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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Semantic Approach To The Relationship Between Brand Identity And Exterior Product Design For Visual Brand Recognition, Through A Case Study On Local Commercial Vehicle Brand, Temsa

Zengin, Ali 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
A corporation which is aiming to create a world class brand should evaluate its existing product portfolio as a first step to configure its future products better. Therefore, this study is performed with the collaboration of Temsa Global Company, who desires to create a global brand in the commercial vehicle area: Temsa. The aim of the study is to find out the relationship between the brand specific design characteristics and visual product design features with a semantic approach, through a case study on a local commercial vehicle manufacturer: Temsa Global Company.

Function modelling of complex multidisciplinary systems : development of a system state flow diagram methodology for function decomposition of complex multidisciplinary systems

Yildirim, Unal January 2015 (has links)
The complexity of technical systems has increased significantly in order to address evolving customer needs and environmental concerns. From a product development process viewpoint, the pervasive nature of multi-disciplinary systems (i.e. mechanical, electrical, electronic, control, software) has brought some important integration challenges to overcome conventional disciplinary boundaries imposed by discipline specific approaches. This research focuses on functional reasoning, aiming to develop a structured framework based on the System State Flow Diagram (SSFD) for function modelling of complex multidisciplinary systems on a practical and straightforward basis. The framework is developed at two stages. 1) The development of a prototype for the SSFD framework. The proposed SSFD framework are tested and validated through application to selected desktop case studies. 2) Further development and extension of the SSFD framework for the analysis of complex multidisciplinary systems with multiple operation modes and functional requirements. The developed framework is validated on real world case studies collaborated with industrial partners. The main conclusion of this research is that the SSFD framework offers a rigorous and coherent function modelling methodology for the analysis of complex multidisciplinary systems. Further advantages of the SSFD framework is that 1) the effectiveness of the Failure Mode Avoidance (FMA) process can be enhanced by integrating the SSFD framework with relevant tools of the FMA process, and 2) the integration of the SSFD with the SysML systems engineering diagrams is doable, which can promote the take-up of the approach in industry.

Anwenderintegration in strategische Designprozesse von Industriegütern

Gärtner, Frank Thomas January 2016 (has links)
Das laufende Forschungsvorhaben gliedert sich in drei Untersuchungsbereiche. In der vorliegenden Veröffentlichung werden die Ergebnisse der bereits durchgeführten, ersten qualitativen Befragung mit Designmanagern, Designern und Entwicklungsfachleuten dargestellt. Befragt wurden hierbei sowohl Unternehmen als auch Designagenturen, die für diese Unternehmen als externe Dienstleister arbeiten. Es wird gezeigt, welche internen und externen Anwender im Designprozess eingebunden werden und welche Methoden dazu verwendet werden. Auch der Zeitpunkt, wann Anwender im Designprozess integriert werden, ist Teil der Auswertung. Ergänzt werden diese Daten durch die Darstellung der möglichen Chancen und Risiken, die in Bezug auf eine Anwenderintegration gesehen werden Einer strategischen Anwenderintegration werden generell große Chancen eingeräumt, es ist jedoch nicht klar, wie man diese sinnvoll und ergebnisorientiert in einen Designprozess implementiert. Die Auswertung der Anwenderdaten stellt bislang die größte Hürde für eine Anwenderintegration dar.

Systematisierung und Evaluation von Gestaltungsalternativen für die Harmonisierung firmenspezifischer PLM-Umgebungen

Abramovici, Michael, Göbel, Jens Christian 25 September 2017 (has links)
Ausgangssituation In den beiden vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat die Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)-Durchdringung industrieller Unternehmen stetig zugenommen. Dies betrifft die verschiedenen Engineering-Disziplinen (Mechanik, Elektrik, Software, Hydraulik etc.) und immer stärker auch die der Produktentwicklung nachgelagerten Produktlebenszyklus-Phasen (Produktionsplanung, Service etc.) (Abramovici & Schindler 2010, Rudolph & Dietrich 2003). Als ein Ergebnis der zunehmenden PLM-Durchdringung existieren heute in vielen Unternehmen mehrere PLM-Umgebungen parallel, die in verschiedenen Unternehmensteilbereichen historisch gewachsen sind. Diese PLM-Umgebungen sind meist stark an bereichsspezifischen Anforderungen orientiert, aber nicht oder nur teilweise aufeinander abgestimmt. Zusätzlich zu dieser organischen Entwicklung innerhalb der Unternehmen erhöhen Fusionen und Übernahmen von Unternehmen oder Unternehmensteilbereichen die PLM-Heterogenität sprunghaft. Sichtbar wird die PLM-Heterogenität meist an der hohen Anzahl der eingesetzten PLM-Systeme (Abramovici & Schindler 2010), sie kann jedoch gleichermaßen Strategie-, Prozess- und Methoden-bezogene PLM-Komponenten sowie die PLM-Akteure betreffen (Abramovici & Göbel 2011). Der ungeplanten Heterogenität industrieller PLM-Landschaften stehen zunehmend global verteilte und sich permanent verändernde Engineering- Organisationsstrukturen gegenüber (Trippner 2002). Vor diesem Hintergrund können nicht aufeinander abgestimmte PLMUmgebungen drastische Hemmnisse für die Erreichung übergeordneter Unternehmens-Zielsetzungen, wie etwa die Produktivität und Flexibilität bei bereichsübergreifenden Kooperationen oder bei unternehmensinternen Reorganisationsvorhaben, bilden.

Function Modelling of Complex Multidisciplinary Systems. Development of a System State Flow Diagram Methodology for Function Decomposition of Complex Multidisciplinary Systems

Yildirim, Unal January 2015 (has links)
The complexity of technical systems has increased significantly in order to address evolving customer needs and environmental concerns. From a product development process viewpoint, the pervasive nature of multi-disciplinary systems (i.e. mechanical, electrical, electronic, control, software) has brought some important integration challenges to overcome conventional disciplinary boundaries imposed by discipline specific approaches. This research focuses on functional reasoning, aiming to develop a structured framework based on the System State Flow Diagram (SSFD) for function modelling of complex multidisciplinary systems on a practical and straightforward basis. The framework is developed at two stages. 1) The development of a prototype for the SSFD framework. The proposed SSFD framework are tested and validated through application to selected desktop case studies. 2) Further development and extension of the SSFD framework for the analysis of complex multidisciplinary systems with multiple operation modes and functional requirements. The developed framework is validated on real world case studies collaborated with industrial partners. The main conclusion of this research is that the SSFD framework offers a rigorous and coherent function modelling methodology for the analysis of complex multidisciplinary systems. Further advantages of the SSFD framework is that 1) the effectiveness of the Failure Mode Avoidance (FMA) process can be enhanced by integrating the SSFD framework with relevant tools of the FMA process, and 2) the integration of the SSFD with the SysML systems engineering diagrams is doable, which can promote the take-up of the approach in industry. / Automotive Research Centre

Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2024: Menschen, Technik und Methoden in Produktentwicklung und Design

Paetzold-Byhain, Kristin, Augsten, Andrea, Krzywinski, Jens 26 June 2024 (has links)
Die Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben adressiert aktuelle Fragestellungen, Innovationen und Herausforderungen in Produktentwicklung und Design. Die Themen virtuelle Entwicklung und menschzentriertes Design bilden die Klammer, um aktuelle Forschung aus verschiedenen Wissenschaftsbereichen und relevante Fallstudien unterschiedlicher Branchen vor dem Hintergrund des technologischen und nachhaltigen Wandels zu reflektieren. Ziel ist es, Ihnen einen inspirierenden Blick über die eigene Praxis hinaus zu bieten und damit vielfältige Impulse zu geben. Ein besseres Verständnis der menschlichen Arbeitsweise, Potenziale der Digitalisierung und Anforderungen des nachhaltigen Wandels eröffnen neue Perspektiven in Produktentwicklung und Design. Neue Ansätze, Methoden, Werkzeuge und Lösungen adressieren beispielsweise das Handeln in Entwicklungsteams, die Kooperation mit lernenden Algorithmen, die Komplexität von Produkt-Service-Systemen und cyber-physischen Systemen oder systematische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen in Entwicklungsprozessen. Forschende und Praktizierende aus Wissenschaft und Industrie präsentieren ihre Arbeit, Ihre Positionen und Ihre Forschungsergebnisse zu den Herausforderungen der Produktentwicklung.:POTENTIALE DER PERSONA-METHODE IM KONTEXT DER NACHHALTIGEN PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Björn Kokoschko, Laura Augustin, Michael Schabacker, Ramona Träger & Christiane Beyer 1 USER-CENTERED DATA PROVISION FOR CLIMATE-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT Stephan Arndt, Frauke Hänel, Maria Dos Santos & Bernd Zimmermann 15 SUSTAINABILITY ATTITUDES AND WILLINGNESS TO BUY ECO-FRIENDLY PCRPRODUCTS: THE EXAMPLE OF LIGHT SWITCHES Nikolas Neumann, Aline Mangold & Julia Schneider 23 VERORTUNG VON PRODUKTPROFILEN IM ZUKÜNFTIGEN UMFELD DURCH ABGLEICH VON SZENARIEN Carsten Thümmel, Domonkos Kiss, Stefan Schwarz, Andreas Siebe & Albert Albers 36 WISSENSBASIERTES UND KOLLABORATIVES SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MECHATRONISCHER PRODUKTE Stephan Husung, Faizan Faheem & Zirui Li 46 ERWEITERUNG EINES ONTOLOGIE-BASIERTEN PRODUKTKONFIGURATIONSMODELLS MIT GENERALISIERTER MICROSERVICE ARCHITEKTUR FÜR DIE ENTWICKLUNG IN EINEM PRODUKTIONSDATENRAUM Erik Konietzko 59 MBSE–GESTÜTZTE BEWERTUNG VON TECHNISCHEN ÄNDERUNGSAUSWIRKUNGEN IM MODELL DER SGE – SYSTEMGENERATIONSENTWICKLUNG Alex Martin, Jannis Lützelschwab, Vanessa Michelle Clermont, Albert Albers 71 DESIGN DRAWING PARAMETERS AND ITS IMPACT ON THE EVALUATION OF DESIGN PROPOSALS Frank Mühlbauer, Julia Schneider, Jens Krzywinski & Christian Wölfel 84 ENTWICKLUNG EINES METHODENKARTENSETS ZUR STEIGERUNG DER MULTIMODALITÄT VON BEDIENKONZEPTEN Julius Röhlig, Sebastian Lorenz 99 MULTIFUNKTIONALER JOYSTICK FÜR EINEN RADLADER Lukas Fuchs, Marcel Racs & Thomas Maier 111 ADAPTIVE BEDIENSYSTEME IM ACKERSCHLEPPER Timo Schempp, Björn-Gerrit Hülle, Marcel Racs 123 DESIGN FOR ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING – APPLICATION SYSTEM BASED ON DESIGN METHODOLOGY IN INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS Florian Günther & Alexander Koch 134 ASSESSMENT SCHEME FOR PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION FLEXIBILITY – AN INDUSTRIAL CASE STUDY Julia Beibl & Dieter Krause 147 STRATEGIEN UND METHODEN DES ROBUST DESIGNS FÜR DEN EINSATZ IN FRÜHEN PHASEN DER PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Torsten Brix & Stephan Husung 157 ANWENDUNG VON ALLGEMEINTOLERANZEN IM ISO GPS-NORMENSYSTEM – ASPEKTE DER NORMUNG Wolfgang Steger, Thorsten Engelke, Christian Lipp, Kristin Paetzold-Byhain, Peter Robl & Bernhard Wegner 172 A THEORETICAL APPROACH TO DESIGN COMMUNICATION IN MIXED TRAFFIC Lars Gadermann, Daniel Holder & Thomas Maier 183 KONZEPTION EINES DIGITALEN ZWILLINGS FÜR DIE PRODUKTENTSTEHUNG IN DER LUFTFAHRTINDUSTRIE Jörg Brünnhäußer, Thomas Zimmermann, Terence Larusch, Renaud Kenfack, Christoph Jurczok, Jacob Böhnke, Pascal Lünnemann, Kai Lindow 196 CLOSING THE LOOP – INTEGRATING PROCESSES AND OPERATIONAL DIGITAL TWIN DATA INTO THE DIGITAL THREAD GRAPH Nico Kasper, Michael Pfenning, Martin Eigner 206 ENTSCHEIDUNGSFRAMEWORK ZUR AUSWAHL VON WIEDERHOLKOMPONENTEN IM ANLAGENBAU Lorenz Krüger, Bernhard Saske & Kristin Paetzold-Byhain 218 ERSTELLUNG EINES EINHEITLICHEN VERSTÄNDNISSES RICHTIGER PROTOTYPEN ZUR BEFÄHIGUNG VON ENTWICKELNDEN Stefan Eric Schwarz, Raphael Grau, Rebecca Schaffrath, Tobias Düser, Albert Albers 231 KOLLABORATION IN KOMPLEXEN SYSTEMEN Gerhard Glatzel, Maike Gebker, Marius Land, Stefanie Ollenburg, Samuel Zonon 245 LESEZEIT: 14 MINUTEN – DIE GESTALTUNGSPARAMETER VON ZEIT UND IHRE WIRKUNG AUF DIGITALE PRODUKT- UND SERVICE-INTERAKTIONEN Philipp Schütz & Oliver Gerstheimer 259 TOWARDS HUMAN-DRIVEN DESIGN OF TECHNOLOGY: REFLECTING ON THREE USE CASES Tina Bobbe, Sebastian Lorenz, Emese Papp, Lisa-Marie Lüneburg, Nikolas Neumann, Helge Wanta, Jens Krzywinski 279 INNOVATION DURCH KI-DIALOG – LIVING PERSONAS & DIGITAL CUSTOMER TWINS Gerstheimer, Oliver; Schütz, Philipp; Trebbin, Stefan; Rauchfuß, Frank; Holtel, Stefan 295 MIT PARTIZIPATION WIRKUNGSVOLL GESTALTEN – IDENTIFIKATION REALER BEDARFE UNTER EINBINDUNG VIELFÄLTIGER PERSPEKTIVEN Jennifer Schubert & Sophie Knittel 311 LEHRWUNDER: MR-ANWENDUNGEN FÜR DEN UNTERRICHT Ingmar S. Franke, Paulina Groschopp, Christian Steinmann 323 BERÜCKSICHTIGUNG DER PHYSIOLOGIE UND EINSTELLUNG VON NUTZERN MITTELS INTEGRATION EXTERNER EINFLUSSFAKTOREN IN AFFECTIVE ENGINEERING METHODEN Judith van Remmen, Jörg Miehling, Sandro Wartzack 336 KIEFERSYMMETRIE NACH PRIMÄREM SPALTVERSCHLUSS – ZWEI VERSCHIEDENE AUSWERTUNGSMETHODEN Michaela Buckova, Christiane Keil, Stefan Holtzhausen, Philipp Sembdner, Winnie Pradel, Franz Tritschel, Milan Drahos, Günter Lauer 346 ROUTINEN ZUM ENTWURF PATIENTENINDIVIDUELLER SCHABLONEN ZUR OPTIMALEN EINPASSUNG VON AUTOLOGEN KNOCHENAUGMENTATEN IN KIEFERSPALTEN Tom Alexander Schröder, Philipp Sembdner, Erik Selbmann, Uwe Teicher, Günter Lauer & Anas Ben Achour 357 INTERAKTION MIT LERNENDEN ALGORITHMEN ZUR UNTERSTÜTZUNG FERTIGUNGSGERECHTER BAUTEILKONSTRUKTION Sebastian Langula, Martin Erler, Christiane Kunath, Julia Schneider, Christian Wölfel, Michael Königs & Alexander Brosius 368 KEY CONCEPTS, POTENTIALS AND OBSTACLES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Maximilian Kretzschmar, Maximilian Peter Dammann, Sebastian Schwoch, Elias Berger, Bernhard Saske & Kristin Paetzold-Byhain 381 KI-BILDGENERATOREN IM HANDWERK – ENTWICKLUNG NEUER KOMMUNIKATIONSUND ENTWURFSPROZESSE IN DER PRAXIS Anne Goldammer 394 SEMANTISCHES VR-MODELL FÜR DIE QUALIFIKATION DES BEDIENPERSONALS VON VERARBEITUNGSMASCHINEN Paul Weber, Lukas Oehm 406 BEGREIFEN. MENSCHENZENTRIERTE GESTALTUNG INTERAKTIVER WISSENSCHAFTSEXPONATE Diana Simon, Jacob Richter & Ramona Wahl 419

The Negative Effects Of Technology-driven Design On User-product Interaction And Product Usability

Gultekin, Pelin 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In the last decades, the rapid change and prevalent use of technology are concerning, as they induced effects which mainly altered various encompassing contexts like consumer market dynamics and product development processes. Evidently, these transformations also affect the way users interact with products. It is observed that, technological novelties are applied in the competitive market as a tool for product differentiation. In addition, the rapid development of these technologies is a dominating factor on shortening product lifecycles. Resulting from these two factors, implementing latest technologies in new products is interpreted by producers as an absolute way of achieving market success. Consequently, most of the products in everyday life are designed with a primary aim to implement latest technological advances, without appropriate consideration of user requirements and characteristics. The phenomenon has negative consequences on product usability. This study basically examines the usability problems that are related with digital technology impelementations in consumer products. The evaluations are based on the contexts such as: changes in contemporary market conditions with the effects of the recent technological developments, technology-driven approaches in product development processes and the transformative consequences of digital technology applications on user-product interaction. Literature surveys are employed as method. Finally, interaction characteristics of digital products and the contexts in which they are used are evaluated and it is argued that, the usability problems are due to the deficiency in evaluations of user characteristics and requirements during the product development processes, in general terms.

Experience, context-of-use and the design of product usability

Chamorro-Koc, Marianella January 2007 (has links)
This study argues that including aspects of user experience relevant to the user's knowledge of a product's context-of-use in the early stages of product design can enhance the design of product usability. To explore these issues, research was undertaken to respond to three research questions: (i) What aspects of user experience influence people's understanding of product usability? (ii) What is the nature of the differences between users' and designers' understandings of product usability? (iii) How can context-of-use and human experience enhance the design of product usability? Findings from the study have shown that experience, context-of-use and knowledge about a product's usability are interrelated. Conceptual principles and design principles were established based on findings to explain (i) the relationships between aspects of experience and areas of product usability and (ii) differences between designers' and users' concepts of product usability. These principles responded to the first two research questions. Causal relationships found between experience and product usability suggested the need to implement them in an accessible manner for a product design process. A design tool -- named the Experience and Context Enquiry Design Tool (ECEDT) -- was devised to exemplify the implementation of findings. A trial run verified that the type of information that ECEDT brings to designers could assist them to address usability and experience issues during the early stages of the design process. This result responded to the third research question of the study. This study's conceptual principles and design principles contribute new knowledge to design theory and practice. This knowledge contributes to design theory in providing greater detail about the differences between designers and users than that addressed by existing theory; it contributes to design practice as it informs designers about the aspects of human experience that prompt users' understanding of a product's use. In doing so, it can potentially assist in the design of products that embed new technological applications, and support the design of product usability.

Uma contribui??o cr?tica para o redesenho de cadeiras de rodas adaptadas para crian?as e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral

Amorim, Brunna Michelle Paiva de 03 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:52:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaMPA_capa_ate_pag_120.pdf: 3506558 bytes, checksum: d539a7d405b18bb07c4d7ce4689821cb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-03 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work was aimed at making a critical analysis of the product wheelchair, both for using four different models, which were objects of study of the dissertation of Cl?udia Regina Cabral Galv?o, entitled Critical Analysis of the Mobility Products Seated a wheelchair - Used by Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy in Natal / RN and other municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte . This product is considered an instrument in the social rehabilitation of great importance for people with physical disabilities. This study aims to position the issue and develop comments on technical up grading of certain models according to the needs of the user. Describes features of four models in search searched through catalogs in order to know its advantages and disadvantages of use. Were presented the definitions of ergonomics and ergonomic aspects to be considered on a design, the study of anthropometry and its recommendations. Discussions the methodology of project design in two parts: the first, on the structuring of design problem (formulation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.) And the second on the project (design and development, implementation and evaluation and solution). With that review will include the possibilities for a new redesign of the wheelchair, based on forms of adaptation in order to achieve the target that was compressed by the average population studied. Seeks to that this project makes an improvement in quality of life of people in wheelchairs by including these people in society but also the improvement of rehabilitation / Esse trabalho teve por objetivo a realiza??o de uma an?lise cr?tica do produto cadeira de rodas, utilizando para tanto quatro modelos diferentes, que foram objetos de estudo da disserta??o de Cl?udia Regina Cabral Galv?o, intitulada An?lise Cr?tica dos Produtos de Mobilidade Sentada- Cadeiras de Rodas Utilizadas por Crian?as e Adolescentes com Paralisia Cerebral em Natal/RN e outros Munic?pios do Rio Grande do Norte . Este produto ? considerado na reabilita??o social um instrumento de grande relev?ncia para as pessoas com defici?ncia f?sica. Este estudo visa posicionar a quest?o e desenvolver observa??es sobre t?cnicas de readapta??o de determinados modelos de acordo com a necessidade do usu?rio. Descreve caracter?sticas dos quatro modelos pesquisados atrav?s de busca em cat?logos, com intuito de conhecer suas vantagens e desvantagens de uso. Foram apresentados alguns aspectos ergon?micos que devem ser considerados em um projeto, o estudo da antropometria e suas recomenda??es. Aborda a metodologia de projeto organizada em duas partes: a primeira, intitulada de estrutura??o de problema projetual (formula??o, an?lise, s?ntese e avalia??o); e a segunda intitulada de projeto (concep??o e desenvolvimento, avalia??o e solu??o e execu??o). Com isso analisam quais ser?o as possibilidades para um novo redesenho de cadeira de rodas, baseado nas formas de adapta??o, de modo a atingir os pesquisados com faixa et?ria entre 5 -12 anos, correspondente ? 63,7% dos pesquisados. Pretende-se que este projeto viabilize uma melhoria na qualidade de vida dos cadeirantes atrav?s do aumento da inclus?o destas pessoas na sociedade

Gamifikace v cestovním ruchu / Gamification in tourism

Kondratenko, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on gamification and possibility of using gamification elements in the field of tourism. The aim of this work is to present gamification as a tool for influencing tourist behavior and to design an own product with gamification elements. In the theoretical part of the thesis a definition of gamification is analyzed alongside with the game elements and game thinking, which constitute the essence of this phenomenon, and the types of motivation of players and travelers are presented. Subsequently, a framework for gamification design is described. The fifth chapter defines the basic notions of tourism and introduces ways of using gamification in tourism. The theoretical part ends by chapters six and seven, where possible risks of using gamification as well as the most successful examples of its implementation are described. The practical part is devoted to the description of a new gamified product including graphic design and the timetable of introduction of the application to the market.

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