Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datavetenskap"" "subject:"datvetenskap""
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Utveckling av ny musiktjänst på Google App EngineBernljung, Jimmy January 2010 (has links)
Idag använder många band och artister utan skivkontrakt olika tjänster på Internet för för att publicera sitt material. Dagens populära tjänster saknar antingen en välutvecklad musikspelare eller en webbplats med community. Syftet med det här arbetet är att med hjälp av molntjänsten Google App Engine, programspråket Python och ramverket Django utveckla en mer komplett tjänst. Arbetet resulterade i grunden till en tjänst samt en rad positiva och negativa slutsatser gällande valet av teknik.
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Webbplats med WordPress CMSRydén, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en webbplats till företaget JR Webbstudio. JR Webbstudio kommer att starta sommaren 2010 och är därför i behov av en webbsida för marknadsföring och information. Webbplatsen har byggts på cms-systemet Wordpress. Från början var wordpress ett system dedikerat för bloggar. Det har dock genom åren vuxit till och vunnit erkännande som ett fullfjädrat cms. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att utvärdera om wordpress på ett tillfredsställande sätt kan leva upp till de mål som satts för projektet. Om det gör det kan det användas för liknande projekt i framtiden. De tekniker som använts är i första hand dem som wordpress bygger på, nämligen serverskriptspråket PHP och databashanteraren MySQL. Presentation och design sker med hjälp av XHTML, CSS och till viss del JavaScript. Utvecklingen har till största del skett i NotePad++. Till de grafiska elementen har Gimp 2, Inkscape och Photoshop CS4 använts. Överlag har arbetet resulterat i en tillfredsställande och funktionell webbplats för vilken de essentiella målen har uppnåtts. Slutsatsen är därför att wordpress fungerar mycket bra för den här typen av företagswebbplatser då möjligheten att anpassa det efter behov bedöms som stora.
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VARN Ett nätverksbaserat 2D-actionmultiplayerspel skrivet i Java.Bjuhr, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
VARN A network multiplayer 2D action game written in Java. All games that support any form of play across networks is in one way or another affected by the delay, or "ping", that occurs from the time it takes for information to travel over the wires. Not only does it take time, it varies depending on how far away the connected partner is and the current status of the network you are on. Through the years a lot of different methods have been developed to combat these delays. I have reviewed some of these methods and implemented a synchronization system in Java meant to be used in online action multiplayer games.
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High frequency Verlet integration physics on iPhoneSöderberg, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
When Apple first introduced the iPhone it was thought by many to be groundbraking. The main visible difference was that the phone had no keypad, just a touch screen. Another interesting feature in this phone was the addition of accelerometers. With this the device knows the forces applied to it and therefore knows how it is tilted. In april 2010 Steve Jobs announced 85 million iPhone OS devices sold. This makes it a very interesting OS from a developers point of view.This project aims to explore those two new key features and the iPhone OS by implementing a simplified version of the game Mad Skills Motocross by Turborilla. This is a fast paced sideways scrolling motocross game with demanding physics simulation. The physics is modeled via high frequency (1000 Hz) Verlet integration. Important aspects of the project are therefore also if the iPhone can handle the game and if it still will be a fun game considering the changes going from desktop to iPhone.The results were a game playable on one track with accurate physics, running with a visible frame rate of 30 frames per second and some interesting insights in what you need to think about when developing for iPhone OS.
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Interaktionsdesign för kommersiella webbtjänsterGrundel, Markus January 2010 (has links)
The company Microshop is interested in implementing new features in their product-website, and would like to examine the possibility and usefulness of introducing such functionality. When designing interaction for commercial websites, it is important to make the menus easy to use, and refrain from using deep hierarchies in order to avoid causing unnecessary burden for the users. There is an interest among users for adaptive functionality, but this requires great amounts of trust in the website from the user. Something which can be created by refraining from using implicit information, and provide detailed explanations throughout the website. A usability test was conducted in order to complement the data gathered from the theoretical study, the interviews and the expert evaluations. This test evaluated the interface design and the necessity of the proposed functionality. The test was carried out under controlled conditions, and was conducted as a series of user observations of the trial participants. Results showed that there is a need for adaptive functionality, but that the existing interface requires an update before additional functionality is introduced. Proposals on how this could be solved are presented as a number of design proposals which would address the problems, and propose a design for the new features. The usability test proved extremely capable of identifying errors that occurred when the participants corrected their previous actions. In addition, the users trust in the interface, and their previous computer experience contributed to interesting results.
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Curvature Maps for Rendering using Enhanced Ambient and Diffuse IlluminationLuo, Jixi January 2010 (has links)
For highly diffuse rendering, some materials like snow are commonly accomplished through the use of simplified local illumination models for ambient and diffuse light. In reality, however, for a given point on a surface, the incident light is not only contributed from directional light sources, but also from backscattering from nearby surfaces. To account for this effect, a new technology has been developed, using Curvature Maps for Rendering. This rendering algorithm integrates normal mapping with curvature mapping into a local illumination model to solve the previous mentioned problem. In this report, I will derive different measures to calculate curvature maps from normal maps and I evaluate their suitability for rendering.
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Programutveckling för Tekniska kontorets fastighetsförvaltningOhlsson, Carl-Henrik, Ekberg, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett arbete där ett program utvecklades i Microsoft Access 2003 som skulle fungera som ett register över hyresgäster, fastigheter och leverantörer hos fastighetsförvaltningen vid Tekniska kontoret i Sandviken. Programmet skall hjälpa dem vid sin hantering av den information som finns tillgänglig men är dåligt organiserad, samt finnas som hjälpmedel vid arbetet med sina hyresgäster genom aktivitetsrapportering. Upplägget på arbetet är beskrivet i rapporten med förundersökning, utveckling av programmet och hur programmet senare integrerades i deras interna nätverk. Resultatet uppnådde de krav på funktioner som fanns på programmet.
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A comparison of Ear Clipping and a new Polygon Triangulation AlgorithmLiu, Ran January 2010 (has links)
The simple polygon triangulation is an classic problem in computational geometry and the techniques are widely used in many field. Many existing techniques have short running time but are hard to implement, some are easy to achieve, however, the output quality always bad and are time consuming. This paper propose a diagonal inserting algorithm which is easy to implement and can enhance the final quality. This presented algorithm was implemented and compared with the ear clipping technique which is simple to carry out and long-standing in the triangulation history. These two algorithms were tested on various polygons and an analysis concerning the quality, speed and the standard deviation of the output triangles` size is done.
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Placement of measurement points for wear-out prediction with regard to electromigrationChang, Shih-Yen January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays, electronic systems are widely used in applications such as mobile phones, laptops, etc., but the electronic systems are not permanent and indestructible, so the reliability of an electronic system is a major concern. However, the lifetime of electronic systems are shorter than it was 40 years ago because the dimensions of wires are smaller due to the advanced manufacturing technologies. Electromigration is a wear-out mechanism which becomes an important issue, due to the fact that the reduced dimension of wires makes current density increase so that, the probability of failure due to electromigration is much higher than 40 years ago. Electromigration means the cross-section area of the wire decreases due to the movement of ions in high current density. The reduced cross-section area increases the resistance of the wire so that the delay of the wire is increasing as well. The whole system might fail when the delay is longer than the clock period. To predict electronic system failure caused by electromigration, a delay measurement circuit can be used as a predictor to give an early warning. However, the delay measurement circuit is expensive and not necessary for an electronic system to work correctly. Therefore, the purpose in this thesis is to minimize the number of measurement points. In order to minimize the number of measurement points, a method is developed to find the wear-out sensitive wires (WSWs) and determine where delay measurement circuits should be placed. Therefore, the measurement points are minimized and the cost of the system is also reduced.
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Företagsportal i WordPressHellström, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Det finns idag flera Webbpubliseringsverktyg snabbt komma igång med en webbapplikation. WordPress är först och främst en blogg-tjänst men går med lätthet att använda som innehållshanteringssystem Med lite kunskap i serverscriptspråket PHP ”funktioner” och ”widgets” man kan använda för att modifiera i WordPress. Denna rapport kommer att behandla WordPress som verktyg för att skapa en företagsportal. I företagsportalen kommer det att vara möjligt att söka på företag och kategorier genom sökord, företagstitel eller kategorinamn. Dessutom får man sökhjälp med ett ajaxanrop. 1 som hjälper webbutvecklare att2(hädanefter cms).3 kan man fördjupa sig i de ”plugins”, / Today there are several Webb Content Management Systems that helps Web developers to quickly get started with a Web application. Wordpress is primarily a blog application, but can easily be used as an cms-system. With a little knowledge of the scripting lanugage PHP you can use "plugins", "functions" and "widgets" to modify a WordPress application. This report will use WordPress for creating a portal for companies. In this portal you will be able to search for companies and categories by tags, categorynames or companynames. The visitor get search-help with ajax.
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