Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cyanide process."" "subject:"kayanide process.""
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Study of the monthly extraction record and curve of a modern Mexican cyanide plantHarris, George William. January 1915 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis--University of Missouri, School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1915. / The entire thesis text is included in file. Typescript. Illustrated by author. Title from title screen of thesis/dissertation PDF file (viewed April 30, 2009)
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The cyanidation of high grade gold and silver concentrateButler, Reginald Henry Brinton. Beard, John Warren. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (B.S.)--University of Missouri, School of Mines and Metallurgy, 1909. / Year degrees were granted determined from "Forty-First Annual Catalogue. School of Mines and Metallurgy, University of Missouri". The entire thesis text is included in file. Typescript. Illustrated by authors. Title from title screen of thesis/dissertation PDF file (viewed )
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A solution concentration model for CIP simulationMajor, Jacqueline January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2001. / Carbon-in-pulp technology is used extensively in the mining industry to recover metal cyanides from solution. Also this technology has found increasing application in the gold mining sector, replacing the less efficient zinc precipitation procedure. The extensive use
of carbon in such processes have prompted many researchers to investigate the
mechanism of metal cyanide adsorption. Not only has this provided many viable theories
in the understanding of the mechanism, but has also led to an improved understanding of
the effects of the various operating conditions on the ClP circuit. Also the modelling of this process has resulted in proposed rate equations of which the
famous "kn" model is the most widely used in design. This is a single rate equation that
could result in significant errors and hence a dual resistance model was developed.
However this model is mathematically complex. Recently in an attempt to overcome the shortcomings of previous models, empirical calculations to accurately describe
adsorption kinetics were developed at the Cape Technikon.
These correlations were derived using batch experimental data. In this study the focus
was on modeling the adsorption process on a continuous scale using a laboratory scale
cascade system. This study utilized the fact that solution concentration is the main driving force for aurocyanide adsorption onto activated carbon and that carbon loading has an indirect effect on adsorption kinetics. The metal was ultimately tested against actual plant data and provided very accurate results. Read more
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Equilibrium shift of gold adsorption in a batch reactorBurnett, Hannelene Jo-Anne January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MTech(Chemical engineering))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2001 / Over the years the carbon-in-pulp technology has been refined to become the highly
efficient process that is used in our present-day system of recovering dissolved gold
from cyanide leached pulps. The efficiency of a CIP circuit mainly depends on the
effectiveness ofthe adsorption section as it not only determines the amount of soluble
gold lost in the residues, but also indirectly affects the function of the other processes
in the plant. Research in this area has declined over the past few years as a result of a
decrease in the gold price. It is now more than ever important to investigate the
operating conditions ofthe adsorption process to ensure that a highly effective system
is maintained.The adsorption of gold cyanide onto activated carbon is to a large extent dependent on
maintaining operating conditions well above those of equilibrium. The Freundlich and
the Langmuir isotherms have been used by many researchers to describe the
equilibrium conditions of the adsorption process. The general practice in the carbonin-
pulp technology is to use an isotherm for the prediction of a circuit's performance.
As confidence has increased in the reliability of these predictions, it has become
important to acquire knowledge of the equilibrium condition that is driving the
process. Previous research findings have indicated that the equilibrium isotherm of
gold cyanide adsorption onto activated carbon is influenced by changes in the
adsorption conditions down the adsorption train. This equilibrium or isotherm shift
may lead to errors in the prediction of gold adsorption rates, which results in the filct
that the simulations of the performance of the CIP circuits are not reliable. In this
study the aim was to investigate the combined influence of various operating
conditions on the adsorption equilibrium Read more
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The interaction between free cyanide and silver impregnated activated carbon in a column configurationDippenaar, Francois January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2000 / Due to equilibrium constraints and the relatively slow kinetics of the cyanidation of gold
ores, calcium or potassium cyanide is added to the leaching stage in excess to that
required theoretically. This, in many situations, result in large concentrations of free
cyanide present in the effluent streams from gold plants. In view of the toxicity of
cyanide and the fact that cyanide is fatal in small dosages, authorities have been forced to
tigl1ten up plant discharge regulations. Therefore, it is vital to remove cyanide from
industrial effluent, not only to meet standard requirements, but also to recover the cyanide
as a means of reducing chemical costs. The aim of this study is to recover, rather than
destroy, free cyanide from effluent streams via a metal impregnated carbon-in-column
configuration. The first part of the study focused on the mechanism of free cyanide
recovery by metal impregnated carbon and the factors influencing the kinetics of the
process in a batch reactor. The second part concentrates on the optimisation of such a
process m a column configuration, and subsequently to recover the cyanide from the
In the batch experiments it was found that impregnated metal carbon outperformed virgin carbon for free cyanide removal both from a kinetic and equilibrium point of view.
Furthermore: the presence of other metal cyanides in solution with free cyanide has a
negligible effect on the performance of the metal (silver) impregnated activated carbon to
remove free cyanide. Moreover, scanning electron micrographs revealed distinct
differences in appearance of metal impregnated carbons, which ultimately responds
differently to the removal of free cyanide.
Although the kinetics of adsorption in the column experiments was found to be slower when compared to that experienced in a batch reactor, preliminary results show that a column configuration could be suitable for a free cyanide recovery on a large scale. Furthemore, a sensitivity analysis using the kinetics of adsorption and equilibrium
cyanide loading as criteria, has been conducted on the column configuration. In these
studies the effects of different bed volumes, competitive adsorption with other species
present, different flow rates, different column diameters and initial cyanide concentrations
on the process have been evaluated. These results were plotted as break-through curves,
and the mass transfer zone (MTZ) was determined.
It was found that impregnation in an air atmosphere yields a product with a higher
capacity than in a nitrogen atmosphere, compromising carbon through combustion.
Under a nitrogen atmosphere a more robust product is formed. As can be expected, lower
linear velocities and/or larger bed volumes as well as lower initial free cyanide
concentrations improve the fraction of cyanide removed in a column configuration. Read more
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Equilibrium shift of gold adsorption in a batch reactorBurnett, Hannelene Jo-Anne January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical engineering)--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 2001 / Over the years the carbon-in-pulp technology has been refined to become the highly
efficient process that is used in our present-day system of recovering dissolved gold
from cyanide leached pulps. The efficiency of a CIP circuit mainly depends on the
effectiveness ofthe adsorption section as it not only determines the amount of soluble
gold lost in the residues, but also indirectly affects the function of the other processes
in the plant. Research in this area has declined over the past few years as a result of a
decrease in the gold price. It is now more than ever important to investigate the
operating conditions ofthe adsorption process to ensure that a highly effective system
is maintained.
The adsorption of gold cyanide onto activated carbon is to a large extent dependent on
maintaining operating conditions well above those of equilibrium. The Freundlich and
the Langmuir isotherms have been used by many researchers to describe the
equilibrium conditions of the adsorption process. The general practice in the carbonin-
pulp technology is to use an isotherm for the prediction of a circuit's performance.
As confidence has increased in the reliability of these predictions, it has become
important to acquire knowledge of the equilibrium condition that is driving the
process. Previous research findings have indicated that the equilibrium isotherm of
gold cyanide adsorption onto activated carbon is influenced by changes in the
adsorption conditions down the adsorption train. This equilibrium or isotherm shift
may lead to errors in the prediction of gold adsorption rates, which results in the filct
that the simulations of the performance of the CIP circuits are not reliable. Read more
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Influence of silver alloying and impurities on the dissolution of gold in alkaline cyanide solutionsTshilombo, Fuamba Alain 21 December 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the front section of this document / Dissertation (M Eng (Metallurgical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted
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A fundamental study of the dissolution of gold from refractory oresLorenzen, Leon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dissolution of gold from refractory ores is a complex kinetic problem involving a number of chemical, mass transport and mineralogical factors. In most Witwatersrand ores in South Africa more than 97 % of the gold is dissolved in cyanide medium after a residence time of about 16 hours in pachuca tanks. This high percentage may be the reason why so little
fundamental research has been done into the mechanism and kinetics of the leaching process. With the increasingly lower grades of ore mined, the introduction of backfill mining, and the reduction of profit margins, it has become imperative to increase the efficiency of gold dissolution. The effects of the chemistry and particle size on the dissolution of gold in each sample of ore were studied in detail. The emphasis in this study is on the effect of the leaching behaviour of various ore constituents on the rate of gold dissolution.
Interferences with the leaching of gold in contact with other minerals or metals could be attributed to the galvanic interaction (electrical conductivity) between the gold and the mineral and to the formation of a surface film on the gold surface. Sulphide minerals and their oxidation products cause the largest decrease in gold dissolution rate. Galena enhances the rate of gold dissolution owing to dissolved Pb(II)-ions. Gold in contact with conductive minerals passivates as a result of the enhanced magnitude of the cathodic cu1Tent. In all experiments the rotating disc of gold passivated so that the rate of dissolution was much slower than that predicted by a mass-transport limiting model.
The various films that form on the surface of the gold and associated minerals, as well as the galvanic interaction, depend largely on the pretreatment of the ore. Pre-elimination of host minerals from the gold bearing ore increases the dissolution rate of gold, and explains the kinetics of reaction on the gold surface to a large extent. The selective destruction of the various minerals with oxidative acid leaches destroys and/or decomposes certain minerals which may form films on the gold surface by precipitation. The chemical composition of these films and precipitates depends on the mineralogy of the sample. These films may be oxides, sulphides, carbonates and cyanide complexes. The complexes can be destroyed, depending on the nature of the film, by interstage dilute acid and/or cyanide washes in an agitated vessel. The destruction of the films exposes the gold surface for cyanidation.
A simple distribution function similar to the King liberation model is proposed and tested to describe the dissolution step in the multi-step leaching mechanism. For the King model, good agreement is shown with experimental results. For the liberation results obtained by leaching in this study, the trend is co1Tect, but calibration is required for a close fit. A potentially important use for the liberation model by leaching is to predict the leachable or free gold in an ore from the free gold in the complete sample. This approach for studying the leaching behaviour of different gold bearing minerals has provided reasons why some ores leach better than others. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die loging van goud vanuit weerbarstige ertse is 'n komplekse kinetiese probleem wat verskeie faktore soos massa-oordrag, chemiese aspekte en mineralogiese ingeweefdheid insluit. Goud ekstraksies so hoog as 97 % in sianied oplossings in Pachuca reaktore na ongeveer 16 uur logingstyd word behaal in die meeste Witwatersrand ertse in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie hoë ekstraksies mag dalk die rede wees vir die min fundamentele navorsing oor die ekstraksie van goud vanuit minerale in 'n spesifieke erts. Die dalende erts grade, die verlaging van winsgrense en die terugplaas van geloogde erts in die myn noodsaak verbeterde goud ekstraksie. Verkeie
faktore nl., chemie, diffusie, partikelgrootte en oplosbaarheid van goud in elke monster erts is in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die sentrale tema was om die logingsgedrag van goud vanuit verskeie minerale in 'n erts te bepaal.
Galvaniese interaksie (hou verband met elektriese geleidingsvermoeë) en film vorming is die belangrikste faktore wat die loging van goud in kontak met minerale nadelig beïnvloed. Sulfied minerale en hul oksidasie produkte speel die grootste rol in die verlaging van die tempo van goudloging. Galena verhoog die tempo van goudloging as gevolg van die Pb (II)- ione in oplossing. Goud in kontak met geleidende minerale passiveer as gevolg van die verhoogde katodiese stroomdigtheid. In alle eksperimente met die roterende skyf (goudskyf) apparaat, passiveer die goudskyf in so 'n mate dat die logingstempo baie stadiger is as wat voorspel word met die massa-oordrags model.
Die onderskeie films wat vorm op die goud- en geassosieerde minerale se oppervlaktes, asook die galvaniese interaksies, is 'n funksie van die voorafbehandeling van die erts. Die selektiewe eliminering van minerale vanuit 'n gouddraende erts verhoog die tempo van goudloging drasties en dit beskryf die kinetika van goudloging op die goudoppervlak in 'n groot mate. Die selektiewe eliminering van minerale deur gebruik te maak van oksiderende suurlogings, vernietig sekere van die minerale wat films op die goudoppervlakte kan veroorsaak deur middel van presipitasie. Die chemiese samestelling van hierdie films hang af van die mineralogie van die monster. Dit bestaan meestal uit oksiedes, sulfiedes, karbonate en sianiedkomplekse en hulle kan vernietig word deur middel van inter-stadia verdunde suur-en/of sianied wasse.
'n Eenvoudige distribusiefunksie, soortgelyk aan die King bevrydingsmodel word voorgestel en eksperimenteel getoets om die logingstap in die multi-stadia logingsmeganisme te beskryf. Vir bevryding deur loging, is die neiging van King se model korrek, maar kalibrasie word benodig vir goeie passing. 'n Potensiele gebruik van die aangepaste model is om vrye of loogbare goud in 'n spesi fieke partikel grootte fraksie van 'n erts te voorspel as die vry goud in die totale fraksie bekend is. Die resultate uit hierdie studie kan gebruik word om die logingsgedrag van gouddraende minerale te voorspel en te beskryf, en dus veduidelik hoekom goud uit sekere ertse beter loog as uit ander. Read more
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Siyanisitler içeren gümüş cevherlerinin siyanür liçinde siyanisit-çözünme kinetiği ilişkisi ve gümüş çözünme veriminin artırılması /Göksu, Sermin. Aktaş, Ahmet Hakan. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Anabilim Dalı, 2008. / Bibliyografya var.
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Recovery of impregnated gold from waste mine timber through biological degradationMartin, W. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Chemical Engineering))--Cape Technikon, 2000. / The large quantities of wood chips produced at mines from damaged underground
timber contain gold that cannot be completely recovered by cyanidation. A fungus that
can degrade a portion of the wood matrix will allow the gold that was previously locked
up, to come into contact with the cyanide solution during beneficiation, thereby
improving recoveries. The fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium produces enzymes that
use the organic compounds found in lignin as substrate. Consequently, the fungus is
able to selectively break down lignin, which is one of the major components of wood.
Chips sampled from Vaal Reef Mine contained between 2 and 5 mg/kg gold. The main
source of gold in the chips was determined to be impregnated gold-bearing ore and
discrete gold particles. Direct cyanidation resulted in around 60 per cent recovery prior
to biological treatment. Despite relatively high weight losses caused to the chips as a
result of treatment with Phanerochaete chrysosporium gold recovery only increased 10
per cent after 4 weeks treatment compared to direct recovery without treatment.
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