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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts of desiccation cracking and climate change on highway cutting hydrology

Booth, Andrew January 2014 (has links)
Climate change is predicted to have a global effect on temperatures and precipitation rates throughout the world. The UK Climate projections expect that in the United Kingdom this will lead to warmer, drier summers and wetter winters, where events of extreme rainfall are more common. These changes are expected to impact on slope hydrology, and concurrently slope stability. In the United Kingdom this impact is expected to be negative, whereas in other countries, such as Italy and France it could lead to slopes being more stable. Infrastructure slopes in the UK range in age and construction quality, they are susceptible to serviceability problems, characterised by heterogeneous material properties and can fail unexpectedly due to progressive reduction in soil shear strength. In this thesis the effects of climate change on a highway cutting in the south of England are modelled, using numerical methods. A finite element model is created and developed in the software package GeoStudio VADOSE/W. The model has been validated against observed pore water pressure trends and magnitudes and is shown to be able to accurately replicate the behaviour. By incorporating the effects of desiccation cracking on the soil s material properties, by the means of bimodal soil water characteristic curve and hydraulic conductivity function, the replication of these trends is improved even further. A series of future climate series were created using the UKCP09 Weather Generator 2.0. These series were implemented with the VADOSE/W model as climate boundary conditions and models were run, and the results compared to control, current climate results. The results were investigated by the means of statistical analyses which revealed that climate change will have some significant effects on the slope s hydrology, increasing magnitudes of evapotranspiration greatly which can have further significant effects on the magnitude of suctions developing in the slope throughout the summer. It is thought that the results suggest that climate change will not have significant negative effects on slope stability. However it is important to remember that the results only apply with certainty to the specific slope and climate change scenario investigated here. The methods used and developed within this thesis can be extended to other locations, in the UK and internationally, analysing the effects of different climate change scenarios.

Experimental investigation of water evaporation from sand and clay using an environmental chamber / Etude d’évaporation d’eau d’un sable et d’une argile à l’aide d’une chambre environnementale

Song, Weikang 10 March 2014 (has links)
Il est bien connu que l'évaporation d'eau joue un rôle essentiel dans l'interaction entre le sol et l'atmosphère. Pendant le processus d'évaporation, le comportement thermo-hydro-mécanique des sols change, engendrant ainsi des problèmes préoccupants. Ceci peut concerner différents domaines comme l'agronomie, l'hydrologie, la science des sols, la géotechnique, etc. Par conséquent, il est essentiel d'étudier les mécanismes d'évaporation de façon approfondie. Cette étude porte sur les mécanismes d'évaporation dans des conditions atmosphériques contrôlées. Le sable de Fontainebleau et l'argile d'Hércourt utilisée pour la construction du remblai expérimental dans le cadre du projet ANR TerDOUEST (Terrassements Durables - Ouvrages en Sols Traités, 2008-2012) ont été étudiés à cet effet. Une chambre environnementale (900 mm de haut, 800 mm de large et 1000 mm de long) équipée de différents capteurs a d'abord été développée, permettant un suivi complet des paramètres concernant l'atmosphère et le sol au cours d'évaporation. Quatre essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés sur le sable de Fontainebleau compacté à une densité sèche de 1,70 Mg/m3, avec une nappe phréatique constante au fond de l'échantillon, et sous différentes conditions atmosphériques (différentes valeurs de l'humidité relative de l'air, de la température et du débit d'air). La pertinence du système a été mise en évidence par la bonne qualité des résultats. La température de l'air à l'intérieur de la chambre a été trouvée affectée par la température du tube de chauffage, le débit d'air et l'évaporation d'eau; la température du sol est fortement affectée par les conditions atmosphériques et l'état d'avancement de l'évaporation ; l'humidité relative dans la chambre diminue au cours du temps et son évolution peut être considérée comme un indicateur du processus d' évaporation ; la teneur en eau volumique dans la zone proche de la surface est fortement influencée par le processus d'évaporation et présente une relation linéaire avec la profondeur ; la succion du sol diminue avec la profondeur et augmente au fil du temps ; le taux d'évaporation est fortement affecté par les conditions de l'air en particulier dans la phase initiale de vitesse d'évaporation constante. Après les essais sur le sable de Fontainebleau, l'échantillon de l'argile d'Hércourt compactée à une densité sèche de 1,40 Mg/m3 a été soumis à une infiltration d'eau afin d'étudier ses propriétés hydrauliques. Pour obtenir un meilleur aperçu du mécanisme d'évaporation pour l'argile, deux essais d'évaporation sur l'argile d'Hércourt compactée avec une nappe phréatique constante au fond de l'échantillon ont été effectuées sous des conditions atmosphériques contrôlées. Les résultats permettent de comprendre les mécanismes d'évaporation en cas de fissuration due à la dessiccation. En outre, afin d'étudier les mécanismes d'évaporation potentiels, des essais avec une couche d'eau libre ont été également réalisés en faisant varier la vitesse du vent et la température de l'air. L'initiation et la propagation de fissures de dessiccation pendant le processus d'évaporation et son effet sur l'évaporation ont également été étudiés par la technique de traitement d'image. En termes de modélisation, le taux d'évaporation potentiel a été modélisé à travers l'évaluation des modèles existants et des modèles combinés. Il apparait que le modèle développé par Ta (2009) est le plus approprié. Le taux d'évaporation réelle depuis le sable a été ensuite analysé. Il semble important de considérer l'avancement du front sec pendant le processus d'évaporation pour les sols sableux. Pour l'argile d'Héricourt, une bonne prévision a été également obtenue en utilisant un modèle qui tient compte de l'effet des fissures de dessiccation / As a well-known phenomenon, soil water evaporation plays an important role in the interaction between soil and atmosphere. Water evaporates during this process resulting in changes of soil thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior and in turn causing problems in different domains such as agronomy, hydrology, soil science, geotechnical engineering, etc. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the soil water evaporation mechanisms in depth.This study deals with the soil water evaporation mechanisms under controlled atmospheric conditions. The Fontainebleau sand and the Hércourt clay used for the construction of the experimental embankment with the ANR project TerDOUEST (Terrassements Durables - Ouvrages en Sols Traités, 2008 - 2012) were used in this investigation. A large-scale environmental chamber system (900 mm high, 800 mm large and 1000 mm long) equipped with various sensors was firstly developed, allowing a full monitoring of both atmospheric and soil parameters during the evaporation process. Four experimental tests were carried out on the Fontainebleau sand compacted at 1.70 Mg/m3 dry density with a steady water table at soil bottom under different atmospheric conditions (different values of air relative humidity, temperature and air flow rate). The performance of the environmental chamber system in investigating soil water evaporation was evidenced by the quality and the relevance of results. The air temperature inside the chamber was found to be affected by the heating tube temperature, the air flow rate and the soil water evaporation process; the soil temperature was strongly affected by the air conditions and the evaporation progress; the relative humidity in the chamber was decreasing during the evaporation progress and its evolution could be considered as an indicator of the evaporation progress; the volumetric water content in the near-surface zone was strongly affected by the evaporation process and exhibited a linear relationship with depth; the soil suction was decreasing over depth and increasing over time; the evaporation rate was strongly affected by the air conditions especially at the initial constant evaporation rate stage. After the tests on the Fontainebleau sand, the Hércourt clay sample compacted at 1.40 Mg/m3 dry density was subjected to an infiltration experiment for investigating its hydraulic properties. To get a better insight into the water evaporation mechanism for clay, two compacted Hércourt clay evaporation tests with a steady water table at bottom were carried out under controlled atmospheric conditions. The results allow understanding the evaporation mechanisms in case of desiccation cracks. Furthermore, in order to investigate the potential evaporation mechanisms, tests with a free water layer was also conducted with varying wind speed and air temperature. The initiation and propagation of desiccation cracking during the evaporation process and its effect on water evaporation were also investigated by the digital image processing technique. In terms of modeling, the potential evaporation rate was first modeled through evaluation of the existing models and the combined models. It reveals that the model developed by Ta (2009) is the most appropriate one. The actual evaporation rate for sand was then analyzed. It appears important to consider the progress of the dry front during the evaporation process for sandy soils. For the Héricourt clay, good simulation was also obtained using a model that accounts for the effect of desiccations cracks

The Effects of Vegetation on Stream Bank Erosion

Thompson, Theresa M. 17 June 2004 (has links)
Riparian buffers are promoted for water quality improvement, habitat restoration, and stream bank stabilization. While considerable research has been conducted on the effects of riparian buffers on water quality and aquatic habitat, little is known about the influence of riparian vegetation on stream bank erosion. The overall goal of this research was to evaluate the effects of woody and herbaceous riparian buffers on stream bank erosion. This goal was addressed by measuring the erodibility and critical shear stress of rooted bank soils in situ using a submerged jet test device. Additionally, several soil, vegetation, and stream chemistry factors that could potentially impact the fluvial entrainment of soils were measured. A total of 25 field sites in the Blacksburg, Virginia area were tested. Each field site consisted of a 2nd-4th order stream with a relatively homogeneous vegetated riparian buffer over a 30 m reach. Riparian vegetation ranged from short turfgrass to mature riparian forest. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine those factors that most influence stream bank erodibility and the relative impact of riparian vegetation. Results of this research indicated woody riparian vegetation reduced the susceptibility of stream bank soils to erosion by fluvial entrainment. Riparian forests had a greater density of larger diameter roots, particularly at the bank toe where the hydraulic stresses are the greatest. These larger roots (diameters > 0.5 mm) provided more resistance to erosion than the very fine roots of herbaceous plants. Due to limitations in the root sampling methodology, these results are primarily applicable to steep banks with little herbaceous vegetation on the bank face, such as those found on the outside of meander bends. In addition to reinforcing the stream banks, riparian vegetation also affected soil moisture and altered the local microclimate. While summer soil desiccation was reduced under deciduous riparian forests, as compared to herbaceous vegetation, winter freeze-thaw cycling was greater. As a result, in silty soils that were susceptible to freeze-thaw cycling, the beneficial effects of root reinforcement by woody vegetation were offset by increased freeze-thaw cycling. Using the study results in an example application, it was shown that converting a predominately herbaceous riparian buffer to a forested buffer could reduce soil erodibility by as much as 39% in soils with low silt contents. Conversely, for a stream composed primarily of silt soils that are prone to freeze-thaw cycling, afforestation could lead to localized increases in soil erodibility of as much as 38%. It should be emphasized that the riparian forests in this study were deciduous; similar results would not be expected under coniferous forests that maintain a dense canopy throughout the year. Additionally, because dense herbaceous vegetation would likely not develop in the outside of meander bends where hydraulic shear stresses are greatest, the reductions in soil erodibility afforded by the herbaceous vegetation would be limited to areas of low shear stress, such as on gently sloping banks along the inside of meander bends. As the first testing of this type, this study provided quantitative information on the effects of vegetation on subaerial processes and stream bank erosion. It also represents the first measurements of the soil erosion parameters, soil erodibility and critical shear stress, for vegetated stream banks. These parameters are crucial for modeling the effects of riparian vegetation for stream restoration design and for water quality simulation modeling. / Ph. D.

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