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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes : analyse et réception des discours en milieu urbain contemporain norvégien / Contemporary language practices : discourse analysis and attitudes towards adolescents’ new speech style in multiethnic areas in Oslo, Norway

Harchaoui, Sarah 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les pratiques langagières hétérogènes d’une quarantaine d’adolescents originaires des quartiers multiculturels de la capitale norvégienne. Croisant une approche sociolinguistique, épistémologique et psychoculturelle, nous nous interrogeons sur les motivations sociales et individuelles du recours à des variables lexicales et syntaxiques jugées innovantes en norvégien. Notre recherche vise à démontrer que ces éléments linguistiques ne résultent pas d’un manque de compétences linguistiques, mais bien d’une variation stylistique à laquelle les locuteurs-individus ont recours en fonction d’une multitude de paramètres internes et externes à l’énonciation. L’analyse sociohistorique permet de replacer les locuteurs dans leur environnement local et de contextualiser leurs faits de langue. L’analyse linguistique s’appuie quant à elle sur des données écologiques recueillies dans le cadre du projet national UPUS (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Processus de développement linguistique en milieu urbain) mené entre 2006 et 2008 à Oslo. In fine la thèse propose d’envisager les pratiques stylistiques hétérogènes comme un champ de ressources non-fixes présent dans le répertoire d’individus aussi bien adolescents qu’adultes, issus des minorités comme de la majorité nationale dont le point commun n’est pas le partage d’une origine ethnique mais bien l’expérience conjointe de l’actuel milieu urbain contemporain. / This thesis provides a sociolinguistic analysis of Norwegian contemporary language practices among 41 adolescents all raised in multilingual and multicultural environments in the Eastern parts of Oslo. Based on a series of examples from the UPUS-Project (Utviklingsprosesser i urbane språkmiljø – Linguistic Development in Urban Environments), this work discusses social and individual motivations which lead speakers to use innovative lexical (including non-European loan words) and syntactic features in Norwegian. We argue that heterogeneous features do not result from a lack of language skills but rather are a part of a speech style thatspeakers activate depending on discursive settings. We also take into account the social and historical dimensions of Oslo in order to contextualize the language practices and to demonstrate how speakers during the life stage of adolescence make themselves heard on the local and global society. We suggest that this new speech style is not restricted to Oslo and adolescents speakers, but rather is a common resource for whoever wants to show solidarity toward the contemporary urban reality.
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Suburban Swedish maturing : Examining variation and perceptions among adult speakers of Swedish contemporary urban vernacular / Förortssvenskan på mognadsvägen : En undersökning av variation och perceptioner bland vuxna talare av svensk ‘contemporary urban vernacular’

Young, Nathan January 2014 (has links)
Up to now, adolescent speakers have been the primary focus when researching contemporary variation in the language of Sweden’s urban areas. This study contributes to the growing body of research on the topic by examining and reporting on adult speakers of what is here referred to as förortssvenska (English: Suburban Swedish). This study focuses specifically on formal speech registers of eight young working-class men from Stockholm along with the perception and reception of their speech by two independent native-listener groups. The paper is the first to present quantifiable data on what has been previously referred to as a “staccato” rhythm in Suburban Swedish. Strong correlations are shown between prosodic rhythm as measured by the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) and speech speed to mean listener attitudes (R2=0.9). A strong correlation is also shown for nPVI’s influence on mean listener-projected ethnicity (R2=0.8). Alongside variation in rhythm, we also see phonemic variation that trends toward specific indexes of social identity as revealed by speaker interviews and native-listener assessments. Alongside linguistic variation among speakers, there is also significant variation within speaker peer groups. In addition to identifying specific linguistic features, the study examines social mechanisms revealed in interviews with and qualitative observations of speaker and listener participants. In exploratory fashion, ideas on variation, register ranges, meta-pragmatic stereotyping, and ethnic boundary-making are presented to make a case for treating contemporary urban variation in Swedish as a habitual semiotic extension of speaker identity. Indicators that contemporary urban variation in Swedish may be heading in the direction of sociolectal entrenchment are also discussed. / Hittills har unga talare varit det primära fokus för forskning av aktuell språklig variation i urbana Sverige. Denna studie bidrar till den växande mängden forskning i detta ämne genom att undersöka och rapportera om vuxna talare av det som här kallas för förortssvenska. Studien fokuserar specifikt på formella talregister bland åtta unga män från Stockholms arbetarklass, samt perception och mottagande av deras tal av två oberoende grupper av infödda lyssnare. Denna studie är den första som presenterar kvantifierbar data rörande den i tidigare forskning så kallade stackato-rytmen i förortssvenska. Starka korrelationer finns mellan, å ena sidan, prosodisk rytm mätt med the normalized pairwise variability index (nPVI) och talhastighet och, å den andra, de genomsnittliga lyssnarattityderna (R2=0,9). Det finns också en stark korrelation för nPVIs påverkan på genomsnittlig lyssnarprojicerad etnicitet (R2=0,8). Vid sidan av variation i rytm ser vi också fonemisk variation som trender mot specifika index för social identitet. Och vid sidan av variation i rytm bland talarna, finns också en stor variation inom kamratgrupperna. Förutom att den identifierar specifika lingvistiska drag, undersöker studien sociala mekanismer som framkommer i intervjuer med och kvalitativa observationer av talardeltagarna och lyssnardeltagarna. På ett explorativt sätt, lägger studien fram idéer om variation, registeromfång, meta-pragmatiska stereotyper och etniska gränsskapande för att framhäva argumentet för att behandla den aktuella förortsvariationen i svenska som en habituell avsiktlig utbyggnad av talarens identitet. Det diskuteras också indikatorer till att den aktuella urbana variationen i svenska kan vara på väg mot sociolektal stabilisering.
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