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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algorithms for on-line image registration from multiple views

Carozza, Ludovico <1978> 18 April 2011 (has links)
Images of a scene, static or dynamic, are generally acquired at different epochs from different viewpoints. They potentially gather information about the whole scene and its relative motion with respect to the acquisition device. Data from different (in the spatial or temporal domain) visual sources can be fused together to provide a unique consistent representation of the whole scene, even recovering the third dimension, permitting a more complete understanding of the scene content. Moreover, the pose of the acquisition device can be achieved by estimating the relative motion parameters linking different views, thus providing localization information for automatic guidance purposes. Image registration is based on the use of pattern recognition techniques to match among corresponding parts of different views of the acquired scene. Depending on hypotheses or prior information about the sensor model, the motion model and/or the scene model, this information can be used to estimate global or local geometrical mapping functions between different images or different parts of them. These mapping functions contain relative motion parameters between the scene and the sensor(s) and can be used to integrate accordingly informations coming from the different sources to build a wider or even augmented representation of the scene. Accordingly, for their scene reconstruction and pose estimation capabilities, nowadays image registration techniques from multiple views are increasingly stirring up the interest of the scientific and industrial community. Depending on the applicative domain, accuracy, robustness, and computational payload of the algorithms represent important issues to be addressed and generally a trade-off among them has to be reached. Moreover, on-line performance is desirable in order to guarantee the direct interaction of the vision device with human actors or control systems. This thesis follows a general research approach to cope with these issues, almost independently from the scene content, under the constraint of rigid motions. This approach has been motivated by the portability to very different domains as a very desirable property to achieve. A general image registration approach suitable for on-line applications has been devised and assessed through two challenging case studies in different applicative domains. The first case study regards scene reconstruction through on-line mosaicing of optical microscopy cell images acquired with non automated equipment, while moving manually the microscope holder. By registering the images the field of view of the microscope can be widened, preserving the resolution while reconstructing the whole cell culture and permitting the microscopist to interactively explore the cell culture. In the second case study, the registration of terrestrial satellite images acquired by a camera integral with the satellite is utilized to estimate its three-dimensional orientation from visual data, for automatic guidance purposes. Critical aspects of these applications are emphasized and the choices adopted are motivated accordingly. Results are discussed in view of promising future developments.

Heterogeneous multicore systems for signal processing

Ries, Florian <1980> 18 April 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the capabilities of heterogeneous multi-core systems, based on multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in a standard desktop framework. Multi-GPU accelerated desk side computers are an appealing alternative to other high performance computing (HPC) systems: being composed of commodity hardware components fabricated in large quantities, their price-performance ratio is unparalleled in the world of high performance computing. Essentially bringing “supercomputing to the masses”, this opens up new possibilities for application fields where investing in HPC resources had been considered unfeasible before. One of these is the field of bioelectrical imaging, a class of medical imaging technologies that occupy a low-cost niche next to million-dollar systems like functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). In the scope of this work, several computational challenges encountered in bioelectrical imaging are tackled with this new kind of computing resource, striving to help these methods approach their true potential. Specifically, the following main contributions were made: Firstly, a novel dual-GPU implementation of parallel triangular matrix inversion (TMI) is presented, addressing an crucial kernel in computation of multi-mesh head models of encephalographic (EEG) source localization. This includes not only a highly efficient implementation of the routine itself achieving excellent speedups versus an optimized CPU implementation, but also a novel GPU-friendly compressed storage scheme for triangular matrices. Secondly, a scalable multi-GPU solver for non-hermitian linear systems was implemented. It is integrated into a simulation environment for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) that requires frequent solution of complex systems with millions of unknowns, a task that this solution can perform within seconds. In terms of computational throughput, it outperforms not only an highly optimized multi-CPU reference, but related GPU-based work as well. Finally, a GPU-accelerated graphical EEG real-time source localization software was implemented. Thanks to acceleration, it can meet real-time requirements in unpreceeded anatomical detail running more complex localization algorithms. Additionally, a novel implementation to extract anatomical priors from static Magnetic Resonance (MR) scansions has been included.

Hybrid constraint programming and metaheuristic methods for large scale optimization problems

Parisini, Fabio <1981> 28 April 2011 (has links)
This work presents hybrid Constraint Programming (CP) and metaheuristic methods for the solution of Large Scale Optimization Problems; it aims at integrating concepts and mechanisms from the metaheuristic methods to a CP-based tree search environment in order to exploit the advantages of both approaches. The modeling and solution of large scale combinatorial optimization problem is a topic which has arisen the interest of many researcherers in the Operations Research field; combinatorial optimization problems are widely spread in everyday life and the need of solving difficult problems is more and more urgent. Metaheuristic techniques have been developed in the last decades to effectively handle the approximate solution of combinatorial optimization problems; we will examine metaheuristics in detail, focusing on the common aspects of different techniques. Each metaheuristic approach possesses its own peculiarities in designing and guiding the solution process; our work aims at recognizing components which can be extracted from metaheuristic methods and re-used in different contexts. In particular we focus on the possibility of porting metaheuristic elements to constraint programming based environments, as constraint programming is able to deal with feasibility issues of optimization problems in a very effective manner. Moreover, CP offers a general paradigm which allows to easily model any type of problem and solve it with a problem-independent framework, differently from local search and metaheuristic methods which are highly problem specific. In this work we describe the implementation of the Local Branching framework, originally developed for Mixed Integer Programming, in a CP-based environment. Constraint programming specific features are used to ease the search process, still mantaining an absolute generality of the approach. We also propose a search strategy called Sliced Neighborhood Search, SNS, that iteratively explores slices of large neighborhoods of an incumbent solution by performing CP-based tree search and encloses concepts from metaheuristic techniques. SNS can be used as a stand alone search strategy, but it can alternatively be embedded in existing strategies as intensification and diversification mechanism. In particular we show its integration within the CP-based local branching. We provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed approaches on instances of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem and of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows. The proposed approaches achieve good results on practical size problem, thus demonstrating the benefit of integrating metaheuristic concepts in CP-based frameworks.

On-line adaptive visual tracking

Salti, Samuele <1982> 28 April 2011 (has links)
Visual tracking is the problem of estimating some variables related to a target given a video sequence depicting the target. Visual tracking is key to the automation of many tasks, such as visual surveillance, robot or vehicle autonomous navigation, automatic video indexing in multimedia databases. Despite many years of research, long term tracking in real world scenarios for generic targets is still unaccomplished. The main contribution of this thesis is the definition of effective algorithms that can foster a general solution to visual tracking by letting the tracker adapt to mutating working conditions. In particular, we propose to adapt two crucial components of visual trackers: the transition model and the appearance model. The less general but widespread case of tracking from a static camera is also considered and a novel change detection algorithm robust to sudden illumination changes is proposed. Based on this, a principled adaptive framework to model the interaction between Bayesian change detection and recursive Bayesian trackers is introduced. Finally, the problem of automatic tracker initialization is considered. In particular, a novel solution for categorization of 3D data is presented. The novel category recognition algorithm is based on a novel 3D descriptors that is shown to achieve state of the art performances in several applications of surface matching.

Production and sale of raw milk: risk factors for milk contamination and risk assessment for consumers

Giacometti, Federica <1982> 05 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Sviluppo di metodi per la ricerca di vtec non-o157 ed indagini sulla prevalenza di escherichia coli produttori di shiga-tossine in allevamenti bovini, carni e latte

Delle Donne, Giuseppe <1982> 05 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Ingegneria di Manutenzione

Morelli, Piero <1973> 04 April 2002 (has links)
Lo scopo di questa tesi di dottorato di ricerca consiste nel fornire la giusta collocazione della manutenzione fra le discipline dell'ingegneria, raccogliendo e formalizzando le metodologie di analisi di affidabilità e di pianificazione degli interventi all'interno di un unico processo di progettazione e di controllo. In linea di principio, un processo di analisi dei guasti e di programmazione della manutenzione deve essere in grado di fornire chiare e sicure risposte ai seguenti interrogativi: Quali sono le funzioni richieste e con quali criteri di prestazioni il sistema è chiamato ad assolverle? Qual'è l'andamento della disponibilità del sistema in funzione del tempo? Quanti guasti e di quale tipo si possono verificare durante la vita del sistema? Quali possono essere le conseguenze che ledono la sicurezza e la protezione ambientale? Quanti pezzi di ricambio sono necessari? Che tipo di interventi di manutenzione preventiva risultano tecnicamente fattibili? A quali scadenze devono essere programmati? A quanto ammonta la previsione del costo di esercizio del sistema? Quante squadre di manutenzione devono essere assegnate al sistema? Come deve essere organizzata la logistica di manutenzione? Con quali tecniche si prevede di riconoscere i guasti e quali procedure devono essere attivate per farvi fronte? E' possibile implementare tecniche di `condition monitoring' delle macchine? Su quali tempi di preavviso sui guasti si può contare? In tal senso, la manutenzione necessita delle tecniche e degli opportuni strumenti che siano in grado di misurarne l'efficacia e l'efficienza. L'efficacia in primo luogo, in quanto l'obiettivo principe consiste nel garantire che il sistema oggetto di studio continui a svolgere le proprie funzioni nei limiti di prestazioni accettabili, secondo le specifiche richieste degli utilizzatori. L'efficienza in secondo luogo, ma non per questo di minore importanza, in quanto perseguendo l'obiettivo di cui sopra, occorre impegnare il minimo di risorse possibili, organizzando con razionalità il supporto logistico del sistema al fine di raggiungere i massimi livelli di rendimento di gestione. La migliore strategia di manutenzione può essere pianificata, a priori, solo se si è in grado di prevedere con la necessaria precisione l'evoluzione del sistema nel suo contesto operativo futuro. E' allora possibile formulare un modello matematico del sistema, studiarne la dinamica ed osservare le reazioni alla simulazione di eventuali stimoli esterni. I metodi ed i modelli noti dell'ingegneria dei sistemi possono essere molto utili per la risoluzione di casi semplici, ma sovente richiedono la formulazione di ipotesi troppo restrittive che aumentano in modo inaccettabile la distanza del modello dalla realtà. Una strada alternativa ed affascinante, che ho percorso con entusiasmo durante questi tre anni di studi e ricerca, consiste nella simulazione numerica della vita del sistema, utilizzando il metodo Monte Carlo per la gestione dei processi stocastici di guasto e per l'esecuzione degli interventi di manutenzione. Ho quindi messo a punto il codice di simulazione RAMSES, perseguendo l'idea di costruire uno strumento di misura dell'efficacia e dell'efficienza di una politica di manutenzione simulata al calcolatore. Nella tesi si presentano i concetti di base dell'ingegneria dei sistemi applicata al caso della manutenzione e si introduce il formalismo della Reliability Centred Maintenance come miglior guida nella pianificazione delle schede di manutenzione. Si introducono le nozioni di base per fornire una struttura solida e corretta alla simulazione numerica dei sistemi riparabili e si presenta il codice RAMSES corredando le informazioni tecniche con i dovuti esempi ed applicazioni pratiche. Si conclude il lavoro, infine, con la presentazione di un modello di massima verosimiglianza particolarmente utile per le analisi dei dati sperimentali di guasto dei componenti.

A Design Methodology for Computer Security Testing

Ramilli, Marco <1983> 19 April 2013 (has links)
The field of "computer security" is often considered something in between Art and Science. This is partly due to the lack of widely agreed and standardized methodologies to evaluate the degree of the security of a system. This dissertation intends to contribute to this area by investigating the most common security testing strategies applied nowadays and by proposing an enhanced methodology that may be effectively applied to different threat scenarios with the same degree of effectiveness. Security testing methodologies are the first step towards standardized security evaluation processes and understanding of how the security threats evolve over time. This dissertation analyzes some of the most used identifying differences and commonalities, useful to compare them and assess their quality. The dissertation then proposes a new enhanced methodology built by keeping the best of every analyzed methodology. The designed methodology is tested over different systems with very effective results, which is the main evidence that it could really be applied in practical cases. Most of the dissertation discusses and proves how the presented testing methodology could be applied to such different systems and even to evade security measures by inverting goals and scopes. Real cases are often hard to find in methodology' documents, in contrary this dissertation wants to show real and practical cases offering technical details about how to apply it. Electronic voting systems are the first field test considered, and Pvote and Scantegrity are the two tested electronic voting systems. The usability and effectiveness of the designed methodology for electronic voting systems is proved thanks to this field cases analysis. Furthermore reputation and anti virus engines have also be analyzed with similar results. The dissertation concludes by presenting some general guidelines to build a coordination-based approach of electronic voting systems to improve the security without decreasing the system modularity.

Hydroelastic impacts of deformable wedges

Panciroli, Riccardo <1983> 05 June 2012 (has links)
This work investigates the slamming phenomenon experienced during the water entry of deformable bodies. Wedges are chosen as reference geometry due to their similarity to a generic hull section. Hull slamming is a phenomenon occurring when a ship re-enters the water after having been partially or completely lifted out the water. While the analysis of rigid structures entering the water has been extensively studied in the past and there are analytical solutions capable of correctly predicting the hydrodynamic pressure distribution and the overall impact dynamics, the effect of the structural deformation on the structural force is still a challenging problem to be solved. In fact, in case of water impact of deformable bodies, the dynamic deflection could interact with the fluid flow, changing the hydrodynamic load. This work investigates the hull-slamming problem by experiments and numerical simulations of the water entry of elastic wedges impacting on an initially calm surface. The effect of asymmetry due to horizontal velocity component or initial tilt angle on the impact dynamics is also studied. The objective of this work is to determine an accurate model to predict the overall dynamics of the wedge and its deformations. More than 1200 experiments were conducted by varying wedge structural stiffness, deadrise angle, impact velocity and mass. On interest are the overall impact dynamics and the local structural deformation of the panels composing the wedge. Alongside with the experimental analysis, numerical simulations based on a coupled Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and FEM method are developed. The experimental results provide evidence of the mutual interaction between hydrodynamic load and structural deformation. It is found a simple criterion for the onset of fluid structure interaction (FSI), giving reliable information on the cases where FSI should been taken into account.

Studio e sperimentazione di leghe ad elevata deformazione per applicazioni nel settore della prima lavorazione di materiali lapidei / Study and experimentation of high-deformation alloys for stone manufacturing application

Lucisano, Giuseppe <1971> 05 June 2012 (has links)
Studio del componente di supporto del cavo utensile per taglio di materiali lapidei. Analisi delle applicazioni di leghe superelastiche e delle modalità di realizzazione del cavo utensile complessivo in relazione a specifiche esigenze poste a livello industriale. / Study of the supporting component of wire-rod cutting tool for stone manufacturing. Analisys of superelastic alloys applications, and study of wire-rod manufacturing modality with reference to industrial specifications.

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