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Energeticky efektivní zpracování dat na uzlech bezdrátové senzorové sítě / Energy Aware Data Processing on Wireless Sensor NodesČervenka, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on energy efficiency of particular aspects of data processing on wireless sensor nodes and deals with methods aiming to decrease energy consumption of wireless sensor network (WSN) applications requiring high processing power. The work presents comprehensive analysis of mesh protocols and available hardware platforms in terms of energy efficiency. A new energy efficient sensor node with high processing capability is presented and utilized to evaluate the proposed system for autonomous data transmission in WSN. Finally, an implementation of real-time operation system supporting mesh communication and very strict energy requirements through energy profiles is also presented. A valuable finding is that further increase of energy efficiency is only possible through a holistic approach in software and hardware architecture design, so that hardware and software/ firmware are tightly coupled. The output of this research might be applied in industry or academy field without necessity of any change or prior knowledge of WSN. The autonomous system of data transmission opens new research possibilities to decrease energy requirements of WNS.
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Analýza dat na sociálních sítích s využitím dolování dat / Analysis of Data on Social Networks Based on Data MiningSedlák, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with data mining on social networks. It introduces data mining itself and its utilization on data analysis on social networking services. It analyses APIs of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and GitHub with respect to data mining. It presents implementation of application for downloading dataset from GitHub and it deals with experiments with obtained dataset. Finally, it introduces design and implementation of application that analyses future project activity.
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Dotazovací jazyk pro databáze biologických dat / Query Language for Biological DatabasesBahurek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
With rising amount of biological data, biological databases are becoming more important each day. Knowledge discovery (identification of connections that were unknown at the time of data entry) is an essential aspect of these databases. To gain knowledge from these databases one has to construct complicated SQL queries, which requires advanced knowledge of SQL language and used database schema. Biologists usually don't have this knowledge, which creates need for tool, that would offer more intuitive interface for querying biological databases. This work proposes ChQL, an intuitive query language for biological database Chado. ChQL allows biologists to assemble query using terms they are familiar without knowledge of SQL language or Chado database schema. This work implements application for querying Chado database using ChQL. Web interface guides user through process of assembling sentence in ChQL. Application translates this sentence to SQL query, sends it to Chado database and displays returned data in table. Results are evaluated by testing queries on real data.
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Identifikace počítače pomocí vzorů v síťovém provozu / Computer Identification Based on Its Network BehaviourMyška, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with computer identification using network behavioral patterns. Security functions providing privacy are described together with user privacy threats. Then, several approaches to the computer identification based on network behaviour are described. The proposed tool is based on data mining method Multinomial Naive Bayes. Then, the implementation of proposed tool is described and the experiments recognizing success in the identification are performed.
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Skrytí dat v počítačových sítích / Hiding Data in Computer NetworksHrebíček, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with hiding data in the Internet traffic. It contains a description of the law interception. Various possibilities of hiding data are mentioned. The practical part of this thesis consists of an application that hides the data of HTTP and HTTPS protocols in a fake VoIP call. The application consists of two parts: a client and a server. Data transmitted between the client and the server parts are masked as multimedia data of the VoIP call. When a user or Internet server does not transmit any data, random data are transmitted between client and server parts in order to simulate the VoIP call. Then, the thesis focuses on detection of the attack.
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Rozpoznání užitečných dat pro zákonné odposlechy / Identification of Useful Data for Lawful InterceptionHolomek, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the identification of useful data in lawful interception. First part summarizes the standards related to computer networks and lawful intercepts. Next part of the project focuses mainly on the HTTP application protocol, which is described in version 1.1. The work also specifies the classes into which the data traffic can be divided according to the importance to law enforcement agency. It introduces several methods of distribution of data streams into the proposed classes. Finally, the implementation of this methods has been tested for usability in network lines used today.
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Návrh a realizace systému pro maskování výpadku dispečerského PC zálohováním dat získaných z váhy TAMRON / Design and Realization of a System for Masking Dispatcher PC Cut-Off by Backing-Up Data Obtained from TAMRON Weighing-MachineŠtulír, Vojtěch January 2010 (has links)
In the productive operation any kind of plant is undesirable due to failure of system that all production has been stopped. Therefore, different security and backup devices that covered those failures are being developed and used. This thesis describes vulnerabilities in the real operation which are important for treatment and reduce the risk of failure in the whole production. Here is analyzed problem dispatching computer failure and its solution using a module for covering failure. The function of module consists in backup during failure, their sending and treating them after system failure removal. Gradually described, there is an analysis of the system and place the module into their architecture. After all details follow description of module development from design through implementation to deployment and testing in reality.
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Forenzní analýza v operačních systémech Windows / Forensic Analysis in Windows OSManda, David January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on digital forensic analysis in operating system Windows. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a preview to the techniques and procedures forensics analysis. There are disclosed available software tools used during forensic analysis. The part of this thesis is also practical process of forensic analysis and developing forensic report
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Zpracování a využití informací na trzích alternativních měn / Collecting and Interpreting Information on Digital Currency ExchangesUhlíř, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This student paper discusses principals of data collecting and subsequent analysis of data on digital currency exchanges followed by proposition and full implementation of research oriented system capable of solving all relevant tasks and presenting a way for implementing solutions for broad spectrum of related problems.
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Modul s FPGA pro rychlé generování signálu a synchronní sběr dat / FPGA module for fast waveform generation and synchronous data acquisitionEliáš, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with system for fast waveform generation and synchronous data acquistion. Part of this thesis are requirements of system, which will be gradually analysed. The result of analysis will be selection of suitable components for system and its design.
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