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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Impact d'une formation collaborative donnée à des enseignants de chimie du secondaire sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du concept de mole

Abou Halloun, Simone 11 1900 (has links)
Faute de connaissances épistémologiques et socio-historiques au sujet du concept de mole et d’une transposition didactique pertinente de ce concept dans les manuels scolaires, les enseignants ne disposent pas des moyens nécessaires pour que leur enseignement soit aussi efficace qu’ils le souhaiteraient. Plusieurs recherches confirment que cet enseignement met habituellement l’accent sur l’aspect quantitatif de ce concept, néglige ses aspects qualitatifs et ne tient pas toujours compte des trois domaines du savoir en chimie : sous-microscopique, macroscopique et symbolique. L’évolution socio-historique de la mole est complexe. En 1900, Ostwald définit la mole comme étant une « masse normale ». En 1961, on reconnait la mole comme étant un concept pour compter les entités sous-microscopiques. En 1971, la mole devient l’unité de la « quantité de matière », sans toutefois que cela soit clairement mentionné dans la définition. Les diverses définitions qui se sont succédées laissent donc l’enseignant perplexe devant le choix d’une définition adéquate. De plus, les confusions linguistiques liées à l’apprentissage de la mole sont nombreuses, telles que des confusions phonétiques (mol et molécule), et des confusions symboliques (n, m, M, N. etc.). Un enseignement de la mole qui ne tient pas compte de ses aspects qualitatif et quantitatif, de l’évolution socio-historique du concept et d’un évitement des erreurs sémantiques risque de provoquer des obstacles didactiques chez les élèves. Par conséquent, l’objectif général de cette recherche de développement était d’étudier l’impact d’une formation portant sur le concept de mole donnée à des enseignants du secondaire sur l’évolution de leurs connaissances et compétences professionnelles et sur la réduction des obstacles didactiques chez les élèves. La formation a été planifiée selon un cycle de DBR (Design Based Research) qui comportait de nombreuses interactions entre l’étudiante-chercheure et les six enseignantes participantes d’une école du Liban. Ce cycle de DBR se subdivisait en cinq méso cycles dans chacun desquels l’étudiante-chercheure animait des activités de perfectionnement. Le premier mésocycleconsistait essentiellement en un microcycle d’analyse et d’exploration ; les 2e, 3e et 4e cycles comportent des microcycles de design et de conception de matériel didactique ainsi que des microcycles d’analyse, d’exploration, d’évaluation et de réflexion ; le dernier mésocycleconsistait surtout en un microcycle d’évaluation et d’exploration. Durant le premier méso cycle, l’analyse des données recueillies lors d’un groupe de discussion, d’une analyse de fiches de préparation et d’une évaluation diagnostique des apprentissages a confirmé la problématique décrite ci-dessus. Durant les trois méso cycles suivants (2e, 3e et 4e), un matériel didactique a été élaboré et mis à l’essai en classe. Chacun de ces méso cycles commençait par un retour réflexif des enseignantes ayant expérimenté le matériel didactique en classe. Par la suite, une activité de perfectionnement de synthèse était animée par l’étudiante-chercheure, une amélioration du matériel d’équipe était effectuée en équipe et une mise à l’essai par des enseignantes était réalisée en classe. Chaque mésocyclese terminait par une évaluation des résultats des élèves. Durant le dernier méso cycle, l’étudiante-chercheure a animé un groupe de discussion et des entretiens d’explicitation durant lequel les enseignantes participantes ont partagé leurs impressions au sujet des effets de la formation sur leur enseignement et sur les apprentissages des élèves. L’analyse et l’interprétation des résultats obtenus semblent montrer des effets positifs sur l’évolution des connaissances et des compétences professionnelles des enseignantes et sur la réduction des obstacles didactiques chez les élèves. Cette recherche présentait néanmoins d’assez nombreuses limites, notamment en raison du petit nombre d’enseignantes participantes. / In the absence of epistemological and socio-historical knowledge about the concept of mole and of a relevant didactic transposition of this concept in textbooks, teachers do not have the means to make their teaching as effective as they would like. Several studies confirm that this teaching usually emphasizes the quantitative aspect of this concept, neglects its qualitative aspects and does not always take into account the three areas of knowledge in chemistry: sub-microscopic, macroscopic and symbolic. The socio-historical evolution of the mole is complex. In 1900, Ostwald defined the mole as a "normal mass". In 1961, the mole was recognized as a concept for counting sub-microscopic entities. In 1971, the mole became the unit of the "quantity of substance", however without this being clearly mentioned in the definition. These various definitions leave the teacher puzzled and looking for an adequate definition. In addition, there are many linguistic confusions related to the learning of the mole, such as phonetic confusions (mol and molecule), and symbolic confusions (n, m, M, N, etc.). A teaching of the mole that does not take into account its qualitative and quantitative aspects, the socio-historical evolution of the concept and an avoidance of semantic errors may cause didactic obstacles for secondary school students. Therefore, the general objective of this development research was to study the impact of a training on the concept of mole given to secondary school teachers on the evolution of their professional knowledge and skills and on the reduction of didactic barriers in secondary school students. The training was planned according to a DBR (Design Based Research) cycle which involved numerous interactions between the student-researcher and the six participating teachers from a Lebanese school. This DBR cycle was subdivided into five meso-cycles in each of which the student-researcher conducted developmental activities. The first meso-cycle consisted essentially of a microcycle of analysis and exploration ; the 2nd, 3rd and 4th cycles include microcycles of design of didactic materials as well as microcycles of analysis and exploration, evaluation and reflection ; the last meso-cycle consisted mainly of a microcycle of evaluation and exploration. During the first meso-cycle, an analysis of the data collected during a focus group, an analysis of the preparation documents and a diagnostic assessment of learning confirmed the problem described above. During the following three meso-cycles (2nd, 3rd and 4th), a didactic material was developed and tested in class. Each of these meso-cycles began with a reflexive feedback from the teachers who had experienced the didactic material in class. Subsequently, a synthesis development activity was facilitated by the student-researcher, an improvement of the team material was carried out by the teachers and a test was conducted in class. Each meso-cycle ended with an assessment of the secondary school students’ achievement. During the last meso-cycle, the student-researcher facilitated a focus group and explanatory interviews during which the participating teachers shared their impressions about the effects of the training on their teaching and on student learning. The analysis and interpretation of the results obtained seem to show positive effects on the evolution of teachers' professional knowledge and skills and on the reduction of didactic obstacles for secondary school students. Nevertheless, this research had quite a few limitations, mainly because of the small number of participating teachers.

Professores de física em contexto de inovação curricular: saberes docentes e superação de obstáculos didáticos no ensino de física moderna e contemporânea / Teachers of physics in the context of curricular innovation: teachers knowledge and overcoming of didactic obstacles in the teaching of Modern and Contemporary Physics.

Siqueira, Maxwell Roger da Purificação 01 June 2012 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, vem se tornando evidente a necessidade de reforma curricular, principalmente devido às pressões que a escola tem sofrido. Pressões essas que decorrem, entre os diversos motivos, da insatisfação com o ensino, especialmente relacionado à Ciência, que pouco tem contribuído para a formação do indivíduo, condizente com sua época. Surge, assim, a necessidade de mudança do currículo, principalmente o de Ciências. No entanto, nesse processo, depara-se com algumas dificuldades, principalmente relacionadas à formação de professores, pois, muitas vezes, as crenças e concepções desses profissionais não são consideradas importantes por aqueles que desenvolvem uma inovação, o que pode levar ao fracasso da nova proposta. Nesse sentido, este estudo investigou a temática da inovação curricular na perspectiva da inserção da Física Moderna e Contemporânea na Educação Básica, a partir da prática de seis professores de física da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo que, desde 2007, participam de um grupo de pesquisa, desenvolvendo, implementando, avaliando e reestruturando propostas de sequências didáticas com esses tópicos. O objetivo principal foi levantar os obstáculos que estes professores tiveram durante as implementações em sala de aula e, como são considerados casos de sucesso, relacionar os saberes desenvolvidos por eles na superação desses obstáculos. Para isso, utilizou-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, vídeos das aulas ministradas em um curso de formação continuada e relatos pós-aula de cada professor. Assim, partindo das ideias de Bachelard e Astolfi sobre obstáculos epistemológicos e didáticos e de saberes docentes de Tardif para orientar a análise foi possível separar os obstáculos em cinco categorias, que são: conteúdo, metodologia, avaliação, organização das atividades e currículo. Esses obstáculos fazem parte de uma estrutura ainda maior, denominada tradição do ensino de física, que é fruto de uma concepção de ensino-aprendizagem de física simplista. Assim, percebeu-se que esses professores são casos de sucesso, porque i) tiveram uma vontade deliberada em inovar, aceitando correr riscos em sala de aula; ii) tiveram apoio de um grupo de especialistas e também de seus pares, o que contribuiu para que permanecessem mais tempo no processo de inovação, aumentando a possibilidade de sucesso; iii) foram considerados elementos essenciais no processo de inovação, participando ativamente de todo o processo. Além disso, o percurso dos professores dentro do grupo se mostrou promissor, à medida que contribuiu de forma significativa para o desenvolvimento profissional. / Recently, it has been evident the need for curriculum reform, mainly because of the pressures that the school has faced. These pressures that arise among various reasons, the dissatisfaction with the teaching, specially related to science, which has contributed little to individuals, suitable to his time. Thus, arises the need to change the curriculum, mainly the curriculum of Science. However, in this process, we face some difficulties, especially related to the teacher education, because, many times, these professionals beliefs and conceptions are not considered important by those who develop an innovation, which can lead to the failure of the new proposal. In this sense this study investigated the topic of curricular innovation in the perspective of the Modern and Contemporary Physics insertion in the Basic Education, by the practice of six teachers of Physics from Public Schools in São Paulo state, who, since 2007, have been participating in a research group, developing, implementing, evaluating and restructuring proposals of didactic sequences with these topics. The main objective was not only to identify the obstacles that these teachers had during the implementation in classrooms, but also how the successful cases are considered, relate the knowledge developed by them in overcoming these obstacles. In order to do that, it was used semi-structured interviews, lectures taught in a continued teacher education course and post-lesson report from each teacher. So, according to Bachelard and Astolfis assumption about epistemological and didactic obstacles and teachers knowledge by Tardif to guide the analysis, it was possible to separate the constraints in five categories, which are: Content, Methodology, Assessment, Organization of activities and Curriculum. These obstacles are part of a bigger structure, called tradition of physics teaching, which is called Physics Teaching Tradition, that comes from a teaching-learning simple physics conception of Teaching-Learning of physics. Then, it was noticed that theses teachers are success cases, because; i) They felt a deliberate desire to innovate, accepting the risks in the classrooms; ii) They had the support of a group of specialists and also of their peers, which contributed to keep them in the process of innovation longer, increasing the possibilities of success. iii) It has been considered essentials elements in the process of innovation, participating during the whole process. In addition, the route of teachers inside the group proved promising, as it has contributed significantly to professional development.

Professores de física em contexto de inovação curricular: saberes docentes e superação de obstáculos didáticos no ensino de física moderna e contemporânea / Teachers of physics in the context of curricular innovation: teachers knowledge and overcoming of didactic obstacles in the teaching of Modern and Contemporary Physics.

Maxwell Roger da Purificação Siqueira 01 June 2012 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, vem se tornando evidente a necessidade de reforma curricular, principalmente devido às pressões que a escola tem sofrido. Pressões essas que decorrem, entre os diversos motivos, da insatisfação com o ensino, especialmente relacionado à Ciência, que pouco tem contribuído para a formação do indivíduo, condizente com sua época. Surge, assim, a necessidade de mudança do currículo, principalmente o de Ciências. No entanto, nesse processo, depara-se com algumas dificuldades, principalmente relacionadas à formação de professores, pois, muitas vezes, as crenças e concepções desses profissionais não são consideradas importantes por aqueles que desenvolvem uma inovação, o que pode levar ao fracasso da nova proposta. Nesse sentido, este estudo investigou a temática da inovação curricular na perspectiva da inserção da Física Moderna e Contemporânea na Educação Básica, a partir da prática de seis professores de física da rede pública do Estado de São Paulo que, desde 2007, participam de um grupo de pesquisa, desenvolvendo, implementando, avaliando e reestruturando propostas de sequências didáticas com esses tópicos. O objetivo principal foi levantar os obstáculos que estes professores tiveram durante as implementações em sala de aula e, como são considerados casos de sucesso, relacionar os saberes desenvolvidos por eles na superação desses obstáculos. Para isso, utilizou-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, vídeos das aulas ministradas em um curso de formação continuada e relatos pós-aula de cada professor. Assim, partindo das ideias de Bachelard e Astolfi sobre obstáculos epistemológicos e didáticos e de saberes docentes de Tardif para orientar a análise foi possível separar os obstáculos em cinco categorias, que são: conteúdo, metodologia, avaliação, organização das atividades e currículo. Esses obstáculos fazem parte de uma estrutura ainda maior, denominada tradição do ensino de física, que é fruto de uma concepção de ensino-aprendizagem de física simplista. Assim, percebeu-se que esses professores são casos de sucesso, porque i) tiveram uma vontade deliberada em inovar, aceitando correr riscos em sala de aula; ii) tiveram apoio de um grupo de especialistas e também de seus pares, o que contribuiu para que permanecessem mais tempo no processo de inovação, aumentando a possibilidade de sucesso; iii) foram considerados elementos essenciais no processo de inovação, participando ativamente de todo o processo. Além disso, o percurso dos professores dentro do grupo se mostrou promissor, à medida que contribuiu de forma significativa para o desenvolvimento profissional. / Recently, it has been evident the need for curriculum reform, mainly because of the pressures that the school has faced. These pressures that arise among various reasons, the dissatisfaction with the teaching, specially related to science, which has contributed little to individuals, suitable to his time. Thus, arises the need to change the curriculum, mainly the curriculum of Science. However, in this process, we face some difficulties, especially related to the teacher education, because, many times, these professionals beliefs and conceptions are not considered important by those who develop an innovation, which can lead to the failure of the new proposal. In this sense this study investigated the topic of curricular innovation in the perspective of the Modern and Contemporary Physics insertion in the Basic Education, by the practice of six teachers of Physics from Public Schools in São Paulo state, who, since 2007, have been participating in a research group, developing, implementing, evaluating and restructuring proposals of didactic sequences with these topics. The main objective was not only to identify the obstacles that these teachers had during the implementation in classrooms, but also how the successful cases are considered, relate the knowledge developed by them in overcoming these obstacles. In order to do that, it was used semi-structured interviews, lectures taught in a continued teacher education course and post-lesson report from each teacher. So, according to Bachelard and Astolfis assumption about epistemological and didactic obstacles and teachers knowledge by Tardif to guide the analysis, it was possible to separate the constraints in five categories, which are: Content, Methodology, Assessment, Organization of activities and Curriculum. These obstacles are part of a bigger structure, called tradition of physics teaching, which is called Physics Teaching Tradition, that comes from a teaching-learning simple physics conception of Teaching-Learning of physics. Then, it was noticed that theses teachers are success cases, because; i) They felt a deliberate desire to innovate, accepting the risks in the classrooms; ii) They had the support of a group of specialists and also of their peers, which contributed to keep them in the process of innovation longer, increasing the possibilities of success. iii) It has been considered essentials elements in the process of innovation, participating during the whole process. In addition, the route of teachers inside the group proved promising, as it has contributed significantly to professional development.

Obstáculos didáticos na educação matemática: o conceito de números racionais no 6º ano do ensino fundamental.

Meier, Wander Mateus Branco 10 July 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2018-05-09T19:49:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Wander Mateus Branco Méíer.pdf: 599611 bytes, checksum: eba201137990f12b24d83bf8524f2dbc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-09T19:49:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Wander Mateus Branco Méíer.pdf: 599611 bytes, checksum: eba201137990f12b24d83bf8524f2dbc (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-10 / This work deals with the occurrence of the didactic obstacles in Mathematics' teaching, focusing on the apprenticeship of Rational Numbers, during the 6th grade of Elementary School. Its purpose consists on furnishing subsidies to the pedagogical practice of Mathematics, based on the historical-critical Pedagogy, which considers essential the educational work, which makes possible the appropriation of scientific knowledges in this area, and what, also, supports a conscious social proceeding. The first two chapters seek to support the camp research – which is cleared in third chapter - as a theoretical reference. The first chapter approaches the relationships between the school curriculum and society, considered fundamental to the analysis of the didactic action, because they influence it constantly. The second chapter presents the categories: whole, dialectical mediation, unit theory and practice, and contradiction, which are characterized as the basis of analysis of the didactic action, recorded by camp research. In the same chapter, an outline is made turned to the teaching of Mathematics, more specifically for the teaching of Rational Numbers, in order to fulfill the main objective of this work. The third chapter presents the methodology (subject, material and procedure) of the camp research and analysis of researched data. This is a camp research aimed at analyzing the pedagogical practice used by teachers of 6th grade, while introducing the concept of Rational Numbers, content that will constitute the basis for learning most of the other contents of the subsequent grades, in which, by its complexity, possible epistemological and didactic obstacles were searched. The camp research was conducted during the school year 2011, with two colleges of Public School System, in urban area of Cascavel. From the ensemble of collected data, with bases on the categories presented in first and second chapters, were extracted the elements for the analysis, without considering the chronology of events, and yes, their similarity, since the Annex 1: transcript of filmed lectures, presents wholly the same data. The camp research allowed to subsidize the educational work related to Rational Numbers, and its purpose was to emphasize about the obstacles originated from the didactic action itself, which can lead to epistemological obstacles. Finally, some considerations make the junction between the three chapters, linking the various relationships among didactic action, curriculum, historical-critical pedagogy, and society. / Este trabalho trata da ocorrência dos obstáculos didáticos no ensino da disciplina de Matemática, com enfoque no ensino dos Números Racionais, no 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Seu objetivo é dar subsídios à prática pedagógica da matemática, fundamentados na pedagogia histórico-crítica, a qual considera essencial o trabalho pedagógico que possibilite a apropriação dos conhecimentos científicos na área, favorecendo uma ação social consciente. As duas primeiras seções procuram subsidiar a pesquisa de campo, explicitadas na terceira seção, como referencial teórico. A primeira seção aborda as relações existentes entre o currículo escolar e a sociedade, consideradas essenciais para a análise da ação didática, por influenciarem-na constantemente. A segunda apresenta as categorias: totalidade, mediação dialética, unidade teoria e prática e contradição, que se caracterizam como base para análise da ação didática registrada pela pesquisa de campo. Ainda nesta seção, realiza-se um recorte voltado ao ensino da matemática, mais especificamente para o ensino dos números racionais, no intuito de cumprir com o objetivo principal do trabalho. A terceira seção apresenta a Metodologia – sujeitos, material utilizado e procedimento – da pesquisa de campo e a análise dos dados da pesquisa. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo objetivando analisar a prática pedagógica utilizada por professores de 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental, durante a introdução do conceito dos Números Racionais, conteúdo que se constituirá como base para o aprendizado da maioria dos demais conteúdos das séries subsequentes, no qual, pela sua complexidade, buscaram-se possíveis obstáculos didáticos e epistemológicos. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada durante o ano letivo de 2011, em dois colégios da rede pública de ensino da área urbana do município de Cascavel. Do conjunto de dados coletados, com base nas categorias apresentadas nas seções 1 e 2, extraíram-se os elementos para análise, sem considerar a cronologia dos fatos, mas sim sua similaridade, uma vez que o Anexo 1: Transcrição das aulas filmadas, apresenta os mesmos dados na íntegra. A pesquisa de campo objetivou analisar o trabalho pedagógico com os Números Racionais e visou ressaltar os obstáculos provenientes da própria ação didática, os quais podem provocar Obstáculos Epistemológicos. Por fim, algumas considerações fazem a junção entre as três seções, vinculando as diversas relações entre a ação didática, o currículo, a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica e a sociedade.

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