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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití gest v uživatelských rozhraních / Gestures in User Interfaces

Bednář, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the use of gestures in user interfaces. The goal of this thesis is to create library for hand tracking and gesture recognition in real time. For hand tracking was choosen algorithm Flock of Features. Classification of gestures is done by using algorithm DTW. This thesis also contains stage design, design and implementation of a system that uses this library. Within the tests was tested control of various application using this library.

Metoda dynamického borcení časové osy v oblasti zpracování biosignálů / Dynamic time warping in biosignal processing

Novobilský, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with one of the non-linear methods for signal processing - dynamic time warping (DTW). The method observes shape changes, which should be used in biomedical signals processing. The thesis involves the method description and consecution for finding DTW optimal way. The method is applied on the number series in the edutainment program, on the group of simulated signals and real electrocardiograms (ECG). ECG recordings were gained by performing experiments on the Masaryk University and their aim was clarifying the influence of voltage-sensitive dye on the heart tissue. One-lead ECG was described in time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain and subsequently remitted to DTW algorithm. The method outcomes evaluates the diversity rate of ECG signals obtained in each experiment stages. During the data evaluation were followed up the changes in process of the tension-sensible paint application and the stage of scouring toward control. The difference of elaborating signals group was verified in the time domain (37,5 %), in the frequency domain (75 %) and in the time-frequency domain (25 %). However, due to the small data group was not possible to explicitly approve the activity of voltage-sensitive dye on the heart tissue and to determinate limiting value of minimum algorithm way DTW for each heart round electrocardiogram classification. In the more data group analysis it is supposed to manifest the trend of growth heart round ECG differences in the stage of staining toward the stage of scouring.

Rozpoznáváni standardních PILOT-CONTROLLER řídicích povelů v hlasové podobě / Voice recognition of standard PILOT-CONTROLLER control commands

Kufa, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this graduation thesis is an application of speech recognition into ATC commands. The selection of methods and approaches to automatic recognition of ATC commands rises from detailed air traffic studies. By the reason that there is not any definite solution in such extensive field like speech recognition, this diploma work is focused just on speech recognizer based on comparison with templates (DTW). This recognizor is in this thesis realized and compared with freely accessible HTK system from Cambrige University based on statistic methods making use of Hidden Markov models. The usage propriety of both methods is verified by practical testing and results evaluation.

Traffic Prediction From Temporal Graphs Using Representation Learning / Trafikförutsägelse från dynamiska grafer genom representationsinlärning

Movin, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
With the arrival of 5G networks, telecommunication systems are becoming more intelligent, integrated, and broadly used. This thesis focuses on predicting the upcoming traffic to efficiently promote resource allocation, guarantee stability and reliability of the network. Since networks modeled as graphs potentially capture more information than tabular data, the construction of the graph and choice of the model are key to achieve a good prediction. In this thesis traffic prediction is based on a time-evolving graph, whose node and edges encode the structure and activity of the system. Edges are created by dynamic time-warping (DTW), geographical distance, and $k$-nearest neighbors. The node features contain different temporal information together with spatial information computed by methods from topological data analysis (TDA). To capture the temporal and spatial dependency of the graph several dynamic graph methods are compared. Throughout experiments, we could observe that the most successful model GConvGRU performs best for edges created by DTW and node features that include temporal information across multiple time steps. / Med ankomsten av 5G nätverk blir telekommunikationssystemen alltmer intelligenta, integrerade, och bredare använda. Denna uppsats fokuserar på att förutse den kommande nättrafiken, för att effektivt hantera resursallokering, garantera stabilitet och pålitlighet av nätverken. Eftersom nätverk som modelleras som grafer har potential att innehålla mer information än tabulär data, är skapandet av grafen och valet av metod viktigt för att uppnå en bra förutsägelse. I denna uppsats är trafikförutsägelsen baserad på grafer som ändras över tid, vars noder och länkar fångar strukturen och aktiviteten av systemet. Länkarna skapas genom dynamisk time warping (DTW), geografisk distans, och $k$-närmaste grannarna. Egenskaperna för noderna består av dynamisk och rumslig information som beräknats av metoder från topologisk dataanalys (TDA). För att inkludera såväl det dynamiska som det rumsliga beroendet av grafen, jämförs flera dynamiska grafmetoder. Genom experiment, kunde vi observera att den mest framgångsrika modellen GConvGRU presterade bäst för länkar skapade genom DTW och noder som innehåller dynamisk information över flera tidssteg.

Borcení časové osy v oblasti biosignálů / Dynamic Time Warping in Biosignal Processing

Kubát, Milan January 2014 (has links)
This work is dedicated to dynamic time warping in biosignal processing, especially it´s application for ECG signals. On the beginning the theoretical notes about cardiography are summarized. Then, the DTW analysis follows along with conditions and demands assessments for it’s successful application. Next, several variants and application possibilities are described. The practical part covers the design of this method, the outputs comprehension, settings optimization and realization of methods related with DTW

Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting / Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting

Skácel, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá moderními přístupy detekce klíčových slov a detekce frází v řečových datech. V úvodní části je seznámení s problematikou a teoretický popis metod pro detekci. Následuje popis reprezentace vstupních datových sad použitých při experimentech a evaluaci. Dále jsou uvedeny metody pro detekci klíčových slov definovaných vzorem. Následně jsou popsány evaluační metody a techniky použité pro skórování. Po provedení experimentů na datových sadách a po evaluaci jsou diskutovány výsledky. V dalším kroku jsou navrženy a poté implementovány moderní postupy vedoucí k vylepšení systému pro detekci a opět je provedena evaluace a diskuze dosažených výsledků. V závěrečné části je práce zhodnocena a jsou zde navrženy další směy vývoje našeho systému. Příloha obsahuje manuál pro používání implementovaných skriptů.

Integrace hlasových technologií na mobilní platformy / Integration of Voice Technologies on Mobile Platforms

Černičko, Sergij January 2013 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is being familiar with methods a techniques used in speech processing. Describe the current state of research and development of speech technology. Project and implement server speech recognizer that uses BSAPI. Integrate client that will use server for speech recognition to mobile dictionaries of Lingea company.

Classification de transcrits d’ARN à partir de données brutes générées par le séquençage par nanopores

Atanasova, Kristina 12 1900 (has links)
Le rythme impressionnant auquel les technologies de séquençage progressent est alimenté par leur promesse de révolutionner les soins de santé et la recherche biomédicale. Le séquençage par nanopores est devenu une technologie attrayante pour résoudre des lacunes des technologies précédentes, mais aussi pour élargir nos connaissances sur le transcriptome en générant des lectures longues qui simplifient l’assemblage et la détection de grandes variations structurelles. Au cours du processus de séquençage, les nanopores mesurent les signaux de courant électrique représentant les bases (A, C, G, T) qui se déplacent à travers chaque nanopore. Tous les nanopores produisent simultanément des signaux qui peuvent être analysés en temps réel et traduits en bases par le processus d’appel de bases. Malgré la réduction du coût de séquençage et la portabilité des séquenceurs, le taux d’erreur de l’appel de base entrave leur mise en oeuvre dans la recherche biomédicale. Le but de ce mémoire est de classifier des séquences d’ARNm individuelles en différents groupes d’isoformes via l’élucidation de motifs communs dans leur signal brut. Nous proposons d’utiliser l’algorithme de déformation temporelle dynamique (DTW) pour l’alignement de séquences combiné à la technologie nanopore afin de contourner directement le processus d’appel de base. Nous avons exploré de nouvelles stratégies pour démontrer l’impact de différents segments du signal sur la classification des signaux. Nous avons effectué des analyses comparatives pour suggérer des paramètres qui augmentent la performance de classification et orientent les analyses futures sur les données brutes du séquençage par nanopores. / The impressive rate at which sequencing technologies are progressing is fueled by their promise to revolutionize healthcare and biomedical research. Nanopore sequencing has become an attractive technology to address shortcomings of previous technologies, but also to expand our knowledge of the transcriptome by generating long reads that simplify assembly and detection of large structural variations. During the sequencing process, the nanopores measure electrical current signals representing the bases (A, C, G, T) moving through each nanopore. All nanopores simultaneously produce signals that can be analyzed in real time and translated into bases by the base calling process. Despite the reduction in sequencing cost and the portability of sequencers, the base call error rate hampers their implementation in biomedical research. The aim of this project is to classify individual mRNA sequences into different groups of isoforms through the elucidation of common motifs in their raw signal. We propose to use the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm for sequence alignment combined with nanopore technology to directly bypass the basic calling process. We explored new strategies to demonstrate the impact of different signal segments on signal classification. We performed comparative analyzes to suggest parameters that increase classification performance and guide future analyzes on raw nanopore sequencing data.

Robot s autonomním audio-vizuálním řízením / Robot with autonomous audio-video control

Dvořáček, Štěpán January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and realization of a mobile robot with autonomous audio-visual control. This robot is able of movement based on sensors consisting of camera and microphone. The mechanical part consists of components made with 3D print technology and omnidirectional Mecanum wheels. Software utilizes OpenCV library for image processing and computes MFCC a DTW for voice command detection.

Rozpoznávací metody v oblasti biosignálů / Recognition methods for biosignals

Juračka, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the recognition methods study used in one-dimensional signal processing. A lot of recognition methods exist, this thesis briefly describes the principle of some of them, e.g. artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, expert systems and decision trees. Dynamic time warping (DTW) method has been chosen for signal processing available from UBMI database. DTW can be used as a non-linear signal processing method. The result of this method is to determine the similarity of two compared signals on the basis of their distance calculation. One of the reasons for choosing this method was the possibility of various length signal processing. The principle of the method as well as the calculation of the distance between two input data sequences is described in the thesis. DTW path finding method is also mentioned. The method was applied on randomly selected numbers and a set of simulated signals. The method was applied to ECG and action potential signals recorded on the isolated rabbit heart. DTW was used to evaluate shape changes of these signals in repeated phases of the experiment known as ischemia and reperfusion. Selected cardiac cycles were detected and included into different experiment phases on the basis of calculated distance results using DTW. Sensitivity was selected as an evaluative criterion of this classification method. It reached a value of 65%. DTW algorithm was further tested on the selected cardiac cycle mapping to the corresponding minute record in the selected experiment phase. It reached a sensitivity of 68.3%. The motion artifact appearance was monitored using DTW on AP signals. The method functioned more precisely on signals measured in ischemia phases. Along with the above mentioned, the thesis discusses all aspects of heart electrical manifestation activities called as ECG signals and action potentials, such as origin, propagation, recording, post-processing and measuring out.

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