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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Дунав као саобраћајна артерија и осовина развоја у Републици Србији / Dunav kao saobraćajna arterija i osovina razvoja u Republici Srbiji / Danube as a transport artery and axis ofdevelopment in the Republic of Serbia

Milanković Jelena 26 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду је дата детаљна анализа подручја Подунавља у Републици Србији, који се<br />назива Дунавска осовина. Простор Дунава, тј. Коридора VII има изузетан саобраћајни&nbsp; положај и природне услове за развој и чини део окоснице просторне структуре Србије. На овом подручју је изражена концентрација становништва и агломерација делатности и то посебно на подручју Града Београда, највеће урбане агломерације Србије, али и на подручју Новог Сада, који чини национални секундарни центар. Простор дунавског појаса због свог изузетног&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; узроковао је да има повећану концентрацију производње, капитала, саобраћаја, становништва и насељавања у том делу Србије.<br />Дунавска осовина располаже изузетним потенцијалима за развој пољопривреде, енергетике, индустрије и туризма. Значај и потенцијали реке Дунав за Републику Србију су огромни, али његове предности још увек нису искоришћене, а његова улога осовине развоја није у потпуности потврђена. О природним ресурсима простора око реке Дунав у Европи и неопходности сарадње између подунавских земаља писали су многи, али и закључивали да је њихова искоришћеност недовољна и неадекватна, као и да нема рационалну организацију која би бринула о економским, еколошким, културним, и другим интересима како средње, тако и о интересима целе Еворпе.<br />Основни циљ дисертације је потврђивање потенцијала и могућности које подручје Подунавља пружа Републици Србији, као и постављене хипотезе да је Дунав, односно, Подунавље осовина развоја Републике Србије. Утврђивањем основних природних и друштвених карактеристика дунавског гравитационог подручја и саме реке и њихове анализе приказаће се основни потенцијали овог подручја. Циљ је да се укаже на значај Дунава за регионални развој Србије и да се конкретним решењима предложе најбољи начини за коришћење његових многобројних вредности. Реалним приказом садашњег стања омогућава се и процена будућег дешавања и промена.</p> / <p>U radu je data detaljna analiza područja Podunavlja u Republici Srbiji, koji se<br />naziva Dunavska osovina. Prostor Dunava, tj. Koridora VII ima izuzetan saobraćajni&nbsp; položaj i prirodne uslove za razvoj i čini deo okosnice prostorne strukture Srbije. Na ovom području je izražena koncentracija stanovništva i aglomeracija delatnosti i to posebno na području Grada Beograda, najveće urbane aglomeracije Srbije, ali i na području Novog Sada, koji čini nacionalni sekundarni centar. Prostor dunavskog pojasa zbog svog izuzetnog&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; uzrokovao je da ima povećanu koncentraciju proizvodnje, kapitala, saobraćaja, stanovništva i naseljavanja u tom delu Srbije.<br />Dunavska osovina raspolaže izuzetnim potencijalima za razvoj poljoprivrede, energetike, industrije i turizma. Značaj i potencijali reke Dunav za Republiku Srbiju su ogromni, ali njegove prednosti još uvek nisu iskorišćene, a njegova uloga osovine razvoja nije u potpunosti potvrđena. O prirodnim resursima prostora oko reke Dunav u Evropi i neophodnosti saradnje između podunavskih zemalja pisali su mnogi, ali i zaključivali da je njihova iskorišćenost nedovoljna i neadekvatna, kao i da nema racionalnu organizaciju koja bi brinula o ekonomskim, ekološkim, kulturnim, i drugim interesima kako srednje, tako i o interesima cele Evorpe.<br />Osnovni cilj disertacije je potvrđivanje potencijala i mogućnosti koje područje Podunavlja pruža Republici Srbiji, kao i postavljene hipoteze da je Dunav, odnosno, Podunavlje osovina razvoja Republike Srbije. Utvrđivanjem osnovnih prirodnih i društvenih karakteristika dunavskog gravitacionog područja i same reke i njihove analize prikazaće se osnovni potencijali ovog područja. Cilj je da se ukaže na značaj Dunava za regionalni razvoj Srbije i da se konkretnim rešenjima predlože najbolji načini za korišćenje njegovih mnogobrojnih vrednosti. Realnim prikazom sadašnjeg stanja omogućava se i procena budućeg dešavanja i promena.</p> / <p>The paper gives a detailed analysis of the area of Podunavlje in the Republic of Serbia, which bears the name the Danube Axis. The Danube region, that is the region&nbsp; of the Corridor VII has an exceptional traffic position and natural conditions for development and it makes a part of the essential framework of the spatial structure of Serbia. This region has a pronounced concentration of population as well as agglomeration of economic activities, especially on the territory of the City of Belgrade, the largest urban agglomeration in Serbia, and also on the&nbsp;territory of Novi Sad, which is a secondary national center. Due to its particular significance, the Danube region has an enlarged concentration of production, capital, traffic, population and immigration in that part of Serbia. The Danube Axis has enormous potential for the growth of agriculture, energetics, industry and tourism. The Danube River has enormous significance and enormous potential for the Republic of Serbia. However, its advantages have not yet been taken, and its role as a foundation for development has not yet been fully confirmed. Many people have written about natural resources of the area surrounding the Danube River in Europe and about the necessity of cooperation among the countries along the Danube River basin, but they have also concluded that their exploitation has been insufficient and inadequate, as well as that there has been no rational organization to take care of the economic, ecological, cultural and other interests of Central Europe and of the whole Europe as well. The main goal of the dissertation is to confirm potential and possibilities that the area of Podunavlje offers to the Republic of Serbia, as well as to make a hypothesis that the Danube, that is Podunavlje, provides the basis for the growth of the Republic of Serbia. The establishing of major natural and social characteristics of the Danube gravity zone and of the River itself and their analysis will show the true potential of this&nbsp; region. The aim is to emphasize the importance of the Danube for the regional growth&nbsp; of Serbia and to suggest the best ways of exploiting its numerous assets in the form of&nbsp; concrete solutions. A real portrayal of the present state enables the assessment of future occurrences and future changes.</p>

Rozvojový potenciál města Votice z hlediska cestovního ruchu / Development potential of town Votice in term of tourism

SVITÁKOVÁ, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the current development potential in tourism of the Votice town and then propose possible measures and initiatives to improve the utilization of this potential. First it was made an situation analysis of the town and its neighbourhood. It was found the main characteristics of this area (for example geographic, economic or demographic characteristics) including analysis of the services. Then it was conducted some interviews with the important persons. It was proposed several possible projects to improve the current situation. It´s really important, that here the principles of partnership work. Votice as a member of Mikroregion Džbány should cooperate with the other communities and companies. The other problem is a little awareness of local people about the new projects.

Indigenous plants in the Limpopo province : potential for their commercial beverage production

Rampedi, Isaac Tebogo 12 1900 (has links)
South Africa has over 19 500 different indigenous plant species. Most of these are of ethnobotanical significance and are still used by local rural communities as medicine, food and for making beverages. The relatively little research that has been conducted on indigenous plant species has focused mainly on their medicinal potential. However, in view of the rapidly growing size of the global and local beverage industry and their constant search for new products, beverage-making indigenous plant species may have commercial development potential. To date, no detailed studies have been conducted on these plants, especially in the species-rich Limpopo province. The aim of this study was, therefore to evaluate the potential of indigenous plants for commercial beverage production. In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted in the Limpopo province to identify beverage-making plants and to document beverage preparation methods. Selected beverages were analysed and evaluated for their nutrient and sensory characteristics and a market product acceptability survey was conducted to identify those beverages with the greatest potential for development. Sixty three different beverage-plant species were identified in three study areas within the Limpopo province. These were used for the preparation of teas, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. Plants that received further research attention were selected on the basis of their status as indigenous plants, frequency of use, nature of harvesting methods and availability. Some of the selected beverages were found to be rich in nutrients, especially with respect to vitamin C and mineral content. Furthermore, sensory analyses and market surveys indicated that four species, namely, Doyvalis caffra, Garcinia livingstonei, Grewia flavescens and Englerophytum magalismontanum have potential for further development for the beverage industry while Athrixia phylicoides has commercialisation potential as a herbal tea. However, further research is required to improve and refine preparation methods and to ensure compliance with quality standards. The availability of sufficient plant material for the industry must also be ensured. This research has indicated that South African indigenous plants have untapped market potential for the beverage industry which, if developed sustainably, could contribute to economic growth of the rural parts of South Africa. / Environmental Sciences / D. Ed. (Environmental Management)

Development potential and financial viability of fish farming in Ghana

Asmah, Ruby January 2008 (has links)
The potential for aquaculture development to make up for an annual 400,000mt shortfall in domestic fish supply was investigated. This involved an overview of the sector to determine its trends and operations and identifying strengths and constraints, a financial viability assessment of the sector, based on mode and levels of operation of existing farms, an assessment of the market and trade for cultured fish with a focus on Oreochromis niloticus, and finally, a GIS approach to update and reassess the potential for aquaculture development in Ghana. Data were obtained from both primary and secondary sources, the former, via fish farmer, dealers and consumer questionnaire surveys. Results of the study showed that interests in fish farming continue to grow with an overall annual average growth rate of 16% since 2000. The existing farms, 1300 in number were however very small with a mean farm size of 0.36ha and a median 0.06ha of which commercial farms accounted for less than 3%. Based on sizes, mode of operation and levels of input and output, five subsistence farm types were identified. Mean production from these pond-based farms ranged from 1436kg/ha/yr- to 4,423kg/ha/yr while that of a medium sized intensive commercial pond farm was 45,999kg/ha/yr. Commercial farming accounted for about 75% of 2006 aquaculture production. The main strength identified was the growing interest in both commercial and non-commercial fish farming and the main constraints were lack of quality seed, low levels of technical support and of knowledge in fish farming practices among non-commercial farmers. Net profits of commercial farms ranged from GH¢ 3,341 (US$3480)/ha/yr to GH¢ 51,444 (US$ 53,587)/ha/yr with payback from 1 to 4yrs, IRR at 35% to 105% and NPV from GH¢ 5,898 to GH¢ 236,412. By contrast, only two of the five non-commercial farm types made positive net returns ranging, from GH¢158 to GH¢1100/ha/yr, with minimum payback period of 14yrs, NPVs of less than 1 and the best IRR being just 4%, when initial capital requirements are full costed. Uncosted family labour inputs and negligible land opportunity costs improved viabilities for two farm types, where net returns/ha/yr increased by more than 50%, minimum payback dropped to 2 years, NPV from GH¢ 4839 to GH¢ 9330 and minimum IRR of 45%. Main constraints identified as affecting the profitability of subsistence farming were the relatively low prices of fish and the low levels of output which could be improved through better farming practices. From the market survey, a huge market potential for tilapia was identified with a current supply deficit of 41,000mt. The most preferred sizes by consumers and with potentially good market price for traders were those weighing at least 200g. For dealers, trading in cultured fish was found to be more profitable than trading wild capture tilapia because of lower wholesaler prices, gross profit margins were GH¢ 0.49/kg and GH¢ 0.25/kg respectively. Preference for tilapia was influenced by taste, availability, and its perceived health benefit. A key constraint to the sector was poor post-harvest handling and preservation of the fish resulting in shorter shelf life. From the GIS study, 2% (3,692 km2) of available land area was identified as very suitable for subsistence and about 0.2% (313.8km2) for commercial farming. A further 97.4% and 84.0% were identified as suitable for subsistence and commercial farming respectively. Areas with potential for cage culture were also identified, which were largely in the southern and mid-sections of the country. The overall conclusions are that based on natural resource requirements, market potential and financial viability, Ghana has the potential to totally make up the shortfall in domestic fish supply through aquaculture production. The current 400,000mt shortfall in domestic fish production can be achieved by 2020 by increasing overall aquaculture production by 60% per annum.

Indigenous plants in the Limpopo province : potential for their commercial beverage production

Rampedi, Isaac Tebogo 12 1900 (has links)
South Africa has over 19 500 different indigenous plant species. Most of these are of ethnobotanical significance and are still used by local rural communities as medicine, food and for making beverages. The relatively little research that has been conducted on indigenous plant species has focused mainly on their medicinal potential. However, in view of the rapidly growing size of the global and local beverage industry and their constant search for new products, beverage-making indigenous plant species may have commercial development potential. To date, no detailed studies have been conducted on these plants, especially in the species-rich Limpopo province. The aim of this study was, therefore to evaluate the potential of indigenous plants for commercial beverage production. In order to achieve this, a survey was conducted in the Limpopo province to identify beverage-making plants and to document beverage preparation methods. Selected beverages were analysed and evaluated for their nutrient and sensory characteristics and a market product acceptability survey was conducted to identify those beverages with the greatest potential for development. Sixty three different beverage-plant species were identified in three study areas within the Limpopo province. These were used for the preparation of teas, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. Plants that received further research attention were selected on the basis of their status as indigenous plants, frequency of use, nature of harvesting methods and availability. Some of the selected beverages were found to be rich in nutrients, especially with respect to vitamin C and mineral content. Furthermore, sensory analyses and market surveys indicated that four species, namely, Doyvalis caffra, Garcinia livingstonei, Grewia flavescens and Englerophytum magalismontanum have potential for further development for the beverage industry while Athrixia phylicoides has commercialisation potential as a herbal tea. However, further research is required to improve and refine preparation methods and to ensure compliance with quality standards. The availability of sufficient plant material for the industry must also be ensured. This research has indicated that South African indigenous plants have untapped market potential for the beverage industry which, if developed sustainably, could contribute to economic growth of the rural parts of South Africa. / Environmental Sciences / D. Ed. (Environmental Management)

Financing of Brownfield Regeneration in the EU (Germany)

GOURAUD, Emmanuel January 2018 (has links)
Based on qualitative, case study and the analysis of Europacity project in Berlin, this study aims at assessing the important criteria in order to evaluate the economic dimensions and development potential of a brownfield and a brownfield project. In the literature, more contextual information is given by making an updated state of the arts of brownfield regeneration financing and framework in the European Union with a particular focus on Germany. Furthermore, tools to evaluate the development potential of particular brownfield regeneration projects in particular brownfields and costs-benefits analysis in this field are reviewed. Using a compilation of official and informal data acquired through the interview of one main institutional actor in the development of the Europacity project, the author tried to assess the factors influencing the successful completion of the project in this area, the impacts of the project on eight selected items (stakeholders involvement and following values: economic, social, environmental, historical, psychological, spatial and technological) and the costs-benefits analysis for three of the main stakeholders of the project. The main finding is that all items studied were relevant to some extent in the economic evaluation of a brownfield regeneration project.

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