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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití programových prostředků GIS a CAD pro tvorbu digitálního modelu terénu / Usage of GIS and CAD software for Digital Terrain Model

Čička, Peter January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on formation of digital terrain model. The aim of work is to become acquainted with a dilemma in regard to terrain formation theory from the very beginning of data gathering process up to landscape digital model creation of interested area. The result of thesis is to compare advantages and disadvantages of particular programs destined for 3D modelling (ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Atlas DMT, Microstation, Catia, SolidWorks) in relation to geodetics and geoinformatics.

Mapping drainage of the rootless shield volcano at Dimmuborgir, northern Iceland

Gustafsson, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
Dimmuborgir is thought to be a former rootless shield volcano, which was fed with lava from a nearby crater row, 2170 ± 38 calendar years before present. In this study, the orientation of striations on the sides of lava channels, collapse structures and lava pillars were measured to find out how the enigmatic ~2 km by 2 km volcanic structure at Dimmuborgir was drained. During one week of field work 149 striations were found and measured, with respect to their dip angle, dip direction and elevation. Their locations were recorded with a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver. The orientations of the striations were visualized on Google Earth satellite images and on images from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Dimmuborgir. Resulting visualizations show that Dimmuborgir was drained radially and in multiple stages. It is concluded that Dimmuborgir was drained towards the west, the northeast and the southeast. The drainage towards the west was channeled. The drainage towards the northeast and the southeast was radially inwards, towards the collapsed parts of Dimmuborgir.

Zpřesnění DMR v pískovcovém skalním terénu s využitím přesné registrace dat leteckého laserového skenování / Enhancement of DTM in Sandstone Landscapes Using Precise Registration of Airborne Laserscanning Data

Holman, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
DTM Improvement in Sandstone Cliffs Relief using precise Co-registration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data Abstract The topic of this thesis is to design innovation of methodology improvement of digital terrain models from airborne laser scanning data in sandstone rocks rugged relief. Theoretical part of this thesis presents the Project GeNeSiS and New Elevation Model Project of the Czech Republic Territory, in which the test datasets were acquired. Simultaneously this section describes in detail methods of co-registrations datasets from strip adjustment to 3D least squares matching method, which have been published until now. In practical part of the work the Pravčická brána model region is introduced firstly. The focus of this section lays on description of new methodology for co-registration and classification of point clouds using spatial query. Co-registration of point clouds, respective detection transform parameters in this thesis is solved by introducing ground control areas. For each such region displacement and rotations in each axis are detected which subsequently determines the global transformation key. Innovation of the thesis lies in the fact that for DTM improvement there is sufficient only one point cloud. The second (and possibly others) point cloud is classified by presented algorithm...

Nuotolinių tyrimų metodais gautų duomenų patikimumo įvertinimas / Accuracy assessment of data obtained through remote sensing methods

Žilinskas, Linas 21 June 2013 (has links)
Geografinei informacijai apie erdvinį žemės paviršių kaupti pastaruoju metu vis dažniau naudojamas vietovės skenavimo lazeriu iš orlaivio metodas LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). Šiuo metodu gaunama nereguliari taškinė labai tanki trijų dimensijų žemės paviršiaus objektų išsidėstymą sumodeliuojanti geometrinė ir radiometrinė informacija. Tai gana neseniai atsiradęs būdas, naudojamas žemės topografijos duomenims užrašyti, kuris Lietuvoje dar tik pradedamas naudoti. Dėl to naudinga ištirti šio metodo patikimumą, palyginant su įprastais duomenų surinkimo metodais (GPS), ir įvertinti šio metodo panaudojimo galimybes. Darbe nagrinėjama nuotolinių tyrimų metodais (LIDAR) gautų duomenų patikimumo problema. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti įvairiais metodais gautų reljefo aukščių duomenų patikimumą, analizuojant Riešės upelio baseino reljefą. Tyrimo eigoje buvo surinkti įvairiais metodais gauti Riešės upelio baseino reljefo duomenys; atlikti natūriniai matavimai pasirinktuose kontroliniuose ploteliuose, naudojantis geodeziniais instrumentais; pagal nuotolinių tyrimų gautus rezultatus sudarytas skaitmeninis reljefo modelis ir įvertintas jų tikslumas. Darbe palyginus natūrinių matavimų ir nuotolinių tyrimų metodais gautus rezultatus įrodyta, jog nuotoliniais tyrimų metodais gauti duomenys yra patikimi ir juos galima naudoti baseino tūriui ir plotui skaičiuoti. / LIDAR terrain laser scanning technique is increasingly used in digital terrain model creation. This method provides dense uneven three-dimensional scatter geometric and radiometric information that simulates objects on earth’s surface. This is a relatively recent method used to record topographic data of the land. One of the key issues still associated with remote sensing methods is its reliability, which is why it is relevant to analyze and evaluate this aspect. This thesis aims at evaluating LIDAR data reliability, comparing them with data obtained by field measurements carried out at selected control areas using geodesic instruments. Riešės river basin area was selected as an object for the study and its elevation data have been investigated in the research. It was concluded that LIDAR data are reliable and can be used for the basin volume calculation. However, the size of the grid should be selected according to terrain relief.

Tvorba digitálního modelu terénu pro povodí Jenínského toku a analýza drah soustředěného odtoku vod. / Cration of digital terrain model for the Jeninsky stream catchment and analysis of valley lines.

JURÁNEK, Stanislav January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is localization and interpretation of paths of concentration runoff in digital terrain model. Digital terrain model(DTM) is processed for the catchment of the Jenín stream, where The Faculty of Agriculture has held the research since the year 2004. For creation of DTM following software programs were used for comparison: Erdas and ArcGIS. Digitalized maps of contour lines for this catchment were the backgrounds for creation of the DTM. Localization of paths of concentration runoff and natural thalwegs was made on created DTM. Then was the comparison of models and the real topography of the catchment realized. Possible reasons of differences were discussed in discussion. Different (in colours and resolution) variations of DTM with localized paths of concentration runoff are the result, with the view of better legibility and more truly representation of real topography of the landscape.

Tvorba výškopisného podkladu s využitím programu DMT Atlas. / Creation of vertical surveying with using the program Atlas DMT.

ŠRÁMEK, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The central theme of my dissertation is the introduction to the creation of a digital terrain model in the area of recultivation of Chabarovice former softcoal strip mine near Usti nad Labem, especially it deals with land slide area Rabenov. This area is monitored using geodetic and geotechnical methods since 2003 to declare the area to be stable which would allow its full planned utilization. This thesis is a part of the terrestrial and satellite measurements for staged, performed within the project MSM. As input data were used points located by Topcon total station TCN 2006. The aim of my dissertation is to create a digital terrain model of a large scale using the program DMT Atlas.

A Generalized Adaptive Mathematical Morphological Filter for LIDAR Data

Cui, Zheng 14 November 2013 (has links)
Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology has become the primary method to derive high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), which are essential for studying Earth’s surface processes, such as flooding and landslides. The critical step in generating a DTM is to separate ground and non-ground measurements in a voluminous point LIDAR dataset, using a filter, because the DTM is created by interpolating ground points. As one of widely used filtering methods, the progressive morphological (PM) filter has the advantages of classifying the LIDAR data at the point level, a linear computational complexity, and preserving the geometric shapes of terrain features. The filter works well in an urban setting with a gentle slope and a mixture of vegetation and buildings. However, the PM filter often removes ground measurements incorrectly at the topographic high area, along with large sizes of non-ground objects, because it uses a constant threshold slope, resulting in “cut-off” errors. A novel cluster analysis method was developed in this study and incorporated into the PM filter to prevent the removal of the ground measurements at topographic highs. Furthermore, to obtain the optimal filtering results for an area with undulating terrain, a trend analysis method was developed to adaptively estimate the slope-related thresholds of the PM filter based on changes of topographic slopes and the characteristics of non-terrain objects. The comparison of the PM and generalized adaptive PM (GAPM) filters for selected study areas indicates that the GAPM filter preserves the most “cut-off” points removed incorrectly by the PM filter. The application of the GAPM filter to seven ISPRS benchmark datasets shows that the GAPM filter reduces the filtering error by 20% on average, compared with the method used by the popular commercial software TerraScan. The combination of the cluster method, adaptive trend analysis, and the PM filter allows users without much experience in processing LIDAR data to effectively and efficiently identify ground measurements for the complex terrains in a large LIDAR data set. The GAPM filter is highly automatic and requires little human input. Therefore, it can significantly reduce the effort of manually processing voluminous LIDAR measurements.

Modelagem digital de terreno do município de Graccho Cardoso, nordeste de Sergipe

Sardeiro, Simone Soraia Silva 31 August 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the Geographic Information Systems platform, Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a mathematical way, to show a natural feature that occurs in the Earth's surface. The purpose of this dissertation was to build a digital terrain model for the municipality of Graccho Cardoso, approximate scale 1:65.000, and analyze their products (contour map, slope map, shading map, and geological and geomorphological maps superimposed on the digital terrain model). The city of Graccho Cardoso is located in the north of the state of Sergipe, at about 120 km away from Aracaju. The study area was selected to present geomorphological and geological diversity and have Satellite Images (SRTM) with good resolution for the selected working range. Graccho Cardoso occurs in quotas ranging between 140 m and 280 m above sea level, where the predominant pattern dendritic drainage. Since its relief is under the process planing and pediplanation. Its steepness varies from 0% to over 75%. Where there is a predominance with the angle of inclination between 3 and 45%. It has been more remarkable shading which fit fluvial channels, showing that the notching index or grain dissection is more pronounced. It has two types of morphostructures: Remnants Fold Roots (Sergipano Orogenic System – Proterozoic) and Sedimentary Basins and Covers (Superficial Formations – Fanerozoic). The results obtained by integration of the various maps shows up very similar to many traditional data mapping surveys. / No ambiente dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas, o Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT) representa, de maneira matemática, uma feição natural que ocorre na superfície terrestre. A proposta dessa dissertação foi confeccionar um modelo digital de terreno para o município de Graccho Cardoso, na escala aproximada de 1:65.000, e analisar os seus produtos (mapa de curva de nível, mapa de declividade, modelo sombreado, mapa geomorfológico e mapa geológico sobrepostos ao modelo digital de terreno). O município de Graccho Cardoso está localizado na região norte do Estado de Sergipe, a cerca de 120 km de distância de Aracaju. A área de estudo foi selecionada por apresentar diversidade geomorfológica e geológica e, dispor de Imagens de Satélite (SRTM) com boa resolução para a escala de trabalho escolhida. A região de Graccho Cardoso ocorre em cotas variando entre de 140 m e 280 m de altitude, onde predomina o padrão de drenagem dendrítico. O seu relevo está sob o processo de aplainamento e pediplanação. Sua declividade varia entre 0 % a mais de 75 %. Onde existe um predomínio ondulado, o ângulo de inclinação varia entre 3 a 45%. Tem-se um sombreado mais marcante onde se encaixam os canais fluviais, mostrando que o índice de entalhamento, ou grau de dissecação, é mais acentuado. Possui dois tipos de morfoestruturas: Remanescentes de Raízes de Dobramentos (Sistema Orogênico Sergipano do Proterozóico) e, Bacias e Coberturas Sedimentares (Formações Superficiais do Fanerozóico). Os resultados obtidos pela integração dos diversos mapas mostram-se muitos similares com os dados tradicionais de levantamentos cartográficos.

Zpřesnění digitálního modelu metodami laserového skenování / IMPROVEMENT OF DIGITAL MODEL BY LASER SCANNING METHODS

Tyagur, Nataliya Unknown Date (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with mobile laser scanning and data processing. Mobile laser scanning was carried out in the Moravian Karst in Suchy zleb and Pusty zleb at various seasons. Further scanning was carried out at the Training Forest Enterprise Masaryk Forest Křtiny. The Riegl VMX-450 scanner was used to collect 3D data. The data files were processed in the OPALS software. For the extraction of ground and non-ground points from the laser cloud, a combination of hierarchical interpolation and robust filtering was used. Subsequently, the terrain points were used to model digital terrain models with grids 0.05 x 0.05 m, 0.25 x 0.25 m, 1 x 1 m. Furthermore, digital models from Moravian Karst were compared with the Digital relief model of the Czech Republic 4G and reference points. Digital models from Masaryk Forest Křtiny were compared with photogrammetric and terrestrial data. The high accuracy of the derived DTMs is about 0.10 m. The high quality of the derived DTM can be used to monitor and analyze field changes and morphological structures.

Tvorba digitálního modelu terénu zadané části lokality Jedovnice / Creation of Digital Terrain Model of the specified part of Jedovnice lokality

Klusák, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my master’s thesis was to createa digital terrain model (DTM). The assigned data were to be processed, updated, unified and subsequently used to create a purpose map on the scale of 1:500. The selected area issituated near the village of Jedovnice; to be more specific, the area includes a meadow located along the Podomský rivulet and the adjacent forest. To create the purpose map, the MicroStation software was used (version V8). Furthermore, the Atlas DTM software (version 4)was used to create the digital terrain model, colour hypsometry and an exposure map and finally, the AutoCAD software (student version 2013) was used for visualizing and matching objects with textures.

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