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Měření výkonnosti podniku / Corporate Performance MeasurementPavlová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the application of Business Intelligence (BI) to support the corporate performance management in ISS Europe, spol. s r. o. This company provides licences and implements original software products as well as third-party software products. First, an analysis is conducted in the given company, which then serves as basis for the implementation of the BI solution that should be interconnected with the company strategies. The main goal is the implementation of a pilot BI solution to aid the monitoring and optimisation of corporate performance. Among secondary goals are the analysis of related concepts, business strategy analysis, strategic goals and systems identification and the proposition and implementation of a pilot BI solution. In its theoretical part, this thesis focuses on the analysis of concepts related to corporate performance and BI implementations and shortly describes the company together with its business strategy. The following practical part is based on the theoretical findings. An analysis of the company is carried out using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology, the result of which is depicted in a strategic map. This methodology is then supplemented by the Activity Based Costing (ABC) analytical method, which divides expenses according to assets. The results are informational data about which expenses are linked to handling individual developmental, implementational and operational demands for particular contracts. This is followed by an original proposition and the implementation of a BI solution which includes the creation of a Data Warehouse (DWH), designing Extract Transform and Load (ETL) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems and generating sample reports. The main contribution of this thesis is in providing the company management with an analysis of company data using a multidimensional perspective which can be used as basis for prompt and correct decision-making, realistic planning and performance and product optimisation.
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Řízení datového skladu a optimalizace MWF / Data Warehouse Management and MWF OptimizationMatoušková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the data warehouse of an extensive bank intitution from its operational management point of view (for the main part). To grasp the fast overview of the data warehouse the thesis includes the description of its data architecture, transformation processes and the way of presenting data to its users. Besides that the description of systems used for both the business data and for the metadata purposses is also included in this thesis. The thesis also covers operational activities including the identification of weak areas and their improvements. Another part of the thesis is represented by the project of optimization of a scheduling mechanism (Master Workflow) for running transformation processes, that helps to minimalize the metadata load of the Teradata database system. The main goal of this thesis is to describe the environment of the data warehouse in an understandable way. It's critical to understand the environment for both, the operational management personnel and for developers, that can supply the warehouse with higher quality solutions and ease the deployment of new deliveries into the production environment. This goal is achieved by the description of the data warehouse (mainly the description of its data architecture, transformation processes, operational activities and tools used to deploy changes into the production environment). Another goal is to give a feedback on the operational activities from the operational personnel point of view. This helps identify weak spots and can lead to its elimination. The last goal is to improve the scheduling mechanism that controls and runs all transformation processes. This goal is achieved by a project. The thesis describes the starting state, implemented changes, final state and the consideration whether the project was successful or not. The thesis brings several contributions: easier understanding of the data warehouse and the way of managing ETL processes -- for the operational management personnel and developers, which can bring the improvement of new solutions. The possibility of elimination of weak areas in the operational activities. And thanks to the project described there are two changes -- standardization and the metadata load of Teradata decreased. My own contribution to this issue is, besides the useful introduction to the data warehouse, the identification of the weak areas, suggested improvements and also the project of optimization Master Workflow which took about 17 MD. The thesis is devided into chapters based on the topics described: introductory information, theoretical base, characteristics of the main systems, the description of the data warehouse, the description of operational activities including the identification of weak areas, and at the end there is the project of optimization of Master Workflow. In the last chapter there is the final conclusion of the entire thesis.
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Implementace BI ve stavebnictví / Implementation of Business Intelligence in building industryMelichar, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the strategic performance management and Business Intelligence domain. Main objectives of the thesis are to define strategic goals of building enterprise by help of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept and to assign specific metrics to these strategic goals. Another objective of this work is to design Business Intelligence (BI) implementation which means building a data warehouse upon company data, multidimensional cubes and user-defined reports. Initial theoretical principles are described in the first part of this work in which main issues of strategic performance management, BSC concept and BI domain are specified. In the practical part the strategic goals and specific metrics of building enterprise are defined. The output of this chapter is an overall strategic map containing strategic goals with assigned metrics and also comments describing mutual relationships of these goals. Next chapter deals with building a data warehouse upon company data, multidimensional cubes and user-defined reports with measured values interpretation. Contribution of the thesis consists in the enterprise management model upon BSC concept which helps specify strategic goals and also the design of BI implementation which should simplify monitoring of these strategic goals by the help of the metrics specified. Another contribution for building industry enterprise management can be an overview of main BI technologies and the ways and means of its practical application.
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Implementace SugarCRM a BI řešení s použitím opensource nástrojů / Implementing SugarCRM and BI solution using opensource toolsUllrich, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the implementation of customer relationship management and Business Intelligence solutions in the small business company using open source technologies. Main objective of the thesis is implementation of CRM and Business Intelligence and evaluation of usability of these solutions. Thesis describes basic elements of these solutions. For the setting up metrics is using Balanced Scorecard. In the next part of this thesis is designed the whole Business Intelligence including the creating of data model and OLAP cubes using open source technologies. Theoretical background is described in the first part of thesis. There are defined basic terms from scope of strategic management using Balanced Scorecard, CRM and Business Intelligence. Thesis demonstrates using and creation of the whole Business Intelligence solution. There are also evaluated difficulties in implementation of these products. In thesis is designed data warehouse and the whole solution including reports.
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Řízení reportingu v bankovním sektoru / Management of reporting in the banking sectorHyblbauer, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on a proposal for a methodological framework of reporting management in the banking sector and identifying key weaknesses of the current state. Using the proposed methodology precedes weaknesses and proves it on practical example from the real environment. The main benefit of this work is design of a methodological framework that allows the organized management and control of the reporting. It also brings identification of main weaknesses of the current reporting and last but not least universal template for the report specification. The work consists of three parts. The first, theoretical, defines area of reporting in a banking institution. It includes all the terminology, characteristics and types of reports. The second part, analytical, examines the current weaknesses of reporting within the defined area. Provides an overview of three to six major weaknesses in a particular phase of a new report development based on the scientific literature and practical experience of the author of this work in the banking environment. The third and final section contains a draft concept of reporting management in the banking sector with avoidance of the identified weaknesses from the analytical part.
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Implementace Business Intelligence ve stavebnictví / Implementation of Business Intelligence in building industryMelichar, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the strategic performance management and Business Intelligence domain. Main objectives of the thesis are to define strategic goals of building enterprise by help of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) concept and to assign specific metrics to these strategic goals. Another objective of this work is to design Business Intelligence (BI) implementation which means building a data warehouse upon company data, multidimensional cubes and user-defined reports. Initial theoretical principles are described in the first part of this work in which main issues of strategic performance management, BSC concept and BI domain are specified. In the practical part the strategic goals and specific metrics of building enterprise are defined. The output of this chapter is an overall strategic map containing strategic goals with assigned metrics and also comments describing mutual relationships of these goals. Next chapter deals with building a data warehouse upon company data, multidimensional cubes and user-defined reports with measured values interpretation. Contribution of the thesis consists in the enterprise management model upon BSC concept which helps specify strategic goals and also the design of BI implementation which should simplify monitoring of these strategic goals by the help of the metrics specified. Another contribution for building industry enterprise management can be an overview of main BI technologies and the ways and means of its practical application.
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Photoinduced Toxicity in Early Lifestage Fiddler Crab (Uca longisignalis) Following Exposure to Deepwater Horizon Spill OilTaylor, Leigh M. 12 1900 (has links)
The 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill resulted in a large release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) into the Gulf of Mexico. PAH can interact with ultraviolet radiation (UV) resulting in increased toxicity, particularly to early lifestage organisms. The goal of this research was to determine the sensitivity of fiddler crab larvae (Uca longisignalis) to photo-induced toxicity following exposure to Deepwater Horizon spill oil in support of the DWH Natural Resource Damage Assessment. Five replicate dishes each containing 20 larvae, were exposed to one of three UV treatments (10%, 50%, and 100% ambient natural sunlight) and one of five dilutions of water accommodated fractions of two naturally weathered source oils. A dose dependent effect of PAH and UV on larval mortality was observed. Mortality was markedly higher in PAH treatments that included co-exposure to more intense UV light. PAH treatments under low intensity sunlight had relatively high survival. These data demonstrate the importance of considering combined effects of non-chemical (i.e. UV exposure) and chemical stressors and the potential for photo-induced effects after exposure to PAH following the Deepwater Horizon spill.
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Metodika vývoje a nasazování Business Intelligence v malých a středních podnicích / Methodology of development and deployment of Business Intelligence solutions in Small and Medium Sized EnterprisesRydzi, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation thesis deals with development and implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) in the Czech Republic. This thesis represents climax of author's up to now effort that has been put into completing a methodological model for development of this kind of applications for SMEs using self-owned skills and minimum of external resources and costs. This thesis can be divided into five major parts. First part that describes used technologies is divided into two chapters. First chapter describes contemporary state of Business Intelligence concept and it also contains original taxonomy of Business Intelligence solutions. Second chapter describes two Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) techniques that were used for building those BI solutions that are introduced in case studies. Second part describes the area of Czech SMEs, which is an environment where the thesis was written and which it is meant to contribute to. This environment is represented by one chapter that defines the differences of SMEs against large corporations. Furthermore, there are author's reasons why he is personally focusing on this area explained. Third major part introduces the results of survey that was conducted among Czech SMEs with support of Department of Information Technologies of Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of University of Economics in Prague. This survey had three objectives. First one was to map the readiness of Czech SMEs for BI solutions development and deployment. Second was to determine major problems and consequent decisions of Czech SMEs that could be supported by BI solutions and the third objective was to determine top factors preventing SMEs from developing and deploying BI solutions. Fourth part of the thesis is also the core one. In two chapters there is the original Methodology for development and deployment of BI solutions by SMEs described as well as other methodologies that were studied. Original methodology is partly based on famous CRISP-DM methodology. Finally, last part describes particular company that has become a testing ground for author's theories and that supports his research. In further chapters it introduces case-studies of development and deployment of those BI solutions in this company, that were build using contemporary BI and KDD techniques with respect to original methodology. In that sense, these case-studies verified theoretical methodology in real use.
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