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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trådlösa nätverk

Karlsson, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
This report describes what wireless local area networks are and the use and configuration of them. These WLAN as they also are called can be used both in new installations and expansion of existing networks. Further on this report reveals security in this area. Security is incredible important in all networks not at least wireless because you don’t have to be in the environment physically to get the information, you only have to be in the coverage area that can be several hundred meters. It also takes up several different standards for wireless LANs. These are more or less topical and while this paper is written new standards are taking form so this really is under development. The work has been done in co-operation with Koneo Rosenlund where most of this work has been performed. The products that were opted to work with were Linksys products within the 802.11g standard. The reason for this inquiry was that Koneo had noticed and thought that wireless LANs is the future and because they wanted an environment to show old and new customers and use in their daily work. I have found that the wireless LAN is an excellent option to the traditional LANs. They are cheap to install, easy to administrate and expand. If someone wants to change office there is no need to draw a new cable or change cables in a switch, just place the computer on the new desk and everything will work as it used to. For most users it’s ok in safety matters to use WLANs but for them with top secret documents or in a hospital where the radio waves can disturb other equipment then it’s a worse alternative. I think that I fulfilled most of the goals we set up before I started this work. Some part have been fulfilled beyond our expectations and others have been more difficult to solve.

Virtuell träningscoach för webben

Dahl, Jimmy January 2010 (has links)
Targitude Handelsbolag har en konceptuell idé om att erbjuda användare en webbaserad träningsdagbok med ett innovativt gränssnitt och ett system som kan ge användaren förslag på passande träning beroende på användarens kondition. En träningsdagbok är vanligtvis utformad som en vanlig dagbok och är ett hjälpmedel för träningsaktiva att följa upp sin träning. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att leverera en fungerande produkt till uppdragsgivaren för att på så sätt visa att deras koncept fungerar. En viktig del i projektet har varit att integrera produktens inloggningssystem med webbshop-systemet OpenCart, vilken uppdragsgivaren önskar använda parallellt. Uppdragsgivarens önskan var att en användare bara  skulle behöva logga in i ett av systemen för att bli inloggad i båda. På detta vis slipper användaren logga in på nytt vid navigation från det ena systemet till det andra. Produkten implementerades som en hemsida där användargränssnittet byggdes i HTML och CSS, logiken skrevs i PHP och Javascript och data lagrades i en MySQL-databas. Användare, som har ett konto i systemet, kan logga in och presenteras ett veckoschema och en lista med förslag på vad användaren borde träna under den vecka som visas baserat på användarens konditionsnivå. Användaren kan själv planera sin vecka genom att med hjälp av musen dra träningspassen till passande plats i schemat. Så fort systemet uppfattades som tillräckligt klart för att fungera testades det av en av uppdragsgivaren inbjuden grupp testanvändare. Uppdragsgivaren utvärderade sedan produkten baserat på vad testgruppen tyckte. Denna testperiod fungerade även som slutligt test av källkoden för att hitta och åtgärda eventuella fel, endast två fel uppdagades och de åtgärdades med en gång. Efter testomgången och utvärderingen var uppdragsgivaren nöjd med den produkt som levererades. Samtliga av uppdragsgivaren ställda krav uppfylldes och projektet föll väl ut. Efter projektets genomförande kunde jag visa på att uppdragsgivarens koncept fungerade och de båda systemen hade en synkroniserad inloggningshantering. Dock levererades ingen fullständigt genomarbetad produkt. Innan den kan anses komplett krävs viss vidareutveckling, främst med komplettering av ytterligare funktionalitet för att ge användaren ett komplett verktyg men även med avseende på systemets säkerhet och hur systemet hanterar inloggningsuppgifter.

Blodsocker- och kostkontroll på webben

Fröberg, Oscar January 2011 (has links)
I Sverige finns det i dag ca: 350.000 diabetiker och varje dag måste de testa sitt blodsocker 6-7 gånger, ibland oftare. Detta kräver disciplin och de måste göra detta så att de kan se att deras blodsockervärden är normala. Vårat mål är att skapa en webbsida som gör livet lättare för diabetiker. Ett problem som kan uppstå när man skapar en webbsida är att den inte blir tillräckligt användarvänlig och blir för svår för besökarna att använda och förstå. För att kunna hjälpa diabetiker så måste vi ta reda på hur vi ska visualisera de olika värden som diabetiker dagligen måste logga på något sätt. Vårat mål är att diabetikerna ska kunna logga sina värden på nätet och där även få värdena visualiserade och presenterade på ett enkelt och överskådligt sätt i en eller flera grafer. Våra användartester visar på att vi har lyckats skapa en webbsida användarvänlig för testpersonerna som deltog i vår evaluering. Evalueringen visar också på att det finns vissa tendenser som tyder på att blodsockervärdena bör visualiseras som en kontinuerlig linje i en graf och att insulinintag bör visas som staplar. Vi kan dock konstatera att det finns meningsskiljaktigheter mellan experter om hur de olika värdena bör visualiseras.

Computer network for a company with remote branch offices

Ivanov, Desislav January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to design a network for a company with remote branch offices. The author has interest in network architectures and wished to gain improved knowledge of remote networks.Comparative method was used in this project. Information was collected, analyzed, and choices were made to choose the right network design solutions for the goal of this project.The designing of a reliable, scalable, and secure network is a complex task that requires knowledge and experience over the wide area of computer networking, including knowledge of network device configuration, network types, routing protocols, potential security threats and many more. In this project the main approaches in network design were covered, and some of them demonstrated. Demonstration network was developed using the Graphic Network Simulator (GNS) software for simulating network devices.

A TV Interface for Set-top boxeswith Social Functionality

Larsson, Sofia, Peterson, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
The fact that digital TV and set-top boxes are connected to Internet opens up for many possibilities. One concept that has emerged because of this is social TV, which has to do with social functionality in combination with watching any type of content: on TV or on the web. In this report an interface for digital TV is presented with social features. The challenge with developing this is that the viewer is in a lean-back mode when watching TV and not up for complicated interaction tasks. Because of this, the aim of the design was to have relevant social features, that will fit in a TV context. This meant that they would support social activities that are already being made when watching TV and movies and also demand a very simple interaction. A concept was developed through literature studies and the design process. The result is a interface with a simple navigation that constitutes of five widgets, all that supports different kinds of watching behavior and social activities. The interface has been implemented to an interactive prototype that conveys the look and feel of the concept.

Incorporating Video Support in an Innovative Communications Solution

Wikström, Hannes, Sandström, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
Ericsson is a large actor in the telecom industry, providing infrastructure and communication solutions connecting billions of people around the world. The Multimedia branch of Ericsson focuses on the development of communications solutions, and one of these new innovative solutions is called Cloud Communication. The Cloud Communication system provides an anonymous peer-to-peer communication service through multiple channels. This master thesis is a step to further expand the channels that the system supports as well as rebuild and redesign the applications that make the communication possible. Methodologies that helped achieving this was mainly the design process and to help plan and execute the project Scrum was used. The results of the thesis were added support for video conversations and two entirely new clients supporting the new feature together with the old ones. These new clients can be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the Cloud Communication system and the features it supports. Video conversations in an anonymous context is however questioned and the conclusion is that the video-use case mainly should be applied in a collaboration/business context in which the clients currently are implemented.

Syntaxbaserad författarigenkänning

Bergström, Lars January 2010 (has links)
The writing style of a particular author can be divided into many subfeatures, for example use of words, language and syntax. Focusing on the latter, this study aims to show how well syntactic information alone can attribute the correct author to a document. Syntactic information is defined as overlapping syntactic subtrees of height one (1) for all sentences of all included documents. The performance is compared to that of the previously very successful method of comparing stop word frequencies. These are words normally excluded from search engine queries, because they are present in all sorts of texts regardless of topic. However, this property is a positive feature when it comes to authorship attribution, as it allows for context-free comparisons of texts. Training and test data is obtained from the icwsm 2009 corpus, containing some 200 igabyte of blog posts and news articles. This data is automatically filtered to create a reasonably large collection (about 250000 documents) while remaining manageable by an automatic natural language parser (Stanford nlp) within the constraints of time. The filtering process guarantees that all texts used for comparison has texts of the same author within the training portion of the data. Indexing and searching is done using Latent Semantic Indexing (lsi). All documents are represented by a vector in multidimensional space, thus creating a matrix of document vectors. Search documents are then matched with those in the matrix by calculating the angles between document vectors, returning those with the smallest angular difference to the query document. The process of creating a document matrix and search documents is repeated multiple times, creating a new document matrix of randomly selected authors  every time. The performance of the different methods are measured by comparing average scores for each created document matrix. The results show that by average the syntactic information is more successful in correct authorship recognition compared to both chance and stop word frequency analysis. These results hold true for all tested numbers of authors present within the index matrix, ranging from ten to one hundred unique authors.

meetLink - An application forsupporting meetings

Lundström, Johan January 2010 (has links)
In this master thesis report the design process of a meeting support application is presented. The report investigates the possibilities of meeting support on a multi-touch interface device (an iPad). Research in the elds of CSCW and other related areas are combined with market research in the collaboration software/hardware domain. The research identifies problems with meeting support applications of today. The problems that are identified are related to productivity and interviews with proesionals support the assumption that this is the main problem. The design process of the meeting support application aims at solving the problems identified and results in a high-fidelity prototype that raises productivity in meetings.

Fjärrinstallation och IT-administration på distans

Kovalainen, Jukka, Jansson, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med det här examensarbetet är att se om det finns ett skäl eller behov att skapa ett serviceföretag inom IT och finna affärsmodeller för detta företag. Vidare avses utvärdera dagslägets hantering av IT hos små till medelstora företag. IT har blivit viktigt för företagsverksamheten men kan lätt försummas i mindre och medelstora företag Vi vill genom en marknadsundersökning se om det finns ett behov av ett serviceföretag. Därtill genom en undersökning av existerande teknologi och öppen mjukvara utvärdera om ett serviceföretag kan skapas för hantering av IT hos dessa företag. I vår undersökning fann vi vissa företag som är intresserade av vår lösning och vi fick svar på en del av våra frågor om hur situationen ser ut för företag inom Gävleborgsområdet. Vi fann även mjukvara och teknik i form av FAI - Fully Automatic Installation som genom fjärrinstallation samt fjärrkonfigurering skulle kunna sköta IT hantering hos företag och detta skulle kunna vara basis för skapandet av ett serviceföretag som vi gett namnet Nisaba.

Pushing real time data usingHTML5 Web Sockets

Qveflander, Nikolai January 2010 (has links)
The current browser landscape has no real support for server initiated push. Existing technologies such as Comet and AJAX emulate server push using "long-polling" and rely on maintaining two connections between client and browser for streaming. The latest HTML standard, HTML5, is introducing elements which will integrate web front-ends much tighter with server back-ends. Most importantly, web sockets are now being introduced and thereby allowing browser applications to receive asynchronous updates from the server side, so called server push. Web sockets de ne a full-duplex communication channel that operates over a single socket using HTML5 compliant browsers. Web sockets allow for true low latency applications and put less strain on the server.This paper is an attempt to create a web socket server according to the HTML5 web socket standard. The server will integrate with TickCapture[18] which is an existing system for back-testing and trading of algorithms written in various languages. TickCapture also allows for low latency presentation of real time market data and this data will be pushed through the web socket server to the clients using regular HTML5 compliant browsers.The nished system must provide good scalability so an in-depth study of scalability and load balancing techniques will be carried out to identify dierent solutions for my implementation.

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