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Refining of Silicon During its Solidification from a Cu-Si MeltVisnovec, Karl 03 January 2012 (has links)
Current methods of solar-grade silicon (SG-Si) production are energy intensive and costly. The possibility of using metallurgical techniques for refining metallurgical-grade Si (MG-Si) to SG-Si has been investigated. The main steps in the metallurgical refining route include alloying with copper to produce a 50-50wt% Cu-Si alloy, controlled solidification, crushing, and acid leaching. The controlled solidification process involved 5 variations to determine the best process to maximize Si dendrite agglomeration in the sample and produce the purest Si. This was determined by using various techniques, such as: optical imaging, dendrite analysis, EPMA and SEM analysis and ICP analysis. The crushing and acid leaching steps were carried out to remove the unwanted Cu3Si eutectic from the pure Si dendrite phase. Upon completion of the analysis techniques, the optimal cooling method was determined to be the top cooled, 0.5°C/min sample.
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Refining of Silicon During its Solidification from a Cu-Si MeltVisnovec, Karl 03 January 2012 (has links)
Current methods of solar-grade silicon (SG-Si) production are energy intensive and costly. The possibility of using metallurgical techniques for refining metallurgical-grade Si (MG-Si) to SG-Si has been investigated. The main steps in the metallurgical refining route include alloying with copper to produce a 50-50wt% Cu-Si alloy, controlled solidification, crushing, and acid leaching. The controlled solidification process involved 5 variations to determine the best process to maximize Si dendrite agglomeration in the sample and produce the purest Si. This was determined by using various techniques, such as: optical imaging, dendrite analysis, EPMA and SEM analysis and ICP analysis. The crushing and acid leaching steps were carried out to remove the unwanted Cu3Si eutectic from the pure Si dendrite phase. Upon completion of the analysis techniques, the optimal cooling method was determined to be the top cooled, 0.5°C/min sample.
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Silicon and tanzania guinea grass tolerance to stress by copper toxicity / Silício e a tolerância do capim-tanzânia ao estresse pela toxidez por cobreVieira Filho, Leandro Otávio 02 August 2018 (has links)
Whist copper (Cu) is an essential element for plants, when this element is present in excess quantities it can cause irreversible damage. This metal induces excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damages organelles causing dysfunction. A possible means for the promotion of metal tolerance in plants is the adition of the element silicon (Si). The current study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the role of Si (0, 1 and 3 mmol L-1) on the morphologic, nutritional, metabolic and physiological responses of Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania under different Cu rates (0.3, 250, 500 and 750 μmol L-1). The grass was grown in a greenhouse under hydroponic conditions for two growth periods (33 and 30 days). Thirteen days after sowing, the seedlings were transplanted to a nutrient solution and supplied just with the Cu rate of 0.3 μmol L-1 and the set Si rates for 25 days. The remaining Cu rates were only added for a seven day period during the first growth stage. The second harvest took place 31 days after the first harvest. The experiment had six randomized blocks: three for yield, morphology and nutritional analyses and three for metabolic and physiological analyses. Plant yield, morphology and metabolic parameters were quantified in shoots and roots. Chlorophyll content index (SPAD values) and gas exchange parameters were determined in diagnostic leaves (DL), and Cu and Si concentrations were analysed from the DL and roots. The calculation of Cu and Si contents took into account the whole plant biomass. Plants exposed to Cu rates above 0.3 μmol L-1 showed low values of plant yield, morphologic parameters and SPAD, in both growth periods. Silicon supplied plants showed lower Cu concentration and content, and higher values of plant yield, morphlogic parameters and SPAD than the ones with no Si application. Silicon concentration and content were higher in plants exposed to excess Cu compared to those exposed to the control rate (0.3 μmol L-1). Gas exchange parameters in plants of the first growth were positively affected by Si supply and negatively affected by Cu rates. In the second growth, an eustress event was observed, in which plants exposed to stressing rates of residual Cu showed the highest values of gas exchange parameters and the lowest values of stress indicators. The activities of antioxidant enzymes were reduced with the increment in Cu rates. Silicon supply resulted in an increment in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Tanzania guinea grass supplied with Si was able to better deal with Cu toxicity, showing increases in plant yield, morphologic and gas exchange parameters. Silicon supplied plants reduced their absorption of Cu and consequently, plants exposed to high Cu rates were still able to produce considerable biomass in the regrowth. / O cobre (Cu) é um elemento essencial para as plantas, porém, quando em excesso, pode causar danos irreversíveis às plantas. Este metal induz a produção excessiva de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), que danificam organelas causando a disfunção delas. Uma possível maneira de aumentar a tolerância de plantas aos metais é o fornecimento de silício (Si). Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o papel do Si (0, 1 e 3 mmol L-1) nas respostas morfológicas, nutricionais, metabólicas e fisiológicas do Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia sob doses de Cu (0,3, 250, 500 e 750 μmol L-1). Esse capim foi cultivado hidroponicamente em casa de vegetação por dois períodos de crescimento (33 e 30 dias). Treze dias após a semeadura, plântulas foram transplantadas para solução nutritiva, fornecendo-se apenas as doses de Si por 25 dias. A exposição ao cobre foi realizada apenas no primeiro crescimento das plantas e durou sete dias. O segundo corte ocorreu 31 dias após o primeiro corte. O experimento consistia de seis blocos completos ao acaso: três para avaliações de produção, morfologia e análises nutricionais e três para análises metabólicas e fisiológicas. A produção, a morfologia e o metabolismo das plantas foram quantificados na parte aérea e nas raízes. O índice de conteúdo de clorofila (valores SPAD) e as análises fisiológicas foram determinados nas lâminas diagnósticas (LD), e as concentrações de Cu e Si nas LD e nas raízes. Para o cálculo dos acúmulos de Cu e Si levou-se em consideração toda a biomassa da planta. Plantas expostas a doses de Cu acima de 0,3 μmol L-1 apresentaram menores valores de produtividade, parâmetros morfológicos e de SPAD. Plantas supridas com Si apresentaram menor concentração e acúmulo de Cu, e maiores valores de produtividade, parâmetros morfológicos e SPAD do que aquelas que não receberam o fornecimento de Si. A concentração e o acúmulo de silício foram maiores nas plantas expostas ao excesso de Cu do que nas expostas à dose controle de Cu (0,3 μmol L-1). Os parâmetros de trocas gasosas das plantas no primeiro crescimento foram afetados positivamente pelo Si e negativamente pelo incremento nas doses de Cu. No segundo crescimento, observou-se evento de eustresse em que plantas expostas à dose de Cu residual apresentaram os valores mais altos de parâmetros de troca gasosa e os valores mais baixos de indicadores de estresse. As atividades de enzimas antioxidantes foram reduzidas com o incremento nas doses de Cu. O suprimento de silício resultou em incremento na atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD). O capim tanzânia suplementado com Si foi capaz de suportar melhor a toxicidade do Cu, mostrando um aumento na produção de biomassa da planta, e em parâmetros morfológicos e de trocas gasosas. As plantas suplementadas com Si reduziram a absorção de Cu e, consequentemente, plantas expostas a altas taxas de Cu e suplementadas com Si ainda foram capazes de produzir uma biomassa apreciável na rebrota.
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Characterization of the Cu-Si System and Utilization of Metallurgical Techniques in Silicon Refining for Solar Cell ApplicationsMitrasinovic, Aleksandar 17 February 2011 (has links)
Two methods for refining metallurgical grade silicon to solar grade silicon have been investigated. The first method involved the reduction of impurities from metallurgical grade silicon by high temperature vacuum refining. The concentrations of analyzed elements were reduced several times. The main steps in the second refining method include alloying with copper, solidification, grinding and heavy media separation. A metallographic study of the Si-Cu alloy showed the presence of only two microconstituents, mainly pure silicon dendrites and the Cu3Si intermetallic. SEM analysis showed a distinct boundary between the silicon and the Cu3Si phases, with a large concentration of microcracks along the boundary, which allowed for efficient separation. After alloying and grinding, a heavy media liquid was used to separate the light silicon phase from the heavier Cu3Si phase. Cu3Si residues together with the remaining impurities were found to be located at the surface of the pure silicon particles, and should be efficiently removed by acid leaching. Thirty elements were analyzed by the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP) chemical analysis technique. ICP revealed a several times higher impurity level in the Cu3Si intermetallic than in the pure silicon; furthermore, the amounts of 22 elements in the refined silicon were reduced below the detection limit where the concentrations of 7 elements were below 1ppmw and 6 elements were below 2ppmw. The results showed that the suggested method is efficient in removing impurities from metallurgical grade silicon with great potential for further development.
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Characterization of the Cu-Si System and Utilization of Metallurgical Techniques in Silicon Refining for Solar Cell ApplicationsMitrasinovic, Aleksandar 17 February 2011 (has links)
Two methods for refining metallurgical grade silicon to solar grade silicon have been investigated. The first method involved the reduction of impurities from metallurgical grade silicon by high temperature vacuum refining. The concentrations of analyzed elements were reduced several times. The main steps in the second refining method include alloying with copper, solidification, grinding and heavy media separation. A metallographic study of the Si-Cu alloy showed the presence of only two microconstituents, mainly pure silicon dendrites and the Cu3Si intermetallic. SEM analysis showed a distinct boundary between the silicon and the Cu3Si phases, with a large concentration of microcracks along the boundary, which allowed for efficient separation. After alloying and grinding, a heavy media liquid was used to separate the light silicon phase from the heavier Cu3Si phase. Cu3Si residues together with the remaining impurities were found to be located at the surface of the pure silicon particles, and should be efficiently removed by acid leaching. Thirty elements were analyzed by the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP) chemical analysis technique. ICP revealed a several times higher impurity level in the Cu3Si intermetallic than in the pure silicon; furthermore, the amounts of 22 elements in the refined silicon were reduced below the detection limit where the concentrations of 7 elements were below 1ppmw and 6 elements were below 2ppmw. The results showed that the suggested method is efficient in removing impurities from metallurgical grade silicon with great potential for further development.
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Microstructural study and modeling of metastable phases and their effect on strenghthening in Al-Mg-Cu-Si alloying systemKovarik, Libor 08 August 2006 (has links)
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