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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The priesthood of believers : a critical analysis and evaluation of developments in the Ecclesiology of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Sokupa, Mxolisi Michael 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is a critical analysis and evaluation of the teaching of the priesthood of believers and the development of ecclesiology in the Seventh-day Adventist church. The study analyses this development in Seventh-day Adventist ecclesiology by evaluating how the doctrine of the priesthood of believers has been viewed in biblical, historical, and theological contexts. The comparative analysis of (mainly, though not exclusively) the Free church ecclesiology with the aim of contributing towards the understanding of the development of the Seventh-day Adventist ecclesiology is key. The importance of the development of ecclesiology in general and more specifically within the Seventh-day Adventist church is reflected in the discussions on the priesthood of believers by Free Churches and Seventh-day Adventist church historians and theologians. This research demonstrates that the development of ecclesiology cannot be studied in isolation. Therefore the development of ecclesiology in the Seventh-day Adventist church should be viewed with the history of the Christian church in view. For the purposes of this study this implies that the reflection of the Christian church on the priesthood of believers should have an impact on the development of the history of ecclesiology within the Seventh-day Adventist church. The critical analysis and assessment of the development of Seventh-day Adventist ecclesiology highlights the importance of biblical, historical, theological and ecclesiological contexts combined, on the priesthood of believers. Therefore this highlights the importance of the doctrine of priesthood of believers in the development of ecclesiology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk is ‘n kritieke analisering en evaluering van die leer van die priesterskap van gelowiges en die ontwikkeling van ekklesiologie in die Seventh-day Adventist Kerk. Die studie analiseer die ontwikkeling in die Seventh-day Adventist ekklesiologie deur te evalueer hoe die doktriene van die priesterskap van gelowiges gesien word in bybelse, historiese, en teologiese konteks. Die vergelykende analisering van (hoofsaaklik, tog nie alleenlik nie) die Vrye kerkse ekklesiologie met die doel om by te dra tot die begrip van die ontwikkeling van die Sewendedagse Adventiste ekklesiologie is opperste. Die belangrikheid van die ontwikkeling van ekklesiologie in die algemeen, meer spesifiek in die Seventh-day Adventist Kerk, word gereflekteer in die gesprek oor die priesterdom van gelowiges deur die Vrye Kerke en die Sewendedagse Adventiste geskiedkundiges en teoloë. Hierdie navorsing demonstreer dat die ontwikkeling van ekklesiologie nie in isolasie bestudeer kan word nie. Daarom moet die ontwikkeling van ekklesiologie in die Sewendedagse Adventiste kerk gesien word met die geskiedenis van die Christen kerk in sig. Vir die doel van hierdie studie impliseer dit dat die refleksie van die Christen Kerk op die priesterskap van gelowiges, ‘n impak moet hê op die ontwikkeling van die geskeidenis van ekklesiologie in die Seventh-day Adventist kerk. Die kritieke analisering en assesering van die ontwikkeling van die Seventh-day Adventist ekklesiologie beklemtoon die belangrikheid van die bybelse, geskiedkundige, teologiese en ekklesiologiese konteks saamgebind om die priesterskap van gelowiges. Daarom word die belangrikheid van die doktriene van priesterskap van gelowiges in die ontwikkeling van ekklesiologie beklemtoon.

Vryheid van godsdiens : 'n ondersoek na historiese ontwikkelinge van die konsep, en die teologies-kerkregtelike posisie van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk 1962 tot 2007

Heine, Quintus Erich 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Ecclesiology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The central theme of this thesis is the historic unfolding of the concept of freedom of religion and its manifestation according to the canonical law of the Dutch Reformed Church since 1962. Two issues were considered, the first being the historic development of freedom of religion while the second issue concerns the status and understanding of freedom of religion since 1962 and the canonical implication for the Dutch Reformed Church between 1962 and 2007. The historic research into the origin of freedom of religion starts with the biblical view of the concept and gives a synopsis of the development until it reaches worldwide recognition as a fundamental constitutional right. Prior to the final understanding of the concept of freedom of religion, different forms and meanings were given to the concept. At first freedom of religion was historically developed and understood as a God-given right of every man. Later on, to protect the society from infringement of human and religious rights, it became necessary to establish freedom of religion worldwide as a recognized constitutional right. It is argued that freedom of religion is in fact the most fundamental right of all the human rights. The research shows the development of religious freedom in the Dutch Reformed Church between 1962 and 2007. From as far as 1652 the Christian religion was a privileged religion in South Africa. The privileged situation of the Dutch Reformed Church in its relation to the state made it unnecessary for them to discuss or define the concept of freedom of religion. Consequently the church gave silent consent to the state’s limited application of religious freedom. In and outside the church there was an ongoing debate that helped the church to formulate its role in religious freedom, which resulted in the document “Church and Society” (1986–1990). With the new Constitution of South Africa in 1996, a new situation developed for the Dutch Reformed Church as well as other churches. The church realized that it must define and take up its own legal position on religious freedom, which is guaranteed in the Constitution of South Africa. The church has the right to express their religious identity in a plural society. The relationship between church and state is expressed in matters such as conditions of employment, church property; matrimony, education, ordinances, religious organisation, etc. These are all issues of religious freedom that are guaranteed in the Constitution. The conclusion of this research will be helpful for churches and religious communities in their capacity of canonical as well as civil law. Religious communities must make optimum use of the provision made by the Constitution for freedom of religion.

Gereformeerde kerkreg : 'n hermeneutiese perspektief

Dickason, Vernon Claud 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis examines and proves the distinct characteristic of the hermeneutics of Reformed church polity, with regard to other jurisprudence. The study is set out as follows: Chapter 1 The methodological approach used is of cardinal importance in the research of a distinct hermeneutical characteristic associated with church polity. A clear choice is made for a research methodology which validates the thesis. This thesis opts for a theological and church political study with an ecclesiological foundation. Chapter 2 Chapter 2 is divided into two sections or themes: (i) Whether church and law can coexist and (ii) the unique characteristic of church polity. These two themes qualify the study in toto, whilst (at the same time) identifying useful elements that can assist in exploring the question of a distinct hermeneutical characteristic associated with Reformed church polity. It is argued that if church and law can exist together, the focus of the study can shift to the next theme in accordance with the thesis, namely the distinct characteristic of Reformed church polity. Judged from a Reformed perspective, it is clear (derived from part 1) that church and law can coexist and therefore is not a contradiction in terminis. Derived from part 2, it is clear that church polity has a unique character (sui generis), which is practiced in and for the church as a unique community. The argument of the thesis is that the church is the object of the law, also that its unique character resides with the faith community‐ which is the creation of God, which in turn enables Christ to rule the church‐ as her Lord and King. Chapter 3 As with the Bible and all legislation‐ the church order is subject to hermeneutical rules. The hermeneutics associated with theology and legislation are not isolated dissiplines, but form an inherent part of a general hermeneutics for the human sciences. The texts associated with church polity are therefore subjected to the same hermeneutical processes as other legislative texts. The hermeneutics associated with church polity possess a unique characteristic, with regards to the community in which it functions. Legislative texts should be read within the context of the community that sanctioned it. Church order then differs from the legislation of other communities. Hermeneutics, and the methods associated with it, can therefore assist the interpreter in reading a church order. Chapter 4 In the concluding chapter the hypothesis of the study is evaluated and verified in accordance with the conclusions reached in the preceding chapters‐ each with its own particular theme and relevance to the end‐result and validation of the thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek en bewys die eiesoortige hermeneutiese aard van die Gereformeerde kerkreg, in vergelyke met ander reg. Die ondersoek val soos volg uiteen: Hoofstuk 1 Die metodologiese aanpak van die studie is van deurslaggewende belang by die ondersoek na ʼn eiesoortige hermeneutiese karakter by die kerkreg. Daar word ʼn duidelike keuse gemaak vir ʼn navorsingsmetodologie wat die tese sal valideer. Die eiesoortige karakter van die hermeneutiek van die kerkreg, met insluiting van die temas‐ bestaansreg van die kerkreg, asook die eiesoortigheid van die kerkreg, is oortuigende argumente vir ʼn teologieskerkregtelike aanpak, met ʼn sterk ekklesiologiese onderbou. Hoofstuk 2 Hoofstuk 2 van die studie fokus in twee dele op (i) die bestaansreg van die kerkreg, asook (ii) die eiesoortigheid van die kerkreg, in ʼn poging om die studie in toto te kwalifiseer, asook om bruikbare elemente te identifiseer‐ wat kan bydra tot die vraag na die eiesoortige karakter van die hermeneutiek van die kerkreg. Daar word uitgegaan van die opvatting dat indien kerk en reg saam kan bestaan, die fokus kan aanskuif na die volgende tema in lyn met die tese van die studie, nl. die eiesoortigheid, oftewel unieke karakter van die kerk se reg. Vanuit ʼn Gereformeerde perspektief blyk dit duidelik (in deel 1) dat kerk en reg wel bestaanbaar is en nie ʼn contradictio in terminis nie. Kerkreg kan as behorend tot reg in eie sin beskou word, aangesien die reg die gestalte van die genade is (teenoor die opvatting dat reg en genade mekaar uitsluit). Kerk en reg se saambestaan, is kwalifikasie vir die vraag na die unieke karakter van die kerkreg. In deel 2 is dit duidelik dat die kerkreg ʼn eiesoortige reg (ius sui generis) is, wat in en vir die kerk as eiesoortige gemeenskap beoefen word. Die argument voorts is dat die kerk, die objek van die reg is, en dat die eie karakter van die kerkreg blyk uit die geloofsgemeenskapwat die “maaksel van God” is, en haar laat regeer deur Christus‐ haar Heer en Koning. Hoofstuk 3 Die kerkorde (soos die Bybel en alle regstekste) is onderhewig aan hermeneutiese reëls, wanneer dit kom by die uitleg daarvan. Beide die teologiese en regshermeneutiek is nie geïsoleerde dissiplines nie, maar maak ʼn inherente deel uit van ʼn algemene hermeneutiek vir die geesteswetenskappe. Kerkregtelike tekste is dus onderhewig aan dieselfde hermeneutiese prosesse as ander regstekste. Die hermeneutiek van die kerkreg toon ʼn eie karakter vir sover dit rekenskap hou met die eie aard van die gemeenskap waarin dit funksioneer. Regstekste moet gelees word teen die agtergrond van die gemeenskap wat dit as sulks gesanksioneer het. Die kerk se reg verskil dus van die reg in ander gemeenskappe. Die eie aard van die Christelike gemeente hou dus formele konsekwensies in vir die hermeneutiek van die kerkreg. Verder veronderstel ʼn hermeneutiese lees en gebruik van die kerkorde verskeie hulpmiddelswat tot diens van die interpreteerder kan wees. Na aanleiding van die verskeie hermeneutiese metodes, blyk dit dat daar ʼn ingewikkelde samespel aanwesig is by die kerkreg‐ tussen die kerk, kerkordelike‐reël en die Skrif. Hoofstuk 4 Ten slotte word die hipotese van die studie beoordeel en bevestig, na aanleiding van die gevolgtrekkings wat gemaak is in die voorafgaande hoofstukke‐ elk met ʼn eie bepaalde tema, wat direk verband hou met die eind‐resulterende validasie van die tese.

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