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Faktory ovlivňující šíření dubu letního na výsypce po těžbě uhlí / Factors affecting oak spreading on post mining heapsJanoušová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
The study was conducted on spoil heap Podkrušnohorská (50 ř 14'09 S, 12 ř 39'05 V) near Sokolov. Several factors that influence the establishment of oak were studied: the distance from the source of diaspors, type of habitat (succession vs alder reclamation), position of seedling on the wave and impact of animal grazing. Four alder restoration areas and three spontaneous succession areas have been mapped with GPS equipment, the occurence of mature oaks, which could serve as a source of acornsg was also mapped on the dump and in surroundings. Most seedlings (657) were found in the succession and only 98 in alder reclamation, and the occurence in succession was statistically significantly more frequent. The number of seedlings from sources diaspors decreased, the longest distance was over 1300 meters. For three habitats (spontaneous succession, alder reclamation, open space with grass vegetation (Calamagrostis epigeios)) were planted 12 oak seedlings in fence and 12 seedlings outsider of the fence. Annual growth rate and survival of oak were evaluated using two-way ANOVA. Results showed that the area has a significant effect on the growth of oaks. In alder reclamation and the open area had a high mortality of seedlings and small increase, the fence does not have significant influence on these areas....
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Vliv hospodaření v lužních lesích jižní Moravy: rekonstrukce obmýtních cyklů a dendroklimatologická analýza růstu dřevin / Effect of management in alluvial forests of South Moravia: reconstruction of harvest cycles and dendroklimatological analysis of tree growthJANSKÁ, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with management history of floodplain forests in south Moravia. Using dendrochronological and dendroclimatological analyses, we revealed past disturbances and inferred former forestry practices, and we demonstrated the effect of climate and decrease of water table on the growth of oak (Quercus robur).
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Hodnocení pařezové výmladnosti dubu zimního na ŠLP ML KřtinyKulhánek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to characterize the state of the coppice on research plots Usakov and Hradisko. Describe resprouting of Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) in partial areas that were previously cutted down. Find out whether it would be theoretically possible under the conditions of the Czech Republic to manage the oak and hornbeam coppice using the selection system. Conducted to evaluate impact of executed felling on radial increment and high increment and establish basic principles of coppice tending. Within the thesis was characterized present state in both research plots. It revealed a high probability of resprouting and expressed its dependence on type of felling and polycormon parameters. The results shows that in Czech Republic is use of selection system in Sessile oak and European hornbeam coppice possible. Fellings carried out on research plots had a statistically significant effect on the radial increases of Sessile oak and European hornbeam. From the detected biomass increses was developed a model, that is possible to use when proceeding with selection system in coppice (determination of returnable time).
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Vliv lesnického hospodaření na stav a kvalitu půd pařezinKonečná, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The present study deals with description of the state and quality of soil in coppice and comparing these variables with soils in the stands with a different type of management. One of the goals was also to describe the impact of forest management on the top soil. In order to implement the research were established four research plots on Hádecká platform so as to be within the same group of forest types, with similarity in tree species composition and history of the management, and also that differs by current type of management (false high forest without management, high forest, false high forest with active management and young coppice. The data collection was biphasic, in the first phase were measured the dendrometric data from which were subsequently calculated species composition within the research plots. Simultaneously was carried out sampling of humus and taking mixed samples of soil from the Ah horizon. In the second phase were collected undisturbed soil samples using the soil sampler. Samples from soil surveys were laboratory processed, quantified for each group of soil properties and then statistically evaluated by using ANOVA and PCA. The results have proven that the influence of forest management on state and quality of soil is not significant, it was also shown that the soil within the coppice was overall in favorable conditions. At the end of the present study is separated chapter dedicated to the application of the results in recommendations for forestry practice.
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Hodnocení populací druhů rodu Quercus L. v rezervacích na ŠLP KřtinyMatula, Radim January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Produkční potenciál a kompetiční vztahy bukomodřínového porostu na živném stanovišti ŠLP KřtinyHurt, Václav January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv hospodaření v lužních lesích jižní Moravy: rekonstrukce obmýtních cyklů a dendroklimatologická analýza růstu dřevin / Effect of management in alluvial forests of South Moravia: reconstruction of harvest cycles and dendroklimatological analysis of tree growthJANSKÁ, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with management history of floodplain forests in south Moravia. Using dendrochronological and dendroclimatological analyses, we revealed past disturbances and inferred former forestry practices, and we demonstrated the effect of climate and decrease of water table on the growth of oak (Quercus robur).
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Oak wood properties change in time on an example of subfossil trunksKolář, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The reaction of phytophagous on differenced manganese content in the dietMartinek, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The rapid adaptation of insect species on environment changes can represent a significant advantage for their development and consequently a great negative effect for the stability of forest ecosystems. Larval individuals of Cabera pusaria and Lymantria dispar and adults of Melolontha hippocastani and Phillobius arborator is in general widely expanded species of herbivorous insects in European regions and with them are connected huge economic and ecological losses. The composition of food (biogenic elements, trace elements, heavy metals, proteins, carbohydrates etc.) is the main parameter of food quality. Laboratory experiment with natural diet (assimilation apparatus of Quercus petraea and Betula pendula) in control conditions (temperature, humidity, and light) were used for determination of insects’ reactions to increased concentration of manganese in the diet. Food was contaminated by soaking in solutions of MnCl2.4H2O with graded manganese concentrations. On the base of experiment design and character of reared experimental species we determined the food consumption, the activity period of adults, the mortality of larvae, the quantity of eggs laying, the dry mass and live weight of experimental individuals, concentrations of manganese in unconsumed food, excrement and lyophilized bodies, larval and pupal exuviae. Mentioned parameters were observed for determination of reactions of experimental insect species on changed food quality via the presence of high manganese contents. The results showed, that the reactions of individual experimental animals were very different. We observed the negative reaction to high manganese content in the diet of L. dispar larvae with the tendency of its compensation (the increasing food consumption rate and prolongation of development). Caterpillars of C. pusaria were very sensitive to changed food quality and therefore we observed high mortality. On the other side, the high manganese content in the diet of P. arborator in the laboratory conditions influenced neither their food intake nor their mortality. For individuals of M. hippocastani very high content of manganese in the diet significantly influenced the food consumption and thereby their development(distortion of copulation and consequent eggs laying). We observed the repellent effect of high levels of manganese in the diet. In all cases, the elimination mechanisms of surplus manganese in the diet were observed. Individuals in experiments exuded manganese through the digestive system into excrements and by incorporation of it into unspecified parts of their adult body without direct physiology activity or in exuviae of caterpillars.
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Reakce tloušťkového přírůstu dubového výstavku na uvolnění koruny na experimentálních plochách určených k převodu na střední les na ŠLP ML KřtinyBambuškar, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the study of the diameter growth of the oak potential standards (Quercus Sp.) at the research areas, which are included for transformation to the coppice-with-standards. These areas were effectively set up at Hády and near Soběšice, which are under the competence of the Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny. The investigated areas were divided into 16 squares of 50x50 m. There were different intesities at 50x50 m subareas. Every intensity has 4 replications. For control was established control area near by Soběšice plot. We also could compare impact of different thinning intensities for diameter growth and health status for each standard, because health status is important too for evaluation of this diploma thesis.
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