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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Object – oriented Steel Member Design Framework

Hewetson, C.G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Adequate member design is a vital part of structural design. Current design software automates the design process by making use of the finite element model to create a design model. Although this is time effective, the engineer has limited control over the factors and procedures that are used for design. This leads to a lack of confidence in the eventual design results.

Bend diversion to minimise sediment intake

Brink, C.J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of the research was to determine the optimum diversion location in a curved channel to minimise the abstraction of sediment. The secondary aim was to determine the optimum diversion angle for a diversion channel located on the outside of a bend at the optimum diversion location. The velocity distribution in the curved channel was investigated to try obtain a better understanding of curvilinear flow. The scour patterns in the channel were monitored in order to compare them with the measured velocity distributions. Simulations were carried out with the DELFT 3D (hydrodynamics) and Mike21C (sediment dynamics) modelling programmes and compared with the results obtained from laboratory experiments and with existing empirical formulas. The optimum diversion location was found to be located on the outside of the bend in the downstream section of the bend. Three main scour zones were identified with the third scour zone at the location of the maximum velocity. The location of the maximum velocity was found to be relatively constant with varying Froude numbers, but moving in the downstream direction with increasing radius of curvature-to-width ratio. The velocity distributions in the horizontal and vertical planes are well defined and correspond to descriptions in the literature. It is evident that the diverted discharge ratio increases with an increase in the diversion angle while it decreases with an increase in Froude number. Higher Froude numbers in the curved channel lead to more favourable conditions for the diversion of water. The diversion does not influence the secondary flow patterns (for the range of Diversion Discharge Ratio’s tested) and that the maximum velocity zone stayed in the same location as in the tests without a diversion. The hydrodynamics of the laboratory experiments were well simulated with the DELFT 3D hydrodynamic model, using three-dimensional and two-dimensional formulations. Mike21C was used to simulate the sediment dynamics of some of thelaboratory experiments that gave relatively good agreement with experimental data. A two-dimensional depth averaged model could therefore be used with reliability to simulate field conditions in relatively shallow rivers, and is preferred to empirical methods to predict maximum scour that were calibrated under very specific hydraulic conditions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van navorsing was om die optimum uitkeer-posisie in ‘n draai te bepaal om sodoende sediment onttrekking te minimiseer. Die sekondêre doel was om die optimum uitkeringshoek vir ‘n uitkeerkanaal te bepaal wat geleë is aan die buitekant van ‘n draai by die voorgestelde optimum uitkeer-posisie. Die snelheidsverspreiding in die draai was ook ondersoek om te probeer om spiraalvloei beter te verstaan. Die uitskuurpatrone in die kanaal is ook gemonitor om dit te kon vergelyk met die gemete snelheidsverspreiding. Numeriese simulasies is gedoen met DELFT 3D (hidrodinamika) en Mike21C (sediment dinamika) modelleringsprogrammatuur en is vergelyk met die resultate van die laboratorium eksperimente asook met die van bestaande empiriese vergelykings. Daar is gevind dat die optimum uitkeer-posisie aan die buitekant van ‘n draai aan die stroomaf-kant van die draai geleë is. Drie hoof uitskurings-areas is gevind terwyl die derde area ooreenstem met die posisie van maksimum snelheid. Die posisie waar die maksimum snelheid voorkom is relatief konstant met ‘n verandering in Froude-getal, maar beweeg in die stroomaf-rigting met ‘n styging in die radius-tot-wydte verhouding. Die vertikale en horisontale snelheidsverspreiding is goed gedefinieer en stem ooreen met soortgelyke beskrywings in die literatuur. Die uitkeer-vloei verhouding styg met ‘n stygende uitkeerhoek terwyl dit daal met ‘n styging in Froude-getal. Daar is ook gevind dat groter Froude-getalle meer gunstige omstandighede skep vir die uitkeer van water. Die uitkeer-kanaal beïnvloed nie die sekondêre vloei-patrone nie (vir die reeks van uitkeer vloei-verhoudings wat getoetsis) en die sone van maksimum snelheid bly in dieselfde omgewing vir hierdie toetse as vir die toetse sonder ‘n uitkeer kanaal. Die hidrodinamika van die laboratorium eksperimente is goed gesimuleer m.b.v die DELFT 3D numeriese program, terwyl Mike21C gebruik is om die sedimentdinamika te simuleer. Die resultate van die Mike21C simulasies vergelyk relatief goed met die eksperimentele data en kan met ‘n redelike graad van vertroue aangewend word om veldkondisies te simuleer in relatiewe vlak riviere. Dit word aanbeveel bo die empiriese vergelykings om maksimum uitskuring te voorspel aangesien die empiriese vergelykings gekalibreer is vir baie spesifieke hidroulise kondisies.

The electro-osmotic acceleration of infiltration into the subgrade of pavements

Glatz, Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The moisture content of road foundations plays an important role in the durability of the pavement and the driving comfort of the road. After a pavement has been completed, gradual moisture changes occur in the foundations until equilibrium conditions can be reached, and this can have negative results if expansive clays, for example, are present in the foundation. Pre-wetting of the foundation material is seen as a method to minimilize moisture changes after construction, but if the pavement was already completed, it would be very difficult to change or alter the moisture content in the foundation, because water could then only be applied to the shoulder areas of the road and horizontal infiltration in the soil is exceptionally slow. The research which is reported in this account was undertaken to determine whether the process of electro-osmosis could be applied to accelerate water infiltration underneath covered areas, as in, for example, road foundation layers. Electro-osmosis, if found to be successful, has various advantages, of which the most important is that it can be applied without stopping the normal operations of the road. This research was carried out on a mixture of G5 material (TRH14 classification) and fine material in the form of clay with a low plasticity. Firstly, tests were performed to determine the percentage of fines required. It was found that, if too little fines were present infiltration did not occur, because moisture could flow freely through the openings between the rough aggregate. Electro-osmosis also had no effect on the rate of flow. The allocated amount of fines required to fill sufficient openings was about 30% (TRH14 classification of mixture is G10). Free flow was stopped and true infiltration occurred. Simultaneously, the rate of infiltration could be accelerated with electro-osmosis. Furthermore, a two-dimensional model of a road was constructed with electrodes placed on both sides, with the aim to determine the infiltration pattern controlled by electro-osmosis and what the effect of the initial moisture content would be on the process. Water was introduced to the one side of the model road and the wetting of the foundation was investigated. If the electric current for electro-osmosis was switched off, the infiltration was mainly vertical, as expected, but with the current switched on, there was an obvious acceleration of infiltration in the horizontal direction. As in the case of the initial tests, it was found that electro-osmosis was not very successful to accelerate horizontal infiltration at low percentages of fines. Furthermore, it was obvious that electroosmosis was also more effective if the initial moisture content of the soil was low. Low amounts of fines and high initial moisture contents had rather the electroosmotic flow of water passing underneath the road as a result instead of infiltration acceleration, with the result that the moisture content did not change much. The research thus showed that electro-osmosis is a possible manner in which moisture could be conducted into the foundation layers of roads to increase the moisture content if the appropriate amount of fines and moisture content were present in the foundation material. Further research could still be carried out and the materials in each case should be practically evaluated before this method could be continued with. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voginhoud van padfondamente speel ’n belangrike rol in die duursaamheid van die plaveisel en die rygerief van die pad. Nadat ’n plaveisel voltooi is, vind daar geleidelike vogverandering in die fondamente plaas totdat ewewigstoestande bereik is, en dit kan nadelige gevolge inhou indien uitsettende kleie byvoorbeeld in die fundament teenwoordig is. Voorafbenatting van die fondamentmateriaal word gereken as ’n metode om vogveranderinge na konstruksie te minimeer, maar indien die plaveisel reeds voltooi is, is dit baie moeilik om die voginhoud in die fondament te verander of beheer omdat water dan slegs buite die skouerareas van die pad toegedien kan word en horisontale infiltrasie in grond uiters stadig is. Die navorsing waaroor hierin verslag gedoen word, is onderneem om te bepaal of die proses van elektro-osmose aangewend kan word om waterinfiltrasie onder bedekte areas, soos byvoorbeeld padfondamentlae, te versnel. Elektro-osmose, indien dit suksesvol blyk te wees, hou verskeie voordele in, waarvan die belangrikste dat dit aangewend kan word sonder om die normale bedryf van die pad te staak. Die ondersoek is uitgevoer op ’n mengsel van G5 materiaal (TRH14 klassifikasie) en fynstof in die vorm van klei met ’n lae plastisiteit. Eerstens is toetse uitgevoer om die persentasie fynstof wat nodig is, te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat, indien te min fynstof teenwoordig is, infiltrasie nie plaasvind nie aangesien water vryelik deur die openinge tussen die growwe aggregaat kan vloei. Elektro-osmose het ook geen effek op die vloeitempo gehad nie. Die aangewese hoeveelheid fynstof om genoegsame openinge te vul was ongeveer 30% (TRH14 klassifikasie van mengsel is G10). Vrye vloei is dan gestuit en ware infiltrasie het plaasgevind. Terselfdertyd kon die tempo van infiltrasie versnel word met elektro-osmose. Voorts is ’n twee-dimensionele model van ’n pad gebou, met elektrodes aan weerskante geplaas, met die doel om te bepaal of die infiltrasiepatroon deur elektro-osmose beheer kon word en wat die effek van beginvoginhoud op die proses sal wees. Water is aan een kant van die modelpad ingevoer en die benatting van die fondament bestudeer. Indien die elektriese stroom vir elektroosmose afgeskakel was, was die infiltrasie hoofsaaklik vertikaal, soos verwag, maar met die stroom aangeskakel was daar duidelike versnelling van infiltrasie in die horisontale rigting. Net soos in die geval van die aanvanklike toetse is bevind dat elektro-osmose nie baie suksesvol was om horisontale infiltrasie te versnel by lae persentasies fynstof nie. Dit het verder geblyk dat elektro-osmose ook meer effektief was indien die aanvanklike voginhoud van die grond laag was. Lae hoeveelhede fynstof en hoë aanvanklike voginhoude het eerder elektroosmotiese deurvloei van water onderdeur die pad tot gevolg gehad as infiltrasieversnelling, met die gevolg dat die voginhoud nie veel verander het nie. Die navorsing het dus getoon dat elektro-osmose ’n moontlike wyse is waarop water in die fondamentlae van paaie ingevoer kan word om die voginhoud te verhoog indien die geskikte hoeveelheid fynstof en voginhoud in die fondamentmateriaal teenwoordig is. Verdere navorsing kan nog uitgevoer word en die materiale van elke geval sal prakties evalueer moet word voordat met die metode voortgegaan kan word.

Dynamic evaluation of the solar chimney

Rousseau, Jean-Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Previous studies on the solar chimney have shown that its structural integrity might be compromised by the occurrence of resonance. A structure may displace excessively when a load of the same frequency as a structural eigen-frequency is applied. The wind gust spectrum peaks near the solar chimney’s fundamental resonance frequency. This phenomenon poses a reliability threat, not only to the solar chimney, but also to all high-rise, slender structures. Structural dynamics describe the response of a structure to a varying load. The dynamic equation incorporates four terms that bind the factors responsible for resonance: kinetic energy, dissipated energy (damping), stiffness energy and input energy (loading). After a brief literature study on classical chimney design procedures, the study scrutinises each of these terms individually in the context of the solar chimney as designed to date. A dynamic analysis is undertaken with all the above-mentioned parameters as defined and estimated by the study. The results from the analysis show amplifications of approximately three times the static displacements. In load cases where the wind direction inverts along the height, higher eigen-modes are excited. However, the most severe dynamic amplification occurs at the fundamental eigen-mode. In the context of solar chimney research, this study brings valuable new insights regarding the dynamic behaviour of the chimney structure to the fore.

Probabilistic based evaluation of the structural reliability achieved for a typical building designed according to SANS 517:2009 and SANS 10162- 2:2010

Oosthuizen, Frederik du Toit 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to perform a quantitative probabilistic based evaluation of the reliability achieved in the design of Light Steel Frame Buildings (LSFB) when designed according to the loading code, SANS 517:2009 and the new design code for cold formed steel sections, SANS 10162-2:2010. The evaluation was done as follows: A specific structure, chosen and designed according to the specifications given in SANS 517:2009, was modelled in a structural analysis program. From the analyses done it was possible to identify the most critical element for given failure modes. Spread sheets according to SANS 10162-2:2010 were developed to calculate the resistance or design values for the different failure modes. By using a First Order Reliability Method (FORM), the reliability index for each failure mode could be calculated and evaluated in three different ways. Firstly, the reliability margin implied by the design load was evaluated. It was assumed that the resistance of the profile had a deterministic value while the loads applied to the structure were taken as probabilistic, i.e. following their known distribution functions. From this evaluation it was found that the necessary level of reliability was achieved for all failure modes. Secondly, the reliability margin implied by the resistance of the profile was evaluated. The resistance of the profile was taken as probabilistic with a distribution function that could be determined from the known distribution functions of the profile parameters responsible for the capacity of the profile. The loading was assumed to have a single deterministic value. From this evaluation it could be seen that a very low level of reliability was achieved for the failure modes of shear working in on the strong axis of the profile as well as interaction between bending and axial load. This is due to the strong dependence of this failure mode to the thickness of the profile, to which no partial factor is applied in the design process. Thirdly, the reliability margin implied by both the resistance and loads was evaluated. In a real life situation both loads and resistances would have variability. The resistance and loading values were taken as probabilistic with their known distribution functions. From this evaluation it was found that the necessary level of reliability was only achieved for shear working in on the weakaxis and axial load. All other failure modes achieved a level of reliability slightly lower than the target level of reliability for South Africa. The stiffening effect of wall cladding elements were not taken into account in the analysis. The reliability of connections was also not evaluated. It can be concluded that the element reliability achieved through the use of above-mentioned codes seems to be slightly less that desired. There could be an argument for recalibrating the partial factors to achieve the desired level of element reliability. However, the cladding elements provide significant additional stiffness to the structure and there is no immediate cause for stiffness concern. Future studies should aim to quantify the contribution that the cladding elements make to the overall structural reliability. The influence of connections reliability should also be investigated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie poog om ‘n kwantitatiewe probabilisties-gebaseerde beoordeling van die betroubaarheidsindeks vir Ligte Staalraam Strukture (LSS) te bepaal wanneer dit ontwerp word volgens die belastingskode, SANS 517:2009 en die nuwe ontwerpskode vir koudgevormde staal profiele, SANS 10162-2:2010. Die beoordeling is as volg gedoen. ‘n Spesifieke strukturele model is gekies, ontwerp volgens die spesifiekasies in SANS 517:2009 en toe gemodelleer in ‘n struktuur analise program. Vanuit die analises was dit moontlik om die mees kritieke element te vind vir gegewe falings modusse. Sigblaaie, volgens SANS 10162-2:2010, is ontwikkel om die weerstand van die profile te bereken vir die falings modusse. Dit was moontlik om die betroubaarheidsindeks op drie verskillende maniere te bereken deur gebruik te maak van ‘n Eerste Orde Betroubaarheids Metode (EOBM). Eerstens is die betroubaarheids speling wat deur die belasting geimpliseer was, bepaal. Daar is aanvaar dat die weerstand van die profiel ‘n deterministiese waarde het terwyl die aangewende belasitng as probabilisties geneem is met hul bekende verdelingsfunksies. Uit hierdie beoordeling is gevind dat die nodige vlak van betroubaarheid bereik word vir alle falings modusse. Tweedens is die betroubaarheids speling wat deur die weerstand geimpliseer was, bepaal. Daar is aanvaar dat die weerstand van die profile ‘n probabilistiese verdeling het wat bepaal is uit bekende verdelingsfunksies van die profiel parameters verantwoordelik vir die kapasiteit van die profiel. Daar is aanvaar dat die belasting ‘n enkele deterministiese waarde het. Uit hierdie beoordeling is gevind dat daar ‘n baie lae vlak van betroubaarheid is vir skuif in die rigting van die sterk as, asook interaksie tussen aksiaal-las en momente. Dit is te danke aan die falings modus se sterk afhanklikheid van die dikte van die profiel. Daar word egter geen parsiële faktor aan die dikte toegeken in die ontwerp proses nie. Derdens is die betroubaarheids speling wat deur beide die weerstand en belasting geïmpliseer was, bepaal. In die werklikheid sal beide belasting en weerstand ‘n vlak van onsekerheid hê. Die weerstand en belasting is as probabilistiese waardes geneem met hul bekende verdelingsfunksies. Uit hierdie beoordeling is gevind dat slegs die falings modus vir skuif in die rigting van die swak as en aksiaal-las die nodige vlak van betroubaarheid bereik. Al die ander modusse het steeds ‘n redelike hoë vlak van betroubaarheid. Dit is egter steeds laer as wat voorgeskryf word vir Suid-Afrika. Die verstywings-effek van die bekleding is nie in hierdie ondersoek in ag geneem nie. Die betroubaarheid van die verbindings is ook nie bepaal nie. ‘n Gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat die element-betroubaarheid wat bereik word deur die bo-genoemde kodes effens laer is as die gewensde. ‘n Argument kan ontstaan vir die herkalibrasie van die parsiële faktore om die gewensde vlak van betroubaarheid te bereik, maar die bekleding bied ‘n noemenswaardige addisionele styfheid aan die struktuuur. Daar is dus geen onmiddellike kommer oor die styfheid van hierdie strukture nie. Verdere studies moet poog om die bydra van hierdie bekledingselemente tot die betroubaarheid van die struktuur te kwantifiseer. Die invloed van die konneksies tot die betroubaarheid van die struktuur sal ook ondersoek moet word.

Decision making between hybrid and in-situ concrete construction in South Africa

Lombard, Adele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A construction method that proves to be the best today will not necessarily be the best method for application in 20 years. Therefore, with changing circumstances, engineers have to consider all the options before selecting a specific method. Options that are weighed in this study are in-situ concrete construction and hybrid concrete construction. Hybrid concrete construction is the combination of in-situ and precast concrete in structures, with the purpose to exploit the advantages of each to its full potential. This construction method gained popularity in the United States and in Europe due to its distinctive benefits. However, the increase of its application in some countries (including South Africa) has been slow and possible reasons for this are investigated in this study. With the intention of improving the South African construction industry, a model is developed for decision making between hybrid concrete construction and insitu concrete construction. The main purpose of a larger research project is to assist project teams in the decision making between precast concrete and in-situ concrete in building construction projects. This decision making is not based on decision making models with mathematical output, since the decision of a construction method is influenced by many variables that may not all be quantifiable. Consequently, instead of prescribing a decision making method, the relevant information is to be provided for the decision maker. The aim of this study is to identify the relevant parameters and to set a framework for further in depth investigation by subsequent theses. A decision making process in any field normally involves having a list of advantages and disadvantages of the different options. Therefore this study includes the following managerial discussion topics: factors that influence hybrid concrete construction, as well as benefits, barriers and other aspects to consider, structural systems and elements, decision making methods and important factors that will be the basis of the decision making process. Traditionally the most important factors for decision making between construction methods were construction cost and duration, but more recently sustainability is becoming increasingly important. It is the civil duty of all parties involved in a project to foresee that most of the criteria of sustainability are met. Sustainability covers all the aspects of economic, social and environmental impacts. Furthermore quality is identified as an important aspect in the decision making process for a construction method. The comparison of precast and in-situ concrete construction is therefore discussed, considering all the abovementioned criteria and investigating possible quantification methods. This information, together with information from future studies, would then allow the project team to consider each aspect involved in the decision making process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beste konstruksiemetode vandag sal nie noodwendig die beste metode oor 20 jaar wees nie. Met veranderende omstandighede, moet ingenieurs altyd al die moontlike opsies oorweeg voordat ‘n spesifieke konstruksiemetode gekies word. Opsies wat in hierdie studie bestudeer word, is in-situ betonkonstruksie en hibriede betonkonstruksie. Hibriede betonkonstruksie is die kombinasie van in-situ en voorafvervaardigde beton elmente in strukture, ten einde die voordele van elke metode ten volle te benut. As gevolg van sy voordele, het hierdie konstruksiemetode al hoe meer gewild geraak in Amerika en Europa. Nietemin is die toename in die gebruik van hierdie metode in sommige lande (insluitend Suid-Afrika) traag en moontlike redes hiervoor word in hierdie studie ondersoek. Met die voorneme om die Suid- Afrikaanse konstruksie-industrie te bevorder, is ‘n model vir besluitneming tussen hibriede betonkonstruksie en in-situ betonkonstruksie ontwikkel. Die hoofdoel van ‘n groter navorsingsprojek is om projekspanne te help met die besluitneming tussen voorafvervaardigde en in-situ beton in konstruksieprojekte vir geboue. Hierdie besluitneming is nie gebaseer op besluitnemingsmodelle wat wiskundige resultate lewer nie, want die keuse van ‘n konstruksiemetode word deur te veel veranderlikes, wat nie altyd kwantifiseerbaar is nie, beïnvloed. Gevolglik word relevante inligting aan die besluitnemer verskaf, eerder as om ‘n gekwantifiseerde besluitnemingsmetode voor te skryf. Die doel van hierdie studie is om relevante aspekte te identifiseer en om ‘n raamwerk te skep vir verdere, in diepte studies van volgende tesisse. ‘n Besluitnemingsproses in enige veld word gewoonlik gebaseer op ‘n lys van voordele en nadele van die verskillende opsies. Daarom sluit hierdie studie die volgende bestuursaspekte in: faktore wat hibriede betonkonstruksie beïnvloed, asook voordele, beperkings en ander aspekte om te oorweeg, strukturele sisteme en –elemente, besluitnemingsmetodes en belangrike faktore wat die basis van die besluitnemingsproses sal wees. Tradisioneel was die belangrikste faktore vir besluitneming tussen konstruksiemetodes die koste en tydsduur daaraan verbonde, maar deesdae word volhoubaarheid al hoe meer belangrik geag. Dit is die plig van alle persone betrokke by ‘n projek om te sorg dat die projek aan so veel as moontlik van die kriteria van volhoubaarheid voldoen. Volhoubaarheid sluit al die aspekte van ekonomiese-, sosiale- en omgewingsimpakte in. Verder is kwaliteit ook geϊdentifiseer as ‘n belangrike aspek in die besluitnemingsproses van ‘n konstruksiemetode. Die vergelyking van voorafvervaardigde- en in-situ betonkonstruksie word dus bespreek met die oog op al die bogenoemde kriteria en, sover moonlik, word die kwantifisering van hierdie aspekte ondersoek. Met hierdie inligting en die inligting van toekomstige studies, kan die projekspan dan elke aspek in die besluitnemingsproses oorweeg.

A methodology for radical innovation : illustrated by application to a radical civil engineering structure

Van Dyk, Cobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Radical, far-beyond-the-norm innovation engages unknown developmental frontiers outside the familiar fields of standardised practice, requiring new and broad perspectives. This implies significant uncertainty during problem solution – the more radical, the greater the uncertainty. No systematic procedures for managing radical innovation exist. Research managers agree that traditional, standardised innovation approaches do not provide sufficient support for managers to cope with the degree of functional uncertainty typical of radical innovations. An efficient approach for delimiting and describing its uncertainties and managing the development process during the radical innovation process is sought. This thesis synthesizes a methodology for radical innovation from Systems Engineering and Management of Technology theory. Its application in a case study illustrates how it facilitates efficient strategic decision-making during radical innovation. Systems Engineering, by its comprehensive perspective, provides a valuable non-intuitive framework from which required radical innovation functionalities and uncertainties are identified, delimited, characterised and developed. Management of Technology concerns the core theory of technology; its perspective on technology provides the radical innovation process with a means of characterising and delimiting status, potential and uncertainty of functional, technological elements in the system. The resulting Radical Innovation Methodology is verified through application to an emerging renewable energy concept, the Solar Chimney Power Plant, which responds to a demand for innovation aimed at sustainable energy generation. The radically tall chimney structure required by the plant, proposed to stand 1,500 meter tall, serves as a fitting case for illustrating the methodology. Addressing and solving of challenges and uncertainties related to the radically tall structure and associated costs are required toward competence of this concept in a global energy market.

Characterisation of material properties and behaviour of cold bituminous mixtures for road pavements

Ebels, Lucas-Jan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The cold bituminous mixtures, which are the subject of this study, are obtained by mixing mineral aggregate with either bitumen emulsion or foamed bitumen at ambient temperatures. These techniques are frequently used in Cold In-Place Recycling whereby typically the top 150 – 250 mm of the existing pavement is reworked, as a rehabilitation measure when structural maintenance is required. To differentiate from the cold mixes for surfacing layers the term Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSM’s) is adopted here. The increased use of BSM’s, shortcomings in the existing design guidelines and manuals and ongoing developments in the concepts and understanding of these materials require further research into the fundamental properties and behaviour of BSM’s. Achieving a better understanding of the fundamental performance properties of BSM’s is the main objective of this study, with a view to using the extended knowledge for improvements to current mix design and structural design practices. The state-of-the-art of bitumen emulsion and foamed bitumen techniques is reviewed in a literature study. Current best practices in the design of BSM’s and pavements incorporating such materials is also included in this literature study. Shortcomings and areas for further improvement of the design practice have been identified. With new environmental legislation that recently came into effect in South Africa, the importance of BSM technology as an environmentally-friendlier and more sustainable construction technique is set to increase in the coming years. A laboratory testing programme was set-up to study the properties and behaviour of BSM’s and to establish links with the compositional factors, i.e. the type of binder used, the percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in the mix and the addition of a small dosage of cement as active filler. The mineral aggregates used were sourced in the USA and consisted of crushed limestone rock and RAP millings. These were blended in two different proportions of crushed rock : RAP, i.e. 3:1 (with 3.6 % residual binder) and 1:3 (with 2.4 % residual binder). Tri-axial testing (150 mm diamter) was carried out to determine shear parameters, resilient modulus and permanent deformation behaviour, while four-point beam testing was carried out to determine strain-at-break, flexural stiffness and fatigue behaviour. It was found that the process of bitumen stabilisation improves the shear strength of the material, particularly in case 1 % of cement is added as active filler. This increase in shear strength is entirely the result of increased cohesion. There is a good correlation between the shear strength and the resilient modulus of BSM’s. The resilient modulus of BSM is stress-dependent and the Mr-θ model is adequate to model the resilient modulus of the blends with a low percentage of RAP. For the blends with a higher percentage of RAP this model cannot be applied and the resilient modulus reduces in stiffness at higher deviator stress ratios. A considerable part of the efforts of this study were dedicated to characterise and model the permanent deformation behaviour. The General Permanent Deformation Law as originally developed by Francken applies also to BSM’s. An improved nonlinear method to converge at a solution for the model parameters that describe the tertiary flow part of this deformation law was developed as part of this study. Parameters that can be derived from the first stage of the permanent deformation test, i.e. initial strain and initial strain rate as defined in this study, were found that correlate well with the model parameters that describe the first linear part of the deformation law. Critical deviator stress ratios for the several mixes tested were determined. When BSM’s are subjected to loading below these ratios, tertiary flow is unlikely to occur. A high variability was generally found in the four-point beam test results, especially for the strain-at-break. Specimen preparation protocols and the quality of the beam specimens are of utmost importance when performing four-point beam tests on BSM’s. This limits the practical applications of the strain-at-break test. Trends observed in the strain-at-break were also inconsistent and sometimes not in line with the other type of tests. BSM’s exhibit a visco-elastic behaviour, which was determined by flexural stiffness testing, however, to a lesser extent than HMA. Phase angles and Black Diagrams were developed for the BSM’s tested, which also made it possible to determine the parameters of the Burgers Model, which is a mechanical model describing viscoelastic behaviour. Fatigue relationships were also developed for the BSM’s tested. The fatigue performance of these mixes is lower than for selected HMA mixes. The foamed BSM generally showed better fatigue life than emulsion BSM, however, the lower initial stiffness of the foamed BSM’s may contribute to a perceived longer fatigue life. For the mixes tested, the flexural stiffness of foamed BSM’s is generally also lower than that of emulsion BSM’s It is recommended that the mix design of BSM’s be split into two phases. During the first phase the usually large number of variables could be reduced to a selected few by means of UCS and ITS indicator testing. Subsequently, more fundamental parameters should be determined during the second phase, such as shear strength and resilient modulus, as well as permanent deformation behaviour. The fact that commercial laboratories in South Africa do not have tri-axial testing facilities is currently a practical limiting factor. Initiatives currently underway to develop “simple” shear tests are welcomed in this regard. It is proposed that classification of BSM is based on shear strength. There are indications that shear failure in BSM is more critical than failure as a result of fatigue. The effect of curing resulting in an increase in BSM stiffness in the period after construction, i.e. typically 6 to 18 months, is currently ignored in structural design models. The rapid stiffness reduction of BSM’s during the first period after construction in the current structural design models and also found during Accelerated Pavement Testing is not being observed in Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP). On the contrary, an increase in stiffness is observed in LTPP. This would indicate that stiffness reduction as a result of fatigue does not occur or is overshadowed by the effect of curing and that fatigue as a failure mechanism of BSM’s is currently over-emphasized.

Reliability based codification for the design of overhead travelling crane support structures

Dymond, Juliet Sheryl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Electric overhead travelling bridge cranes are an integral part of many industrial processes, where they are used for moving loads around the industrial area

Time-dependant behaviour of engineered cement-based composites

Boshoff, William Peter 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ECC (Engineered Cement-based Composites) is a type of HPC (High Performance Concrete) that was engineered to overcome the weaknesses of ordinary concrete. It shows high ductility as it can resist the full tensile load at a strain of more than 3 %. This superior response is achieved with multiple cracking under tensile loading which has a pseudo strain hardening phenomenon as result. The purpose of the research project reported in this dissertation is to investigate and characterise the time-dependant behaviour of ECC and create a constitutive model to numerically simulate the static and time-dependant behaviour of ECC. To investigate the time-dependant behaviour experimentally, rate and creep tests were done on the meso- and macro-level while rate tests were done on the structurallevel. The meso-level was represented by the pull-out testing of fibres embedded in the cement-based matrix and direct tensile tests were done for the macro-level. Flexural tests on thin beams were done to simulate the structural-level. Strong time-dependant behaviour was found on all three these levels. On the meso-level, the most prominent finding is that the failure mechanism can change with a change of strain rate, i.e. fibre pull-out at a low pull-out rate, while with a high pullout rate, fibre rupture can occur. Even though the strength of a tensile specimen on the macro-level showed a dependence on the strain rate, the ductility remained constant over four orders of magnitude of the strain rate. On the structural-level, however, a reduction of the flexural ductility was found with an increase of the ...

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