if conditions laid down by European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms are met, an individual has a right to apply to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) for a revision of a challenged act of public administration, which is considered to be as a final and conclusive from the point of view of national law. The object of this Thesis focuses, in particular, on analysis of individual means of protection of rights in public administration and their mutual relationships between them at level of legal regulation de lege ferenda. Also, it cannot be disregarded the assessment of effect of courts' decisions or doctrine, including stating own knowledge based on the practice particularly in the area of administrative law. The Thesis focuses on the issue of the protection of individual public rights. As a consequence, legal means designed to provide protection of law in objective sense (that is...

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