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The Use of Dictionaries, Glosses, and Annotations to Facilitate Vocabulary Comprehension for L2 Learners of RussianTodd, Elizabeth Christel 16 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Technology is changing education. Just 30 years ago, instructors were using slow, inefficient technology such as projectors and reels of film, whereas today they have instant access to video from anywhere in the world. This capability has the potential to change the way that language is being taught and learned. Instead of students relying solely on their teacher and textbook for linguistic input, they have access to the Internet which holds a seemingly endless amount of information. This study was inspired by the belief that it is possible to maximize the potential benefit from that availability by implementing the theory that people learn language best when they have access to comprehensible input (Buri, 2012; Crossley, Allen, & McNamara, 2012; Krashen, 1985; Shintani, 2012; Zarei & Rashvand 2011). It also implements the belief of some second-language acquisitions theorists that subtitled video provides language learners with more comprehensible input than non-subtitled video alone (Borrás & Lafayette, 1994; Chun & Plass, 1996; Danan, 2004; Di Carlo, 1994). Thus, this study used interactive subtitled video to investigate the effects of three word definition types on participants' vocabulary comprehension and involved the selection of 120 Russian (L2)words of equal difficulty that were randomly sorted into one of four groups -- three treatments and a control group. Each treatment group contained 30 Russian words with a different type of definition in English (L1): dictionary definitions, which provided the viewers with the definition they would find in the bilingual dictionary; glosses which provided the viewers with the exact meaning of the word only as it pertains to the given context; and annotations which provided an explanation to clarify a word's use in different contexts or its non-traditional uses. Participants totaled 53 men and women ages 18-30 from 4 countries, US, Canada, Germany, and Sweden, who were advanced L2 learners of Russian. To control for the possible effects of a pretest, some of the subjects took a vocabulary pretest, and then all subjects watched a film in Russian with Russian subtitles, which was immediately followed by a vocabulary posttest. Results showed that annotations were most conducive to vocabulary gains, followed by glosses, dictionary definitions, and no definition, respectively. Although this was not the case for all participants, this outcome did hold for the majority, and several possible reasons for this outcome are discussed.
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Μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά : ζητήματα σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησηςΜάντζαρη, Ελένη 14 February 2012 (has links)
Η διατριβή επικεντρώνεται στη συζήτηση ζητημάτων σχεδιασμού και διδακτικής αξιοποίησης που αφορούν τους λεξικογραφικούς ορισμούς στα μονόγλωσσα ελληνικά παιδαγωγικά λεξικά. Κύριος σκοπός της είναι η διερεύνηση της αποτελεσματικότητας διαφορετικών λεξικογραφικών προσεγγίσεων στη διατύπωση των ορισμών από την πλευρά του χρήστη. Με βάση το θέμα της και τη μεθοδολογική της προσέγγιση εντάσσεται στο επίκαιρο και αναπτυσσόμενο πεδίο της λεξικογραφίας που αφορά τη χρήση του λεξικού. Η πρωτοτυπία της έγκειται στο ότι διερευνά ζητήματα σχετικά με τη χρήση του λεξικού από μια ηλικιακή ομάδα που ελάχιστα μέχρι σήμερα έχει αποτελέσει ομάδα-στόχο πειραματικών ερευνών στη διεθνή λεξικογραφική βιβλιογραφία, πολύ λιγότερο δε στην ελληνική γλώσσα, για την οποία οι ελάχιστες ερευνητικές μελέτες σε αυτό το πεδίο βασίζονται σε ερωτηματολόγια και όχι σε πειραματικά δεδομένα.
Στο θεωρητικό σκέλος, παρουσιάζονται παραδοσιακές τεχνικές (αναλυτικοί ορισμοί, ορισμοί με συνώνυμα και μορφολογικοί ορισμοί) και σύγχρονες τεχνικές (ορισμοί με πλήρη πρόταση) που κρίθηκε ότι επηρεάζουν το περιεχόμενο και τη μορφή των ορισμών, και τελικά το βαθμό κατανόησής τους από τους τελικούς αναγνώστες.
Στο εμπειρικό σκέλος, παρουσιάζεται η πειραματική έρευνα στην οποία συμμετέχουν 351 μαθητές των δύο τελευταίων τάξεων του δημοτικού. Στόχος της έρευνας είναι να αξιολογήσει την αποτελεσματικότητα παραδοσιακών και των πιο σύγχρονων προσεγγίσεων στη διατύπωση των λεξικογραφικών ορισμών, με βάση την επίδοση των μαθητών σε δύο τεστ (παραγωγή προτάσεων και κατανόηση σημασίας).
Το ποσοστό των σωστών απαντήσεων για τους μαθητές που συμβουλεύτηκαν τους προτασιακούς ορισμούς ανέρχεται στο 72,4%, ενώ τα ποσοστά των σωστών απαντήσεων των μαθητών που συμβουλεύτηκαν τους παραδοσιακούς ορισμούς με δυσκολότερο και απλούστερο λεξιλόγιο ανήλθαν στο 22,9% και 26,6% αντίστοιχα. Ειδικότερα, παρατηρήθηκε ότι οι προτασιακοί ορισμοί βοήθησαν στην αποτελεσματικότερη κατανόηση της σημασίας μιας λέξης αλλά και στην ενεργοποίηση παραγωγικών μηχανισμών σύνδεσης της περιγραφόμενης σημασίας με τις πραγματολογικές καταστάσεις στις οποίες αυτή συνήθως χρησιμοποιείται. Η δήλωση των συμφραστικών επιλογών και των σημασιολογικών προτιμήσεων μιας λέξης μέσα στο κείμενο του ορισμού, σε ρέοντα φυσικό λόγο, βοηθά την ορθή χρήση και την ορθή αναγνώριση της σημασίας των λέξεων, ενώ ειδικότερα στην παραγωγή προτάσεων ενεργοποιεί συνδέσεις μεταξύ συστηματικών σημασιολογικών σχέσεων μέσω λογικών συναγωγών, που βοηθούν τους μαθητές να χρησιμοποιούν παραγωγικότερα τις λέξεις στα δικά τους κείμενα. Η δήλωση της συντακτικής συμπεριφοράς μέσα στο κείμενο του ορισμού βοηθά τους μαθητές να αναπαραγάγουν σε ικανοποιητικό βαθμό τη συντακτική δομή των λέξεων κατά τη δημιουργία δικών τους προτάσεων.
Τέλος, με βάση και τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας, διατυπώνονται προτάσεις και δραστηριότητες για την εκπαίδευση των μαθητών στην αποτελεσματικότερη χρήση και αξιοποίηση των λεξικογραφικών ορισμών. / In the present thesis, we discuss issues concerning the design of Greek pedagogical dictionaries and the teaching of dictionary use. More specifically, emphasis is given on issues concerning the design of definitions in these dictionaries as well as students’s training for more effective use of dictionary definitions.
We discuss traditional and contemporary defining approaches and we conduct an experimental research in order to investigate the effectiveness of these approaches, as they are represented by three Greek pedagogical dictionaries. The research aims at revealing which defining approach contributes more effectively in the comprehension and production of word’s meaning by students of senior primary school.
In the Part I, we present the contemporary framework of pedagogical lexicography and we discuss the need for research on dictionary use. In order to better illustrate the contemporary scene of pedagogical lexicography, we present the component parts of dictionaries, as well as the structure of the lexicographic entry in the monolingual pedagogical dictionaries, and we summarise how computer has influenced the form and the content of the contemporary dictionary.
In the Part II, we summarise the different views in the relevant bibliography regarding the term “definition”, and we also present traditional and contemporary defining techniques that seem to influence the content and the form of definitions, and accordingly their accessibility by the dictionary users. In the framework of traditional techniques, we examine the conventional dictionary definition, which, as regards its content, focuses in the description of the essential characteristics of the word meaning and, as regards its form is characterised by elliptical phrases, the use of synonyms and derivatives, certain formulaic defining components, and normally difficult vocabulary. As an alternative to the traditional defining approach, we examine the example of full-sentence definitions, which instead of elliptical phrases they make use of the full sentence scheme, in order to explain not only the meaning of words but also the most typical instances of the words’s use.
In the Part III, we make a review of the methodological considerations on the research of dictionary use, illustrating thus the general framework according to which our own research is viewed. Next, we discuss issues concerning teaching of the so-called reference skills of the dictionary users, aiming at a most effective use of the dictionary in general and in a more effective grasp and exploitation of the dictionary definitions in particular.
The Part IV presents the experimental research with 351 Greek native speakers, students of senior primary school. The aim of the research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the traditional and the more contemporary defining approaches that was analysed in the theoretical part of the study, measuring students’s performance in two tasks. The subjects that took part in the experiment were accidentally separated in three different teams; the first team consulted traditional definitions without vocabulary restrictions, the second team consulted traditional definitions with easier vocabulary, and the third team consulted full-sentence definitions. In the first task, students were asked to produce their own sentences, after they have read the relevant definitions for six (6) words, and in the latter task they were asked to identify the right meaning of nine (9) words in multiple choice exercises. At the end of this part we summarise the conclusions of the experiment.
In both production and identification tasks, the full-sentence definitions yielded 72,4% correct answers, while the traditional definitions with difficult and less difficult vocabulary yielded 22,9% and 26,6% respectively. More specifically, it was observed that the full-sentence definitions, focusing on the description of prototypical characteristics, were proved more effective in helping students understand word meaning and also more effective in activating productive mechanisms towards linking of the described meaning to its typical instances of use. Inclusion of semantic preferences and syntactic structure of a word in its definition helped students to use the described word more effectively in their own sentences. Moreover, the definition’s simple vocabulary and simple structure made meaning of a word more accessible. Finally, the use of a full-sentence instead of an elliptical phrase directs the attention of students to the whole phrasing of the definition, thus helping them avoid basing interpretation of the word’s meaning in one word or one phrase of the definition, a behaviour that was proved to be triggered by the traditional definitions.
In the Part V, taking in account the experiment’s results, we present classroom activities for training students towards more effective consulting and use of dictionary definitions.
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