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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lightning Damage Resistance of a Full-Scale Flat PRSEUS Panel

Boushab, Dounia 11 August 2017 (has links)
The Pultruded Rod Stitched Efficient Unitized Structure (PRSEUS) concept is characterized by through-thickness VectranTM stitching of warp-knit carbonabric prior to resin infusion. A series of novel lightning strike tests were performed on a PRSEUS panel. The panel’s lightning damage resistance was characterized as a function of peak current (50-200 kA) and strike location (mid-bay, stringer, frame). Both visual inspections and through-transmission-ultrasonic C-scans were used to investigate the damage resistance at the strike locations and to assess various damage mechanisms and morphologies. The size and severity of the damaged area depend strongly on the fiber orientation in the outermost ply, the amount of current injected into the panel, and the strike location relative to stitching lines. Increasing the current magnitude drastically increases the damaged area. Also, the presence of VectranTM structural stitches profoundly reduced the size and severity of lighting damage relative to similar strikes performed in panel regions without stitching.

Metodologias para a determinação das propriedades de impacto de baixa energia de laminados metal-fibra / Methodologies to determine low-energy impact properties of fiber-metal laminates

Gualberto, Alan Rodrigo Marinho 13 June 2008 (has links)
Aplicações dos laminados híbridos metal-fibra incluem, além da indústria aeronáutica, as indústrias naval e automobilística. Diferentemente do setor aeronáutico, pesquisas sobre impactos mecânicos nas duas outras áreas da mobilidade são freqüentemente limitadas pela disponibilidade de equipamentos laboratoriais, de modo que é desejável o desenvolvimento de procedimentos de baixo custo para a determinação da resistência e tolerância a danos por impacto dos materiais de construção. Neste trabalho, a resistência a danos por impacto transversal do laminado híbrido metal-fibra Glare-5® foi determinada via três diferentes metodologias. A primeira utiliza um aparato sofisticado aparato Laser-Doppler para monitorar a aceleração e desaceleração de um impactador esférico de aço com 5 mm de diâmetro durante o evento do choque mecânico. O segundo método se baseia apenas nos valores de carga (força aplicada) vs. o tempo de impacto para a obtenção da energia absorvida pelo material. O terceiro considera somente os dados da velocidade do impactador, ou projétil, imediatamente antes e após o impacto. Concluiu-se que os valores de energia obtidos segundo as duas primeiras metodologias são similares, com o Laser-Doppler gerando resultados levemente não-conservadores, comprovando assim a possibilidade da derivação da resistência ao impacto do laminado através de um experimento simples e rápido, que utiliza apenas uma célula de carga digital para a monitoração da força aplicada em função do tempo. O terceiro método apresentou resultados substancialmente superiores às duas primeiras metodologias, sendo classificado como inadequado aos propósitos do projeto. Determinou-se que o laminado híbrido Glare-5®; absorve entre 60% e 80% da energia disponibilizada em impactos ditos leves, no intervalo de 1 a 6 Joules. Por fim, comprovou-se que a rigidez do material (módulo de elasticidade) é a propriedade residual (numa base de tolerância a danos) mais clara e consistentemente degradada pelo impacto previamente aplicado ao material. / Applications of hybrid fiber-metal laminates include, besides aeronautical industry, the automotive and naval industries. Unlike aeronautical field, impact research activities in the former areas of mobility industry are frequently limited by available laboratory equipment, so that it would be desirable to develop low-cost procedures to determine impact resistance and tolerance properties of construction materials. In this work, the transversal (trans-thickness) impact resistance and tolerance of hybrid fiber-metal laminate Glare-5® have been determined via three different methodologies. The first one utilizes sophisticated apparatus comprising a Laser-Doppler device to monitor deceleration/re-acceleration of 5 mm-diameter steel-ball impactor during the mechanical shock event. The second approach merely relies on the force (applied load) vs. impact time for determining the absorbed energy during the dynamic process. The third methodology requires only impactor velocity data points, immediately before and after the impact. It has been concluded that the energy values obtained from Laser- Doppler and load cell methods are very similar, with the former method producing slightly non-conservative results, allowing one to rapidly derive the impact resistance of hybrid laminate materials through very simple experimental set-ups employing digital load cells only. The third method presented somewhat higher results as compared to the concurrent techniques, so that it has been considered as inadequate for the research purposes. This study has shown that the fibre-metal laminate Glare absorbs between 60% and 80% of the apported impact energy during light impact events (ranging from 1 to Joules). Last, but not the least, materials stiffness was the most clearly and consistently imparted residual mechanical property (in a damage tolerance basis) due to the previous applied impact loading.

Metodologias para a determinação das propriedades de impacto de baixa energia de laminados metal-fibra / Methodologies to determine low-energy impact properties of fiber-metal laminates

Alan Rodrigo Marinho Gualberto 13 June 2008 (has links)
Aplicações dos laminados híbridos metal-fibra incluem, além da indústria aeronáutica, as indústrias naval e automobilística. Diferentemente do setor aeronáutico, pesquisas sobre impactos mecânicos nas duas outras áreas da mobilidade são freqüentemente limitadas pela disponibilidade de equipamentos laboratoriais, de modo que é desejável o desenvolvimento de procedimentos de baixo custo para a determinação da resistência e tolerância a danos por impacto dos materiais de construção. Neste trabalho, a resistência a danos por impacto transversal do laminado híbrido metal-fibra Glare-5® foi determinada via três diferentes metodologias. A primeira utiliza um aparato sofisticado aparato Laser-Doppler para monitorar a aceleração e desaceleração de um impactador esférico de aço com 5 mm de diâmetro durante o evento do choque mecânico. O segundo método se baseia apenas nos valores de carga (força aplicada) vs. o tempo de impacto para a obtenção da energia absorvida pelo material. O terceiro considera somente os dados da velocidade do impactador, ou projétil, imediatamente antes e após o impacto. Concluiu-se que os valores de energia obtidos segundo as duas primeiras metodologias são similares, com o Laser-Doppler gerando resultados levemente não-conservadores, comprovando assim a possibilidade da derivação da resistência ao impacto do laminado através de um experimento simples e rápido, que utiliza apenas uma célula de carga digital para a monitoração da força aplicada em função do tempo. O terceiro método apresentou resultados substancialmente superiores às duas primeiras metodologias, sendo classificado como inadequado aos propósitos do projeto. Determinou-se que o laminado híbrido Glare-5®; absorve entre 60% e 80% da energia disponibilizada em impactos ditos leves, no intervalo de 1 a 6 Joules. Por fim, comprovou-se que a rigidez do material (módulo de elasticidade) é a propriedade residual (numa base de tolerância a danos) mais clara e consistentemente degradada pelo impacto previamente aplicado ao material. / Applications of hybrid fiber-metal laminates include, besides aeronautical industry, the automotive and naval industries. Unlike aeronautical field, impact research activities in the former areas of mobility industry are frequently limited by available laboratory equipment, so that it would be desirable to develop low-cost procedures to determine impact resistance and tolerance properties of construction materials. In this work, the transversal (trans-thickness) impact resistance and tolerance of hybrid fiber-metal laminate Glare-5® have been determined via three different methodologies. The first one utilizes sophisticated apparatus comprising a Laser-Doppler device to monitor deceleration/re-acceleration of 5 mm-diameter steel-ball impactor during the mechanical shock event. The second approach merely relies on the force (applied load) vs. impact time for determining the absorbed energy during the dynamic process. The third methodology requires only impactor velocity data points, immediately before and after the impact. It has been concluded that the energy values obtained from Laser- Doppler and load cell methods are very similar, with the former method producing slightly non-conservative results, allowing one to rapidly derive the impact resistance of hybrid laminate materials through very simple experimental set-ups employing digital load cells only. The third method presented somewhat higher results as compared to the concurrent techniques, so that it has been considered as inadequate for the research purposes. This study has shown that the fibre-metal laminate Glare absorbs between 60% and 80% of the apported impact energy during light impact events (ranging from 1 to Joules). Last, but not the least, materials stiffness was the most clearly and consistently imparted residual mechanical property (in a damage tolerance basis) due to the previous applied impact loading.

Estudo comparativo da resistência ao dano por choque térmico em refratários para conjunto de porta ventos de alto-forno / Comparative study of the thermal shock damage resistance of refractories for blast furnace blowpipe

Cristante Neto, Ângelo 24 May 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho comparou as propriedades termomecânicas de concretos refratários comerciais para aplicação em conjunto de porta ventos de alto-forno. Dez composições diferentes de concretos refratários à base de alta alumina, alta mulita e alta andaluzita foram caracterizados. Para identificar e quantificar a composição e a microestrutura dos refratários foram utilizadas técnicas de espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios X (FRX), difratometria de raios X (DRX) qualitativa e quantitativa, microscopia eletrônica de varredura com análise de energia dispersiva de raios X (MEV-EDS), massa especifica aparente e porosidade aparente (MEA/Pa). A caracterização termomecânica foi realizada com ensaios de flexão três pontos, propagação de trinca para cálculo da energia de fratura com entalhe chevron, módulo de elasticidade dinâmico, coeficiente de Poisson e o cálculo do coeficiente de expansão térmica utilizando a regra das misturas. Para compreender o dano causado pelo choque térmico ensaios cíclicos de choque térmico foram feitos seguidos de analises de módulo de elasticidade por técnica de excitação por impulso seguido do módulo de ruptura por flexão três-pontos. Os parâmetros de resistência ao choque térmico (R e R´) e os parâmetros de resistência ao dano por choque térmico (R´´´, R´´´´ e Rst) foram calculados. Os resultados de ciclagem térmica e os parâmetros de resistência ao choque térmico mostram que para os concretos analisados, todos os materiais tem nucleação de trincas para temperaturas iguais ou superiores a 1100°C. Os parâmetros de resistência ao dano por choque térmico corroboram com os resultados das análises de MEV. O concreto D1 apresentou a melhor combinação de resistência ao dano por choque térmico e baixa condutividade térmica, propriedades requeridas para a aplicação em conjunto de porta ventos de alto-forno. Por fim é mostrado que as análises de ciclagem térmica devem ser analisadas cuidadosamente com foco na aplicação dos concretos e no desempenho da microestrutura do material, visto que as propriedades termomecânicas são caracterizadas por indiretamente por diferentes técnicas e portanto vários parâmetros precisam ser considerados. O concreto D1 apresentou boa resistência ao dano por choque térmico e baixa condutividade térmica e portanto possui o melhor desempenho para a aplicação em conjunto de porta ventos. / This work compares the thermomechanical properties of commercial castable refractories for blast furnace blowpipe application. Ten different compositions of commercial castable refractories with compositions of high alumina, high mullite, and high andalusite were characterized. In order to identify and quantify the composition and microstructure of the castables, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning eléctron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrum (SEM-EDS), bulk density, and apparent porosity were used. The thermomechanical characterization was performed through threepoint flexural strength, work of fracture through crack propagation in notched samples, dynamic elasticity modulus, Poisson ratio, and the calculation of the thermal expansion coefficient using the mix law. Cyclic thermal shocks at 1100°C were realized in order to characterize the materials under thermal shock damage environment followed by elasticity modulus, modulus of rupture, and SEM analysis. The parameters for thermal shock resistance (R e R´) and the parameters for thermal shock damage resistance (R´´´, R´´´´ e Rst) were calculated. The thermal shock cycling tests and the thermal shock resistance correlated and showed that all castables had crack nucleation after a thermal shock of 1100°C or higher. The thermal shock damage parameters and the SEM analysis correlate. Castable D1 showed high resistance to thermal shock damage and lower thermal conductivity, which are required properties for the blast-furnace blowpipe application. Thermal shock cycling tests performed on castables should therefore be examined not only through mechanical testing, but also through microstructure analysis. Castable D1 showed high thermal shock damage resistance and lower value of thermal conductivity; therefore, it is the best castable for blast furnace blowpipe application among the samples tested.

Damage tolerance of 3D woven composites with weft binders

Arshad, Mubeen January 2014 (has links)
3D woven composites, due to the presence of through-thickness fibre bridging, have the potential to improve damage tolerance and at the same time to reduce the manufacturing costs. However, the ability to withstand damage depends on weave architecture as well as the geometry of individual tows. A substantial amount of research has been performed to understand in-plane properties as well as the performance of 3D woven composites exposed to impact loads, but there is limited research on the damage tolerance and notch sensitivity of 3D weaves and no work is reported on the damage tolerance of 3D weaves with a weft binding pattern. In view of the recent interest in 3D woven composites, the influence of weft binder on the tensile, open hole tensile, impact resistance and subsequent residual compressive strength properties and failure mechanisms of 3D woven composites was investigated against equivalent UD cross-ply laminate. Four different 3D woven architectures; layer-to-layer, angle interlocked, twill angle interlock and modified angle interlock structures were produced under identical weaving conditions. All the above mentioned tests were performed in both the warp and weft directions on 3D woven and UD cross-ply laminates. Stress concentration and yarn waviness due to through-thickness reinforcement led to lower mechanical properties compared with the UD cross-ply laminate. However, improved in-plane and damage tolerance properties of 3D woven composites under tensile loads were achieved by modifying the weave architecture. The influence of the weave architecture and binder yarn orientation on the notch insensitivity and damage tolerance of 3D woven composites was less significant for compressive loads. Despite the lower undamaged compression strength of 3D woven structures, their residual compressive strength was found to be superior to their equivalent UD cross-ply laminates. The lower rate of strength reduction in the 3D woven fabrics laminates was attributed to a crack bridging mechanism, effectively inhibiting delamination propagation.

Characterization and optimization of dispersed composite laminates for damage resistant aeronautical structures

Sebaey Abdella, Tamer Ali Abdella 11 January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis is to assess the damage resistance and damage tolerance of the non-conventional dispersed laminates and compare the response with the conventional ones. However, part of the effort is spent on understanding the delamination behavior in multidirectional laminates. In the first part of the thesis, the delamination in multidirectional laminates is studied. The objective is to design a proper stacking sequence, capable of avoiding intralaminar damage (crack jumping), to enable the fracture toughness characterization under pure mode I. The result of this study shows that the higher the crack arm bending stiffness, the lower the tendency to crack jumping. This phenomenon is also studied experimentally and the same conclusion is drawn. / El principal objectiu de la tesi és valorar la resistència al dany i la tolerància al dany dels laminats no-convencionals dispersos i comparar la seva resposta amb la dels laminats convencionals. No obstant, part de l'atenció es dedica a comprendre el comportament de la delaminació en laminats multidireccionals. En la primera part de la tesi, s'analitza la delaminació en laminats multidireccionals. L'objectiu és dissenyar una seqüència d'apilament apropiada per evitar el dany intralaminar (migració de la delaminació) i permetre la caracterització de la tenacitat a la fractura en model. Els resultats d'aquests estudi mostren que a major rigidesa a flexió dels braços de l'esquerda, menor és la tendència a la migració de l'esquerda. Aquest aspecte també s'ha analitzat experimentalment, obtenint les mateixes conclusions.

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