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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parallelizing the Edge application for GPU-based systems using the SkePU skeleton programming library

Sjöström, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
SkePU is an auto-tunable multi-backend skeleton programming library for multi-GPU systems. SkePU is implemented as a C++ template library and has been developed at Linköping University. In this thesis the CFD flow solver Edge has been ported to SkePU. This combines the paradigm of skeleton programming with the utilization of the unstructured grid structure used by Edge. In order to do this certain extensions have been made to the SkePU library. The performance of the ported implementation has been evaluated to identify if a performance gain can be achieved by parallelizing this type of application with the help of SkePU. A moderate speedup of the application has been achieved given the size of the ported section of the Edge application. Another important outcome of the project is the provided feedback for further development of the SkePU framework.

Software Architecture Evolution and Software Evolvability

Pei Breivold, Hongyu January 2009 (has links)
<p>Software is characterized by inevitable changes and increasing complexity, which in turn may lead to huge costs unless rigorously taking into account change accommodations. This is in particular true for long-lived systems. For such systems, there is a need to address evolvability explicitly during the entire lifecycle, carry out software evolution efficiently and reliably, and prolong the productive lifetime of the software systems.</p><p>In this thesis, we study evolution of software architecture and investigate ways to support this evolution.           The central theme of the thesis is how to analyze software evolvability, i.e. a system’s ability to easily accommodate changes. We focus on several particular aspects: (i) what software characteristics are necessary to constitute an evolvable software system; (ii) how to assess evolvability in a systematic manner; (iii) what impacts need to be considered given a certain change stimulus that results in potential requirements the software architecture needs to adapt to, e.g. ever-changing business requirements and advances of technology.</p><p>To improve the capability in being able to on forehand understand and analyze systematically the impact of a change stimulus, we introduce a software evolvability model, in which subcharacteristics of software evolvability and corresponding measuring attributes are identified. In addition, a further study of one particular measuring attribute, i.e. modularity, is performed through a dependency analysis case study.</p><p>We introduce a method for analyzing software evolvability at the architecture level. This is to ensure that the implications of the potential improvement strategies and evolution path of the software architecture are analyzed with respect to the evolvability subcharacteristics. This method is proposed and piloted in an industrial setting.</p><p>The fact that change stimuli come from both technical and business perspectives spawns two aspects that we also look into in this research, i.e. to respectively investigate the impacts of technology-type and business-type of change stimuli.</p>

Resource Management Framework for Distributed Heterogeneous Systems

Rizvanovic, Larisa January 2008 (has links)
<p>In distributed heterogeneous computing environments, such as in-home entertainment networks and mobile computing systems, independently developed applications share common resources, e.g., CPU or network bandwidth. The resource demands coming from different applications are usually highly fluctuating over time. For example, video processing results in both stochastic fluctuations, caused by different coding techniques for video frames, and structural fluctuations, due to scene changes. Similarly, wireless networks applications are exposed to long-term bandwidth variations caused by other application in the system that are using the same wireless network simultaneously, and short-term oscillations due to radio frequency interference, like microwave ovens or cordless phones. Still, applications in such open, dynamic and heterogeneous environments are expected to maintain required performance levels.</p><p>In this thesis, we look into solutions for efficient transport of video streams with acceptable playout quality in home networks, which requires management of both networks and CPUs. We propose a framework for efficient resource management for streaming in heterogeneous system, called the Matrix. The Matrix is based on a global abstraction of device states, which reduces system state information and decreases overheads for its determination and dissemination. It provides access to the entire system state in acceptable fresh way, enabling system wide optimized decisions to be taken.</p><p>Moreover, we use the Matrix framework as the platform to develop a method for an efficient Quality-of-Service (QoS) provision and adaptation in dynamic, heterogeneous systems. QoS adaptation is one of the crucial operations to maximize overall system quality as perceived by the user while still satisfying individual application demands. It integrates local QoS mechanisms of the involved devices that deal mostly with short-term resource fluctuations, with a global adaptation mechanism that handles structural and long-term load variations on the system level. </p><p>We have illustrated the effectiveness of our QoS adaptation approach in the context of video streaming. However, we do not see any limitation to expand the usage of our approach to the health sector, or some other community social/industrial applications. Resource management and QoS adaptation are required whenever we are surrounded with heterogeneous, mobile, and dynamic environment.</p>

Programmering av styrning av tvättarm på tvättrobot.

Degerfält, Per, Strömberg, Niklas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ramsta Robotics är ett företag som ligger i Uppsala. Företaget grundades 1999 av tre uppfinnare. Man har utvecklat en robot, som används för att göra rent i djurstallar. Tvättarbetet har hittills gjorts helt manuellt med högtryckstvätt. I framför allt svinhus är</p><p>arbetsmiljön direkt hälsovådlig – bland annat på grund av alla de kväveföreningar som löses ut när vattnet blöter upp anläggningen. Principen för roboten är att man lär den genom att med en styrpanel styra en arm så att alla ytor i boxen blir besprutad med högtryckstvätten minst en gång. Hela förloppet spelas in, och sedan kan roboten spela upp programmet flera gånger, och på det sättet kan roboten på egen hand göra rent i ett antal boxar, som står efter varandra.</p><p>Affärsidén har varit att utveckla en prisvärd robot där datastödet utgörs av ett enkelt styr- och reglersystem för industrin, en s.k. PLC. Den styr via ett drivkort 5-6 motorer, dock bara en motor i taget. Den traditionella robotteknikens komplexa mekanik och höga prisnivåer gör det direkt omöjligt att sätta in denna teknikplattform i jordbrukssammanhang. Kraven på en tvättrobot när det gäller mikrometerprecision och hastighet är heller inte lika hög som hos mer traditionella robotar.</p><p>Idag säljs detta system i ett flertal länder i Europa och också i Kanada. Hittills har c:a 150 robotar sålts, de flesta för att användas i svinproduktion men även fågel produktion och annan</p><p>industri har visat sig vara en marknad. C:a 100 maskiner är sålda i Sverige som representerar c:a 0,3 % av världens produktion av fläskkött. Eftersom Sverige är en så liten marknad i agrara sammanhang är verksamheten idag främst inriktad på export. Verksamheten är expanderande och företaget sysselsätter idag 4 personer på kontoret i Uppsala förutom tillverkning och service som köps externt. Omsättningen 2005 var c:a 8 milj. kronor och beräknas för 2006 närma sig 15 milj.</p><p>I samarbete med Robotdalen kommer fem olika examensarbeten på Mälardalens högskola att ge ett ökat tekniskt innehåll i företagets olika lösningar.</p><p>Projektbeskrivning:</p><p>Med individuella styrkort på respektive motor är det möjligt att använda en helt annan teknik för styrningen av motorerna på robotarmen. Man kan gå från att styra respektive led till att</p><p>utnyttja invers kinematik, och användaren styr var munstycket ska vara beläget, och styrprogrammet omvandlar den önskade positionen till vinklar och lägen för respektive led.</p><p>Att bygga ett komplett styrsystem kan vara ganska omfattande, men avsikten med detta examensarbete är att göra en första version av styrprogram, där användaren kanske kör fram armen till en punkt på en yta som ska tvättas, och sedan till en andra punkt, till en tredje.</p><p>Dessa tre punkter definierar en triangel på samma sätt som man bygger upp ytor i OpenGL.</p><p>En fjärde punkt ger med punkterna två och tre ytterligare en triangel. När sedan en hel yta har ’ritats upp’ (för en rak rektangel är det endast två trianglar) ska programmet kunna styra ut</p><p>robotarmens rörelsemönster.</p>

IP version 6 in larger city networks and at Internet service providers

Fogel, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since the 90ies a bunch of problems and flaws in the old Internet Protocol version four has occurred.The biggest problem is the extinction of addresses which will come soon, soon in the matter of theclassic “wolf is coming” matter, but as in the fairy tale the wolf will finally come. When this will happenis unknown, but not many believes it won’t. Carl-Henrik Swanberg CEO for Ericsson once said that year2020 there will be 50 billion mobile units connected to internet. Considering there is maximum 4 billionaddresses in IPv4 the needs for more addresses will be significant. The solution of this is the version sixof Internet Protocol released in middle of the 90ies. This thesis mentions a lot of the problems with theold version and tries to make a good explanation of the benefits and possibilities that lies within thenew. It also contains a larger amount of information on the protocols that lies within this, like newversion of OSPF, the extensions of BGPv4 called multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) and new things likenetwork discovery protocol (NDP). The later chapter is about the planning of an implementation atMälarenergi City Network and the implementation at the internet service provider MDFnet whichnowadays runs IPv6 in their core and office network.</p>

Web Based Management Solution for IPTV Network

Hoque, Abu Saleh Mohammad Shariful January 2009 (has links)
<p>A management platform is an integral part of any modern computer network. Its role in any kind of network (research or commercial) is undeniable. By using the management solution, the operators of the network monitor, troubleshoot and manage the network from a centra-lized location. In a research network such as the Mid Sweden University (MIUN) IPTV test bed, it also plays a very important role. Researchers can setup different configurations for the underlying network according to their research goals. MIUN IPTV test bed is expanding in the sense that it is covering a greater geographical area and more researchers are using the network in order to carry out their experiments. In this project, an attempt will be made to develop a management platform for the IPTV network. This platform will manage the whole network and will give the researchers opportunity to setup trail field by configuring the network devices according to their experiments.</p>

Resource Monitoring in a Distributed Self-Managing Middleware

Hermansson, Oskar January 2008 (has links)
<p>The next generation of automotive systems is self-managing. Concepts such as self-aware and self-monitoring are necessary parts of the system to be able to meet the requirements of self-configuration and self-optimization. DySCAS is a research project, funded by the European Union, which aims at developing such a system.This thesis report describes and elaborates the theory for three topics: Built-in self-test, resource monitoring and power management, all with the focus on integration in DySCAS. Resource monitoring is selected to be further investigated with design and implementation in SHAPE, the reference implementation of DySCAS.To test and verify the resource monitoring system, a load balancing scenario was created. The result from this scenario is presented in graphs for visualization and a discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of the implemented system. Finally the conclusions from both the literature study and the implementation work are summarized and some ideas on future work are presented.</p>

Improved Statistics Handling

Karlslätt, David January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Ericsson is a global provider of telecommunications systems equipment and related services for mobile and fixed network operators. </p><p>3Gsim is a tool used by Ericsson in tests of the 3G RNC node.</p><p>In order to validate the tests, statistics are constantly gathered within 3Gsim and users can use telnet to access the statistics using some system specific 3Gsim commands.</p><p>The statistics can be retrieved but is unstructured for the human eye and needs parsing and arranging to be readable. </p><p>The statistics handler that is implemented during this thesis provides a possibility for users of 3Gsim to present information that favors their personal interest.</p><p>The implementation can produce one prototype output document which contains the most common statistics needed by the 3Gsim user. A main focus of this final thesis has been to simplify content and format control for the user as much as possible.</p><p>Presenting and structuring information now comes down to simple text editing and rid the user of the time consuming work of updating and recompiling the entire application.</p><p>Earlier, scripts written in Perl, an iterative oriented language, were used for presenting the statistics. These scripts were often difficult to comprehend since there were many different authors with inadequate experience and knowledge.</p><p>The new statistics handler has been written in Java, a high-level object-oriented language which should better suite the users and developers of 3Gsim. </p></p>

Vulnerabilities in Security Products for Computers 2006-2008

Liaqat, Imran January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vulnerabilities are rapidly increasing everyday, posing a major threat to security products. It is due to the flaws in the software during development and human negligence. Even if we are able to find the source, it is not easy to get rid of them with the dramatic discovery of threats exposed every month. Defending against attacks, we need to understand the vulnerabilities in a large scale. The security products, which are being told to provide security, contain a lot of vulnerabilities giving a headache to the security vendors around the globe.</p><p>Information security breaches are increasingly widespread. Our aim is to find and examine the vulnerabilities in security products for the last three years. The overall conclusion is that the vulnerabilities in security products always result either in arbitrary code execution, denial of service or allow an attacker to take control of the system by taking in high privileges. We investigated computer products having vulnerabilities, analyzing more than 6000 advisories. Based on that information, we have extracted vulnerabilities specifically for the security products and showed them comprehensively in statistical format. Evaluation of vulnerabilities has been done for every year and based on that information; we compared the vulnerabilities occurring in the last three years.</p>

Hardware for positioning applications using software defined radio : High speed interfaces with real time constraints

Karlsson, David January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis has theoretically and practically evaluated interfaces between a radio front end for GPS and a mobile platform to answer the question how should this interface be designed to minimize the computational load on the platform as well as costs. Benchmarking of serial peripheral interface and a glueless one bit interface is performed on MPC5200 and OMAP 1710 running Linux operating system.</p><p>The conclusion is two different design approaches, one based on serial peripheral interface and one on SDIO card.</p><p>Buffer sizes in the platform and the front end is the key factor for computational load and this is discussed in detail. Also other consideration for interface design is discussed such as the implications of front end being master or slave on the bus.</p>

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