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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pinpointing in Terminating Forest Tableaux

Baader, Franz, Peñaloza, Rafael 16 June 2022 (has links)
Axiom pinpointing has been introduced in description logics (DLs) to help the user to understand the reasons why consequences hold and to remove unwanted consequences by computing minimal (maximal) subsets of the knowledge base that have (do not have) the consequence in question. The pinpointing algorithms described in the DL literature are obtained as extensions of the standard tableau-based reasoning algorithms for computing consequences from DL knowledge bases. Although these extensions are based on similar ideas, they are all introduced for a particular tableau-based algorithm for a particular DL. The purpose of this paper is to develop a general approach for extending a tableau-based algorithm to a pinpointing algorithm. This approach is based on a general definition of „tableau algorithms,' which captures many of the known tableau-based algorithms employed in DLs, but also other kinds of reasoning procedures.

Exploring finite models in the Description Logic ELgfp

Baader, Franz, Distel, Felix 16 June 2022 (has links)
In a previous ICFCA paper we have shown that, in the Description Logics EL and ELgfp, the set of general concept inclusions holding in a finite model always has a finite basis. In this paper, we address the problem of how to compute this basis efficiently, by adapting methods from formal concept analysis.

On Language Equations with One-sided Concatenation

Baader, Franz, Okhotin, Alexander 16 June 2022 (has links)
Language equations are equations where both the constants occurring in the equations and the solutions are formal languages. They have first been introduced in formal language theory, but are now also considered in other areas of computer science. In the present paper, we restrict the attention to language equations with one-sided concatenation, but in contrast to previous work on these equations, we allow not just union but all Boolean operations to be used when formulating them. In addition, we are not just interested in deciding solvability of such equations, but also in deciding other properties of the set of solutions, like its cardinality (finite, infinite, uncountable) and whether it contains least/greatest solutions. We show that all these decision problems are ExpTime-complete. / This report has also appeared as TUCS Technical Report, Turku Centre for Computer Science, University of Turku, Finland.

Description Logic Actions with general TBoxes: a Pragmatic Approach

Liu, Hongkai, Lutz, Carsten, Miličić, Maja, Wolter, Frank 16 June 2022 (has links)
Action formalisms based on description logics (DLs) have recently been introduced as decidable fragments of well-established action theories such as the Situation Calculus and the Fluent Calculus. However, existing DL action formalisms fail to include general TBoxes, which are the standard tool for formalising ontologies in modern description logics. We define a DL action formalism that admits general TBoxes, propose an approach to addressing the ramification problem that is introduced in this way, and perform a detailed investigation of the decidability and computational complexity of reasoning in our formalism.

A Tableau Algorithm for DLs with Concrete Domains and GCIs

Lutz, Carsten, Miličić, Maja 31 May 2022 (has links)
We identify a general property of concrete domains that is sufficient for proving decidability of DLs equipped with them and GCIs. We show that some useful concrete domains, such as temporal one based on the Allen relations and a spatial one based on the RCC-8 relations, have this property. Then, we present a tableau algorithm for reasoning in DLs equipped with such concrete domains.

Subsumption and Instance Problem in ELH w.r.t. General TBoxes

Brandt, Sebastian 31 May 2022 (has links)
Recently, it was shown for the DL EL that subsumption and instance problem w.r.t. cyclic terminologies can be decided in polynomial time. In this paper, we show that both problems remain tractable even when admitting general concept inclusion axioms and simple role inclusion axioms.

Description Logics with Concrete Domains and Functional Dependencies

Lutz, Carsten, Miličić, Maja 31 May 2022 (has links)
Description Logics (DLs) with concrete domains are a useful tool in many applications. To further enhance the expressive power of such DLs, it has been proposed to add database-style key constraints. Up to now, however, only uniqueness constraints have been considered in this context, thus neglecting the second fundamental family of key constraints: functional dependencies. In this paper, we consider the basic DL with concrete domains ALC(D), extend it with functional dependencies, and analyze the impact of this extension on the decidability and complexity of reasoning. Though intuitively the expressivity of functional dependencies seems weaker than that of uniqueness constraints, we are able to show that the former have a similarly severe impact on the computational properties: reasoning is undecidable in the general case, and NExpTime-complete in some slightly restricted variants of our logic.

Pushing the EL Envelope

Baader, Franz, Brandt, Sebastian, Lutz, Carsten 31 May 2022 (has links)
Recently, it has been shown that the small DL EL, which allows for conjunction and existential restrictions, has better algorithmic properties than its counterpart FL₀, which allows for conjunction and value restrictions. Whereas the subsumption problem in FL₀ becomes already intractable in the presence of aclyc TBoxes, it remains tractable in EL even w.r.t. general concept inclusion axioms (GCIs). On the one hand, we will extend the positive result for EL by identifying a set of expressive means that can be added to EL without sacrificing tractability. On the other hand, we will show that basically all other additions of typical DL constructors to EL with GCIs make subsumption intractable, and in most cases even EXPTIME-complete. In addition, we will show that subsumption in FL₀ with GCIs is EXPTIME-complete.

Optimised Reasoning for SHIQ

Horrocks, Ian, Sattler, Ulrike 24 May 2022 (has links)
The tableau algorithm implemented in the FaCT knowledge representation system decides satisfiability and subsumption in SHIQ, a very expressive description logic providing, e.g., inverse and transitive roles, number restrictions, and general axioms. Intuitively, the algorithm searches for a tree-shaped abstraction of a model. To ensure termination of this algorithm without comprimising correctness, it stops expanding paths in the search tree using a so-called 'double-blocking' condition.

Finite Herbrand Models for Restricted First-Order Clauses

Borgwardt, Stefan, Morawska, Barbara 20 June 2022 (has links)
We call a Herbrand model of a set of first-order clauses finite, if each of the predicates in the clauses is interpreted by a finite set of ground terms. We consider first-order clauses with the signature restricted to unary predicate and function symbols and one variable. Deciding the existence of a finite Herbrand model for a set of such clauses is known to be ExpTime-hard even when clauses are restricted to an anti-Horn form. Here we present an ExpTime algorithm to decide if a finite Herbrand model exists in the more general case of arbitrary clauses. Moreover, we describe a way to generate finite Herbrand models, if they exist. Since there can be infinitely many minimal finite Herbrand models, we propose a new notion of acyclic Herbrand models. If there is a finite Herbrand model for a set of restricted clauses, then there are finitely many (at most triple-exponentially many) acyclic Herbrand models. We show how to generate all of them.

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